Friday, March 27, 2020

Understanding More About Seed - The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Understanding more about seed and other things…

The amazing truth of the parable of the wheat and the tares - Harbour Light Ministries

We have been studying some of the teachings from Steve Quayle’s True Legends conference. Which is about the reality of the demonic /UFO/giant/Nephilim phenomenon that is going on in our world today.

As you know – YHUH has led me to understand that  we have to talk about this and understand it to a significant degree – so that we are not dismayed. 

I’ve also started reading – Omega Dynamics by Jamie Walden (Dr. Michael Lake’s son in law). This might be one of my favorite books EVER!  I think we are going to teach this before we start “Journey 2 Freedom” by Amanda Buys. 

In Omega Dynamics Jamie writes:
            “Therefore, our Task and Purpose is to firmly strengthen and equip those “with ears to hear” to be ever-increasing in their ‘knowing’ of the Lord; to call them up into the Warrior Class of the Most High!  This does not flow from emotional sensationalism or elitist dogmatism, but rather a constant exaltation of the Standard [flag] of Christ Jesus that has been unfurled against His Enemies and unto Whose Victory we are commanded to fight!  That is sensational enough!
            Amidst the clamor of assembling battle formations, the invigorating charge of the Lord can be heard:
            ‘Make ready My people!  Solidify yourselves in Me!  Be strong and courageous and gird up your loins!  As I overcame, you too shall overcome!  You are victorious because I am victorious!  Stand firm; endure till the end.  Move with a violence of action in this generation!  Purify your camps and prepare your minds for exploits.  I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me and I will repay all of you according to your deeds!’
            Our True and Better Commander has issued the Warning Order to His troops.  By His Word and His faithful Watchmen, it has gone throughout the whole of the earth.  It is now the commission of the ‘Door-Kickers’ of Messiah ben David, Jesus the Conquering King, to prepare for the Line of Departure; that imminent, offensive ‘movement to contact’ with those Rebel Insurgents of Old with courage from on High and in exceedingly great joy.  In order to lay hold of the powerful Kingdom Realities we need in the days ahead, we must first know the Enemy (without and within) and solidify our identity in our Warrior King.”

He is saying what we have talked about … We have to know the enemy!  And we have to KNOW that we KNOW the Alohim YHUH that we serve. 
We have to know His Word… and walk and run in it!

So that said….

I met two Christian women this week – that in conversation about how nice it was to have blue sky, I said something about there not being any trails and how amazing that is. 

The short story is – they didn’t know what I was talking about!!  You know – the CHEM trails that make grids in our skies…  that go from horizon to horizon… and then the haze covers over the blue sky – until our sky is solid white/gray with poison.

No they didn’t know.
One even said, “Wow… I think I should come and talk with you and you can teach me things.  But I don’t think I want to know!”

So I see the sheeple ignorance…  and with that in mind…  let me share this…

On Tuesday (Feb 18)  TV 13 Toledo – came out with a report about the “sonic boom” and the “fireball” and the “colored pillars of light”  seen around Toledo.  They reported that NASA said they were just “cosmic coincidence”. 
(I think we might laugh about that new NASA term – “cosmic coincidence” for a long time! ) J

I share all this to say :

Sh’ma Yisra’el…  there can be no sleeping sheeple here!!

For a moment I wish I thought the world was what Uncle Gary thought it was when he went to Vietnam and I wish that faith was what I thought it was when I sat in church pews and my feet didn’t reach the floor…  

For only a moment. – Because we are called to so much more!
We are not called to be blind and dumb and deaf sheeple!

What will it take until we are awake and intensely and intentionally fighting? –
Learning our enemy and knowing the Word so deeply that we are wielding the sword of the Spirit – with all we are worth… focused on the ONE Who comes on the white horse – What will it take?!

That said – I want to take us back to looking at SEED.  

I will be referencing the “must-read” book by Dr. Michael Lake – “The Sheeriyth Imperative – Empowering The Remnant to Overcome The Gates Of Hell.

In the chapter Dr. Lake calls “Enter the Dragon”

He starts taking about the story of Genesis 3  What we know as the fall.

And then - the Hebrew word for  “serpent” = “NACHASH”.

We have talked about this before – but let’s review…

Nachash – Strong’s defines it as = “snake, serpent, fleeing serpent, or image of a serpent.” 
But in other places (like Companion Bible, E.W. Bullinger, and others)  “it also means ‘a shining one’.

