Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Giants #4 and Torah Portion Mattot/Massei

Torah Parashah - Mattot/Massei - B’midbar (Numbers) 30:2 (1) - 36:13 p 131
Giants #4 - based on Ryan Pitterson’s Judgment of the Nephilim

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Interesting things happened this week...

1.   Mom’s oxygen concentrator - “packed solid with powder” - no wonder ALL the bipaps wouldn’t work for us but would work in the office (without our concentrator)!  So either they didn’t clean it or a part was so broken down that it was disintegrating... either way - not good!

2.     Vax injured young lady - cat bite - and they told the mom that the daughter could die if she gets tetanus - (tetanus doesn’t come from cat bites)... so knowing that she is so sick - she can’t eat left overs because they will trigger anaphylaxis ... due to the vax injury, knowing she’s had a “Make a wish” trip... knowing that she is in their hospital every week for 8 hours of IV “to save her”... they gave her another vax...  mom thought it was just tetanus  - but they gave her the DPT! And she went into immediate anaphylaxis! And is in ICU fighting to live! 

3.     I’ve listened to others who are very very frustrated with leadership at their work! And some talk about sharing truth - that isn’t even faith based - but health based (so to speak) and nobody wants to even hear.  (that is not true - in that there are some who want to know.)  But the majority - don’t even want to hear ... they fight so hard to hang on to the lies and the broken allopathic system.

It’s like nobody hears!  I’ve been asking YHUH about all of this mess....

Then  - Thursday night I had a DREAM -
giant owl
big cat - everyone thought it was CUTE to have in yard - until it ate someone!  It tried to come in the house (mansion) where I was... and I shut the door and it couldn’t enter.  It was coming to the door... which everyone left open for it.... and I stood in the door way and stared it down... and it was going to eat me and everyone in the mansion....
and I stared and said NO... and shut the door. 

Giants #4

Last week we were talking about what I called, “the set up”...

YHUH had created this amazing world... and hasatan fell... and messed it up... YHUH restored it... and created man and gave the “Prime Directive” 

-    B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 1:28 p 9
“And Alohiym blessed them and Alohiym said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”

Suddenly the fallen one who wanted YHUH’s throne is passed over for the “dominion” of the garden!

Pitterson said that “satan had been the priest in the Garden administering worship to YHUH in a generation before Adam...” and after the rebellion, “he was removed and replaced”!

So let’s look at hasatan’s first attack on man.

We’ve talked about this a lot in the past - and we actually have some differing views than Pitterson and most of the world.. based on the Hebrew - we know that it wasn’t an apple but sex....  but that is another teaching....

Pitterson writes
“The Devil soon conspired with a group of fallen angels to dethrone” YHUH. 
Rev 12:3-4 and Matthew 25:41 talk about this.

Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 6:11-12 p 887
11“Put on the whole armor of YHUH that you maybe be able to stand against the strategies of satan.
12 Because we wrestle not against flesh and dham (blood), but against principalities, against authorities, against the rules of the darkness of this olam, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Principalities, authorities, and rulers are various rankings of angels of the supernatural realm. 

In fact, Ephesians confirms that these beings are waging WAR against the human race! For the purpose of achieving hasatan’s ultimate goal - to rule heaven and earth.  (which would mean he would escape Yah’s ultimate judgment of the Lake of Fire)!

And if we turn back to B’re’shiyt 2... in the Garden... we have Yah telling Adam   - not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

In chapter 3 ...  hasatan - the serpent ---
            Nachash = can mean - snake/ serpent or one who practices of divination. 
            The adjective means “bright”, “brazen” and is itself the base word for other nouns in             Hebrew like “shining brass”.
 comes to Chawah (EVE) and questions if that is REALLY what she should do - avoid that one tree... because if you eat of that tree - “you will become like gods!” -  “You will be able to do your job better!!  You will be more help to Adamh!”

hastan looked good -

2 Corinthians 11:14 p 870
“And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into a malach (angel) of light.”

YHUH created a new race/species of beings...  and put them in His kadosh Garden... and gave them authority to rule and reign... and protect it....

hasatan “responded to this by corrupting them with sin... bringing guilt into their lives  as he had done for himself and his minions.”

