Monday, June 24, 2013

Melchizedek Priesthood

Priests of Righteousness - Melchizedek

June 22, 2013 ~ Tammuz 14, 5773

Torah Parashah - Balak
Torah - B’midbar/ Numbers 22:2 - 25:9 cjb p 181
Haftarah - Mikhah/Micah 5:6 - 6:8  cjb p 752
B’rit Hadashah - Mark 11:12-26; 2 Kefa/2 Peter 2:1-22; Y’hudah/ Jude 11; Revelation 2:14-15 



Priests of Righteousness - Melchizedek

(This teaching comes from Rav Mattityahu Nolan)

The understanding I have always had was that Melchizedek was / is Y’shua.  
I am going to teach you something i have been learning the last few weeks.  

For me, this teaching takes me to an entirely different level of understanding His Word!

So get ready... b/c this is life shaking...

-We are called to be a kingdom of priests...

Revelation 1: 5b- 6  cjb p 1533
“To him, the one who loves us, who has freed us from our sins at the cost of his blood, 6 who has caused us to be a kingdom, that is, cohanim for YHWH, His Father - to him be the glory and the rulership forever and ever. Amein”
-When we think of priests.... we see Levites ...

.....but Y’shua calls us to the Melchizedek priesthood... and not to be limited to the Levitical priesthood.

  • There i just said that.... did you get it?

What we understand of priests in the Word has been the Levitical priesthood.  
But i just told you that you are not called to that priesthood.

You are called to the order of Melchizedek.

Now most of us probably don’t know what this means... so let’s study!

Melach = King
tzadok = righteousness.
  • Melchizedek = King of Righteousness

Before we start - let me share what Rav Mattityahu Nolan said....
This is very profound to me.

Remember how we always talk about how grateful we are that the Jews kept the Torah/ the Tanakh (Old Testament... because it is so much more accurate than the B’rit Hadashah (New Testament.) ????

Well - hear this....
According to Rabbi Mattityahu Nolan - 

  • 134 times Judaism altered the Masoretic text where it refers to Y’shua HaMashiach.  

So a text before the Masoretic is more correct.  

Justin, and early church leader, claimed that the Jews had removed from Tehillim/ Psalm 96:10 ... “YHWH reigns from the tree.”   
There are several other references that line up with this...
the Letter of Barnabas, and the church historian Origen say very similar things.
Tehillim / Psalms 96:19 ... now reads ...
“Say among the nations, “YHWH is king!”  The world is firmly established, immovable.  He will judge the peoples fairly.”  

The first mention of Melchizedek is in B’resheet 14

B’resheet 14: 1-24  cjb p 12

The second mention of Melchizedek is in 

Tehillim / Psalms 110 cjb p 905

The Hebrew word for “order” = debra.  

Debra =to put in order through speaking or in numerical order.

We can see the Levitical order through Yochanan (John) the Immerser’s parents..  

Luke 1: 5-6 cjb p 1287
“In the days of Herod, King of Y’hudah, there was a cohen named Z’kharyah who belonged to the Aviyah division. His wife was a descendant of Aharon, and her name was Elisheva.  6 Both of them were righteous before YHWH, observing all the mitzvot and ordinances of YHWH blamelessly....”


Where else in Scripture do you find someone who’s the... King of Righteousness?

Kefa Beit (2 Peter) 2:4-5 in the original literal text refers to Noach as the 8th person of righteousness, or the 8th preacher or righteousness.

Kefa Beit (2 Peter) 2:4-5 - Literal translation
“For if Eloha’s messengers who served, did not spare, but with chains of thick gloom having cast them down into Tarterus, did deliver them to mishpat (judgement), having been reserved and the old world did not spare, but the 8th person, Noach of righteous - a preacher did keep a flood on the world of the empires having brought and the cities of sodom and Gomorrah having turned to ashes.”

So who were the earlier 7 preacher’s or kings of righteousness??

Adam - Seth - Enosh - Kenan - Mahalal’el - Jared - Metushelach [because Hanokh (English = Enoch) had been taken up] - Noach [because Lemekh had passed already].

