Friday, August 28, 2020

Technology is Ideology - Equipping the Beast

Technology is ideology – The second part of Brad Scott’s “Equipping The Beast” teaching.

Devarim 11:26 p 147

 “See I set before you this day a blessing and a curse….”


The state of our world today feels heavy…but what I am thankful for in it – is that YHUH is waking up His people and that His people are turning to His Word and digging in!

 Last week I referenced a brain book by Timothy R Jennings MD

And in that book, he kept using Scripture from The Remedy…  a “translation” he did…. And it makes things clearer related to healing hearts…I am not saying He has it all figured out… but His take on Matthew 5 really landed deeply in me… with joy!


Matthew 5:1-16   From The Remedy

5:13 You are like salt to humanity:

          Preserving the knowledge of God,

          Providing the flavor of heaven,

          And increasing the thirst for God….

5:14 You are beacons of light in a world of darkness

5:16. Be like that!!


Technology is Ideology

Brad opens with a tough statement…

“In Ephesians, we are commanded by Yah to prepare/equip the saints.. and many times we have been equipping the first beast from the sea.”

Gilyahna (Revelation)  13:1

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns…”

Gilyahna 13:11

“And I looked and another beast came up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.

12 And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the olam (world) and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”


In late 80s - early 90s most people didn’t have computers and didn’t use the words about computers/ screens.

They thought “the beast” referred to a 3 story building in Belgium...the home of a computer -  

It was the beast because it could number every person in the world. 

Then the 3 W’s... and that was related to the number 666.

Then came the changes in prophetic outlook because of the rise of Islam. Then everything shifted...

Brad said that he believed that “computers/internet /mass communication highway is much greater - more invasive in our lives now than then (late 80s early 90s).”


Let’s talk about the computer:

Origin of computer starts long before what we have today.

In fact, its concept was since before Yahusha... and that is an abacus!

The origin of the abacus is unknown. 

It was used in the near east for calculating and remembering numbers, especially for business transactions.

Some believe it comes from...Greek word ABAX

In Hebrew – it’s ---  aleph bet kuf

And means -  to roll something around in the dust =

Like in Gen 2  - Jacob is WRESTLING ...  It’s the same word - aleph bet kuf. 

So an abacus - many believe this is the beginning of the  modern day computer.

Rows of ten beads... each represent a digit...  

 ones - tens- hundreds - thousands...  

Brad says the “Hardware of the internet is computers.”

Genesis 6:5

“And Alohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually.”

This verse prophesied - the “THOUGHTS”  of the hearts of the people... THOUGHTS  is the same word as the Hebrew word used for computers today.

 Because they are thinking/calculating machines.



Charles Babbage is said to be the grandfather of computer.

 In 1791 he did math calculations with a computer.       

But it was an analogue computer.  

An analogue machine is mechanical and is comparative 

A digital machine is about input and output.

As far as the first computers - no one person can be given the title of inventing computing.

Conrad Zeus and Alan Turing  -  developed a computer during World War II to calculate military strategies based on math.

They were Analogue computers - algorithms.

The internet started out with whatever the output was - is based on what the input was.

The purpose of the computer was to store info and combine it and then spit it out.

How do they work?...

Computer codes - binary system =a two number system. 

We learned from the introduction that this binary system – has now returned the world to ONE LANGUAGE!

Now computers work with transistors.

This is where Brad’s work starts to get a lot more interesting….

Today computers are digital. 

And Brad said they are “based on urim and thummim

          And he went on to say….

“The first universities were modeled from URIM and THUMMIM.... and high priest breast plate of lights.”

Sh’mot (Exodus) 28:30 RSTNE p 70

          “and you shall put on the breastplate of mishpat the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aharon’s leb (heart), when he goes in before YHUH:  and Aharon shall bear the mishpat of the children of Yisra’el upon his leb before YHUH continually.”

 URIM and Thummim = mean LIGHTS, and COMPLETIONS!

They were tucked inside the garments, under the breastplate of the 12 stones.

So what this means is that the STONES – were LIGHTS on the The High Priest’s breast plate!

And the decisions – the judgments  that he was in charge of – were made...based on the lights of the stones of breastplate.

          Brad also gives a picture that the 12 stones were not in a square or rectangle, like we have understood – but were round – like an analogue clock… and the stones lit up – with light!

          To me it is almost like the Urim and the Thummim are batteries – stones that gave off magnetic energy… for the front – the 12 stones, to work.

 You can go to the Jewish virtual library – and read about Urim and Thummim...

And you will find that they are also related to casting of lots.

         These stones give “yes or no” answers to judgments.

Brad said

“This seems primitive - but in reality – this is the pattern by which the abacus was brought into existence.....  and everyone agrees abacus was basis for first analogue computer.  