This was “a supernatural entity – not a mere member of the animal kingdom.”

We also have talked about (like Mark Flynn wrote) about “a shining one” …
“This immortal was a seraph.”

Seraph = from the Hebrew seraphim (only in Isaiah 6) – “probably literally – ‘the burning one,’ traditionally regarded as burning or flaming angels or ‘fiery flying serpent’.

Dr. Lake writes “In the Hebrew, ‘fiery serpent’ is derived from the Hebrew words seraph Nachash.”

So think about this…

Bamidbar / Numbers 21:6
“And YHUH sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.”

Dr. Lake goes on…

“It is almost mind-boggling when one speculates that these seraphim may have stopped their cries of ‘holy, holy, holy (perhaps for the only moment in history) when they left the Third Heaven and began to inflict God’s judgment upon the murmuring Israelites.”

He goes on:
“I have always wondered if the murmuring of the Israelites was in some way an affront to the holiness of God.  Since it was their duty to proclaim the holiness of God, perhaps they were chosen to correct the bad attitudes of these ancient Israelites.  I know that this story from the Word of God has served to check my own attitude in times of testing and trail.” 

Wow!!  Is that a wake up for all of us!!!  What is our attitude in struggles!

Dr. Lake explains that seraph or nachach  is also referenced  in Timothy Alberino’s video doc series – “Land of the Plumed Serpent”.  In it Alberino teaches that this same thing was know as the “serpent with feathers”
Quetzalcoatl – Aztecs
Kukulcan – Mayan
Amarucu – Inca

Mark Flynn (who was a Biblical researcher) wrote about the connection between the serpent and “the image of the tree with the angel (serpent) overwhelming its branches”…  on fire – but not burning the tree up…  rising up …  

Just like the phoenix rising up…

Remember – what we have learned before – that Chava was deceived, trying to do her job to be a better support and leader, teacher  etc. for Adam…  
How amazing the Nachash must have appeared!

Dr. Lake goes on to say…
“I consider it poetic justice that Almighty God appeared to Moses using the imagery similar to that of the Genesis 3 account.  Although in Moses’ narrative, God did not have to be as flamboyant as the Nachash; a burning bush would suffice.  At the burning bush, God commissioned Moses to return to the most powerful nation that existed at that time on planet earth and deliver his people.  Egypt was built upon the illumination provided by the Nachash (and other possible agents of darkness).  The fire that God established in the heart of Moses at the burning bush would be carried by Moses into Egypt and would result in metaphorically burning down the house that the Nachash had built; after the judgment of God, Egypt never fully recovered to its former glory.”

Dr. Lake adds –
Maybe this is “why the esoteric societies transformed the image of the Nachash into the phoenix.  The Nachash was proclaiming that each time God burned his house down in judgement, in defiance, he would rise and build again from the ashes.”

{Hmm… sounds like the speech one of our former presidents made after 9-11.}

Interesting picture – the fiery serpent in the tree….

May I remind you that Yahusha was sacrificed in a tree…

In Numbers 21 – the answer to stop the seraph/serpent biting the people… was to put a seraph / serpent on a pole/ tree…
            This was a type and shadow of the Messiah and His saving mercy.
            And when Yahusha was nailed to the tree – taking on all our sins…  He was destroying the work of the Nachash in our lives! 

So imagine – the Nachash, having lifted his flaming self into the tree… when Chava and Adam come by and sin…

            And we know the sin they did wasn’t eating an apple….  But it was how the Seed of Satan got into the world in the first place…

But – back to the scene – Chava and Adam are at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and there is the shining one – his beautiful self – flaming – lifted up into a tree and his mission is deception…  to steal, kill and destroy…

So when Messiah Yahusha says in
John 12:31-32
            “Now is the judgment of this world:  now shall the prince of this world be cast out.  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

-      How cool is that?!

So we talked about the sin in the garden briefly… and we know that is about SEED.

So let’s consider SEED a bit more.

Let me start by saying – SEED can be both natural and spiritual.

For example –
We know that sperm is SEED… and Seed in Scripture often represents children.
We can say …  We can’t change people – but we can “plant seeds”… meaning we can speak some words  that may someday effect change.

The war of the seeds

Genesis 3:15 p 10
            “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your zera/ seed and her Zera/Seed;  He shall crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

Let’s consider the seed placed within Abraham:

Galatians 3:16 p 876
“Now to Abraham and his zera/ seed were the promises made.  He said not, And to your seeds, as in many; but as of One, And to your Zera, which is Moshiach.”

