Monday, February 7, 2022

Do Not Be Dismayed - Waking Up to What's Happening In Our World

Waking Up
Torah Parashah – Bo / Come, Enter, Go
Shemoth/ Exodus 10:1 – 13:16  RSTNE p 55

Do not be dismayed - waking up to what's happening in our world - Harbour Light Ministries



Shemoth 10:1 p 55

“And YHUH said to Moshe, Go into Pharaoh:  for I have hardened his leb/ heart, and the leb/ heart of his avadim/ servants, that I might show these My signs before him:”


The Hebrew Word for “HARDENED” is “KABAD”


KABAD means = to be heavy, weighty, grievous, hard, rich, honorable, burdensome, honored.


Most believe that YHUH hardens or STRENGTHENS what is in his heart.


So, the first question I have for you today is"

What is in your heart that Yah can strengthen?


In our parashah story – Moshe and Aharon are back in front of Pharaoh, asking him to release Yisra’el to go and worship in the desert.


Remember, the plagues have already started in the last parashah.

1.      Water – blood – against Isis – the goddess of the Nile

2.      Frogs – against Hechet – goddess of birth

3.      Dust/lice – against Geb/Set – god of the eart

4.      Flies- against god of air

5.      Animals/cattle – against cow god hapha and goddess Hathor, and bull god Apis.

6.      Boils from ashes of human sacrifice – against the queen of heaven.

7.      Hail, thunder, fire – against god of nature


Which brings us to today – Shemoth 10


8.      Locusts – against Nut – sky god, Osiris- crop and fertility god, and Jet – storm god.

9.      Darkness – against Ra the sun god

10.   Death of the bachor/first born


The first Pesach/ Passover

            The lamb’s blood on the door post

            Roasted lamb

            Ready to do

            Unleavened Bread/ Matzah


Six hundred thousand men on foot besides children

 – journeyed from Raamses to Sukkot,

12:38 “and a. mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle

:39  And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Mitzrayim, for it was not chametz…”


Shemoth 12:43

And Pesach was made a “chuk” and no ger/ stranger shall eat of it.


Isn’t that interesting!  

I think this makes things clearer to us about who attends!


Last Shabbat we were talking about Derek Gilbert’s book The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great. Conjunction,America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers.


Basically, the summation of what we talked about is:


Gilbert  says that all those gods –

Saturn, Kronos, Baal Hammon, Kumarbi,

Dagan, Dagon, Enlil, Milcom, and Molech,

 were the same god….

…His name is really Shemihazah.

This matters because who Shemihazah is very important.

“Shemihazah – was the leader of a rebellious faction of powerful angels who plotted to corrupt humanity and steal dominion of the earth for their own race of hybrid offspring, the gigantic Nephilim.”

“In other words, Lucifer is not Satan – it’s Shemihazah.”

And throughout the book he teaches that the Greek Mythology – that we were taught here in the US, is taught as history, not mythology, in Greece.

And that these gods have always been here since Mt Hermon and the 200 watchers coming down

They just have a variety of names.

Why do we need to be aware of these things?

We need to have an idea of what is going on so that we can STAND.


I don’t know about you, but I am really tired of the mess.

What is more, I am tired of the lack of people understanding.


I praise Yah that HE led us to Brad Scott’s
“The Beast” teaching – last year!!


Understanding the difference between analogue and digital thinking:

Analogue is discussion and considering what others are saying.

Digital is believing that the information you get the fastest is the most accurate and there is no discussion or consideration. So whatever is on tv or online is true - ugh!




And I have been “carrying” this around in my heart lately:


-          I want to invite you to consider that you have been called – chosen to know the things I am going to talk about.


I met with a pastor yesterday - who had NO IDEA of what is going on. (I think this is true of almost all of them.)


No idea about NOT mixing seed in Genesis 1 and throughout the bible.


No idea about what happened in Genesis 6 - which the Bible is even clear on in English!


No idea how that mixed seed race was a huge problem... and still is.


No idea even what to tell people to have on hand to treat symptoms!


No idea of the war that is going on...

… and what CERN and other threshing floors/ portals similar to it are doing... 


No idea of the portals they are opening up and the things that are coming through...


No idea of weaponized pathogens that were patented in WW2, and what it means when phizer SAID they are injecting software into certain products and what that means. 


So then, -  let me tell you they have NO idea of a geocentric earth that YHUH created and why it matters that the world tells them that is heliocentric!! 