With this very first sin - man died - death came in...

Adam and Chua died a spiritual death - they were no longer enjoying open communion with YHUH.  (they hid!)

“The spiritual death of humanity is extremely important aspect of hasatan’s agenda.  Scripture states repeatedly that in sinning the body, through functioning and living is “dead”: 

Ephsiyah 2:1-2 p 883
“And you has He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 In which in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now operates in Torah-breaking children.”

Death is the result of disobedience!

          (Colossians 2:3 and Romans 8:10 also talk about this.)

The human body was made sinless, in the image of Yah, was corrupted and died spiritually. 
From this point on - Adam is changed.

“This goes to the heart of hasatan’s plan with the Nephilim. 
The giants were a tool to change and corrupt the very human body and spirit to prevent us from bringing forth YHUH’s will and our ultimate redemption.”

Then animals were sacrificed so Adam and Chua had clothes!  (first sin sacrifice.)

“The war between YHUH and hasatan took on a new dimension.  The newly-created race of humans was then involved and had the choice to walk in godly faith or fall into sinful disobedience.  Hasatan’s wicked instigation of the Fall, however, was not over looked. 

In punishing hasatan, Yah responded with a prophecy that would forever change the course of history.”

B’re’shiyt (Genesis 3:14-15 p

The author states that “ This was the ultimate prophecy.  In punishing satan, YHUH announced that He would not only have ‘enmity’ or be at war with women, but that ‘the seed of the woman’ would one day bruise his (hasatan’s) head.” 

side note = I don’t think this is just about woman - but MAN because hasatan attacks us all.

“This was a prophecy of satan’s defeat.”  :)

From this point forward - hasatan knows his means of destruction.
-    the seed of a woman... a child. 

“From the moment he heard Yah’s pronouncement in the Garden to the birth of Messiah, hasatan, the dragon was watching and scheming ways to destroy the Messiah - confirming that he took Yah’s prophecy seriously.  ...  By the 3rd chapter of Genesis, human marriage and genetics were critical to the fate of creation as the prophecy’s fulfillment hinged on a future Messiah born from a woman.”

You know when I read it like this - there is a lot more drama and intensity than if I just read it like I have a gazillion times!

During the ancient era of history, “heavenly beings interacted openly with humans.”

When hasatan approached Chua and Adam in the garden - they weren’t afraid!

Think about that... because later - when angels showed up - like with Daniel - they are always saying ... “Fear not!”

When YHUH banished Chua and Adam from the Garden (the Temple)...
another being showed up....

The Cherubim...

B’re’shiyt 3: 21-24 p

In 2 Kings 19:15 p
... we see that Yah’s throne was in the midst of the cherubim. 

Ezekiel 10:1-5; 15 p
reports the same.

“Note that “coals of fire” sit close to the throne of Yah.  Before his fall, hasatan was in “the midst of the stones of fire” among those same cherubim, which underscores his preeminent position before his descent into sinful rebellion.”

“Cherubim are very important heavenly beings.  They are mentioned more than 70 times” in the Word.

In B’re’shiyt 3, YHUH  places several of these creatures in the Garden of Eden to guard the  path that leads to the Tree of Life. 

The important point for us is that “the heavenly realm beings were on Earth openly communicating and interacting with humans.” 

YHUH appeared and spoke to Adam and Chua in person.

Hasatan spoke with and had relations with Chua and Adam.... and he stood with Adam and Chua as Yah  pronounced their judgements!

“Cherubim served as guards in the Garden and a supernatural fiery sword with the power to swing on its own, was positioned to guard the path to the Tree of Life.”

