Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Torah Portion Vayak'hel - What's in your heart? - Gifts of the Ruach - March 5

What is in your heart?  Gifts of the Ruach
5 March 2016  ~  25 Adar I 5776
Torah Parashah Vayak’hel ~ “He assembled”
Sh’mot (Exodus) 35:1-38:20 p 76 RSTNE

Gifts of the Spirit - Harbour Light Ministries

In Sh’mot 35: 1-20  p 76 RSTNE... Moshe gives instructions about Shabbat and about the giving of things for the Bayit HaMikdash ... 

and then  (read)...

Sh’mot 35:20- 36:2

-   Filled with Ruach HaKodesh....
What is in your heart?

Maaseh Shlichim (Acts) 19: 1- 12 p 798 RSTNE

-   19:6 “Ruach HaKodesh came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied”

Niggun - prayer in Spirit / Tongues = “nonsensical singing/ playing music”

“In a sense, a niggun is a combination of parent-child sounds that no one else can understand. "Ya--na--na--ya--na--pa--pa--yaya--ya"--a stammering infant language G-d created for us when our feelings are too delicate or too intimate for others to hear.”


story -          (Story of the pastor in Russia.... and the Russian pastor’s                      tongue was English.)

Tehillim (Psalms) 4, 5, 6, 17 are niggunems

Tehillim 17:1 p 500
“Hear tzedakah, O YHWH, attend to my cry, listen to my tefillah, that goes not out of tainted lips.”

“cry” = rana = tongues or niggun

Qorintyah Alef - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 p 860

9 gifts:

1.  Word of Wisdom
2.  Word of Knowledge
3.   Emunah / faith
4.   Healing
5.   Miracles
6.  Prophecy
7.   Discerning of spirits
8.   Tongues
9.   Interpretation of tongues

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 11:2-3 p 303
          “And the Ruach Hakodesh of YHWH shall rest upon Him, the Ruach of chochmah and the binah, the Ruach of counsel and might, the Ruach of da’at and of the fear of YHWH.”

Romiyah (Romans) 8:11, 14  p 844
          “But if the Ruach of Him that raised up Yahusha from the dead lives in you, He that raised up Moshiach from the dead shall also bring chayim to your mortal bodies by His Ruach that dwells in you.”
          14 “For as many as are led by the Ruach of YHWH, they are the b’nai YHWH.”

So what are “gifts” for?....

To help us function....!!!

We started with today’s parashah about :

1.   Keeping Shabbat
2.    Bringing gifts / offerings

Then we looked at

3.    Hearts that were filled ... wisdom chochmah / wisdom / Ruach HaKodesh.

We went to the Brit Chadashah

4.    Shaul layed hands on people and they were filled with the Ruach HaKodesh.

We talked about

5.    Nigguns  ?niggunems

We looked at

6.   “the list of gifts - 1 Corin. 12

Yochanan (John) 14:26 p 770
          “But the Comforter, which is the Ruach Hakodesh, whom the Abba will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.”

Yochanan 16:7-8, 13 p 771
          “Nevertheless I tell you the emet; It is better for you that I go away:  for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if i depart, I will send Him to you. 
8 And when He has come, He will reprove the olam of sin, and of tzedakah, and of mishpat:
13 But when He, the Ruach of Emet has come, He will guid you into all emet: for He shall not speak of Himself: but whatever  He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come in the future.”

---  To HELP us... He is our comforter/ our helper!

I am thinking we could use more HELP. :)  more gifts....

Invitation / prayer


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