If a pastor doesn't even get the war in Genesis 6 - then how can these people know?  

How many do you think study out this on their own?!!!


I don't even know where to start with these people.

I just cry.  I cry tears and I cry out to Abba - that I don't even know that tiny little bits they can / or are willing to listen to to maybe try to take in.  


I have taught these things to my congregation my whole 17+ years more or less... 

But is anyone else?  There are a few.  They keep Torah also.  But nobody else but Torah keepers that I know of. I feel like giving up trying to tell people.  They don't want to hear.


I guess it is hard to take - it is hard for 17 years to learn these things...  (There are times I have to stop learning for awhile – because it is so overwhelming.)


But the people... they just sit in the pews (or not) and listened to the ones who "do not put a difference between the holy and the profane, the clean and the unclean."


I want to shout 

"Sh'ma!  Wake up!!  

The world is not a globe,

and it matters because there is no outer space

- that is a REALM change!


YHUH made a geocentric earth –

He tells us over 120 times in the bible!

  You can't just believe the parts of the Bible that are easy!

It matters because when the "aliens" come

- and they are coming....

if you think it is a benevolent thing here to help you,

or the race of 'star people' that the history channel tells you –

 you would be in a very perilous place...

…. and very far from YHUH.


The war started before people were put here...

when ha satan “fell light lightning”...  

and messed up / tohu vavoho - astonishingly confused creation

that had been "bara" - created by one being - and a finished work.  


And please know that it says Aloheineu ET in English... referring to who created it.  

-Right there in Genesis 1.  

The ET is the Alef Tov - the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the A and the Z, the alpha and omega if you need the Greek.  

Yahusha the Messiah –

the one who always does the "work" with the earth –

the connection between the heavens and the earth...

He did it.... and

His name/ title is throughout the book - only you can't see it if you just look at English!  


And the name of Yahuah is removed as well from the book – and now it says LORD.  

Why does that matter?  


It matters because - the enemy comes with the same title...


But then you'd have to remember / know that the 3rd commandment is not a command that says don't swear with God and Jesus in there...


No, the 3rd commandment says DO NOT STOP USING MY NAME...DON'T LET IT COME TO NOTHING.  

Because when I say God - I mean Yahuah.  

When some others say God they mean allah, or something in hindu, or they mean saturn, or shemihazah, or molech... 


Speaking of molech (just a different name for shemihazah) this was the god that people killed their children for...

Sacrifices to have enough crops and rain and food for the next year!  

Sacrifices to make their lives convenient.

And they can’t see that all around them in this nation –

Millions of people are offering millions of ritual sacrifices = abortion –

and that sacrifice is to molech/ satan, shemihazah as well.  


And they can't even imagine that sacrifices give power to the enemy!...

power to move and operate in the air around us.


They have no idea that "like produces like" is all about the seed / zerah/ DNA –

and that YHUH would never produce a hybrid.  

So the Messiah – Who came in the flesh – was NOT part God and part human!

He was YHUH in the flesh!


They don't even know that the only "people" that YHUH –

("The cruel God of the Old testament" as they say)

ordered Israel to utterly destroy

-were always and ONLY the mixed seed

-beings that HE did not create,

that were seed of human and seed of fallen angels

- (hybrids that were NOT human.)


They don't even know that eating GMO food is a bad idea, because they are MIXED SEED

So they cannot be okay with Yah to eat!!

They don't even know that there are reasons YHUH said to eat clean...

 and that the Messiah never said you can eat things that are not food –

because that was ADDED to the Scripture of the New Testament,

less than 200 years ago!


They don't understand that in Genesis 6 when the fallen Watchers came down on Mt Hermon and had sex with the daughters of men –

The results were the Nephilim - giants –

and these  mixed beings are anathema to YHUH.

MIXED seed.

(Much less  do they understand that you might not want ANY medical treatment that has blood / DNA or body tissue of any animals – or lab created things because that is mixed seed.)

They don't know YHUH hates mixed / hybridization.


Many of the people in the world are allergic to wheat –

well that is what is said.  

Even wheat - is mixed!  

ALL the wheat but one has been hybridized.  

So the Bread of Life - the example Yah gave us in His Word – is supposed to be life giving... BUT it’s poison...and changed from one genome with 14 chromosomes - all YHUH made - life giving... to 3 genomes and 46 chromosomes with some being artificial / man made.  

People aren't allergic to gluten - they are allergic to man's gluten. 