Noach was in the role of King.  
He was the 8th preacher.... the King of Righteousness

Now this is interesting...  This means... that Adam was a preacher of righteousness... a Melchizedek... and Seth and Kenan....etc....

This really has to sink in a bit.... 
There was one person - in what looks like, each generation who preached righteousness!

Now, if Noach was a preacher of righteousness from his generation, then who was in the sequence of the Melchizedek priests who were serving ... Who was serving in the priesthood when Avram rescued Lot and gave a 10th to Melchizedek??

Who was the Melchizedek then?”

Shem was next in line and was the Melchizedek when Avram gave the tenth - the tithe.

What was going on at the meeting between the Melchizedek Shem and Avram?

Why is it that in B’resheet 14:17 is only K’dorla’Omer mentioned by name as slaughtered?
Lots of others were slaughtered as well.....

Because K’dorla’Omer was a descendent of Shem. 

B’resheet 14:1 - says K’dorla’Omer is the king of Elam

B’resheet 10:22 - says that Elam is a son of Shem

Avram was also one of Shem’s descendants through Ahfoxad (SP!!)

So Avram, a descendant of Shem had just killed King K’dorla’Omer ....
= so he has killed a relative - part of his family.

So what we have is a family feud going on here!

And after the battle - the Cohen HaGadol - the High Priest - the Melchizedek (Shem) comes... 

...and Avram tries to make peace with him by paying him a tenth, 

and Shem the Melchizedek brings the bread and wine... 
== peace offerings in a family feud.

The cool part is....
This family feud unlocks a mystery.... 
You see - this is a prophecy...

Y’shua the Melchizedek - is going to come and bring peace to a family feud - after a great war between kingdoms and nations.

What am i talking about?
Brothers are fighting - and these brothers are the problem still - in our world today... The sons of Yitz’chak/ Isaac and the sons of Ishmael. 

The word “shem” means - “the name” in Hebrew...  and haShem is the Righteous King YHWH  Himself.  

Tehilllim /Psalms 2 is insight into B’resheet 14 = The war of the seed of Avraham.

Let’s turn to Tehillim / Psalms 2 cjb p 791

This is the explanation of was what was going on in B’resheet 14.

Tehillim 2 2:1-3 “Why are the nations in an uproar, the people’s grumbling in vain?  2 The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against YHWH and his anointed.  3 They cry, “Let’s break their fetters!  Let’s throw off their chains!”

Let’s talk about this...  

- Men will come together with the purpose of standing against the Word of YHWH = standing against YHWH himself. 

- The nations are raging because hasatan wants to break the traditions of YHWH - aka the agol = cycles of YHWH.

- “his anointed” = the Melchizedek 
-“fetters” = the traditions of their fathers the patriarchs 

- “chains” = bonds in some translations.  = the Hebrew word “mosar” = the root “marah” = customs passed down through the generations = the doctrines of men.

“The purpose of Melchizedek is to always make war against the customs and doctrines of men.”

  • Doesn’t this make sense... priest/ king of righteousness ... 
.... of course he is making war against the doctrines of men... b/c they are UNrighteous!
- There are two kinds of “bonds” in the Word
  1. A 3 stranded cord with YHWH and his traditions
  2. A 3 stranded cord that becomes handcuffs with man’s traditions

Tehillim 2:4-6 “He who sits in heaven laughs: YHWH looks at them in derision.  5 Then in his anger he rebukes them, terrifies them in his fury.  6 ‘I myself have installed my king (Melach) of Tziyon, my holy (kadosh) mountain’.”


  • Derision” = 4 kings against 5

  • Because Avram made shalom with the very next verse of Scripture ... B’resheet 14:19-20 ...
  • ---“so he blessed him with these words: 
  • “Blessed be Avram by El’Elyon, maker of hashamyim (the heaven) and haeretz (the earth), and blessed be El’Elyon, who handed your enemies over to you.”

