What do you see?
Y’shua said – “Let those who have eyes to see… see.”
March 9, 2013 ~ Adar 27, 5773
Today’s Torah portions are two combined…. Vayak’hel/Pekudei
Starting in Sh’mot (Exodus) 35 – 40
This is about the building of the tabernacle, preparing all things in it, and YHWH’s presence filling it.
……End of a book …..Hazak, hazak, v’nit/chazek!
“Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!”
So back to the title…
What do you see?
Y’shua said – “Let those who have eyes to see… see.”
We use that word “see” – to mean many things….
1. What I see in front of my eyes
2. If I see something I understand an idea
3. I see in the spirit – a different dimension
What do you “see”??
In an article by Rabbi Benjamin Balch, on Aish.com, this week….. Rabbi invites us to SEE something differently….. he writes….
“Researchers at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum have just released documentation that astounds even the most informed scholars steeped in the previously known statistics of German atrocities. Here is some of what has been conclusively discovered:
- There were more than 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945.
- There were 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 ghettos, 980 concentration camps 1000 prisoner of war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, “Germanizing’ prisoners or transporting victims to killings centers.
- The best estimate using current information available is 15 to 20 MILLION people who died or were imprisoned in sites controlled by the Germans throughout the European continent.”
He went on to write –that …”With more than 42,000 ghettos and concentration camps scattered throughout the length and the breadth of a supposedly civilized continent, there’s no longer any way to avoid the obvious conclusion.
The cultured, the educated, the enlightened, the liberal, the refined, the sophisticated, the urbane – all of them share in the shame of a world that lost its moral compass and willingly acceded the victory of evil.
‘We had no idea what was happening’ needs to be clearly identified as ‘the great lie’ of the years of Nazi power. The harsh truth is that almost everyone HAD to know. The numbers negate the possibility for collective ignorance. And still the killings did not stop, the torture did not cease, the concentration camps were not closed, the crematoria continued their barbaric task.
The ‘decent people were somehow able to rationalize their silence.”
…. They chose not to see the crisis of evil around them.
… do you wonder how they rationalized this?
“It isn’t my business.”
“This can’t be happening.”
“I can’t do anything anyway…”
“Everybody else is okay with it.” ETC….
What about how we see the times we live in?
Mattityahu (Matthew) 24 cjb p 1254
We can read this and “see” = “Well a lot of this stuff has been going on for years.”
But I ask you – what about NOW?
In an article posted on “Prophecy News Watch” this week – they talked about “The Signs in the Heavens” in this past month of Feb.
Luke 21:25-26 cjb p 1322 “There will appear signs in the sun, moon and stars; and on earth, nations will be in anxiety and bewilderment at the sound and surge of the sea, 26 as people faint with fear at the prospect of what is overtaking the world; for the powers in heaven with fear at the prospect of what is overtaking the world; for the powers in heaven will be shaken.”
Joel 2: 30-31 (3: 3-4) cjb p 727 “I will show wonders in the sky and on earth – blood, fire and columns of smoke The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and terrible Day of YHWH.”
- 10K ton meteor hits Russia and there is over 1,000 injuries from the blast.
- Feb 22 – a giant streak of light in southern California.
- The number of meteor sightings has really increased over the last few years.
- Throughout Feb there were many sightings of UFOs… much more than the “usual”.
Which brings me to – What do we SEE about the times we live in – related to faith??….
We have come out of Christianity.
Most of us didn’t leave Christianity and then start studying Torah (the whole Bible) based on the Hebrew roots of faith….
No, it was as we studied – we stepped further and further away.
As we stepped away – we began to understand some things…
Romans 11: 11 cjb p 1415 “In that case, I say, isn’t it that they have stumbled with the result that they have permanently fallen away? Heaven forbid! Quite the contrary, it is by means of their stumbling that the deliverance has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy.”
We used to think that this was – they would see our lives and be jealous of them… and as we learned – that whole idea became absolutely stupid.
