Showing posts with label generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label generation. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Things Learned at Sukkot

Things I learned at Sukkot

We are the generation keeping Sukkot - Harbour  Light Ministries

It was my prayer to not come home the same.
And on the first day Olivia was there with me - we sat in our tent eating... and we prayed... that YHUH change us - so that none of us go home the same as we came. 

We had the best camping spot in the whole place...  beside the river where Mikvah took place... There were some rapids there.. and so we heard the water constantly when we were at camp.  Especially at night.

It was very cold and mostly rained...  30-60 degrees in the rain... and that cold wet didn’t even matter!  - Especially after we learned to dress to sleep in it! :)


I met an 81 year old woman who walked into the icy waters of the mountain... to be mikvahed for the fist time in the true name.
I want to be 81 and older like Margie...  not stuck in my old understanding but walking in more and more Truth of YHUH!

I felt those icy waters clean me up. 


3 times to go before YHUH

Sh’mot (Exodus) 34:18-24 p 75

Three times going up before YHUH to the temple.

What is this?
This is stepping out of the normal...
Stepping out of the world we live in and going and gathering with like minded believers ...  to be refilled and refreshed to be able to go back out   - “home” - into the world.

Many many times... I heard so many say - “it is so hard to leave”.

It wasn’t because we didn’t miss families at home (although many had most if not all of their family there)...

It was being safe and hidden ... it was not being affronted by  “busy” and “overwhelm” and more importantly - the pagan mess in the world.

And incredible to be with like minded people...
people who walk in the Melchizedek Priesthood and it’s Torah...
and people who don’t eat GMOs and poisoned food,  and people who know the Word says the earth is NOT a globe.... and who understand the MESS in history, and science, and Scripture... and who choose to walk in EMET - to be “in the world and not of the world!”

There was so much more peace...

In the first teaching Matthew did - he talked about counseling...  and i want to clarify some things for us.

He started out by teaching “how to live in the excellency of YHUH’s power.”

If you spend your life focused on sin (like the religion we came out of)
you only are doing 1/3 of what we are supposed to be doing.

3 things He wants to do:

1.   Deliver us from sin  (milk of the Word -  the flesh)
2.   Deliver us from our natural selves  (“the good person” - the soul)
3.    Deliver us from the evil, wicked principalities in the supernatural realm of evil  (the spirit)

He also talked a lot about “study” / “learning” is soulish.

Knowledge is NOT communion with YHUH.

Romans 7:14 p 843 RSTNE
          “For we know that the Torah is full of the Ruach...but I am of the flesh, sold under sin”

          “For we know that the “law” is spiritual... but I am carnal, sold under sin.”

“Torah” /“the law” = G3551 Nomos

          anything established, anything received by usage, a custom, a law, a command of any law whatsoever  - a law or rule producing a state approved of God by the observance of which is approved of God
             -a precept or injunction
             - the rule of action prescribed by reason
          -         of the Mosaic law, and referring, acc. to the context. either to the volume of the law or to its contents


“Ruach” / “Spiritual” = G 4152  “Pneumatikos”
1          belonging to a spirit, or a being higher than man but inferior to God
2          belonging to the Divine Spirit
1          of God the Holy Spirit
2          one who is filled with and governed by the Spirit of God
3          pertaining to the wind or breath; windy, exposed to the wind, blowing

When we just study and focus on all that we “know”... this is of the soul... the mind, will and emotions - where personality reside

But what if we...  study .....and that study takes us into greater understanding of YHUH?   !!!!

YHUH told me
“My people do not know who they are because they don’t understand who I am.  Teach them who I am.”

So as we understand more truth - we know this... we become more in awe of YHUH... and all that He has done for us.. and His Word....
and it is an incredible / awe- inspired place to worship.

There was much discussion in our study and sharing times... about

And I said... we make

I Thessalonians  5:17  p 897 in our life.

“Make tefillah without ceasing.”
“Pray without ceasing.”

Because if I am always praying - I am always in communication with YHUH. 
That means everything I see, everything I hear etc... all goes to YHUH before I RESPOND..... 

So it is my spirit combined with the Ruach HaKodesh - that responds....

I don’t react out of my flesh or soul... what I think.

Wow... do we all have a lot to learn in this!

The main functions of our spirit:
1.  Conscious  - our knowing what is of YHUH
2.   Intuition (prophecy - that knowing)
3.  Communion with YHUH (worship/ communication)

An un-regenerated spirit (Not alive in Yah) works with the soul in the world.. . this is how the world works.
          The spirit is subject to the soul - with depression, fear, anxiety, oppression, hopelessness and lonely.
          This happens if we become consumed with study of the end of days...and we get in fear.

What is the spirit ? 
“the part of us that hears and communicates with YHUH.”

Mishle (Proverbs) 20:27  p. 559
“The ruach of man is the lamp or YHUH, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”

The functions of the soul:
1.   Will / violation
2.    Mind / thought - intellectual prowess
3.    Emotion - what I like and don’t like.. what I want to do and don’t want to do.

-   “The souls is man’s selfishness”

-   “Without enacting government of the spirit - the soul is a tyrant.”

Ezrah 4:5  p. 610 COUNSELING
“And hired counselors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Koresh melech of Persia, even until the reign of Daryawesh melech of Persia.”

“Counseling stops the building of the ministry”

I did a word study on counseling.
There are two types in Torah

Counseling that is of YHUH
counseling that is of the pagan world or hasatan.

In Ezrah 4:5 - the counseling that was the distraction was from the world. 

He did make it a point to say that he is not saying don’t do counseling ... but that you must give tools so they can heal.

Clearly this is NOT how the WORLD counsels! 
The world doesn’t give tools because they don’t believe in healing.
Because only Yah heals!