  • Avram is given the promise of kingship = land and the Melchizedek seed line 

B’resheet/Genesis 15:5 cjb p 13 
“Then he brought him outside and said, ‘Look up at the sky, and count the stars -- If you can count them!  Your descendants will be that many!’”

B’resheet /Genesis 15:18-21 cjb p 14
“That day YHWH made a covenant with Avram:  ‘I have given this land to your descendants -- from the Vadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River - 19 the territory of the Keni, the K’noizi, the Kadmoni, 20 the Hitti, the P’rizi, the Refa’im, 21 the Emori, the Kena’ani, the Girgashi and the Y’vusi” 

B’resheet /Genesis 17: 9-10, 13b, 16  cjb p 15
“YHWH said to Avraham, ‘As for you you are to keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you, generation after generation.  10 Here is my covenant, which you are to keep, between me and you, along with your descendants after you: every male among you is to be circumcised.”

13b  “this my covenant will be in your flesh as an everlasting covenant.”

16 “I will bless her (Sarah); moreover, i will give you a son by her.  Truly I will bless her: she will be a mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”

-The war of the Seed of Avraham == Yitz’chak (Isaac), not Ishmael, and Ya’akov (Jacob).    

  • Not Ishmael’s line!

  • This is what is happening today.... It’s a war between the seed line.

  • Melchizedek Shem died, then Avraham - then Yitz’chak and then Ya’akov were the Melchizedeks...

  • Probably through the tribe of Judah....

  • Why the tribe of Judah?...  because in Ecclesiastes, Melach Shlomo (King Solomon) described himself as “a preacher of righteousness!

Kohelet / Ecclesiastes 1:1  “The words of the Kohelet...”

Kohelet = preacher

(I am still looking in the literal translation for the reference where he calls himself a kohelet/preacher of righteousness. )

So this is a king who describes himself as a preacher of righteousness .... but he is not of the line of Levi,  but the line of Judah.

A preacher of righteousness in literal Hebrew is a Melchizedek.


Melchizedek is not a person - it is an order - a position of authority.

In Ivrim (Hebrews) the writer tells us how to enter into the realm of Melchizedek....
Ivrim 5: 7-8  “During Y’shua’s life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions, crying aloud and shedding tears, to the One who had the power to deliver him from death; and he was heard because of his godliness. 8 Even though he was the Son, he learned obedience through his sufferings.”  

The desire to learn Torah is just the beginning....
We can say we are studying Hebrew roots... but there is so much to do this... besides keeping Torah...  

  • The Dead Sea scrolls were found in Kumron in 1947.

  • What were the Essenes doing in Kumron?
  • Why weren’t they up in Jerusalem?
  • Who was up in Jerusalem? - the Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) Kayafa (Kaifus) = a corrupt levitical priesthood.

  • The Essenes didn’t want anything to do with that corrupt levitical priesthood so they went to the desert.

  • The Dead Sea scrolls talk about the coming of “Melchizedek” - 
and Melchizedek is seen as an ever present hope of reality that would come in their lifetime!!

It even said Melchizedek would come and possibly be crucified and then resurrect!   

It said they believed that Melchizedek and the Mashiach/Messiah were connected!

  • This was so much so that in modern writings/translations where you find YHWH or even God now - you would find Melchizedek in original!

Yesha’Yahu (Isaiah) 61: 2 “to proclaim the year of the favor of YHWH” the Dead Sea scrolls ... says “to proclaim the year of the favor of Melchizedek”.

Sh’mue’le Bet/ 2 Samuel 8:17 cjb p 342
“Tzadok the son of Achituv and Achimelekh the son of Evyatar were cohanim...”

In the reign of King David - the Tzadokites suddenly appear as priests 

... Tzadok has the same Hebrew root as Melchizedek...

These were the priests that remained faithful to the king
  • Only the order of Tzadok will never be without those who sit on throne.

Tzadok = 
tsadie - dalet- kof 

tsadie = righteous man
dalet = open door
kof = sun half down, to bring out something hidden

-so it means... the son of tzadok = a righteous man who opens the door to that which is hidden.

Righteous = doing the right thing....  Keeping the divine laws of YHWH.