This is a perfect example of the mixed seed being a bad idea – and most people don't know.


They don't know the second step in the war with the serpent having sex with Chava (Eve),

 in the garden...  and that she carried twins - in her FIRST pregnancy –

one the serpent's seed, and one Adam's seed...

You can’t see this in English – how handy!

In English, even the birth looks like two pregnancies.  

But it was a superfecundation pregnancy...

and in Hebrew it says “the labor continued and she birthed a second baby”....  


It's always been about one seed destroying another SEED.


That thought alone – should cause every –

EVERY believer in Messiah to rise up and KNOW

That something is wrong with anything that MIXES SEED!


Or take Jacob and Esau - Jacob didn't grab Esau's heel - he put his hand up to block getting kicked in the head...  


They don't understand that when it says in Genesis 6:12 –

that all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth - (but Noah)

- that it was all mixed seed.  


They have no idea that Revelation 9:21 and 18:23 - are mistranslated in English,

 and that the Greek didn't say – “by your sorcery” –

- ('because we all could recognize witchcraft') “were all nations deceived”.


The Word in fact says:

 "By your pharmakeia were all nations deceived."    

This might be important to know right now.  

And be a giant neon light flashing right in front of EVERY believer!


(We've been trying to learn how to help the body heal without pharmakeia for more than ten years and it is making sense!)

 But most don't know how... and they aren't asking...they just take the pill, and it doesn't even matter if it is red or blue.



Yahusha didn't walk on water because Peter needed a lesson in faith – although he sure got one.

 He walked on water because He was declaring His dominion over the water kingdom of the enemy.    


Where did the transfiguration of Yahusha take place?

 On the top / the threshing floor of Mount Hermon

- the same portal that the 200 Watchers came down.

 It wasn't a random place...but Yahusha saying –

“I own this spot too”!!!!!


Speaking of Mt Hermon and threshing floors –

Did the Christians not see when they did that heinous service to dedicate Cern?

 - a portal...

do they not see the statue in front of it?

 Do they now know this is a portal –

not for “UFO extraterrestrials” - because there aren't any –

 but to open a realm into the spirit world and probably open the abyss?  

Do they not see the volcanoes and earth quakes since Cern began to operate?

Do us older ones not remember how many birds there used to be on all the wires?

 Do we not remember the telephone wires covered in birds all the time

and birds signing in the mornings?  

Where have they gone?  


Most believers don't even think eating organic is a good idea - you know - less poison –

because their screens tell them not to worry - that monsanto products are a good idea.

And their pastors aren’t teaching that

The Bible is a book about health!

 You can even spray your yard so there are no weeds.  Never mind that dogs are at least 60 times more likely to die of cancer if their yard is sprayed with chemicals.  (cats too).


They listen to the system that says:

 burning, cutting and taking poison

is a good idea to treat problems brought on by the toxin and mixing of the world.  

They listen to the screen that says - "take this and your life will be better - it might stop your heart - but that is not likely."  

"You will feel better".  

 What did the satan in the garden say to Chava –

"your eyes shall be opened and you will become like gods"....

 Does that sound similar??!!  


Well the average Christian had a 3rd grade bible education - YEARS ago –

What do they have now, because they have NO IDEA!!  


And then you get to weaponized pathogens...  

Now THAT is full on craziness to those of us who have an idea and are awake!


I think the church - at least the ones who did mention it..

 taught "spiritual warfare" as an abstract thing...

“Demons can make you feel a certain way” - like hopeless...

“but they can't actually DO anything in our world/ realm”


Well, wake up church...   what do you think is going on?   

Yah said “Come out of her My people”…

What do they thin “HER” is????


How can they even agree to stop having church?  

When the Word says - do not forsake the meeting of the kahol?


People that say they SERVE MESSIAH – that HE is in their hearts

believe their body wasn't made by the CREATOR of everything - to be self-healing

.... and you need to mix seed and offer  

child sacrifices to stay alive

and that is the way it is.  

And Yahuah is okay with it because He knows our hearts!!


Oh Yisra'el - how YHUH must grieve... WAKE UP!  

In church you said

you wouldn't make the decisions that Israel made...

You’d have known better –

you'd have gone in to the Promised Land and faced the giants...  

(Never mind that the Hebrew says the giants were eating humans there.)


You would have known better and not sacrificed your babies in the fire to molech.

