Friday, October 14, 2016

Torah Portion When You Go Out - The Way Documentary

17 September 2016 - 14 Elul 5776
Torah Parashah - Ki Tetze ~ When you go out
D’barim 21:10 - 25:19  RSTNE p 154
The Way video
Devarim 22:9 - don't mix seed in your fields

Torah Parashah - Ki Tetze ~ When you go out
D’barim 21:10 - 25:19  RSTNE p 154

We know that D’barim is Moshe’s review of what YHUH had already said...  He’s reminding the people...

I want to point out a few things in this parashah:

D’barim 22:5 p 154
“A woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for al that do so are an abomination to YHUH your Alohiym.”

D’barim 23:1 p 155
“He that is wounded in the stones, or has his private member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of YHUH.”

~~ Both of those verses speak to some of our culture’s popular issues.

Then there is:

D’barim 22:9-12 p 154

9 “You shall not sow your vineyard with different zera; lest the fruit of your zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard, be defiled and forfeited.”

-   this verse is about mixing seed....

10 “You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.”

-   again not mixing...

11 “You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, as of wool and linen together.”

-   wool = frequency of 500
-   linen = frequency of 500
-   but together they cancel each other to 0.

Everything has a frequency.. and the healthier it is the higher it is.  Put a higher frequency with a lower one - the lower raises....  this is life giving... we need to wear linen and we need to wear wool... but no point if it is 0. 

Wayiqra (Leviticus) 19:19 p 96
“You shall guard My chukim.  You shall not let your cattle mate with a diverse kind;  you shall not sow your field with mixed zera;  neither shall a garment mixed of linen and wool come upon you.”

D’barim 22:12 “You shall make for yourself tzitzit upon the four corners of your garment, with which you cover yourself.”
         B’midbar (Numbers) 15:37:40 p 119

This parashah seems that Moshe is reminding Yisra’el that YHUH hates mixed. 

D’barim 24:3-4 p 156
“And if the latter husband hates her, and writes her a Get (certificate of divorce), and puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his bayit; or if the latter husband dies, who took her to be his wife;
4 Her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after she is defiled; for that is abomination before YHUH your Alohiym gives you for an inheritance.”

What is the going on here?? 
Why would YHUH make a rule like this? 
I was taught there was no divorce... in Yah’s kingdom...

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3:8  p 350
“And I saw, that for all the reasons which backsliding Yisra’el committed adultery I had put her away , and given her a Get of divorce; yet her perverted sister Yahudah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.”

So right here in Yirmeyahu - YHUH gives Yisra’el a certificate of divorce. 

Who does He divorce?....Yisra’el - not Yahudah!
-   the 10 tribes lost in the wilderness....

and if we go back to D’barim 24:3... who became the second husband of Yisra’el?

-   the pagan gods

So when Yisra’el leaves the pagan gods...

according to that Torah in D’barim 24:3-4...  she can’t come back to YHUH... 

unless the bridegroom dies. 


A documentary made by Luke and Kayte - a husband and wife team...
It was released Aug 14, 2016

The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like the Savior.

They’re holding every church tradition up against scripture and cutting away anything that doesn’t conform. In the process, they encounter resistance from a religious system two millennia in the making, and for the first time, learn what it’s like to be a “peculiar people.”


Q. What questions does the doc explore?

- If Jesus lived a perfect life, why do modern-day Christians live so differently from Him, in everything from our diet to our dress to our holidays and day of worship?

- If God never changes, why is His moral code for modern-day believers different from the one He gave everyone in the Old Testament?

- Why do we see the apostles observing Passover and other biblical festivals that are nowhere to be found in our modern day church?


I want you to know - going in to this...
that many people talk - and nobody “corrects” anything....

I want you to think about the questions and the statements made... and how it all lines up with Torah.

Watch documentary.


Who was the person who really knew their “stuff” ???

Where are we in all of this???



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