Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Snow and Fear

Torah Parashah – Emor (Speak)

Wayiqra (Leviticus) 21:1-24:23 RSTNE p 97

Journey 2 Freedom book 2 #3

Snow and Fear

The only way to fear an earthly giant is to lose our understanding of YHUH. - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah – Emor (Speak)

Wayiqra (Leviticus) 21:1-24:23 RSTNE p 97

Chapters 21 and 22 YHUH is giving Moshe directions to the Priests – how to keep kadosh and live.

Chapter 23 -  The Shabbat / Moadim of Yahuah.

First Yahuah talks of the 7th day – weekly Shabbat


23:3 “Six days shall work be done:  but the seventh day is a Shabbbat-Shabbaton of rest, a miqra kodesh.  You shall do no work in it:  it is the Shabbat of Yahuah in all your dwellings.”


And then starting in

23:24  These are the moadim of Yahuah, even miqra kadoshim (set apart holy gatherings), which you shall proclaim in their appointed times.


1.    14th day of the 1st month – Pesach (Passover)


2.    15th day of the 1st month – Chag HaMatzoth (Unleavened Bread)

          No work on the first day

          No work on the 7th day

Next day after the first day – Yom haBikkurim (First Fruits)

          Counting of the Omer


3.    50th day of Omer – Shavuot

          No work day

4.    1st day of 7th month – Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets)

          No work day

5.    10th day of 7th month – Yom ha Kippurim (Day of Atonement)

          No work day

6.    15th day of 7th month – for 7 days – Sukkot – Tabernacles

          1st day no work

7.    8th day of Sukkot – The 8th Great Day

          8th day no work


Chapter 24 Yahuah is instructing Moshe to have the people bring oil for the lamp/ Menorah.

And more rules about cursing Yah,  murder, and how to live.



Journey 2 Freedom book 2 #3

Milestone #1

Page 74

Yahuah knows what He has called each person to and He has put all the things/gifts we need in order to do what we are called to – in us at conception.

Amanda says
“Being parents of a Godly child is an act of warfare.”

She talks about Christian mid-wives reporting that Christians have a more difficult pregnancy, labor and birthing experience than non – Christians.

And even notes that many people who she calls “spiritual giants” – nearly died before age 5.

The enemy attacks believers!

“Children blessed in the womb have a definite advantage over those that are not blessed.”
          these babies:

1.    Have a hunger and thirst for the Word of Yah

2.    Higher moral compass

3.    High level of spiritual discernment

4.    They are often intercessors

5.    Deep bonding between parent and child

6.    Strong – willed children

When children are blessed before they are born – “we are literally changing the quality of their spirit so that children are born with a yearning for Yah and they find it easier to come into the presence of Yah.”


-        This is more effective than teaching after birth!


We need to break curses while in the womb…

     Pray and ask YHUH to break off the bloodline/generational curses and ask Yah to release the blessings necessary to fill up every place where the enemy has been vacated (curses leaving) and to equip the child to grow in the ways that Yah desires!


·       P 78

Spirit of Yah – connected to the spirit of man – connected to the mind -  connected to the brain

P 79

Judges 13:5

Luke 1:13-15

P 80

Yahusha – Mary was pregnant and visited Elizabeth and Elizabeth blessed Mary and the baby! – and she stayed there for 3 months!

Three people that blessed Yahusha as a baby:

     Elizabeth, Anna, and Simeon

-        All 3 were quite elderly, radically righteous, and walked in a high level of faith!

Amanda writes that as soon as a couple knows they are expecting – they should go to someone like this – and ask for a blessing!  And ongoing in pregnancy!


P 82 – Amanda talks about how wanting or not wanting the baby makes a big difference.


When a child doesn’t bond with Dad…

Unwanted pregnancy

Then she writes about how to help a baby in the womb to have acceptance


1.    P 85 “Speak to the child directly into his spirit and communicate an extravagant level of acceptance!”


2.    “Develop a lifestyle to communicate that acceptance.


3.    Read Scripture to the child before he is born.


P 88

Example of a musician playing cello and learned that he could play some songs – he already knew them… Turns out – His mom played them before he was born!


P 90

“Joy is supposed to be the base line emotion for the human being.  It is supposed to be the foundation / corner stone/ the home that we return to anytime we are gone from there.”

We need to develop a wide neurological path to be able to get back to JOY easier.