Greek = diachanosis = keeping the divine laws

Hebrew = Tzedek = to be just, lawful, just in govt., right in conduct and in character, correct, right, lawful.

A good study would be... to look at every scripture with the word righteous in it in the B’rit Hadashah 

Alef Yochanan (1 John) 2:28-29   cjb p 1526
“And now, children, remain united with him; so that when he appears, we may have confidence and not shrink back from him in shame at his coming. 29 If you know that he is righteous, you should also know that he is the Father of everyone who does what is right.” 

Righteous = keeping the divine laws of YHWH.

  • Only the sons of the righteous king get to serve at the altar.  
  • Writer of Ivrim /Hebrews said... “but we have an altar outside the gates”... talking about the Melchizedek having the altar outside the gates.
Ivrim/Hebrews 13:10 Literal translation  cjb p 1508
“WE have an altar of which those serving the tabernacle have no authority to eat.”

-There literally was an altar outside the gates of Jerusalem, where they did one single sacrifice - the Red Heifer Sacrifice.

We learned about the Red Heifer sacrifice last week... so we know that this was prophecy about Y’shua HaMashiach.

  • Remember - the priests were inaugurated into their position of service - only with the water and ashes of the red heifer sacrifice.

  •   Didn’t matter that they were born into the role or priest... 

  • they could only start their service with the washing of the water and ashes from the Red Heifer sacrifice.

  • Some say that they could only step into the role of priest at the Red Heifer sacrifice.... but this doesn’t make sense as i understand it at this point,  because there were only 7 or 9  Red Heifer sacrifices through all the years. 

  • You could be called  a priest from birth, but you could not start your ministry because you were defiled  and only cleaned by the water and ashes of the Red Heifer sacrifice.

- The red heifer ashes cleaned the entire temple and allowed the priests to do their job.
-So the high priest operates outside the gates because he is the ONE who does this sacrifice and cleans the Temple. = This is Melchizedek.

-The Melchizedek  Y’shua - was sacrificed in the exact same place all Isra’elites from birth be priests - but they couldn’t enter into their calling until the sacrifice was made.  

-Once the sacrifice of Mashiach / Messiah  is made - on the same place - the clean place on Mt Olives - called Golgotha ....

.... it institutes a new temple service - where everyone is called to be Kings and Priests  

...but you can not operate in your role as a king and priest 

  • not in the Levitical order, but in the Cohen haGadol of the Melchizedek ... Adam - Noach - Shem - Avraham - Y’shua...  

-When you accept the blood then you are in the calling of YHWH that He has called you to walk in....  

In Kumron - the Essenes moved away from the corruption...

they moved out of Jerusalem and away from the Levitical corruption ...

.... they believed the Melchizedek would be the Messiah... who would die and rise.


Last week we talked about....

  • You have to be a Cohen before you can offer a sacrifice. 

  • The Cohen HaGadol stands and presides over all the sacrifices in the Temple....  he does not SIT DOWN until he pronounces “IT IS FINISHED”.

and Y’shua fulfilled everything in the Red Heifer sacrifice,
including being the only Cohen HaGadol / High Priest, presiding over his own sacrifice.

Prophets have a divine message
Priests are who offer sacrifice
Kings are who rule kingdoms 

 Y’shua HaMashaich has to be perfect sequencing of Melchizedeks... 

  • Mattityahu 1 and 2 - the genealogy -  establishes Y’shua as a Malech - a king.
Mattityahu 1:1  cjb p 1223
“This is the genealogy of Y’shua the Messiah, son of David, son of Avraham:”

The mantel of priesthood is always handed down through cleansing - a mikvah = ritual immersion (baptism).  

When Y’shua went to the Yardin /Jordan River to be mikvahed by Yochanan the Immerser...  the Yardin became a geographical point of change...

(Demons and principalities study your genes, your genealogy, and they operate geographically.)
At the Immersion of Y’shua by Yochanan the Immerser there was a transference.

Mattityahu 3:13-17 cjb p 1226

Y’shua said Yochanan must immerse him in order “to fulfill all righteousness.”