(word study of “counsel”)

2 Chronicles 10:8  p 655   regarding Rehoboam...
“But he forsook the counsel that the elderly men gave him, and took the counsel with the young men that were brought up with him, that stood before him.”

I Kings 12:8  p  about same situation.

Sh’mot / Exodus 18:19   p.62  -Yithro to Moshe
“Listen not to my voice.  I will give you counsel, and Alohiym shall be with you; ...”

Deuteronomy 32:28 p 164
“For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any (binah) understanding in them.”

Judges 18:5 p 199
“ask counsel of Yah”

Proverbs 15:22 p
“Without counsel purposes are disappointed, but in a multitude of counselors hey are established.”

Proverbs 19:20
“hear counsel and receive instruction that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end”

Daniel 4:27
“let my counsel be acceptable...”


We can get “Oppressed by our soul because we spend too much time studying and not enough time in the spirit!”

“It is good to study but we have to understand the spirit - soul - body and focus on the spirit.”

“If we are pursuing knowledge we have to have a heavy spiritual work out!”

“Only when our spirits are regenerated / we are born again - can Ruach HaKodesh find a place with in us  = spiritual reality!


We are at war and we can not be passive - we have to fight!

We can not give up ground by trying to be “nice” or trying to “keep the peace” - and let them do paganism in our homes!

If the spirit of man is the fortress... the will is the moat and the open field is the mind - where the battle is fought.

2  Corin 10:3-5 p 870
“For though we are walking in the world (flesh), we do not war according to the world (flesh).
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through our Alohiym to the pulling down of strong holds;
5 Casting down imaginations and every high human matter that exalts itself against the da’at of YHUH, taking captive every thought to be obedient to Moshiach.”

The god of this world blinds the minds.

Our hope is to transform our mind by renewing it!

“blazes” = Matthew’s word for the “ideas” / “thoughts” that just randomly jump in that we have beaten ourselves up for over and over.... because we couldn’t tell the difference between our thinking and the junk the enemy puts in our minds! 
Blazes are not my thoughts! - they are obscene, manic, oppressive and suicidal.

Hasatan is able to impart ideas and steal from man’s brains.

The only thing that stops it is my will! 
I have to understand this! and not receive the junk of the enemy as mine!!

6 ways the battle happens in  open field /the mind

or another way to say it

6 ways the mind is given over to hasatan:

1.   Un- renewed mind - We have to clean out the old thoughts and music, etc

2.  Improper mind - we have to clean out the old sin in our hearts

3.  Misunderstanding Yah’s Truth
          -We must lay down our religion and the traditions of man because they are seeds that give ground to the enemy and destroy our future generations!
-   we can not justify or tolerate paganism in our homes!
-   We war against principalities - not people!

4.    Accepting suggestions... “you look sick”
          making statements like “my disease”...
          “shame on you” - shame is sexual immorality. 
-   words mean things!!
-   speak life and not death!

5.    Blank mind -
          eastern religion / new age - wants you to have an empty mind
          (although i think the west does to - look at the zombie sheeple who watch tv and don’t think for themselves)
          and if you question whether or not they think for themselves... just look at how willing they are to put neurotoxins, heavy metals, cancer, and animal DNA in - not just their bodies but the bodies of their children!
          We must exercise the mind - meditate ON the WORD!
          Blank brains lead to a passive will.

6.   Passive Mind  - this is zombie sheeple
          =waiting for an outside force to act on our mind.
          In an “affective state”

          Have to be in a CAUSE State... and never on defense!

          Self defense is bad because it is in an affective state and nobody in an affective state ever wins.
          The battle is never won in an affective state!
          The battle can only be won from a cause state!

          The WORD is a WEAPON that puts me in a CAUSE STATE!

We are rebuidling... we are making sense out of the ONE NEW MAN....
and there is going to be warfare...

WE  have to be in the Spirit to be able to be in a CAUSE state to go after it!

WE have to go after it and engage in warfare!

There is no building without warfare...

Think of that ... how it relates to:
          to understanding Melchi - zedok
                                        The One New Man
                                        How it relates to just in each of us as we
                                                  “come out of her my people”!!!

Matthew said ...
We have the building anointing

We are keeping Sukkot!!

The Truth has been submerged for over 2,000 years and our generation has found the ax!

We are in a powerful spiritual place because we have recovered the ax!

The ax is the cutting edge of the Covenant of Promise!
It is able to divide the bone and the marrow

2 Kings 6: 1-7 p 277

The cutting edge anointing has been in the water for 2k years... submerged in paganism...

but we have regained the ax head...

The axe is the covenant building anointing that allows the Ruach HaKodesh - to ascend to her rightful high position.

It has been recovered through the anointing of Elisha on this assembly

You guys have the DOUBLE PORTION for such a time as this!

This is Book of Covenant revelation!

We have to have spirit- soul - body in order.

And we have to be aware that python spirit - a restrictor always comes after revelation has been poured out

Pray that you don’t become prey!

Python will operate to squeeze out Holy Spirit!

You have to take the battle to the forefront... you have to engage!
You can not be passive...

The battle is in the open field of the mind...
How will we fight?


Love and Fear

the  8th Great Day...

It’s about perspective...
From Joshua to Ezra and Nehemiah - when Tzadok was the righteous line...  King Daniel and King Solomon - they didn’t keep Sukkot!

Ezra and Nehemiah kept the first Sukkot in over 800 years!



= heavenly audacity rushing into battle without considering the possibilities...  A confidence of victory before war.  We are not mere men and women.

“Be strong and of good courage”

Chazak Amatz!!

We are out for the glory of Yah.

Be not afraid for YHUH is with you.

The ax has been found... and we have it!

“Hope lives.  His name is Yahusha” - our Melchi Tzedok!

Sh’ma Yisra’el