You would know what holidays to keep,

because it is based on what YOU mean - not what YHUH said.  

You'd have recognized the Messiah when HE came.  

You wouldn't have shouted "crucify Him".  

You would surely have recognized the Holy Spirit for what It was –

and not thought the followers were drunk.    


You would recognize the beast when it comes.


Oh Yisra'el - those lost in the nations (the practices of the world) and don't even know it.  

Wake up.

Sh'ma Yisra'el. 


The beast is here... and you can't even see that you are on a very wide path.



Abba Yah, how do we tell them so they can hear??



Okay So all this is going on…. It’s more challenging

To be positive and have hope and faith in these days.


And a couple weeks ago -I had a really tough day listening to a lot of HARD.

I couldn’t wait to get in the car…it was finally time alone to cry.

And you know it was a HARD day if I’m looking forward to time to cry!


I got in the car… my cheeks already wet with tears,

And I started the car.

Immediately the radio turns on –

AND it is a station that I DO NOT listen to… and had NOT been listening to on the way to work!

And the man is saying

“Do not be dismayed” and went right on with

In English we don’t really use that word – dismayed.

But we have to look at it in Hebrew.

In Hebrew – it is saying

“Do not be intimidated or discouraged.”


And immediately, the radio went to just nothing.


And I couldn’t cry anymore.


“Do not be intimidated or discouraged.”


I know that it is easy in this world to be intimidated and discouraged.

But we can’t live like this.

We know what most don’t know.

That means we pray what most don’t pray

Joshua 1:9

“… Be strong/chazak, and very courageous/amats; be not afraid, neither be dismayed/hatat (intimidated and discouraged) for Yahuah your Alohim is with you wherever you go.”


Rak Chazak – “ancient war cry throughout all the generations of the Hebrew nation.”


Chazak- The rock like oomph of the spiritually zealous heart, the game face of a mighty man, tenacity of soul, the gritting of the teeth of the spirit inspired warrior and the baring of those teeth to the enemy. Possessing a resolute and growling resolve for the glory of Yah. A flush of spiritual fervor, a tensing of all the soldier’s muscles. Belligerence against the enemy.


Amats – heavenly audacity, rushing headlong into battle, without pausing to consider the impossibilities.

Confidence in victory even before the field is taken

It’s a lamb moving with liquid velocity, straight into the lions’ lair.

Amats is swift footed, all believe in a conquering prevailing faith.



Do you know how amazing it is that we understand that stuff I wrote that believers don’t understand??!!!

Praise Yahuah!!


There is a God In Yisra’el. 

His name is Yahuah

And He has called each of us to KNOW Truth

And to walk in it!


It is easy to look away from Yahusha, to the serpents at our feet.

To the distractions…. The mountains that are rising up.

It is easy to see the chariots of the enemy coming in their chariots of lies, and see the sea ahead…

But in our history – our people – WALKED THROUGH the sea – as Moshe held up his hands…



“Do not be intimidated or discouraged.”


I know that it is easy in this world to be intimidated and discouraged.

But we can’t live like this.

We know what most don’t know.

We see what most don’t see.

That means we pray what most don’t pray.

We live like most don’t live.

Do you need me to tell you who you are?


Kepha Aleph /I Peter 2:9 p 824

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal (melchi) priesthood, a kadosh nation, and a peculiar people; that you should show forth the tehillot of Him who has called you out of darkness into His. Marvelous Light.”


Speaking of Moshiach Techot / Anti Messiah:

Yochanan Aleph/ I John 4:4 p 833

“You are of Yahuah, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you, is greater than he who is in olam hazeh/ this world.”



Look what you know and understand!


Yochanan / John 7:15 p 761

“And the Yahudim marveled, saying How does this man KNOW how to read the scrolls, having never LEARNED in yeshiva?”


KNOW = understand YHUH’s way

LEARNED = man’s way


Praise Yah we are learning Yahuah’s way!!!


Someone said to me this week –

“Everything is mixed!”


Wow!  Nearly everything is mixed!

How hard is it to find clothes that are not mixed fibers?!


How hard is it to find NON GMO food?


How hard is it to find information/ learning/ education that is not mixed?!


But we get to KNOW that we are NOT TO MIX!


One of the things that is mixed in HEALTH information!!


In the 1800’s people believed in “spontaneous generation”.

“Germs for spontaneously out of nothing.”


This is now discredited, but the belief was that infection came from the air.  So if you had an open wound – you would get infection.