“This was the state of the world before the flood! 
Thus, based on a literal reading of the Word it is quite conceivable that a fallen angelic being could interact with a human for evil purposes.

“This is important to keep in mind as we move on:  The antediluvian world was a mixture of the natural (from a human perspective) and the supernatural.  And Eden was the central place from which YHUH and heavenly beings communed with humanity and ruled.”

So Adam and Chua are thrown out of the Temple/ garden... - spiritually dead to sin, and sentenced to hard labor for the food they eat!...
BUT there is much hope....

“A seed” would one day conquer the satan the very one who seduced MAN into sinning in the first place!!

Upon hearing the Prophecy, Adam named his wife “The Mother of all living”....

          now we know this is a curious thing... 

But she’s already carrying one child and another will be added to that pregnancy very soon if not already.

“By the end of Genesis 3 man was banished from the Garden of Eden, spiritually dead from sin, and sentenced to hard labor - tilling a cursed, unfruitful soil until his inevitable physical death.  BUT there was hope!”

Yah in His mercy promised a “seed” who would conquer the hasatan - the one who stole the “in charge” job from MAN...  who had  seduced them into all the mess in the first place.

hasatan, “after hearing of his impending defeat, began working feverishly to undo Yah’s plan of judgment and redemption - by any means possible. 

Interesting that the prophecy predicted his demise,  it also predicted he would have his own “seed” and these two lineages - would wage war.

So this means there was an avenue through which hasatan could wage the war.


So let’s talk about seed and review... from - What Really Happened in Eden?”

Gen 3:13 “and the serpent beguiled/ deceived me.”

 Of great note here is the term “deceived”/ “beguiled”
To consider the original language used here for his term…
            use king James and Strong’s ….

            Strong’s - Nasha - “beguiled , deceived…. Primitive root: to lead astray, that is mentally, to. Delude, or seduce.

In Concordant Interlinear:

            “lured” me
In Paleo Hebrew

“Possible translations meaning of the word… “deceived”  = “behold, consume, create authority, with the seed create”

“In other words, it appears that Satan invited Eve to “partake of me and create authority with my seed,” which , as he was a heavenly being- literally an elohim - this connects what with his statement to her that if she consumed the “fruit”, she would be as an elohim.”

(At this point the author goes to great length to explain that “the Masoretic Text is the authoritative Hebrew text  of the Jewish Bible regarded almost  universally as the official version of the Tanakh.”   BUT we know it was monked with!)

Gen 3:13 in Hebrew interlinear - “nachash eshiani” = the serpent he lured me and I am eating”

“Eshia ni” = hey - shin - yod - aleph - nun - yod

Author says “examining this in Paleo Hebrew form ... we see the following...”.
P 113

Hey = look, see
Shin = eat
Yod = hand/ make/ worship
Aleph = power, authority
nun = seed
Yod = hand/ make/ worship

So the possible translation or meaning of the word ESHIA NI  in Paleo Hebrew =
“Behold, consume, create authority, with the seed create.”

In other words, it appears that satan invited Eve to “partake of me and create authority with my seed” which as he was a heavenly being - literally an elohim - this connects with his statement to her that if she consumed the “fruit” she would be as an elohim.

Gen 3:14 - Nachash is cursed…

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between YOUR SEED and HER SEED; He will bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

Realizing from the rest of the Scriptures that the serpent is indeed, Satan, it is interesting that YHUH states that Satan will have literal seed, offspring.

the word in the text is “zerah” literally meaning sperm. Gen 3:15

In the next few verses it becomes clear….
“He said to the woman, I will greatly increase your sorrow and your conception; you shall bear sons in sorrow, and your desire shall be toward your husband; and he shall rule over you.”  Gen 3:16

Note the literal rendering of YHUH’s statement to the woman that he would increase her conception. 
What conception? 
Adam had not yet lain with her until chapter 4 so what is conceived that YHUH will multiply? 

Concordant Interlinear: YHUH says “I am INCREASING” THE GRIEF OF YOU AND PREGNANCY OF YOU. In grief you shall give birth to sons.” 

