Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Yom Teruah - Yom HaKippurim - Torah Portion Nitzavim - September 12

Yom Teruah, Yom HaKippurim, Torah - Nitzavim D’varim 29:9
12 Sept 2015  ~  28 Elul 5775
Torah Parashah Nitzavim - “Standing” or “Taking a Stand”
D’varim (Deuteronomy) 29:9-30:20 RSTNE p 160
Yom Teruah and Yom HaKippurim

Keeping and understanding YHWH's feast days is a privilege. - Harbour Light Ministries


This Shabbat’s Torah Parashah - Nitzavim - “Standing” or “Taking a Stand” is very precious to me.

At some point - years ago - this Scripture really hit me.... and it was as though YHWH planted seeds and i began to question.

Because i was taught something that didn’t line up with this Scripture. 
I was taught that we didn’t keep the Torah because it was too hard for any person to do... so that is why YHWH had to send Messiah - b/c man couldn’t follow His instructions!

But that is NOT what this portion says!.... and i began to wonder.

- similarly to reading that Y’shua was in the grave three days and Three nights... and friday - Sunday didn’t fit that.

And then, this process of learning Torah- this Parashah really hit me about 10 years ago....and every year it comes up it is a delight to me..

This parashah starts out with instructions to keep “this brit (covenant) - and you will prosper.

D’varim 29:9-10 RSTNE p 160
          9“Keep therefore the words of this brit, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.
          10 You stand this yom (day) all of you before YHWH your Elohiym; your captains of your tribes, your zechanim (elders), and your officers, with all the men of Yisrael...
and it goes on to talk about the women and children and the different workers in their society -

-     point being - that this covenant is for everyone. :)
Even including...
29:15 “...also with him that is not here with us this yom (day).”

-That’d be all the generations to follow   === you and I. 

And then it starts talking about paganness in the world....

D’varim 29:19
          “And it comes to pass, when he hears the words of this curse, that he blesses himself in his lev (heart), saying, I shall have shalom, though I have my halacha (walk) in the imagination of my lev (heart)....”

What’s going on here??...
This is declaring that it is a very big problem to decide to live / have my walk in - the things that I decide.
Remember the 2 trees...

The etz of da’at of tov and ra = the tree of the knowledge of good and evil....  where I decide what I think is right ...

vs -

The etz chayim  - the tree of life... where YHWH decides  what is true!!

Here in verse 19 it make it clear that me - “doing it my way” - is not acceptable to YHWH!!

What was the problem??...

D’varim 29:26
          “For they went and served other elohiym (gods), and worshiped them, elohiym whom they knew not, and whom He had not give to them.”

-    again - they were doing what they wanted - what they decided....

D’varim 30:1-20

So what do we do with that idea that many of us were taught - that “Man just couldn’t keep the Torah because it was too hard... and so God had to send Messiah.”.....

because right here....

D’varim 30:11-14 CJB p 232
          11“For this mitzvah which I am giving you today is not too hard for you, it is not beyond your reach.”

          14 “... in your mouth, even in your heart; therefore, you can do it!”


Nothing in this Torah parashah says - it is too hard to follow YHWH’s instructions.

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Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets and Yom HaKippurim

Yom Teruah...

The secular world calls this Rosh Hashanah. We do not use that term because that is not Biblical.

Wayiqra (Leviticus) 23:23:32  RSTNE p 99
We know that some ministries teach that because we are now in the renewed Melchizedek Priesthood, we no longer need to fast on Yom HaKippurim. 


31 “You shall do no manner of work; it shall be a chuk le- olam-vay-ed throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

B’midbar (Numbers) 29:1-11 also talks about the fall Moedim (Feasts).

The 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom HaKippurim ....are traditionally called the days of awe....

and this is the time we focus on Teshuvah - repentance and returning to YHWH.

We are learning that the moeds... the feasts are prophecies about Y’shua HaMashaich .

The Spring feasts:

Pesach - Passover
                   Mashiach (Messiah) the Lamb’s blood shed for sins.
                   Rode in to Jerusalem - same day lamb was chosen
                   Died same time sacrifice was made on door steps
Chag HaMatzoth - Feast of Unleavened Bread
                    Points to the sinless life of Y’shua HaMashiach
                   He was in the ground as a seed ready to burst forth as the                        chayim lechem (bread of life)

Yom HaBikkirum - The Feast of First Fruits.
                   I Corinthians 15:20 p 863 Shaul refers to Y’shua as the                  first   fruits.
                   Y’shua rose and took His blood to thee Holy of Holies in the                    heavenlies - to atone for the sins of Yisra’el - all His people.

