May 25, 2013 ~ Sivan 16, 5773
Last week we talked about niggun = Hebrew singing in tongues… that has been going on through the Tanakh to today.
Before we go on… I want to introduce something else…
I don’t know nearly enough about it but we need to be aware…
Just as niggun bypasses the brain and goes from the heart, straight to Abba…
Singing that we do and hear – goes directly into our spirit.
I’ve been pondering this and talking with Father about this for a long time….
You’ve probably heard me say before…
There are times when what we hear goes into our spirit; ie, who we are….
1. During trauma
2. During a drug high
3. Under anesthesia
4. During orgasm – (the one positive time to speak positive things into our marriage partner!)
5. During hypnosis
And I believe since long term exercise causes a “runner’s high” =
6. During long term exercise
7. During prayer (why the new age uses meditation and visualization)
And I believe –
8. when we hear music
Now that is my theory… I don’t know enough yet… but it stands to reason….
-Think about what happens when we hear music.
-Think about whom young people become – when they listen to heavy metal and satanic music for any length of time…
-Think about what happens to you when you worship…. Especially with beautiful worship music.
- many traditional rabbis say… “To sing a blessing is to pray it twice.”
n Why is this important?
- Because we need to know that there are times when our spirits receive what we hear….
- Because I need to know there are times I can really bless my spouse.
- Because there are times I can bless others in singing and prayer….
Remember the old adage that “words have power”
Well, not only the Word has power – but all words have power… and I believe to sing them… makes them even more powerful.
Think about this… Is it easier to memorize something by saying it or by singing it?
But I am about to suggest to you that not just the words of the music are important – but the notes.
What we allow into our beings by what we hear is extremely significant to who we are.
Last week – while we were talking about niggun…. The Torah portion included B’midbar (Numbers) 7 cjb p 154
It is taught by people much more studied than i… many things about music that I didn’t know.
So I will share a little bit of what I am learning…. I will not be able to explain it nearly enough… but it will plant some seeds and help us at least get the idea that music is very very powerful.
So lets talk about the…
6 Solfeggio Frequencies - the musical scale…
Some say….
These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. (it’s reported that this hymn is in the Apocrypha.)
Some believe that this is the sound frequencies / aka ….musical scale used by the priests in the tabernacle and then in the temple!
These musical notes are believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony.
(These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.)
It is speculated these six tones may have been played by the ancient priests during the miraculous shattering of Jericho's great wall in six days before falling on the seventh,
and the creation of the universe in six days.
Bible scholars believe both events occurred as a result of sounds being spoken or played.
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies
First we need to know:
1. These are not just musical notes, but electromagnetic frequencies in the temple.
2. Remember… There was fire on the altar that never went out ….and the altar was made of wood and encased in copper and the copper never melted.. for 490 years!... and in this time… there wasn’t sickness. Death came because of disobedience!
3. These are inscripted in the Bible!
4. They are increasing frequencies encoded in modern Torah in B’Midbar (Numbers) 7: 12-83 and in Psalm 119, and Psalm 120-134 = “the Psalms of assent”
5. They were initially inscripted by Levi priests who translated the original Torah into the Greek Septuagint
6. These frequencies apparently posses extra ordinary spiritual power.
The Solfeggio Frequencies:
1. Ut = utquentlaxis = the entire scale or range = the gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy.
- This frequency changes the mood from grief to joy
- = to receive
- To liberate guilt and fear.
- A unit of magnetic field strength equal to 105 power gauss.
- Frequency = 369 = 9
2. Re = Resonare fibris = action in answer to or intended to un-do a situation, or that performance of the new actions brings back an earlier state of affairs.
- Is Worship! = to undo bondage!
- = to balance
- = a larger than normal vibration produced in response to stimulus
- Undoing situations and facilitating change
- Frequency of 417=3
3. Mi = miragestorum = miracle
- An extra ordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural = YHWH
- “528” frequency = is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair DNA.