(Janet - so she already had sorrow AND CONCEPTION...!! ?!!)

This is disturbingly clear.

Eve had been impregnated by the serpent, which obviously displeased YHUH and in response He says that he will increase or multiply the pregnancy.

Eve’s pregnancy would be multiplied by an additional embryo being fertilized in the womb. This is exactly what YHUH intends to do as indicated by the latter part of his statement “You shall give birth sons.”  Hebrew interlinear doesn’t say in 3:16 “children” - it says “sons.

Indeed we know from chapter 4 that after the expulsion from Eden, Adam had intercourse with Eve and she later gave birth to two sons, Cain and Abel.

P 119
Gen 4:1-2
“And the man knew his wife Eve/
and she conceived (again)/
 and bore Cain/
 and said, I have gotten a man with the help of YHUH./
 And she continued to bear his brother, Abel.” LITV

The literal translation says that she “continued to bear his brother, Abel. ?

“Immediately after YHUH pronounced the curses Adam calls his wife “the mother of all life.”

Why would Adam use that term “mother” if she hadn’t indeed just become one? 

We see clearly from the text, that Adam did not inseminate his wife until after the  expulsion  from the Garden, yet in cursing her, YHUH said he would increase her pregnancy.

3:16 I am increasing grief of you and pregnancy of you.

What pregnancy?  The one that the serpent initiated by seducing and inseminating her.

At Gen 4:1, Adam now has full understanding what has occurred and what YHUH intends to do about it though him. 
He has intercourse with his pregnant wife, impregnating her again. 

Can a woman become pregnant simultaneously or in close proximity of time by two different partners?
            dizygotic (fraternal) twins arise from different eggs and sperm. 

            A dizygotic pregnancy does not always result from the same act of sexual intercourse, which means it is theoretically possible for dizygotic twins (as well as triplets and other higher-order pregnancies) to have different fathers.  (Swierzewski, 2000).

Superfecundation describes a situation where the eggs are fertilized by sperm from separate incidences of sexual intercourse.
            Heteropaternal Superfecundation - sex with different partners resulting in children who are fraternal twins with different fathers- during the same menstrual cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse


So let’s talk about Cain...

The author - Pitterson - has no idea of what we just talked about that Cain is really the seed of hasatan...but he does explain some things about Cain’s life....

Remember the offering conflict in Genesis 4:3-5...

Hebrews 11:4 also talks about this...

“Cain’s offering of crops represented the work of his own hands and was a product of the very soil that Yah had cursed in the Garden.”

Cain would have known about the history in the garden...

He chose not to serve YHUH.

Genesis 4:8
Cain kills his brother Abel

I John 3:11-12

Cain was the seed of hasatan - and he was trying to wipe out the man who “might” be the Messiah!

So then what happens?

YHUH geographically separated hasatan’s seed from the children of Yah.

B’re’shiyt (Genesis 4:11-16

Cain had the audacity to lie to YHUH about his brother’s whereabouts.

And as He had done with Adam and Chua, YHUH banished the guilty from among His place.

“Cain showed no remorse or repentance for his crimes.  His only concern was for his own safety.  Though many assume Cain feared ONLY HUMANS seeking to avenge Abel’s death, the Scriptures up to this point describe angels on earth - certainly in the case of the cherubim and flaming sword in Eden . 

Genesis 4:13 p

the author states that....
“His heart was far removed from Yah and thus his lineage would not be permitted to interact with and bring their sinful influence to Adam and Chua’s other children.”

but it wasn’t just his heart - he was the SEED of hasatan. 

B’re’shiyt 4:25-26 p

hasatan had taken out one seed of Man  that could have been the Messiah...

Chua was aware of the prophecy... and knew that Seth was going to replace Abel as the continuation of the godly bloodline leading to the prophesied Seed of the Woman. 

Hence Seth’s name in Hebrew means “compensation”. 