Dr. Lake explains:
“Perhaps I can explain it this way:
            Through God coming into covenant with Abraham and teaching Abraham His ways, a seed was planted  into Abraham’s being.  This seed affected Abraham’s natural seed:  his children.  This seed continued to grow and flourish until it arrived in the heart of a young virgin named Mary.  Within Mary, this seed produced THE SEED – Messiah.”

So let me read what else Dr. Lake has to say about this…

“You see, it’s all about promise.  The seed that flowed into Abraham, and that finally manifested in Mary, was actually the seed of Chava/Eve (i.e., of woman).  I had always been both amazed and confused somewhat at the language used in Genesis 3:15.  Technically, women do not have seed; they have eggs, that serves as a medium for the seed of man (i.e., sperm).  Once you realize that THE SEED WAS THE PROMISE, it all makes sense.  The Nachash promised godhood (a seed), and God promised redemption through the submission of a woman to His will (a seed).  Both the promise of the Nachash and the promise of God were seeds, and they are in conflict with one another.  Therefore, God used the proper term of “the seed of the woman,” because the promise was given to the original woman who had been deceived by the Nachash.”

“This seed/promise is a spiritual dynamic that is universal in the Word of God and the conflict between the two kingdoms.”

So listen to this verse considering what we have just talked about…

I Peter 1:23 p824
“Having been born again, not of corruptible zera/ seed but incorruptible, through the word of YHUH which lives and abides le-olam-va-ed / forever.”

1.     We were born again by the seed (promise of YHUH) by the Word of YHUH.
2.     We were given the names for both types of seed:
a.      Nachash’s seed – corruptible
b.     YHUH’s seed – incorruptible – that produces the promise of salvation to all who grow this one in their lives!

We know the Word/ Torah is full of YHUH’s promises. J

Let’s look at:

Mark 4:14-20 p 710  - The Parable of the Sower

If seeds have the right conditions – they always grow. 

Dr. Lake writes:

“The type of seed sown is important, but the ground is also important.”

We know that seed in this parable – is the Word of YHUH.
– which we just said  - is full of promises.

“Satan comes to steal the Word, but most of this conflict is produced by what is already in the ground (which is represented by the world’s system and the state of the heart). 

The offenses, thorns, and stones are a byproduct of the working of the Nachash in the hearts of men.

Carnal man will embrace corruptible seed, but the incorruptible seed only thrives in the ground that has been RE-conditioned by the Holy Spirit. 

This RE-conditioning of the heart is facilitated through both the new birth and the ongoing process of sanctification in the life of the believer, through the work of the Holy Spirit (breaking up the fallow ground – Jeremiah 4:3 and Hosea 10:12).”

Let’s look at another parable:

Matthew 13:24-30 p688

Do you see how YHUH talks about SEED in Genesis 1 when He creates and says “like produces like”… and then in Genesis 3 – there is a SEED problem!... and then Yahusha talks about seed!!   

Connect the dots!

So the disciples come to Yahusha and ask questions…

Matthew 13:36-43 p688

Yahusha created the field – the world, and then “created mankind and spoke seeds of blessing and empowerment to them.

The Nachash entered that world and sowed a different kind of seed – TARES.

Once that seed germinates inside a person – they become one with the seed as the information/transformation of that seed takes hold in his life.  Now the individual is known by the seed he embraced!”

Dr. Lake goes on with an interesting thought:
“Perhaps this parable is another way of explaining the imagery in the book of Revelation regarding those who have the mark of God on their foreheads and those who have the mark of the Beast;  it will all be about the seed they hunger for and embrace.”

Lake goes on to explain:

“Jesus’ use of the tares and wheat was one of the most effective illustrations regarding mankind.  Wheat and tares look exactly alike when growing in a field side by side. It is not until they mature that the difference is revealed. Although the tares appear to be wheat in every sense, the heads of the tares are empty (perhaps, a divine pun intended), and the tares stand straight up. The wheat on the other hand, have heads of multiplied seed (a real harvest) and will bow their heads before the Creator.”

Isn’t that amazing!  - Again, what Brad Scott taught us in the B’re’shiyt teaching…  YHUH gives us the natural to understand the supernatural! 