What was he talking about?

Kaiphus was not the legal high priest... Yochanan /John the Immerser was!

... Yochanan was from the line of Aaron.  He was in the linage of Aviyah.
(Luke 1:5) 

Yochanan the Immerser was the legal Cohen HaGadol. 

 He was the high priest.  

He wasn’t in the temple because it was corrupted.  He was out in the desert - eating kosher locusts. :)

This is really significant...  the second temple - corrupt ....  

My own theory here is that it seems that the faith of Judah (Southern Kingdom - JEWS) got messed up at this temple period.  

Remember Y’shua didn’t speak against Torah - he spoke against all the rules of man....  man’s traditions.

So many times Pharisees are called bad names... 
Like when Yochanan the Immerser says in 
Mattityahu 3: 7-8 cjb p 1226


Mattityahu 5: 20 “For I tell you unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P’rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”


Mattityahu 23 cjb p 1252

Think about the temple...  itself...

The intense Presence was gone...  because they were following Man’s rules.

It is said that “ The intense spirituality of the First Temple cannot be compared to the Second.  The constant open miracles were gone.

Prophecy also disappeared.

The Ark of the Covenant was gone.  
In fact - the Holy of Holies was empty.

the Ark - was the place where the Shechina - His Glory sat...  gone.
Think how this is today... mostly there are not a lot of miracles....  
for the most part - nobody is observing Torah.

and not many have the testimony of Y’shua and keep Torah...
YHWH’s children - 
Revelation 12:17   cjb p 1544 “...those who obey Torah and bear witness to Y’shua.
Revelation 14:12  cjb p 1546  “YHWH’s people - those who observe his Torah and exercise Y’shua’s faithfulness.

Back to the immersion of Y’shua....

Mattityahu 3:13 “this will fulfill all tzedkah - righteousness”

What happened when a king fulfills all righteousness....  ??

= The king goes in the water a king, and he comes up a Melchizedek.... a king of righteousness!

  • This is the transference of power that we inherit when we are immersed as well!

This is why the scriptures command we be baptized ... because He’s connecting you to two things... the two types of baptisms...

  1. Water = the transference of Melchizedek
  2. Fire - Ruach HaKodesh = points you back to the place YHWH’s people were immersed in fire... 1200 years earlier to the day of the Shavuot when the Ruach returned to all His people...  when the fire came down and hovered over His people on Mt Sinai....and burned out the tradition of men.

The fire burns away the old life.
The water gives new life.

Nothing happens in the natural until mikvahed.
this is why there was Noach’s flood... the earth needed washing.

Y’shua got the transference from the real high priest (not kaiphus).

We need to be baptized into a new order

Y’shua goes into the water a Melech and comes out Melchizedek.

But he still has to deal with a corrupt Kaiphus... a corrupt levitical priesthood. 
... and he did ... Remember Mattityahu 23 we read earlier?

How does he do it?  Through Torah.

Over and over he spoke Torah to them!

Now let’s look at something that i didn’t understand before and it is going to bring things together....

Vayikra /Leviticus 5:1  = the Trespass Offering

Vayikra / Leviticus 5:1  cjb p 112
“If a person who is a witness, sworn to testify, sins by refusing to tell what he has seen or heard about the matter, he must bear the consequences.”

This is called - “the trespass offering” - this is important...

What this means is .....that if a person knows the truth and doesn’t tell it = he is sinning. 
 (this is very very significant with Y’shua...we will see in a bit!)

Vayikra (Leviticus) 10:6  cjb p 119
“Then Moshe told Aharon and his sons El’azar and Itamar, “Don’t unbind your hair or tear your clothes in mourning, so that you won’t die and so that YHWH won’t be angry with the entire community....”

If a priest tears his garments - he is disqualified from being a priest...  he annuls his position, and he is going to die.

Sh’mot (Exodus) 28:32  cjb p 92
“It is to have an opening for the head in the middle. Around the opening is to be a border woven like the neck of a coat of mail, so that i won’t tear.”