Going back to the one language and computers:

Every number that exists is a combination  of the numbers  0-9. 

          We know that.  That part is simple.

In binary code – “every letter and word is a combination of two numbers.  -  0 and 1.” 

And - every number can be done with “light on” or  “light off”.   

So they are a code..  – “light on” and “light off”.

And then Brad just threw in 

- “and basically you are getting information from energized stone, because that is what silicone chips are all about.”  

Brad sums this up with, “So really, the breast plate of High Priest is like an abacus – and is the analogue computer framework.”



I have so many questions about the breast plate of the High Priest!

I am seeing more and more that we are not getting smarter- we may have technology – but …. !

Let’s talk more about the Internet:

Origin of the Internet 

Technology has always had the same purpose - the dissemination of information - telegraph, telephone, computer.

1962 The internet was called The Galactic Network

1966 it was called - The Arpa Net –(the  Advanced Research Project Network)

The first message ever sent on it was supposed to be “LOGIN”

 And only got LO out before it shut down! 

In Hebrew, LO means NO.  Ha ha!!! J

All of that has now led to today -  2019/2020

Where there is over 30 billion devices in world. 

Population is 7.4 billion people.....  and there are still some who don’t have a device....  but many have multiple.

The IDEA of the internet is  - “technology is good and more would be better.”  

But we must understand…

Technology is not neutral !

 It is not absent of general bias or political bias.

Technology is belief systems - all political and religious!”

Technology comes from religious systems...

Bio with tech - from Sarkar ( a guy from India) – is the one who started the neo- humanistic movement in USA.

This is the background for the program “2045”

= Neo humanist belief is that everything  in the world should be one - united.

“Everything in the world needs to be united with the humans in order for there to be peace.” 

(John Lennon should come to mind here.)

23:11 in teaching - It sounds good that  - “We all should be one and at peace.”


Bio and tech mix comes from new humanism

New Humanism says -  all of history was divided into four different revolutions.

Alvin Toffler came along a bit later  and wrote the book Future Shock – said the same thing, just with different terms.

Toffler said there were four different waves.

1.    Neolithc revolution – cave man  -

(Of course we know this is a mess!)

2.    Agricultural revolution – mankind leaving cave man -to making tools and planting and harvesting


Brad adds -  “Man starts to get demonized.”

In between numbers 2 agricultural  and 3  Industrial  - is a “spiritual wave”–

This is where they talk about - Buddha and Christ and Mohammad (also a mess)

AND IN the Industrial revolution – came the  Information Revolution…

4.     Mass transformation of consciousness

The Beautiful Side of Evil = a book about what popular thinking was, and will be again.  That evil looks so good…. 

     I had a client once who dated the lead singer of the Grateful Dead… and she said “It is the beautiful side of evil.”  And went on to explain that there are two paths… and the evil one looks so attractive… but if people knew where that road led – they would never ever even consider it!!  It looks so good… but it is deception!

This  - Mass Transformation of Consciousness –  transforms our minds to set us up to be able to take or accept something that we THINK is good for us – not bad for us… BUT IS BAD Ultimately pure evil

This started at Gan Eden.

So how do we live?

We have to understand that

 “Digital output is the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

“The internet – the information super highway – doesn’t contain any deep engagement with respect to sharing information. 

There is no ability to apply or retain the information from digital.” 

And Brad went on to say there is “No cognitive ability in our kids today!”

When you read on a screen (digital) your brain doesn’t work the same  as it works when you read from a book (analogue), and you can’t retain the information nearly as well from the screen, because of the way the brain is working.

And he went on to add  that people are “losing memory earlier” than ever before! And he believes it is from lack of use because of computers and digital output.

I see his point and agree – but that cannot be the only reason for memory loss or my great grandmother would not have had an issue!

Alvin Toffler – the guy who wrote Future Shock said that - “Information was going to come too fast and we’d have ‘information overload’ and then taking care of each other would go by the way side because that can’t be accomplished by computers and data output.”

But Toffler must have known more about the way digital thinking changes your brain and how screens create the “ME- oriented” person….

Brad said –

“The whole internet system working together is making sure that we are all living in our own little design bubbles…getting mankind away from the great outdoors…. Out of the red states and corral all the people in the blue states and big coastal cities…. 

Everything you need to do you can do on your phone on your chair and have whatever you want… everything delivered – so you don’t have to go anywhere…

And then you get people scared to death and into big cities…  and stop the congregating of people.

Fear, terrorist attacks ….

And you get people out of the country and out of ability to drive fossil fuel car – away from a scene and get them in cities…and do that by (listen to this) -  building bike paths and nice things… and get them where they don’t have to go anywhere… (it’s all right there)

In their little bubble….