Shavuot - The giving of Torah and then the giving of Ruach HaKodesh             (Holy Spirit)

The Fall Feasts:

Yom Teruah -  Feast of Trumpets
          Is the prophecy of the return of Y’shua HaMashiach!
          -Mark 13:32 and Mattityahu 24:36 - “No man knows the day or     the hour”.....  Yom Teruah only Feast day that we don’t know for    sure   what day it is - b/c it’s on a new moon....

-    The shofar calls AMI Yisra’el together!

-    The shofar announces the coronation of a new Melech (king).

-    It is a “dark day” - new moon.  - the prophets repeatedly warned about the “dark day” - “The coming day of YHWH.”

                   Ahmos 5:18-20 RSTNE p 464
                   Yoel (Joel) 2: 31 RSTNE p 460
                   “The shemesh (sun) shall be turned into darkness, and the yarayach (moon) into dahm (blood), before the great and the terrible yom (day)  YHWH comes.”

                   Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 13:9-10 RSTNE p 305
                             and 34:4,8
                   Yoel 3:15 RSTNE p 461

                   Tzephanyah (Zephaniah) 1:14-16 RSTNE p 477

Maaseh Shlichim (Acts) 2:16-21 RSTNE p 780

There are many times in the Word that speaks of the blowing of the trumpet or the shofar....

But there is only TWO times when the Word speaks of YHWH blowing the shofar...
          It is
          Sh’mot 19:18-20 RSTNE p 63

          Zecharyah (Zechariah) 9:14 RSTNE p 490


Yom HaKippurim - The Day of Atonement
          The fasting day = judgement day by YHWH.

          Yisra’el’s most awesome holy day!  It is also the most solemn holy day!

          This is the only time - when Yah doesn’t just say - if you don’t keep it - you’ll be cut off from My people... but on this day - you die if you don’t keep it.

          When there was a temple - this was the only day that the Cohen haGadol (High Priest) was permitted to go into the Kadosh kadoshim (Holy of Holies).

The word atonement does NOT mean “at-one-ment” ....
Rather it is about the idea of sins being covered.

To YHWH, sin is not a minor infraction and violations of his Torah resulted in a penalty.  Atonement involves covering for the consequences and for the penalty of the sin.

The first example is in Gan Eden when Adam and Chava sinned... YHWH made them animal skins to COVER themselves...  by the sacrifice of blood.

Among the many sacrifices commanded for Yom Kippur in the day of the Temple, there was particular attention given in selecting two male goats to be considered as one sin offering. 
A special ceremony occurred in which the High priest cast lots for the goats. 
One was selected as the goat of sacrifice to YHWH
and the other goat would be the Azazel goat - the goat of removal. 
Both goats were considered sin bearers.  
The sacrificed goat’s blood was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat
and the goat that was not killed became the Scapegoat - Azazel.
  The sacrificed goat signified punishment for sin,
while the High Priest spoke all the sins of Isra’el over the live goat and then it taken out into the wilderness and probably thrown over a cliff. 
This represented the removal of sin.  (Azazel means “removal.”)
Both goats together portrayed a complete picture of what atonement is all about: 
          Atonement required a substitute to bear sin, and to pay the price for sin;
the substitute sacrifice covered the penalty of sin by its death, the innocent for the guilty. 
The live goat that is led into the wilderness signified the removal of sin far away.
  Thus the Day of Atonement was considered a sobering and awesome day as each year the nation relied on the work of the high priest to provide the necessary offerings in hopes that he would secure forgiveness from the Elohiym for their crimes.
(And isn’t it amazing... that because of THEE HIGH PRIEST - Y’shua HaMashiach - our sins have been forgiven!!!)
...The story goes that they would tie a scarlet thread around the Azezel goat.  They’d also hang a white  one on the Temple door and when it turned red - they would know the Azezel was dead.
The evening service that begins Yom Kippur in the Jewish world is commonly known as Kol Nidre.
Kol Nidre is named for the prayer that begins the service.
Kol Nidre means “all vows” and in this prayer, they ask YHWH to annul all personal vows  made last year and which we may make in the next year.   (My understanding is that this is about vows that aren’t good to make - not marriage vows. :) )
Yesha’Yahu /Isaiah 58 cjb p 528
This is about fasting....
and you know...  fasting is hard....
but what a JOYFUL day!
To think that this day represents the forgiveness of sin and the day Y’shua will return and judge!

and then upcoming will be...

Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles
                   = The millennial reign


you need to prepare....doing TESHUVAH!!!

Keep in mind...

That Pesach 2014 started the blood moons - all on Hebrew holidays.

And they appeared again on /sukkot 2014

and then again on Pesach 2015

and now - upcoming - Sukkot 2015...

We can get all worried... or we can decide to choose chayim (LIFE) this day!!


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