A Jew knows the Torah – Tanakh – and as a rabbi said…. A Jew knows that the only way to be holy is to keep Torah. How would a Jew ever be jealous of a Christian who believes and teaches that their messiah came to end Torah?
This really hit me that day at hospice when I was talking with two Jewish ladies… and said…. “The Messiah I serve is not jesus. My Messiah’s name is Y’shua and HE keeps Torah”…. When I said that – they received it!! I said I am doing my best to keep Torah as well. They were so drawn to a non-Jew – with a Hebrew Messiah who keeps Torah!!
And YHWH said to me at that time…. this is the essence/ core of bringing the Bride together.
We have learned things like…
Romans 4:7 cjb p 1406 “Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven.”
Better translated = “Blessed are those whose Torah-less-ness is forgiven.”
Romans 11: 25-26 cjb p 1415 “For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which YHWH formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won’t imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra’el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; 26 and that it is this way that all Isra’el will be saved. As the Tanakh says, …”
Okay let’s pause a moment….
We know that for all of our lifetimes – until now – the world – and we- believed that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust.
But from what I read… that was false.
It turns out many more Jews and others died in the holocaust!!
We know that things are happening in this world that at least looks like, if not IS (I believe is) the end of days…
The signs in the heavens….the focus of the world on the middle east… the economies of the countries, and the rise of islam, etc…
Do we SEE this? Do we know what it means?
We have an idea – b/c we have been studying…. But not everyone sees this.
What does “FALSE” mean?
According to dictionary.com…
False = not true or correct; erroneous; tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive; a false impression; not genuine; counterfeit.
We will come back to this…
We know that Yochanan (John) 1:1 cjb p 1329
“In the beginning was the Word, (the Living Torah), and the Word was with YHWH., and the Word (the Living Torah) was YHWH.”
We know that from the teaching a few weeks ago… that
The word Son – as in “Son of man” and “Son of God” = is from the Hebrew word Beina… which means the plan of restoration and the one who brings restoration.
This is not “son”, as in….“child of” – If they meant child of – they would have said “yelead”….. but they did not. They said Beina.
In Yochanan we just read that Y’shua is the Living Word…
Look at Yochanan 14: 6 cjb p 1350 “Y’shua said, ‘I AM the Way (salvation) – and the Truth (emet/ word) and the Life’ (zoe – spiritual maturity)……”
Better translated it would say… “Y’shua said, ‘I {not himself the person – but Torah} ….
“The Torah is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Torah.”
Do you see how HE is the Word and HE came as a Beina… the one to bring restoration?
But this might be difficult for those who would say that their Messiah came to do away with Torah to see.
See this….!
How much sense does this make!! J – b/c Y’shua is the Word/ Torah… as we saw in the beginning of Yochanan !!
1 Yochanan (John) 3:4 cjb p 1526 “Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah – indeed, sin is violation of Torah.”
- Really? Right there on p 1526… wow.
- “sin is violation of Torah”… this from a “sent one” – an apostle sent to teach … who was a follower of Y’shua Ha Mashiach (Messiah)!!!
We also know that in Y’shua’s day there were a lot of Rabbi teaching… and some claimed to be the Messiah the Hebrew people were looking for…
We also know that as we get closer to the end of days… there will be more and more confusion… there will be more and more “lies” in the world…. We know that there will not be many keeping the Torah the Word…
So what I am going to suggest to you is that there will be false messiahs….
False answers to explain what is going on in the world…
More than that, false claims of who is Messiah….
As we read in Matt 24: 4-5 “Y’shua replied; “Watch out! Don’t let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying. ‘I am the Messiah! And they will lead many astray.”
Now I have always understood that – to be – “there will be these bad guys and they are going to run around and announce they are the Messiah.”….
Then I moved to… well you know… Mohammad is a false messiah… he claims to be and nothing about him lines up with the Word – so he is a false messiah…
BUT what if there is more?.....
We always look at this as – it will be so obvious…
But my dear friends…. I think we have been deceived…. For most of our lives….