Though Abel died, Chua was compensated by her third son who was “another seed instead of Abel”  (Gen 4:25). 

Seth begat Enos, which coincide with a spiritual revival.  Faithful men of Yah were growing in number.  This would lead to another turn in the battle....

The Daughters of Men - growth of the human population

We know the story of the list of the names of the guys in Genesis 5 - that the names actually mean - “The blessed YHUH will come down and His death will bring the restoring rest and sacrifice.” 

But it also says... 

Genesis 5:3-5 p

“and he begat sons and daughters....”

This is the first time Scripture talks about the birth of daughters!
(although there had to be many from Adam and Chua)

“The Bible never tells us how old Adam and Chua were when Cain and Abel were born. 
All we can discern from Scripture is that they were born before Adam was 130 years old (when he begat Seth).  So by the time Yah banished Cain it is very easy to see that over time, it would “come to pass” (to use Cain’s own words) that he would have siblings who would have their own children.  Thus, the human population grew at a rate that would allow Cain to find a wife!”

The Importance of YHUH’s Prime Directive - Be Fruitful and Multiply

So... a line of Godly men were born and having many children.  hasatan’s direct approach of using one sibling to kill another or trying to corrupt one male child at a time was no longer effective because of the number of families in the Messianic lineage was growing exponentially.

With all the newborn males among Adam’s descendants, the “potential messiahs” were numerous, and Cain, hasatan’s seed was geographically banished from the godly land.

So this Prime Directive - was, in part, a counter attack to hasatan’s plan!

So... that means - since they were being fruitful and multiplying... it was going to take hasatan a MASSIVE large scale attack... to ruin humanity and stop the promised Redeemer.

This development was the backdrop for the invasion of the fallen angels who would be the fathers of the Nephilim.

Enter the Sons of God

B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 6:1-5 p

This is a passage - that causes a lot of people to ignore... and also brings a lot of debate!
“Genesis 6 details the greatest threat to human existence and the birth of Messiah:  The Corruption of the Human Genetic Code Through the Nephilim.”

The author writes...
“The question of WHEN angels had relations with human women is critical for understanding YHUH’s judgment in the flood.”

“Many assume the Nephilim appeared during the life of Noah, most likely because of Matthew 24:37 (“As in the days of Noah.”) 

“That verse, however, described the peak of the violence and damage the Nephilim caused, NOT its beginning.”

“It was during the life of Adam not during the life of Noah when men began to multiply and give born to the women whom the songs of God in Genesis 6 would seduce.”

Genesis 5:4  p

“The first daughters on Earth were born to Adam and Chua.  They were sisters of Cain, Abel and Seth. 
This  took place centuries before the days of Noah.
The timeline of Adam’s descendants of Genesis 5 tells us that Adam, who died at 930 years, lived to see SEVEN generations

“In fact Adam was alive for more than 50 years of the life of Lamech. Noah’s father. With the extended lifespans of the pre-Flood world - a husband and wife could conceive dozens of children, allowing for rapid population expansion.”

This was the same period that Cain committed the first murder and was banished.

Genesis 4:3

Genesis 4:14

Genesis 6:1

We aren’t told how old Cain was when he murdered Abel.

(although there are some theories that this was a certain offering of coming of age - but this author doesn’t talk about that.)

“But, Cain was well aware that there were other people on Earth besides just him and his parents - namely his siblings, nieces and nephews who could come looking for him to avenge Abel’s death. 

Isn’t this interesting - because at this point - B’midbar hadn’t been written of course - and the Torah parashah today is about the safe cities....

The phrase “come to pass” refers to the days of Adam and Cain, not to the days of Noah.

This is the time period when daughters were first born to men.  Thus, when Genesis 6:4 speaks of giants “in those days and after that”  it is referring to the days of the daughters born to Adam all the way forward to the time of Noah.