Once you get them in their little bubble – it develops a ME concept… ‘all about ME.’

Devices all designed for ME. 

Customize all it can do for me, and my immediate needs.

They gather us together in one place – and all we need – get on phone – so all turn into ME focused.”

Gathered together – in one place – not growing our own food but depending on the system for everything.

And then we get together and people spend most of their together time – on their phones.

People we know actually sat in a room – while on vacation – and texted each other and posted things on social media – instead of talking!

And we know that is not talking – that is putting some opinion out there and and not wanting to know what the other person thinks!

These same people can’t think for themselves and are buying the whole narrative that CNN and Zukerberg and Bill Gates is happy to give them… and they BELIEVE it!



The story of Esau is something to consider!

Think of Esau – you know, Jacob’s brother…

And we know this is a great example of how the Word works..

          It’s about many levels.

Esau  - not just the person one level -and  also the people who come from the loins of Esau —

-     But a TYPE of man …  who is willing to give up his birth right.  

Esau and this TYPE of person says…

“My eternal relationship with my Father takes a back seat to my immediate needs!”

And in this world….

Once there is only ONE source for all my immediate needs –

-     then all the bad guy has to do is threaten to remove that source and you will do anything.

The old James Bond movies’ – focus is to take over the world….

-The internet is like that – a big world which the wealthy and elite buy these huge portions of land so can build or plant on that land…..  

This is how they take things over!

An example of this is  – is things coming up on the phone…based on what I enter in to the internet….

AND if my beliefs are different than their system –

-      they will put up things that expose me to their ideology and

-      if I’m not careful I will be soon swaying to their side….


The Thinking process difference between analog and digital.

Most of us trained in analog – but not most of the last generation –

-     current generation has a = digital point of view

And this is why things seem so crazy! 

And it isn’t just – well the older generation doesn’t get it.  It’s because the current generation – for the first time in the history of the world – have brains that work differently, based on the screens!

Analog clock – can have more variables -so you have to calibrate the clock…. You can see the time but it has variables. 

Digital it is believed – is much more accurate -  because they don’t have the variables.      - How crazy is this?!!

People that spend a lot of time on screens - believe that digital is more accurate.

But lately -  a lot of people are learning it is not!! J

Lots of people are starting to wake up!

There are TED talks that plead with humanity to return to analog.

Brad’s point – digital thinking becomes part of our thinking process in this generation – and the next gen is trained in digital… no more analyzing – just whatever Siri says.

Sometimes when Brad would go somewhere and teach he would ask the kids – “What’s the difference between socialism and communism?”

He said…immediately the kids would pull out their phones and google it…. And then read the answer from the phone….  Which is “both economic systems that support equality and the elimination of social classes.” 

Brad said – “that was the digital output on the cell phone!…. Now if you are young person with a head full of mush…no wonder you want this! But that answer isn’t true!”

Book = analog thinking

Cell phone= digital thinking.

Analog allows you to precisely compare and contrast.  You don’t have to fit it into a prepackaged parameter… just on reality as it exists.  Rather than fitting into a digital mold.  It compares to other things.

Therefore you can understand that which you do not see, based upon what you can see!

But this is not true of digital!

A similitude of analog:

Hosea 12:10 - I spoke to my prophets in many dreams and parables.

– This is how Yah teaches!… Parables are not about off/on. Or true not true!  But with more variables going on….

In digital thinking -  things are good or bad, right or wrong.

But Torah (the whole Bible) does not teach that way!

In the Bible - 

There is a difference between :

1.    your choice of rest - and – YHUH’s  way of resting…

2.    Or -  their holidays -vs- what HE wants us to celebrate!

3.    His way to eat -vs- their way to eat. 

4.    His way to treat mankind -vs- their way to treat mankind. 

This is analog thinking.

 But then there is digital thinking

When digital thinking people see other people dressed a certain way – they assume -  “bad guy”….

“If I figured out what is right, that means everything that disagrees with it is wrong.

Brad said that is not Biblical thinking. 

That is digital thinking: the light is on or the light is off. 

So if a person sees that you are for the current president – that means you are against them. 

That’s digital thinking.

Analog thinking provides unlimited states of possibilities

And makes a distinction between things as conditions vary.

Analog thinking teaches you to ask:  “What does your gut tell you? Because this situation doesn’t seem right.

Digital thinking creates a bias toward relentless change!

 – Every thought – all the thought processes are always forward progress, constantly moving forward, and quickly, and everything has to change. 

Everything is new all the time. 

Only data is important. 

Information is seen as “go or no go,”  “yes and no.”


In digital conversation of a baseball game, the discussion is - who won and the score.

An analog conversation of the same game – gives who won and the score AND some of the reasons why.  There would be a conversation and analysis.

Besides these differences….  Information can be manipulated – especially if it is digital!