- Hyden the composer has a composition called “The Miracle” and functions around “mi”.
- Transformation and miracles!
- Frequency of 528 = 6
4. Fa= faltuorum = servant/s or attendant/s – especially of a scholar or magician.
- A particularly chosen group (144,000?)
- It is said the 144,000 will be assembled to the this note
- Also can destroy
- To seek out – to be slaves to a mindset – like heavy metal music.
- Connecting, mending relationships.
- Frequency of 639 = 9
5. Sol= solve pollute = to find an answer or explanation ; to clear up; explain, to solve a mystery or puzzle, to work out the an answer or solution to a math problem.
- A cleansing with water or other liquid – especially a religious ritual – a mikvah/baptism
- = release
- Awakening intuition
- - Frequency of 741 = 3
6. La = labiireatani = labia or pertaining to the lips.
- A reverse movement or tendency, an action in reverse direction or mammon
- A desire to return to an earlier system or order
- Open and sing
- Returning to spiritual order
- Frequency of 852=6
7. Ti = “c” = the catholic church ADDED this!
-a person of exceptional holiness… formerly recognized by Christian church. = to acknowledge a saint.
- not of YHWH!! – if you use this… you are out of tune!!!
(-the modern Solfeggio has been tampered with by man!)
{Man changed the Sabbaths and the Feasts and the language and the music!!}
(“Do” was also added by man!!!)
Now the musical scale of today is
| ||
Do - 261.63Hz
Re - 293.66Hz
Mi - 329.63Hz
Fa - 349.23Hz
So - 392.00Hz
La - 440.00Hz
Ti - 439.88Hz
Do - 523.25Hz
| ||
Numbers 7:12 ---If you count six verses down from there, it begins, "On the second day". Six verses down from there it begins, "On the third day" Six verses down from there beings, "On the fourth day." When Joey did the Pythagorean math, reducing the multiple digit integers to the single digit integer, he saw the multiples 3,9,6, 3,9,6, 3,9,6, which is Hertz, which is cycles per second, which was the first note of the ancient musical Solfeggio scale.
This leads us to the brilliant work of Nicola Tesla.
Tesla studied electromagnetics and electrophysics. He created free energy (this was suppressed by the Rockefeller and Royal Family cartel).
The students of Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife and John Keely were aware of the power of 3, 6 and 9.
Joey took the multiples of these three numbers. The multiples of 3 always gave the pattern 369, and the multiples of 6 gave 639. The multiples of 9 always came out to 9 completion.
B’Midbar (Numbers) 7:13 cjb p cjb p 154 "He offered one silver dish weighing 130 shekels [three and a quarter pounds] and one silver basin with seventy shekels 9using the sanctuary shekel [one and three quarters pound,] both full of fine flour mixed with olive oil for a grain offering;
Just six verses down from this, verse 19 repeats.
Six verses down from there it repeats again.
Six verses down from there it repeats again, and six verses down, again.
Some believe that this is the most powerful code ever discovered thus far in the Bible,
….the code for YHWH's ancient musical scale that YHWH uses for creation, destruction and miracles.
Why did He use the number six?
The sixth number has always been a sacred number.
Six was the number of days that God took to create the universe.
Six was the number of days that the ancient Levite priests played their trumpets and blew specific tones around the city of Jericho.
Don't forget it was the ancient Levite priests who inserted the verse numbers in the Bible 3,000 years ago.
They translated the Torah into the Greek Septuagint.( Originally the Torah had no verse numbers.)
Joey translated the numbers into Pythagorean math.
Verse 12 1+2 =3
Verse 18 1+8=9
Verse 24 2+4=6 (396) = UT
Verse 13 is 1+3 =4.
Verse 19 is 1+9=10 or 1.
Verse 25 is 2+5=7. (417) = Re
Verse 14 is 1+4=5,
verse 20 is 2+0 =2
verse 26 is 2+6= 8 (528) = mi
YHWH creates all through sound.
Sound is electromagnetic frequencies.