So build a pathway to joy in the womb for baby!

“Joy can only be developed in a human as a reaction to somebody else’s joy – specifically somebody else enjoying you!”

P 92 Climbing Joy Mountain

Joyful identity – a bucket that holds joy


When we read “Living from the heart Jesus gave you” by Friesen – we learned about the joy ring…

From 12-18 months the child begins processing negative emotions.

By 18 Months the brain can complete a neurological “ring of joy”.

If it is completed, a person can find their way back to joy from any negative emotion in 90 seconds – and stay unified when in negative situation (Not forgetting who we are in the negative)


If the ring of joy is not completed

1.    It will take longer to go back to joy

2.    The child (and later, the adult) will have a harder time ‘acting like themselves” while in a negative emotional state.

3.    Capacity to handle negative emotional states will be impaired.


A child is made by God to be enjoyed.  When wounded – rejected/ not enjoyed == no joy.

If the congregation – and extended family enjoy the child – it builds the joy-base even more.

3 months into gestation to 18 months is the best time that joy-base builds in all of us.

But anytime anyone expresses JOY over you

Or when their tone of voice changes when the recognize it is you

Or anytime someone’s face brightens up when they see you

Or anytime anyone expresses their approval over my presence, my involvement in their life, excitement over who I am …

      This builds our joy!


Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” 


Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the simcha (joy) of Your Yahusha (my Salvation): and uphold me with Your free Ruach /  Grant me a willing spirit.”


The best joy is when we feel Yahuah’s pleasure over us.


Milestone #2

          Naming the baby and blessing the baby to connect with Yah

          Role modeling - preparing the child for adulthood.


P 98-99

Milestone #3

          Baby – adult

          Come to an intimate relationship with Yah.


Training up the Child in the Spirit.        p 100


Dr. Henry Wright – in “Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease” – says “a curse is the abatement of the blessing.  Abatement means lessening or reduction.”


1.    Blockages of the child’s spirit

a.     Demonic covenants  - bloodline  - release child’s spirit from the power of covenants

(night terrors, seeing things moving in the spirit, invisible friends

b.     How

1.    Acknowledge the enemy has a legal right

2.    Acknowledge their forefathers have entered into a covenant with the enemy

3.    Acknowledge that it is iniquity

4.    Acknowledge that there are curses invoked on the family line because of an exchange/trade between man and demons

5.    Acknowledge all the curses

6.    And the ramifications of them

7.    And their legal control

8.    That the things that are happening are just and righteous


9.    DECLARE –

Even though the demonic covenant has power

Even though those curses have power

Even though there has been iniquity

WE have a higher legal right because of the blood of Yahusha!

10. Severe the agreements and the curses and all things traded with the demonic

11. Annul the covenants made and cancel them

12. Remove and renounce them

13. Renounce the exchange of power for future generations. 

14. Confess any and all – other sin- greed, immorality, seeking power, injustice, coverup, idolatry, temple prostitution, etc.


So how does this information about babies – relate to us??

(Go after curses as adults!)


So I bless your Spirit, your soul and your body.

I declare that you were created ON PURPOSE,


And that you will live – not one day longer than HE wants you to…

And every day you have the opportunity to walk closer to Him and to walk in your purpose.


1.    We Acknowledge that the enemy has a legal right to our lives

2.     We Acknowledge our forefathers have entered into a covenant with the enemy

3.    We Acknowledge that it is iniquity

4.    We Acknowledge that there are curses invoked on our family lines because of an exchange/trade between man and demons

5.    We Acknowledge all the curses

6.    And  the ramifications of them

7.    And their legal control

8.    But we know that there are things that are happening are just and righteous because of Yahuah in our lives

9.    We Declare -

Even though the demonic covenants have power

Even though  all the curses have power

Even though there has been iniquity

We have a higher legal right because of the blood of Yahusha that covers us!

10. We Severe the agreements and the curses and all things traded with the demonic

11. We Annul the covenants made and cancel them

12. We Remove and renounce them

13. We Renounce the exchange of power for future generations. 

14. We Confess any and all – other sin- greed, immorality, seeking power, injustice, coverup, idolatry, temple prostitution, etc.

I speak life and not death, hope and not hopelessness

I declare that these are curses are done.

Abba I ask that you open heaven and pour out your Ruach haKodesh in every place where these curses have been….


          (Speak life…..)