“A major characteristic of a false Messiah is that he doesn’t follow Torah and he encourages other not to follow / keep Torah , as well.”
Now think about that!
PLEASE hear this….
I am NOT saying – that if I open my Bible and read of Jesus in the NT… that He is a false Messiah…. – even if they got his name all wrong….and that is a problem…. That matters – despite what I was taught….
What I am saying – the jesus that the traditions of man teach about in the Christian church…
And to be clear – many biblical translations are not alright – and yet it says “holy bible” on…
So most people see that and think – well that is the truth…
Many of these bibles are translated very poorly…and reinforce what the Christian church teaches….
Look at the difference between the NIV and the CJB comparing scriptures of Shaul talking about keeping Torah….. they are very different.
What I am suggesting to you is that the jesus that the Christian church teaches – is a false messiah.
We defined “false” as… = not true or correct; erroneous; tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive; a false impression; not genuine; counterfeit.
What about the Christian definitions of jesus and how they follow, serve and worship him – lines up with the Word??!!!
As far as I know… and this is the saving grace….the one thing is that they believe they serve the same God as the God of the Tanakh or OT .. the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob….
AND they (Christians) believe (for the most part) that jesus is the son of God and he came and died for our sins.
They have the very core right… even if the name is wrong…
And what is the big deal about the name??....
Y’shua – translated into English is Joshua…
It should have never been translated – as proper nouns aren’t…. but it was…. But they did’t write Joshua… they wrote jesus… and you can follow a big line of “well in greek it is Iousis… and then they added the J…. etc… but jesus means “haZeus” – who is a greek god.!
Mattityahu (Matthew) 5: 17-19 cjb p 1228
Matt 5:17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete.”
Better translated: “I didn’t come to abolish Torah, but to show you how to live it.”
Matt 5:19 “So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches other so to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Okay – so what do you SEE??
I’ll tell you what I see = Christianity is pagan and jesus is a false Messiah!
This is not saying that the Jesus of the Bible (even with the wrong name) – the guy in the story is NOT the Messiah…
BUT the teachings of the church… what Christians believe about their Jesus… makes him (the guy they believe in) – a false Messiah.
I am NOT saying the guy in the story – even in the messed up English versions is a false Messiah - but what Christianity teaches about that guy in the story is NOT TRUE. They teach a false Messiah…
Now there are some people in Christianity – that have very sincere hearts – but they are sincerely wrong.
Don’t mistake what I am saying… I believe those people in Christianity believe that they are serving the Living God….
But if we go back to -
Sh’mot (Exodus) 32:5 cjb p 97 “Tomorrow is to be a feast for YHWH….”
We get a clear picture of this – MEANING/ PURPOSING --to serve YHWH …. And change the patterns HE gave for doing it – so clearly HOW we worship is very very important… b/c HE was going to kill them all over it.
This says to me that my sincerity doesn’t matter…. Am I living it??!!
When I look at Christianity today – I have to ask myself - “What about Christianity is NOT pagan??!!”
What about jesus is not pagan??
Well, the fact that Messiah died and rose for our sins….
But after that… what else does Christianity teach??
Well, that Messiah’s name is jesus…
First of all – as I already said….linguists agree – that proper nouns should not be translated.
Secondly – if they were going to translate it – it would have been Joshua… the English name of Y’shua.
Thirdly – jesus = haZeus = a greek god.
Now let’s see… if you serve jesus…
You pray the “sinners prayer”…. And wala – you are in - you have eternal life.
Where is the “sinners prayer in the Word?
It is not.
And you serve him – by…
Worship is on Sunday. – not on the Shabbat.
You keep NONE of holidays Yah said to keep forever.
You celebrate easter – the fertility goodness …
You have a good Friday service. – although despite Christian teaching… the Word says he was in the grave three days and three nights…
….this would mean that he was crucified and died on Wed – the 14th of Nissan – the same time the lambs were sacrificed in the homes…. And he rose sometime Saturday evening… (the day ends at sundown).
If you were serving jesus – you would likely celebrate lent. Lent didn’t come from the 40 days in the wilderness for Y’shua….
