Monday, August 1, 2016

Torah Portion Beha'alotcha - The Truth About Cancer Part 1

25 June 2016  ~ 19 Sivan 5776
Torah Parashah Beha’alotcha
B’midbar 8:1-12:16 RSTNE p 113
Handout #1
The Truth About Cancer - Harbour Light Ministries
0 - 52:55  or 1:08:18 ish...

Key takeaway points from the this episode:

-The Flexner Report of 1910 designed medical school curriculum to exclude natural practitioners 
-Studies show that 90% of oncologists wouldn't treat their families with the methods they use on their patients
-Tamoxifen is a known carcinogen
-More than 50% of cancer is medically induced
-90% of patients who undergo chemotherapy die within 5 years
-Chemotherapy stimulates cancer cells, producing more
-Chemotherapy can only kill daughter cells
-Everyone will have secondary effects to chemo
-Big Pharma built concentration camps for slave labor during World War II
-The US Senate declared a conspiracy in cancer treatment in the Fitzgerald Report

Handout - discussion

The modern drug industry originated with the IG Farben company in Nazi Germany. They led in funding Hitler's rise to power. Their drugs and extermination gas made the holocaust and prisoner medical experiments possible. The major pharmaceutical companies of today came from the breakup of IG Farben after the war. The drug industry is all about profit, not helping humanity. The corrupt FDA insures that drug companies are thoroughly protected in their endeavors while at the same time curtailing natural therapies as much as possible. When Codex soon becomes the law of the land ALL natural medicine will be illegal. Prescription drugs kill an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Americans yearly and are one of the leading causes of death. The medical industry together kills 3/4 million people annually. Your chances of dying from modern medicine are 16,000% higher than dying from terrorism.

Nazi drug experiments never ceased. They simply moved to America and expanded worldwide. The H1N1 vaccine is part of that agenda. People must be kept ill with chronic disease for continued profitability. And some population reduction fits in nicely too as long as it doesn't get too obvious for the sheeple to notice. Additional information is provided below. The article below is good except for not mentioning that many "witch doctors" throughout the world DO use the practice of the occult also in their "medicine" which is very dangerous spiritually.

Revelation 9:21 p 916 and
Revelation  18:23 and pages 924 - KJV

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