YHWH had made provision to protect the priest so his garments would not tear accidentally.

But we were talking about Y’shua - MESSIAH....

How did Y’shua establish priesthood in the natural?

Let’s look at ....
Mattityahu 26:57- 66  cjb p  1259  = Y’shua’s trial before the Levitical High Priest
Mattityahu 26:63 -
”Y’shua remained silent.  The cohen hagadol said to him, “I put you under oath!  By the living God, tell us if you are the Mashiach, the Son of God!” 

What oath??

The oath of Vayikra 5 - the Trespass Offering... 

So now, if Y’shua knows something to be true and he doesn’t SPEAK it - then he is a sinner and he can’t provide your redemption!!

If he doesn’t speak the truth - he sins...and cannot be the Red Heifer offering b/c he has to be perfect.

Mattityahu 26:64  cjb p 1259
“Y’shua said to him, “These words are your own.  But i tell you that one day you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Ha Gvurah /YHWH,  and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

-Y’shua is saying.... you have said it, never the less - I say it to you...and then he quotes 
Tehillim (Psalms) 110!
“The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of YHWHand coming on the clouds of heaven.”  !!!

Mattityahu 26:65 “At this, the cohen hagadol tore his robes....”

Kayafa tore his clothes... so he had nullified his priesthood he had disqualified himself as a priest, and he was going to die!

This is important... because...

The next sacrifice - the very next day.....was to be the Pesach /Passover lamb.

So that leaves - Y’shua the TRUE Melchizedek line High Priest - 

because that had been set in order by his baptism by Yochanan the Immerser - 
Y’shua - THEE Melchizedek High Priest....  

The ONLY High Priest there was at the time... the levitical line had disqualified themselves!!

and Y’shua was going to preside over his own sacrifice on the stake....

The Cohen HaGadol was the only one who could officiate over the Pesach lamb sacrifice.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 7:20-21  cjb p 1500
“What is more, YHWH swore an oath.  For no oath was sworn in connection with those who become cohanim now; 21 but Y’shua became a cohen by the oath which YHWH swore when he said to him,  ‘YHWH has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a cohen forever’.”

Ivrim 7:28 
“For the Torah appoints as cohanim g’dolim men who have weakness; but the text which speaks about the swearing of the oath, a text written later than the Torah, appoints a Son who has been brought to the goal forever.”

....So there is this Trespass Offering... written in Torah in  Vayikra /Leviticus 5:1... and then written later in  Mattityahu-- which explains what Y’shua did!!

Kayafa the Levitical high priest demanded an oath be spoken from Y’shua. 
Because if he did NOT say it... that He is the Messiah... (b/c they knew he was!) then he would disqualify himself...

and if he did say it - it was their “proof to kill him”.

Tehillim /Psalms 110:4 
“YHWH has sworn it, and he will never retract - ‘You are a cohen forever, to be compared with Melki-Tzedek”

In other translations  it says ...”after the order forever”
That word “order” = debra in Hebrew which means as we said in the beginning of this teaching....  
order = debra = to put in order by SPEAKING.  

So that is why Y’shua had to speak it... when He did - it put it in order ...

... YHWH had done it as Father and YHWH did it again as Y’shua.

Then in 
Yochanan 19:23 cjb p 1356 
“When the soldiers had nailed Y’shua to the stake, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares, a share for each soldier, with the under-robe left over.  Now the under-robe was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom; 24 so they said to one another, ‘We shouldn’t tear it in pieces; let’s draw for it.’  --This happened in order to fulfill the words from the Tanakh, - ‘They divided my clothes among themselves and gambled for my robe.’  This is why the soldier did these things.”

The point is == the seamless garment was a priestly robe... and it could not be torn or he would have lost his position as priest!

Ivrim (Hebrews) 10:9-12  cjb p 1503- Quoting the only Melchizedek text apart from B’resheet 14....
“and then, ‘Look I have come to do your will’; he takes away the first system in order to set up the second.  10 It is in connection with this will that we have been separated for YHWH and made holy, once and for all, through the offering of Y’shua the Messiah’s body.
11 Now every cohen STANDS every day doing his service, offering over and over the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.  12 But this one, after he had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, SAT DOWN at the right hand of YHWH...”