I want to talk about something, most everyone I know is dealing with in some way or another.


Has anyone noticed a  struggle in the last week?

It has been harder than even the recent normal, for many people.

Remember, we don’t believe in coincidence…. Right?

SNOW – April 21, 2021

It was very strange. – to have snow and to have so much snow in such a large area of our country – in the middle of April.

It was beautiful.  I walked in the woods early that morning.

I kept saying to myself – “It doesn’t look real.  The crystals aren’t right.”

A friend of mine ran an ingredients list of the snow he collected and melted. 

By any right – this is scary as hell.

And you know what ?
I am tired – TIRED of being scared!


Last Shabbat we talked about the blood of Yahusha… and we learned to paint the pictures in our brain – with the blood… and even the events of our life / years of our life…

And I have gotten good reports from many of you  who are doing this.


Remember the blood issues we talked about last Shabbat?

All the strokes, and nose bleeds and bruising and cycle messes?

That fact checkers say is not true and is dangerous information? …

The enemy is going after the blood!


One of the things we think is – that if you are eating unclean – especially blood – you are set up for even more problems…

But back to this snow – we are going to clean it up….

Get some Himalayan pink or black salt, or some Real Salt.



Now let’s talk about the Word …


B’midbar (Numbers) 33:18 p 134

“And they departed from Hatzeroth, and camped in Rithmah.”

I want to use the book series “Called to Canaan” by Danette Davis and Shauna Manfredine. 

Rithmah = smoldering. 

This was the 14th campsite.

It was also referred to as Kadesh Barnea.

Rithmah is the campsite where the 12 spies into the Promised Land is!

You remember the story – from B’midbar (Numbers) 13. P 117

Nobody but Joshua and Caleb stood up and said – we can do this!

But think about this:

“In order for us to fear earthly giants, we must have lost our comprehension of YHUH.”

When we think about all of creation – the intricacies and the vastness of creation….

“How foolish then – our problems becomes so large in our eyes that they seem to encompass the whole universe, surpassing the Creator’s might and power!”

“Actually such an earthly viewpoint is one of the worst and most dangerous forms of idolatry.  By doubting Yah’s ability to deliver us from any foe – matter how dark”


Psalm 46:10-11 p 512


“In light of this, there is no factual basis for Yahuah’s  people to fear an enemy.  Rather the temptation to hear is born of a distorted perspective which reduces Yah in our eyes, until we have 'Earth sized Him', while magnifying our adversaries.”

Matthew 11:12

“The Kingdom of Yah suffers violence and the violent take it by force.”

The RSTNE reads very differently

“From the day so f Yochanan ha Matbeel  until now the malchut  ha shamayim has been administered by force and has been oppressed, and senseless persons have been controlling it by violence.”

“So powerful was the doubting testimony on the multitude, that the effect of the fearful destroyed the testimony of faith, Speaking doubt always destroys fain in the Scripturally ungrounded many.”

Romans 11:30 p 848

“For as you in times past have not believed YHUH, yet have now obtained rachamim (mercy) through their unbelief.”

“Yet so long as e refuse to take Yah at His Word by faith, we do not wield the sword of the Word.  Thus, unbelief triumphs and we are spiritually vanquished.  Unbelief is bondage and unbelief is sin and it is unto death!”

Romans 4:18-21 p 841 

B’midbar / Numbers 13

So they were afraid of the giants in the land…

 The people were like grasshoppers compared to the giants they said.


Numbers 13:32 p 117

“….. the land, through which we have gone to search, is a land that eats up its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it eats up its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are men of great size (anakim).”

eats up its inhabitants

we know this was cannibalism

So this was terrorizing.

Is that scarier than today? 

We must pray!!

Psalm 19:14

Proverbs 4:23-24

Philippians 4:8



          (Clear the problems in the snow!)

          In the name of Yahusha, we thank you for restoration.

          Thank you that we can use salt to teach. 


I would like to read something from Called to Canaan:

“For those who will stand by faith, empowered by Heaven, both the personal and global ‘giants’  of the last days will be powerless to prevent them from gaining Canaan at last…. Yahuah’s last-day saints will face impossible odds, trusting fully in God.

And may we never reach the borders of Canaan only to be found unfit, and be turned back at last.  Rather, let us go forth and seek His Kingdom by faith, Thus, it will be won for his promise.”

Stand tall Yisr’ael



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