In digital thinking – you are pro government or anti government

You are racist or not a racist

Good or bad.

Conversations are based on sound bites with no consequences!

That’s a screen culture!

In real life with people – there are consequences to what I do!

But today - I can put all sorts of things on social media and there is no consequences.

If fact, one can post a “rant” – say whatever one’s opinion is…. And say it was just a rant and nobody is allowed to comment or discuss, or especially – challenge the rant… and hold the person accountable! And the one who put it out there – doesn’t have to hear another’s counter.

We can all think whatever we want…without questions.

 Your option is no better than another person’s.

 “I don’t need God to be moral.


People are constantly staring at digital screens….

So  they are connected to everything ...

This means - business life takes over personal life

 and there is little to no human contact.


Epigenetics = two Greek words so they come from the scriptures.

Epi = upon and

Genetics = genes

= upon your genes


The Greek word

Genos = birth, fruit, generations, offspring, to bare, to conceive, …

The physical stock that a person comes from.

 Until recently we’ve always known that your physical traits and all of your body and your health were information contained in chromosomes and the genes carry the hereditary information. that produces the various parts of body. 23 chromosomes from each parent…

(over simplification)

But we can say this… we know that:

Genes in body carry information.

We get genetic structure from parents but since there is such a thing as Epi-genetics…. We can turn on and turn off information to each part of your body by a lot of things..

-      Like internet – binary system… turn off or turn on lights.

Sometimes when there is a hardware problem the light doesn’t go on or visa-versa

But now we know about EPI genetics…. 

It was assumed all genetic information were just facts

… but now we know that a lot of the problems…are EPI related are the  influences we are exposed to -  outside genetic structure and change the genes.. turn on or turn off….

Outside influences – things eat, exposed to, see, hear,

Your environment can change genetic structure. 

What controls our genes through nature and nurture. DNA sequences do not just change but environment can modify the information in the genes so that eventually gets translated into daughter cells and gets passed down.

Nurture = everything that occurs through out the lifespan.. exposure/experience/activity etc.…

Nurture can reshape the nature.

Staring at screens all our life… makes a difference….

That can cause your genes to turn off or turn on.

BUT the negative can be reversed. J

Our environment can effect our genetics… which makes each of us more unique.

 Genetic determinism = everything we think they are is genetic.

“The universe is just matter.”  Is an old lie….

And it is not just genetics either!

This entire series is based on this Scripture… the Bible doesn’t say that you and I are equipping the beast….  

“He gave some to be prophets and apostles…”

Five fold ministry – the body is designed to be in an environment that is conducive for producing a healthy body!

Not just individually but also the body of Messiah. 

Through time we have been creating an environment that is destructive to us and generations to come… and we have been creating an atmosphere that is equipping the beast! 

Equipping = cartizmos – to repair a bone.

We are in a time of restoration….

Psalm 11:3. If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?

 Foundations = shin tav tav =

Psalm 8:2 out of the mouths … have you ordained strength.

Ordained = found it

Hebrews 11:3 “framed” – cartizmos – strengthened, founded by the Word

Ephesians 4 is basically saying yes we know things got messed up…that your genes got messed up and through all this chaos and corruption things got messed up.  But we are telling you through the Word of Alohiym these things can be reversed because  we are going to change the environment, we are going to change the atmosphere that is going to be conducive to change the body of the saints!

Matthew 4:21 mending / repairing their nets.

Psalm 40:6-8 sacrifice and offering you did not desire

But literally in the Hebrew it says –

“My ears you have opened, burnt offering and sin offering you have not required, then said I lo I come in the body of the book that is written of me.  I delight to do your will.”

“My ears you have opened” – something plugged up something that would not understand is now repaired and restored.  So it is not a contradiction that in the Septuagint where it says “a sacrifice and offering you would not, but a body have you prepared me”…. Cartizo-  = “prepared”.

Ephesians 4 – purpose is for the completing of the saints … that we be no more “tossed to and fro”

Speaking the truth in love…. = creating an atmosphere that is going to reverse what is happening to the body of Messiah. = HOPE.

When this happens… the fulfillment – then and only then will the words sealed up in the book of Daniel that we will know the order and events of the end time events.

Brad thinks that the body of Messiah will be complete when our understanding of the prophecy is clear.

He doesn’t mention The Revealed Book of Daniel.

          And that it has been discovered that the book of Daniel – reads perfectly in Hebrew – backwards – without one change… and it is all about the second coming of Messiah Yahusha!

5:13 You are like salt to humanity:

          Preserving the knowledge of God,

          Providing the flavor of heaven,

          And increasing the thirst for God….

5:14 You are beacons of light in a world of darkness

5:16. Be like that!

Sh’ma Yisra’el.

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