(Janet - the right hand of YHWH is not a seating position but a declaration that it is YHWH’s power.)

The high priest can only sit down when all the sacrifices of the day are done / consumed .

... He must STAND to preside over them. 

 Before he sat - he had to declare...

.... “It is finished”.

Y’shua - the Melchizedek - the High Priest - can not sit down until “IT IS FINISHED”.  !!!

Luke 7:28 cjb p 1300
“I tell you that among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than Yochanan the Immerser!  Yet the one who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he!”

Yochanan the Immerser - is the greatest prophet... greater than Moshe,  and any....but.... “he that is the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he!”

He who is least in the Kingdom of Melchizedek is greater than the greatest prophet in the order of Levi.

*****( this is difficult to follow b/c i they said earlier that Yochanan was in the line of Melchizedek, but he was also in the Levitical order as his father was in the line of Aviyah in Luke 1.  I also understood Rav Nolan to say that Yochanan was of the line of Levites through his dad and Aaron through his mom and that Aaron was from Judah.  BUT Aaron was a levite.  I think what he meant to say was that Yochanan was a levite - from his mom and from his dad’s sides.  His mom was a direct descendent  of Aaron... so he was in direct line for High Priest.... and He was also in direct line for the Melchizedek priesthood b/c Moshe was his uncle and Aaron his father (back some generations).... so this is where both lines come in.  I do not understand otherwise what he meant about Judah.  So sorry!  So much more to learn!!!!)

So we are called to be priests of righteousness!...
How will we do that??...

We have to transfer realms.
We have to get into the realm of Melchizedek

Walking in prophetic and apostolic authority.

Your ministry is a ministry of resurrection. - of permanent service.

Walk in Melchizedek - with Y’shua as your High Priest

The High Priest had to STAND until it was FINISHED.

So we aren’t standing over animal sacrifices...

But we are standing in our lives....and they sure aren’t getting easier in this world...

So ....

“When all else fails... STAND....” 

Ephesians 6: 13-14 cjb p 1464
“So take up every piece of war equipment YHWH provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will be standing. 14  Therefore STAND....”

Stand ....
in the middle of turbulent times - stand
in the middle of the sacrifice - stand

in the middle of the grocery store when you aren’t sure you have what is GMO figured out - STAND

When it would be easier to not keep Torah - STAND

When it would be easier to attend a Sunday church and fit in with the world - STAND...

Stand when it would be easier to quit and give up.  STAND.

YHWH is calling you to much....
He has invited us to be a kingdom of priests 
and it is time we began to figure out what that means and what that looks like...

He’s saying you are a priest -  so STAND!

STAND and wait for HIM to finish the work in your life.

This is definitely not sitting on the couch and “waiting on the Lord”!!!

This is STANDING - in DEFIANT faith... knowing who HE is and who HE has called you to be!!

You’ve been given THEE order to carry out righteousness!

You’ve been called into a kingdom of priests.... of HIM...



YHWH established an order and requires you to follow in that order... 

not in the Levitical order - b/c it got messed up.

He says.. “not by might and not by power, but by my Ruach/ Spirit”....

and you have HIS Ruach!!

you have been baptized... in water and in fire....

and we are going to do it again!....

It is time to wake up and understand who HE is...
and that YHWH established  a line of priests that kept Torah.... that stuck to HIS Word and didn’t add to it or take away from it....

They didn’t practice something other than what HE said and call it - worshiping YHWH.

Now we know there is a famine in the land and we know the Word talks about how the shepherds will not teach the people the difference between the holy and the profane.....

So Priests, rise up and start living holy - so it is clear - by what you DO - how you live... what is holy and what is profane!!!

as the song says... 
He is drawing a line in the sand....

and i want to be on His side - holding HIS hand....

Living out the priestly calling....

... Melchizedek....  

a priest of righteousness.  


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