Many assume  “and after that” refers to the time before and after the flood, but that conclusion overlooks both the timing established in Genesis 6:1 and the grammatical and textual fact that the Flood had not yet been mentioned.

Thus the “that” in “after that” - could not be a reference to the Flood. 

No angels took women as wives AFTER the flood. But several generations BEFORE the flood, the indeed partook of this illicit relationship.


Genesis 6:2
Were the “sons of God” really angels?

Genesis 6:2  p

The Hebrew word for “sons of god”  - B’nai ha Alohiym - a term used in Scripture exclusively of heavenly beings.

The offspring of these mysterious sons of God and daughters of men were “mighty men” of “renown”.

They were also “giants” (Gen 6:4)

something in their genetic make up rendered the children born of this union larger and more powerful than average humans -

-and that “something” was their fallen angelic parentage.

Looking at the term Alohiym (Elohim in most writing)  - Dr Michael S Heiser, PhD in Hebrew and Semitic studies writes:

“All beings called Elohim in the Hebrew Bible share a certain characteristic:  they all inhabit the non- human realm.

by nature, Elohim are not part of the world of humankind, the world of ordinary embodiment.

Elohim - as a term - indicates residence, not a set of attributes;  it identifies the proper domain of the entity it describes.

YHUH, the lesser gods of His council, angels, demons and the disembodied dead all inhabit the spiritual world. 

They may cross over into the human world - as the Bible informs us - and certain humans may be transported to the non-human realm (eg prophets, Enoch)  But the proper domains of each are two separate  and distinct places.
          (The Divine Council, by Dr Michael Heiser)

Scripture confirms the Sons of God were angels  
(p 37 in text)

Iyov (Job) 1:6-7 p 567
Now there was a day when the sons of Elohim (God) came to present themselves before YHUH and hasatan came also among them.
And YHUH said to hasatan From where are you coming?  Then hasatan answered YHUH and said, From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”

“This passage details God’s literal meeting with the sons of God in Heaven.  This is, to use a term popularized by Dr Heiser, a “Divine Council” in which God presides over an assembly of holy and fallen angels to discuss worldly affairs, grant permission to carry out certain actions in the human realm, or assign various tasks.”

Iyov (Job) 2:1 p 567
describes a another Divine Council
“Again there was  a day when the sons of Elohim came to present themselves before YHUH and hasatan came also among them to present himself before YHUH.”

These are not meetings with men!

Iyov 38: 4-7 p 583

The sons of God were not only in the presence of YHUH but existed even before the earth itself was created. 
Every use of the term b’nai ha Elohiym in the Tanakh (OT) refers to angelic beings.  The use of the phrase in the Brit Chadashah (NT) (GREEK) has THE SAME MEANING.

But... what about...
Alef Yochanan ( I John) 3:1-2 p 832
  “we are sons of God”...

After we die - or enter the New Heaven and the New Earth - then we will be “sons of YHUH” in this manner. 

“So in all contexts the erm “sons of God” is clearly referring to angels.  The notion of angels’ taking human wives poses a big hurdle for many.  But we should never fear a literal reading of the Word of Yah, which is our foundation.  Within this context,one ought leave behind whatever presuppositions he may bring to the bible and let the text and its corresponding passages speak for themselves.  Angels from Heaven married human women and produced children with them.”

Angels Lusted For Human Women

Genesis 6:2 

The book of Jude provides one of a handful of principal passages on the angelic seduction of human women and birth of Nephilim:

Yahudah (Jude) 1:6-7 p 837

Sinful lust led the once - holy sons of God to leave their heavenly position in service to YHUH and enter the earthly realm to interact directly with humanity and take human wives. 

The passage in Jude likens the desire for “strange flesh” to the homosexual fornication of Sodom and Gomorrah (interestingly, the men of Sodom also wanted to have intimate relations with angels)  Genesis 19:5.

2 Peter 2: 4-6  p 40 is the second principal passage that describes the angelic-human illicit relations?

p 41 in text

Shabbat shalom!!

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