Pesach Seder 2013/5773
Harbour Light Ministries USA
Welcome to Harbour Light Ministries’ Pesach Sedar.
I want to start tonight by telling you a very short version of a very long story….
But before I can tell you the story – there is a Hebrew concept that we are coming to understand… and to make the rest of the evening easier, I need to tell you….
In the Hebrew language – the same word can be used for several, but related things…. The Bible uses the same word for multiple things…
1. Torah…
a. The first 5 books of Moshe
b. The Tanakh (Old Testament)
c. The entire Bible
2. Isra’el
a. The whole country of Isra’el
b. The Northern Kingdom of Isra’el
c. YHWH’s chosen people
The key is enough study to know which is being talked about.
This story is about 2 Kingdoms
It has been said by people better studied than myself – that if we don’t understand the story of the 2 Kingdoms – we can NOT understand 7/8 of the Torah – the Bible!!
In B’resheet (Genesis) 48:13… Jacob/Isra’el blesses his two grandsons he “adopts as sons” – Efrayim and M’nasheh. Joseph brought them so that M’nasheh was on the right hand side as was custom for first born. But Jacob crossed his hands and put his right hand on Efrayim. Joseph tried to change his mind.… In B’resheet 48: 19 “But his father refused and said, “I know that, my son, I know it. He too will become a people, and he too will be great; nevertheless his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will grow into many nations.”
“many nations” = the fullness of the gentiles.
Romans 11:25 “For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won’t imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra’el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness;” 26”and that it is in this way that all Isra’el will be saved. As the Tanakh says, ‘Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; and he will turn away ungodliness from Ya’akov 27 and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.’” (We know that sin, according to 1 Yochanan (John) 3:4 = transgression of or not keeping Torah!)
-“Gentile world enters in its fullness” = Northern Kingdom comes home.
But this might not mean anything to you yet….It didn’t to us for a long time.
So we go to M’lakhim Alef (I Kings) 12, which is the story of the division of Isra’el.
Up until this point (through Solomon’s reign) Isra’el is one Kingdom… but now it becomes 2 Kingdoms… the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom.
(Insert map of Isra’el on side here)
Let’s look at the appendices of the Southern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom.
What we need to understand is in Yirmeyah (Jeremiah) 3:8 – YHWH divorced Isra’el. “I saw that even though backsliding Isra’el had committed adultery (joined the pagans in behavior and faith), so that I had sent her away and given her a divorce document, unfaithful Y’hudah her sister was not moved to fear – instead she went and prostituted herself.”
Now what most people get mixed up about and don’t understand – is that the word “Isra’el” here in Jer 3:8 is the Northern Kingdom … and when it goes on to say “Y’hudah”(Judah)… it is talking about the southern kingdom.
First it may be shocking to learn that YHWH actually divorced part of his bride… but now we must take that information and apply it to more…
In D’Varim 24:1-4 YHWH made a mitzvot (instruction/law) that if a husband divorces his wife, he cannot remarry her.
What’s the big deal?
The whole Torah/ Bible is a love story – about covenant marriage – the Bridegroom marrying the bride….
So I think that in Yirmeyah 3:8 – when YHWH divorced the Northern Kingdom of Isra’el … that all of heaven paused…. Don’t you think some angel said… “Wow… how is HE going to fix this??…He made a law….that says the bridegroom cannot remarry his divorced bride…”
This was the mystery…. The thing “concealed” In Ephesians 1:9; 3:3. How could the Northern Kingdom ever come back into covenant?...
This is the “Good News” of all Scripture. I always thought that the “Good News” was that I could be washed in Y’shua’s blood and forgiven, and while that is true, there is even a bigger picture….
Which is the Good News is – that YHWH came as Y’shua HaMashiach – and HE DIED…. And then Rose again….
…And because the Husband died and rose… He can remarry the bride…
…she can come back into covenant!
… THIS means that the dividing wall between those in covenant (the Southern Kingdom) and those out of covenant (the Northern Kingdom) is torn down…
…b/c Y’shua – the bride groom came and died and rose, He could remarry her!!
So the Northern Kingdom – those “far off” can return to covenant.
This is why Shaul/Paul had so many converts when he went and taught and thousands “were saved” = came back into covenant…
…they were Northern Kingdom Isra’el = out of covenant believers who had been dispersed….
WE know that some of us here tonight are from the Southern Kingdom – Judah and Benjamin….with Jewish lineage.
While others of us are from the out of covenant Northern Kingdom, today simply known as the Christian Church – according to many, many scholars.
If you want detailed information – read “Origin” by Yair Davididy.
Also for example: According to we know that some of Northern Kingdom Isra’el were dispersed after captivity into the Alps of Italy and were called, Waldenses or the Passaginians among other names. In the 13th century, heavy persecution drove these people into Germany- Switzerland, Holland and Bohemia- Moravia- Austria. Their names began to change and some were called Lollard. But by the 1500s they were called Mennonites after Menno Simmons, a convert to the movement who became leader among the Waldensian in Holland. In Moravia-Bohemia they were called Picards and then Hutterites. Later these Hutterites were called Amish by the 1700s. The Waldenses were also called Anabaptists. Modern Mennonites affirm that their predecessors were the descendants of the Waldenses in “Mosheim Institute of Ecclesiastical History”, p 200, 1755.