That is mathematics and physics……
And this is why prayer produces miracles!
This is also why singing – musical notes bring so much change!!!
I don’t know this… but I would guess – that traditional niggun is sung based on these six notes!!!
I hope this gives you a bigger picture of how amazing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/ Isra’el is!!
There are words that are throughout Torah – that are not normally associated with how the Holy Spirit expresses himself through people and the rest of creation.
And I would like to look at some of them…
Remember when we went through the book of Acts… and each time Holy Spirit – Ruach HaKodesh did something… He did it differently.
So some people with the baptism of the Holy Spirit will speak in tongues and others won’t!
- Cannot limit Him!
2 Tim 3:16-17 cjb p 1488 “All Torah is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who belongs to YHWH may be fully equipped for every good work.”
…Now what biblical text did Shaul have?... he didn’t have the B’rit Chadashah… he only had the Tanakh.
So where are they getting the background for the Holy Spirit? - from the Tanakh!
Y’shua said – I must fulfill all righteousness…. Trace that word… in Tanakh and you will find it is directly connected to keeping the instructions of YHWH.
Brad Scott says….
The Tanakh is filled with words that are translated into … wash, cleansing… and Mikvah – dipped/ immersed
B’resheet (Gen) 1:10 cjb p 1 “YHWH called the dry land Earth, the gathering together of the water he called Seas, and YHWH saw it was good.”
… Establishes a pattern for how Father works… He first works through the creation…. Land, plants, seeds
… he cleanses those things first…
He does that by immersing the earth in the waters.. Gen 1:10… “olam-mikvah”.
John Baptist immersed people….
Not new – tradition of Hebrews.
We also know that the words…
“Filling” is associated with water
“fountain of living water” = Y’shua/ Holy Spirit…
Gen 1:10 = same thing that happened to land is going to happen to men
Land has an immersion – people are immersed
Land has tithe – people tithe
Land has a Sabbath – people have a Sabbath
The reason why land is immersed once… and people immersed over and over…b/c man has ability to choose…
The land does exactly what Yah says…
But man manipulates creation = mess…
land/ plants /rocks.. always do what HE created them to do… unless man messes them up.
Everything on planet came forth from the land.
Baptism of HS is not just a one time occurrence… can happen over and over.
Immersed in water many times…
After a woman’s niddah…
when converted to “kind” of faith…
when about to be married…etc…
The same is true for the Spirit… immersed and filled many times…
Do not limit the Spirit!
Words associated with this:
Rachats – resh chet sade= washing
Taval – tev vet lamed = baptiso in greek
Mikvah – immersion, dipping
Now, lets talk about other
Paul Wilbur’s song…”Roni Roni daughter of Zion…”
Has a word in it… “RUA”
“Rua” – resh – vav – ayin = shout, to have joy, to make a noise.
So when Bible says “shout unto Yah”… what is going on?
What do you think?
How our culture does it…b/c we have western tunnel vision…
What does it mean to “shout unto Yah with a voice of triumph”??
Rua/ shout = wailing with a broken kind of talking/voice. A broken up kind of speaking.
Etymologically related to word for wicked or evil. = resh ayin ayin
How vowels are arranged make it “shout” or “evil”
Fundamental meaning = something broken up.
Sound frequencies can break glass. Great noise breaks things into pieces.
Also sound of army cadence can cause a bridge to collapse.
Or a stadium (Alabama) – their crowd always sang the same song… and they figured out that it was the frequency of that song that was causing that stadium to crumble….
Examples of how used in Bible… SHOUT….
Our hands and our feet and our voice are not just for communication with each other, but to glorify our creator!
Ps 66:1 make a joyful noise…
Ps 47:1 shout unto Yah with a voice of triumph
What is coming out of their mouths?