Pasteur is credited with “germ theory”


Germ theory = germs make you sick.

Pasteur was all about heat to kill germs = pasteurization.


(Pasteurization we know, kills the healthy bacteria we all need.)


Pasteur is falsely credited for debunking spontaneous generation.


Be’champ disagreed with Pasteur – about many things.


Before Pasteur died, he told his family to never share his lab books/ journals of his research to anyone.

They didn’t show them for almost 80 years, and the last relative died, and the books were given to a museum in Paris. 

Since then historians have discovered that Pasteur deliberately lied to the world about his “science”. 


Bechamp – Terrain theory = Germs will not and cannot attack you and make you sick if your terrain is strong and there is proper balance in the environment where the germs live”


In fact, Pasteur – was pro-pharmacy and killing all the germs everywhere.


And Bechamp believed that healthy diet, exercise, clean water, rest and sunshine were best for healing. 

You know – the body created by The Creator – to heal itself!



We know which one people believe.



Which leads me to one more difference.


The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life

            By Arthur Firstenberg


Neurasthenia = “weak nerves” – caused by electrical toxicity.


DSM – Anxiety Disorder NOS – in US and Cananda

            Every other country = Neurasthenia


ICD 10 codes – same thing!


Why would we not call it electrical toxicity here?!!



Look at some history:


1839 – the opening of the magnetic telegraph on the Great Western Railway between West Drayton and London.


1844 – In Us – Samuel Morse’s first telegraph line – Baltimore to Washington, along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 


1850 – telegraph lines were under construction on every continent except Antarctica.


1860 – Australia, Java, Singapore and India were being joined undersea.


1875 – thirty thousand miles of submarine cable had demolished oceanic barriers to communication, and the tireless weavers had electrified 700 thousand miles of copper web over the surface of the earth.


1862 – Every rail line was sandwiched between one or more telegraph wires running overhead or beneath the trains. Passengers and train personnel commonly suffered  from fatigue, irritability, headaches, chronic dizziness, nausea, insomnia, tinnitus, weakness, and numbness, rapid heart, bounding pulse, facial flushing, chest pains, depression and sexual dysfunction, overweight, bleeding from nose or in saliva, eyes hurt, deteriorated vision, and gradual paralysis.


1869 – Beard, M.D. describes neurasthenia.


1882 telegraph workers were getting sick.


Illness from chronic electrical exposure = headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters of the eyes, racing pulse, pains in the region of the heart, palpitations, weak and exhausted, unable to concentrate, can’t sleep, depressed, anxiety attacks, tremors, reflexes elevated, senses hyperacute, thyroid hyperactive, “holes in their memory,” and after a long time – enlarged heart.


1888 – 13 electric railways in US on a total of 48miles of track (similar number in Europe.


1889 – roughly 1,000 miles of track and had been electrified in US alone.   Powerlines filled the skies in cities.


1889 -1894 -INFLUENZA CHANGED  in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.  IT WAS NOW AND ALWAYS AHEAD – PRESENT IN EVERY PART OF THE WORLD.  

            It is NOT CONTAGIOUS.


There was flu before -  seemed to be around electrical disturbances with the atmosphere.


1889 – Different parts of the world simultaneously – faster than the trains and ships at the time.


1890 – the number or electrified track tripled again.


1904 – the bees began to die.


1918 – The Spanish Flu – radio waves  – killed 1/3 of population. Hemorrhaged in lungs and brain.  (This has been known of electrical illness since 1779)


1957 – Asian Flu – Radar


1968 Hong Kong flu – 28 satellites became operational






1996 – doubled the rate of heart attack death in young athletes – cell phone towers came on. 

Anxiety disorders greatly increased.


“From 1933 until present day, there have been NO experimental studies proving that influenza – either the virus  or the disease – is ever transmitted from person to person by normal contact.” – even in the middle of the most deadly disease epidemic the world has ever known, there has never been a positive transmit from person to person!


Heart disease is caused by electricity. P 166 – Firstenberg

In part because we can’t metabolize fat the same way before electricity. P 171


Neurasthenia – can’t get enough air/ oxygen


Let him that has eyes to see – see

And Let him that has ears to hear – hear!!



Look what HE is doing for us!!


Yes there are a lot of unknowns.

But who do we know?

The one that created this whole world –

Who owns it all.


He has brought us so much understanding!!

Praise YHUH!!


Rak Chazak Amats Yisra’el!!


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