Dr. Lake also says…
“What many miss in this powerful parable of Jesus is its connection to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Valley of Armageddon. The Day of Atonement is an appointed time established by Almighty God.”

Leviticus 23:27-29  p

…. 29 “For any being that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.”

Do you see the humbling in this verse that each  person is called to – or they will be “cut off”? !

Matthew 13:40-43  (tares thrown into a fiery furnace)

So – in this one little story… Dr. Lake writes…
“Jesus illustrated the conflict with the seed of the Nachash, the Watchers, the son of Perdition, the mark of the Beast, the mark of God, the damning of mankind, the Remnant, and His triumphal return as Messiah ben David.”!!!

Chapter five:
The Watcher Conspiracy Continues

Dr. Lake references the Apocryphal books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees…

“The Watchers were involved in corrupting mankind on 2 levels:

1.      Genetically – They were actively altering the genetic makeup of humanity through
A.    their breeding program to create immortal/human hybrids and
B.    by their instruction to men on how to blend various species with humanity to create chimeras.
2.     Technologically – They also began to teach humanity a large body of forbidden knowledge that seemed to be a continuation of the promise of the Nachash in the Garden.
This knowledge ranged from the art of seduction to the creation of poisons, to witchcraft, and even to building and equipping armies.”

He goes on to talk about mythology – and explains what we know – that it isn’t a MYTH.  It is true and it was the fallen ones that are the gods of mythology.”

Dr. Lake says… what we have learned:
“We need to understand that many of the concepts and practices of Western society are modern expression of pagan myths and occult knowledge harbored by the Mystery Religions.”

And then adds:
“The spiritual power in any symbolism, practices, and philosophies are not in what the mean to those outside these occult societies, but the original meanings they seek to obscure from the profane (i.e., the general public). 

Back to SEED…

“The war of the seeds (or the spiritual war that we are engaged in)  uses multidimensional seed.”

1.     The physical seed of the Watchers = the Nephilim, the giants.
2.     The other seed – is the forbidden knowledge!

Genesis 6:5 p12
“And Alohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

“Imagination = the Hebrew word yetser = the framework or purpose.

Something had so corrupted the minds of men that the purpose and framework of their every thought was evil.”

Dr. Lake explains that you can say – “well of course – that is what they get from the Watchers”…
But it is more than that…

The Word makes it clear that “God specifically identifies these thoughts with men rather than giants.” 

“The watchers not only came to spread their physical seed into the genetic pool of humanity, but they were also the 2nd wave in the invasion of the planet earth that had been started by the Nachash.  They came to assist in the fulfillment of the covenant of knowledge created between the first couple and the kingdom of darkness.”

Enoch 9:5
“Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to learn:

“men striving to learn” – Dr. Lake explains – “summarizes the very foundation of all esoteric societies:  Their main focus is discovering an implementing knowledge that was brought down to humanity by the old gods (Watchers).”

Lake says

“Over the past few centuries, our naivete regarding prehistory has given those involved in the Mystery Religions carte blanche to operate within the church and society with little or no resistance.  In fact, over time, the church has adopted and even defended ideas and philosophies  that originated within the Mystery Religions. 

Nothing is more frustrating to Remnant scholars in our day than to have a war raged against them by sleeping saints with the battle cry,

“But that’s not what it means to me!”

No wonder the clarion call of heaven in the last days is for His people to ‘come out of her, My –ami (People).

“Here is what God had to wipe out in the flood waters:

1.     Genetically modified humanity
2.     Genetically modified animals
3.     Esoteric knowledge that breached into hyperspace and into the power of the Immortals
4.     Technology that could have destroyed mankind before Messiah could appear to redeem them
5.     Altered humanity that had been driven mad with satanic knowledge, power, and lust.”

“When we examine the writings of many ancient cultures from around the world, we discover their beliefs that gods came down from the heavens that possessed technology that we cannot even rival today.  These legends are filled with stories of stargates, multidimensional portals, genetic modification, aircraft and missiles in remarkable detail, and even nuclear weapons.”

I hope today things are starting to make a lot more sense.

I hope the dots are connecting in Torah (the whole Bible)!
Seed –
There is agenda here…

What seeds have been planted in you?
What seeds do you plant in others?

What seed do you embrace? 
We become one with the seed we embrace.

The field – the world – is full of wheat and tares…

The wheat and the tares look identical – until one bows with fruit and the other stands tall and empty.

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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