Again – over and over, all our information throughout history points to the fact that the Christian Church is Northern Kingdom of Isra’el who went into captivity and never came back into covenant – but she can come back and be remarried because her Bridegroom died and rose again!
We are believers in the Elohim /God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob….who said His name is YHWH. Sh’mot (Exodus) 6:2-3.
He is known through the Jewish people, because Judah is the kingdom that never left covenant – although she made a mess of it by adding lots of traditions of men.
(Insert picture of the olive tree here)
Judah – Jewish people are His “cultivated olive tree” and gentiles (remember that “gentile” means – out of covenant believer) are the “wild olive tree” and can be grafted into the faith, into that “cultivated olive tree”…. Romans 11: 16-24.
{Did you know that a cultivated olive tree is the only plant that one can cut off branches and leave them lay on the ground for years… and can come back years later and graft those old cut-off branches back into the same tree and they will grow?!!}
We study the Hebrew roots of our faith because if we don’t understand the Hebrew roots….we cannot understand YHWH – the God whom we serve, and we cannot understand who He says that we are!!
Tonight we invite you to worship, and celebrate and learn how His Feast of Pesach is all about Y’shua HaMashiach - our Messiah… YHWH’s beina – His plan to bring restoration to HIS people Isra’el.
We don’t do this as spectators. This is not some production put on for fun so someone can “see what Jews do”.
It is important to know that the feasts of YHWH are not Jewish holidays…. People tend to call them that because Jews are the only ones that they see doing them. But they are in fact the set apart times YHWH called “forever commands” for all His people.
We do this because this is how we live… we keep the Torah as best as we are able, observing the forever commands of YHWH and this Pesach Feast is one of them.
Shaul/Paul emphasized that the true sign of belonging to the seed of Abraham is not physical but spiritual (Rom 2:28-29). It involves circumcision of the heart rather than earning one’s way into his family through personal achievement. This teaching of Shaul is nothing new, however; Moses and the prophets taught the same thing, (Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4). We also know what we read in D’varim (Deut)…“Sh’ma Yisrael YHWH Eh-lo-hay-noo YHWH eh-chahd. =“Hear O Isra’el, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”
Sh’ma means to hear and do… or as Yaakov (James) says … “Faith without works is dead.” As we embrace Torah – the entire Word of YHWH – we know that we are saved by the blood of Messiah – but we follow His instructions that tell us how to live “holy” and “set apart unto Him.”
Following Torah – His Word – is following His path – In Hebrew – his agol. Agol = cycle.
Psalm 23:3 “He restores my inner person. He guides me in right paths.”
“He guides me in right cycles..”
“He guides me in right cycles..”
“paths” = agol = cycles.
The Wheel or cycle of B’resheet (Genesis) is given in B’resheet 1-4… his cycles… of 7th day Shabbats/Sabbaths, high Shabbats/ His feasts, and eating clean etc….
Ya’akov - Jacob– (James) 3:6 “”The tongue is so placed in our body that it defiles every part of it, setting ablaze the whole of our life:”
“the whole of our life” – translated into Greek AND into Hebrew = “the wheel/cycle of B’resheet.”
Or better translated – “the ability or power to keep the cycles of YHWH.”
So what Ya’akov 3:6 is saying… is that the enemy uses the tongue to destroy our ability and power to keep the cycles of YHWH.
Y’shua said… “If you love you me you keep my commands.”
For most of my life, I thought this meant the 10 commandments.
Turns out – HE was talking about ALL of His instruction.
The grace of Y’shua did not end the Torah (=YHWH’s instructions on how to live). Turns out Y’shua came to show us how to LIVE Torah - His instructions. (Matt 5:17)
Y’shua said in His theme statement of the Sermon on the Mount in Mattityahu (Matthew) 5:17
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete it.”
– Better said… “I have not come to abolish Torah – but to interpret it correctly.”
Or even better said … “I have not come to abolish Torah/YHWH’s instructions, but to show you how to live them.”
Tonight we are here to celebrate YHWH’s Feast of Pesach - in English = Passover
Why do we do this ??....
Passover or Pesach is a Feast day – an appointed time/mo’ed that YHWH has set aside to meet with His people forever.- Vayikra (Leviticus) 23:1-14;and B’Midbar (Numbers)28:16-26
YHWH set aside the Feast days to remind His people of what He has done, and what He has promised to do.
The Feasts were given to His people Isra’el … to teach in a practical way, more about YHWH and His plans for His people. (see appendices)
Per Hebrew tradition and the Word – our homes have been swept clean of leaven. Leaven represents sin.
Hopefully, with the Shabbat teachings of the last while…. You have yourselves cleaned up from sin as well.
- But let’s take a moment to go before YHWH and repent of any unconfessed sin and clean our hearts of sin.