{Most of these words come back to an indiscernible… nonsensical sound …… !!}
Numbers 10:5… - blow the silver assembly trumpets
“alarm” = Teruah…. A noise out of an inanimate object…
Like blowing of shofars… a sound…
1. Takah – long straight blast to gather people “time to come into town and sit down”
2. Shaverim = from root shavar = to break = 3 medium wailing sounds
3. Teruah = 9 quick blasts in broken succession (why related to evil – broken)
Psalm 27:6; 33:3
Noise made on instruments (related to niggun!)
We have a group of people in Tanakh… like what Paul alluding to in ICorin 14…. Same as I Thess 4:16 “trump” is same word for silver trumpets in Num 10 we just read about. And same word for trumpet blast.
Ps 47:1, 66:1; 88:1 ; Joshua 6:20 – bringing down walls of Jericho.
= not a known language == the same happens with mouths is same as happens with instruments
This could well be NIGGUN! – singing in tongues!
Roni – Roni = rejoice rejoice (song)
“Roni” = joy, rejoice, noise, cry
From the root = “RANA” = resh – nun – hey = to make unique sounds
Not a known language… otherwise it would not be unique
PS 17:1 “cry” = rana
Ps 107:22 “rejoicing” = rana
Psalm 126:1-6 “singing” = rana “joy” = rana “rejoicing” = rana
Is 44:23 “sing” = rana, “shout” = taruah “singing” = rana
= to make very unique noises as a testimony of the Holy Spirit in you.
Job 38:7 – sang, shouted = rana
Nabah = nun beit aleph = to just utter something.
To produce what is within you and comes out the mouth
Nabi = a prophet
Root = naba from root nub = fruit when a flower blossoms… basis of prophecy.. likened to the seed that produced it… the Word of Yah… something outside of our own abilities. – above the natural things we see every day
PS 119:171 “utter” - “speak” in cjb
Ps 19:1-2 “utters” = root nub =
When creation does this… is the creation uttering something in a known language… NO – can the Father use an unknown language? YES.
Ps 19:2-3; 145:5-7
Prov 1:23-25
zahal - Sade – hey – lamed = to be bright
and to emit a very excited sound
IS 24:14
Y’shua’s mission to restore all things - Shavuot – HS … part of restoration…
… Yet the Christian church teaches there is nothing to restore… “we are changing the plan”…. “we have grace now”….
We have corrupted the concept of Holy Spirit - … what Father gave… to regather his people…
he gives gifts to restore his people so they can regather his people….
Goel = gimmel – yod – lamed = root = galil = “to rejoice”
Literally means – to leap up and spin around = to do a cycle (agol)
Cycle = bringing something back around to the beginning.
Also the Hebrew word for “reveal”
Revelation = heetgallut
One of the purposes of many of the gifts given to the assembly is to reveal… to expose…
Not just someone singing a hymn
Psalm 13:5 – “rejoice” = spinning and leaping up!
Ps 2:11
Luke 10:20-
Tehillim = HalleluYah… hallel
That book, (Psalms), and those things written in that book are never called Tehillim….
Each Psalm is called a Mismor
Tsion - Mem resh = zamar = harvesting produce or pruning the harvest
ZAMAR = “a praise or a psalm of David.”
Leviticus 25:4 prune your vines
Gen 43:11 “best fruits” = zamar
- When you prune – you cause something to produce more…
- Songs sung by David – to inspire his people to do something and do it abundantly … and do it abundantly more than this lethargic religious culture that lives around us.
A psalm of David is a mismore of Davied
With niggum.
Ex 15:2
Simchat = shim – mem – chet
= the word that is all over the feasts…
Simchat Torah = the rejoicing of the Torah!
Greek word ephrano –
Deut 33:18
Romans 15:4-13 cjb p 1419
= idea of something remaining the same. “stasis”= greek word
Doing something in the cycles – is what gives us hope… not some god that changes his mind and does something different!
If this is a kind of god that we serve… anything goes…
“They didn’t have a NT to tell us that everything changed”
They just had Tanakh!
Same pattern from beginning to end!!
People changed things – YHWH did not change!
He gave gifts – HS pouring out on his people to go and bring those who left – back to HIM and Torah.
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