Monday, March 11, 2024

The Ten Campsites of Israel

The Ten Campsites of Israel

Introduction to the Covenant of Vocation

A rocky cliff area next to blue ocean, waves are crashing on the base of the cliff and rocks. Text overlay reads: Being human is about taking responsibility for creation and worshipping the Creator

Torah Parashah Beshalach – When (He) Let Go

Sh’mot / Exodus 13:17 – 17:61  RSTNE p 58


Moshe has just been given permission for Isra’el to leave Goshen/ Egypt.

 The slaves were being set free…

 According to

Numbers 33:5

“And the children of Israel moved from Raamses and camped in Sukkot.”

Then they stopped by and picked up Joseph’s bones.


They went on to what we know as

The 1st campsite: Sukkot

Not much is said about this site.

Campsite #2 Etham

Ex. 13:20

“And they took their journey from Sukkot, and encamped

in Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.”

Before we talk much about Etham,

Let’s read

Rev 18:1-4 p 924


Again verse 4:

4”And I heard another voice from the heavens, saying, Come out of her, My people -Ami, that you be not partakers of her sins, so that you receive not of her plagues.”

Over and over again throughout Scripture –

YHUH calls us to “come out of her”.

To come out of IDOLATRY.



Remember, Brad Scott taught us that

Being Human was to do things of Yahuah.

Our “main task is to be His image-bearer. 

Reflecting the Creator’s wise stewardship into the world

And reflecting the praises of all creation back to its maker.” (N.T. Wright)


Being human isn’t just about keeping certain moral standards,

But to take responsibility for the creation,

And to worship the Creator!


-          This was what those coming out of Egypt,

camping and Etham, were called to do …


BUT this is what we are called to…

Not just

 keep the Book of the Covenant instructions,

But to take care of creation,


To WORSHIP the Creator!!


When we look at what is happening in the world today

We can see the full-on intent of evil to destroy creation,

To have all the ones called to live as image-bearers –

Live distracted, not worshiping Yahuah,

But giving our power to small g gods,

This is Idolatry.

And in idolatry – worshiping other gods, not Yahuah…

We lose our freedom and become slaves and will finally die.

This is humans not keeping what Wright calls

“The Covenant of Vocation”


Campsite #2

Etham was the place of re-evaluation of Israel…

…how they were going to live.

Etham means “flee from them” and “ploughshares”.

Egypt represents the full darkness of not living how they were created to live

And living in idolatry.


It was here they were supposed to learn total surrender and dependence upon Yahuah. 

It was at Etham that many wanted to turn back to Egypt / Idolatry.

Here they had to decide what they were going to do.

It seems to me Israel is confronted over and over again

To “come out of her my people.”


It is interesting to note that Yahuah

Went with them as a pillar of cloud by day

And at night – a pillar of fire.

And then they moved to

Campsite #3

Pi-Hahiroth - between Migdol (Tower) and the sea.


Pi-Hahiroth means

“to subside, to calm: to be quiet

in the face of wrath.”


Migdol – Tower. 

Israel was invited to focus on the tower

Of Yahuah and run into it.


Pharoah’s army was bearing down on them…

And Moshe said to the people

Ex 14:13

           “Fear not, stand still, and see the Yahusha

(salvation) of Yahuah, which He will show to you today ….

And goes on in

14:14 “YHUH shall fight for you, and you shall stay still.”

And the waters parted and Israel walked across on dry land.

And Pharaoh’s army was swallowed up by the sea.

14: “And Israel saw that great work

which YHUH did upon the Mitzrim;

and the people feared YHUH

and believed YHUH and

His eved (servant) Moshe.”


Chapter 15 is Moshe’s song to Yahuah.

And again, as people traveled…

Things were wrong.

They were thirsty and complaining.


Campsite # 4 Marah

Ex 15:23

The camp of bitter water.

Israel had doubted Yah’s love and care for them,

And became bitter.

They just walked between walls of water

And watched their enemies drown…

And now they were thirsty and the water was bad.


Exodus 15:27

Campsite #5 – Elim – Palms by the water

Following spiritual difficulties and

times of trial, our loving Abba

promises times of rest and spiritual strengthening.


Elim had 12 wells and 70 palms 

70 = “the window to the soul” and

“revelation of the Father’s care”.

Symbolic of the eye of the sheep

being fixed upon its shepherd.


Numbers 33:10

Campsite #6 – by the Red Sea

Yam Suph - confusion


This was in the marshy region,

And it was difficult to travel.

We have to look beyond the struggle with

Eyes of faith – holding on to Truth.



Exodus 16:1

Camp #7 In the Wilderness of Sin (the moon god)

Lack of bread – so Yah gave them Mannah.

Israel mixed worship of YHUH with

moon god worship = idolatry.

The first real instructions for keeping Shabbat


Israel didn’t do so well – they failed to offer worship of Yahuah and they focused on the mess.


Let’s apply this to the end of days…

Where is our focus?


Amos 8:11

“Behold, the days come, says the M aster YHUH, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of lechem (bread) nor a thirst for mayim (water) but of hearing the Words of Yahuah.


Now you will see that not every camp is listed in Exodus… but they are listed in Numbers 33.


Num. 33:12

Camp #8 Dophkah – “knocking”

– a copper mining prison.

Here Israel was called to share Yahuah with other slaves.

The message is – “the knock of grace must be headed soon”…

We have not time to waste, before the opportunity will be gone.




Num 33:13

Campsite #9 – Alush - place of giants

           = leavening or kneading (like dough)

If we walk with Yah – then when hard times come

His presence will totally permeate our struggles.

If we don’t walk with Yah -  bitterness and

rebellion will come.


We have to have the Word hidden in our hearts

And we have to worship in order to survive the

hard times and be overcomers!




Ex 17:1

Campsite #10 – Rephidim – “to be neglectful

of the Word of Yah.”

“the weakening” or “the strengthening”


Water from the rock.


Interesting that the water of life is

offered to those who are worthy and

those who are not worthy.

But “the protection of Yahuah, against

the gathering giants is

promised only to the faithful believer.”





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