Look and “see” if you can find LENT in the Word. You cannot.
The word “lent” comes form the Anglo-Saxon word lencten which means spring. Anglo-Saxons (and other pagans) celebrated the return of spring with fertility festivals commemorating the goddess of fertility – Estarte – which is where we get easter from!
The pagan religion taught that Estarte was one responsible for changing a bird into a rabbit….
But what the catholic church will tell you is that this is about Y’shua’s time in the wilderness being tempted…. Long before it was about Y’shua… LENT was about gods and goddesses
If you follow Jesus .. you don’t know that in….
…..Yochanan 8:12 cjb p 1340 “Y’shua spoke to them again; ‘I am the light of the world;”
… that phrase could be translated as…. “I am the Word of YHWH….”
If you follow jesus – you celebrate Christmas… as his birthday. But Y’shua wasn’t born on Dec 25 – Amen Ra the sun god - aka baal was.
If you follow jesus – you don’t keep Torah.
If you follow jesus – you believe in the trinity.
This is why I say following jesus is following a false messiah.
And why is that so shocking?? – hasatan isn’t going after the things that aren’t important….
The only thing about Christianity that isn’t pagan is that they can trace the God they serve back to the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
But if I walk in that faith… I am walking in paganism b/c it doesn’t line up with the Word.
And if I am serving jesus – I am serving a false messiah.
NOT that the person – they are talking about… son of Mary… the one who died for my sin… if a false Messiah…
But the Christian Jesus is a false Messiah… b/c the traditions of man that teach one how to serve jesus – DO NOT line up with the Word!!... so it is FALSE.
~Can you see this…???
- All the traditions of men – about jesus are pagan…. So thier messiah jesus – is pagan.
- Our Messiah “Y’shua – lines up with the Word… the TRUTH.
Y’shua the Messiah came to show us how to live Torah. He came to set us free – the Bridegroom died so that HE could remarry the northern kingdom whom he had divorced……that is the Good News!!
That Christians aren’t bad for wanting to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…. But just as the Isra’elites who came through the Red Sea… didn’t serve HIM right/ correctly… this is a huge problem… this is where paganism comes in.
But if we go back to Mattityahu 5:17….
Matt 5:17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete.”
Better translated: “I didn’t come to abolish Torah, but to show you how to live it.”
WE can begin to see His purposes and the TRUTH.
Yochanan (John) 8: 31-32 cjb 1341 “So Y’shua said to the Judeans who had trusted him, ‘ If you obey what I say then you are really my talmidim. 32 you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”
Can you see that we are called to follow instructions?
Can you see what HIS Word is saying?
What do you see??
I see something very sad…. I see deception
We defined “false” as… = not true or correct; erroneous; tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive; a false impression; not genuine; counterfeit.
But – as I prepared for this message He clearly showed me….
“I have kept you.” And that HE has…
His Word says he never leaves us or forsakes us… that would be when we sin covertly and sin overtly…. And when we don’t know any better and follow a false messiah – like we had been….
We always thought that when deception would come – it would be a big red flag and we would clearly know it and not go near it…
DECEPTION DIDN’T JUST CAMP WITH ME – IT LIVED IN MY HOUSE and I thought I was doing what I should to serve YHWH.
Praise Yah that He keeps his children…. He keeps Isra’el….
I might get angry with my children… but I keep them…. and he keeps us even better than an earthly parent could… even when we are worshiping him all wrong….
Now the point becomes…
I must remember that HE kept me… a sinner – a deceived pagan following the false messiah of christianity… and if He kept me – then I need to love others of his children that don’t know they have been deceived and don’t yet know the truth.
He kept us…
Isaiah 42:20- 43:8a…. He kept us….Praise Yah
But I SEE this much now….
I serve the Messiah – His name is Y’shua and He died for my sins… and rose again… so that the divorced Northern Kingdom could return… and His bride could be whole…..… and HE KEEPS TORAH.” AMEIN.
What do you see?
I see freedom…..
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