(silent prayer – leader prays)
A few things to be aware of:
We have special seating here… to my right, we have the traditional empty chair for Elijah.
Before we start… a couple things to know…
1. At each table we have “Parents”…
2. Wait to eat, or drink the juice, until the directions are given to do that. You can drink water freely throughout.
3. Don’ t have stress… set aside the things that you may have been taught … and consider what the WORD says…. May you come to know the TRUTH and may HE set you free!
4. Please know that you can ask questions after, or another day … We always teach here at HLM that if I can’t explain things based on the Word – I don’t have any reason to be teaching them. Questions are welcomed…. If you haven’t yet entered into the Hebrew roots of our faith – it is only normal to have a lot of questions and they need to be asked! J
Let’s CELEBRATE PESACH – to remember what YHWH has done and to be reminded of what He has promised to do.
Everyone stands and recites the Sh’ma.
“Sh’ma Yisra’el YHWH Eh-lo-hay-noo YHWH eh-chahd.
Ba-rooch shame k’vode mahl-choo toe l’oh-lahm vah-ed.”
D’Varim (Deuteronomy) 6:4-9
“Hear O Isra’el, YHWH is our God, YHWH is One.
Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom for all eternity.”
“And you shall love YHWH your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And have these words, which I commanded you this day, be upon your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and speak them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you retire, and when you arise. And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and let them be frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.” D’Varim(Deut) 6:4-9
“V’ah-hav-ta l’ray-ac-cha ka-moe-cha”
“And you should love your neighbor as yourself.” Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:18
Ba’ruckh at-tah YHWH eloheinu melekh ha-olam, a’sher na-tan la-nu chag-gim, chuk-kot, u’mo-a-dim le-sim-chah, likh-vod Y’shua hamashiach Adoneinu ohr ha-olam
Blessed are You, YHWH our God, King of the universe, who has given to us holidays, customs, and seasons of happiness, for the glory of our Lord Y’shua the Messiah, the Light of the world. Amein.
( Insert candle picture here)
Light candles and blessing:
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Elohenu melekh ha-olam a-sher ki-de-she-nu b’mitz-vo-tav v’tzi van’nu le-hi-yot or la-goy-im ve-na-tan – la-nu et Y’shua me-shi-chei-nu or ha-olam.
Blessed are You, YHWH our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive and sustained us and has brought us to this special time.
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam, a-sher ki-de-sha-nu b’mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi –va- nu le- had-lik ner ve-shel yom tov.
Blessed are You YHWH our God, King of the universe, Who sanctifies us with his commandments and commanded us to light the candles of this Sabbath holiday.
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Elohenu melekh ha-olam a-sher ki-de-sha-nu b’mitz-vo-tav v’tzi-va-nu le-hi-yot or la-goy-im ve-na-tan – la- nu et Y’shua me’shi-chei-nu or ha- olam.
Blessed are You, YHWH our God, King of the universe, Who sanctifies us with his commandments and commanded us to be alight to the nations and who gave to us Y’shua our Messiah the Light of the world.
Today we celebrate Pesach… the re-telling of the history of YHWH with His people.
From the beginning of creation – YHWH had the atonement = Y’shua’s death and resurrection planned.
This is important to note… Y’shua – the Messiah coming to die and rise again – was not YHWH’s “second idea” because the first didn’t work… No! He had planned it all along.
We know this from many things. One is the list of the meaning of the Hebrew names of the ten generations from Adam to Noah, in B’resheet (Genesis) 5, in order = “Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching (that His) death shall bring (the) restoring comfort.”
“Blessed are you, YHWH, our God, who gave your people clear direction and we were not obedient. Your people Judah added man’s instructions and called it worshiping You, and did not accept Mashiach. Your people Isra’el never returned to Your Torah and added a bunch of man’s tradition – and called it worshiping You. Avineu, Our Father, we repent – we know this is on both sides = “luke warm”.
We thank you that you had a plan from the beginning to bring all of your people back. We thank you that Judah will see Messiah and repent of the tradition of man they added. And we thank you that Isra’el will understand Torah and repent of the tradition of man that they added, and return to Torah. Thank you that the Bridegroom died and rose again and we can come back into covenant….And Your bride is being restored so that Messiah can return and there be a wedding feast.
Tonight we bless all of your people and we speak revelation for all of Isra’el – the whole bride – the ones who don’t yet see Messiah -on the Hebrew side, and the ones who don’t see and understand that Torah did not end, and that we need to walk in your instruction- on the Church side.
We bless Isra’el the land and Isra’el the nation.
(Insert Picture of the cup)
Begin the first cup - The Cup of Sanctification
Pour and do not yet drink….
Leader prays: Oh Avineu, Father, restore Your Bride – Judah and Isra’el….. in the Faith of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- Without spot or wrinkle. Wake up your Northern Kingdom, whom you are calling back, and let them understand that we are called to make the Southern Kingdom – the Jews jealous…..
Oh…..that we can declare – “I serve YHWH and my Messiah’s name is Y’shua and HE keeps Torah and so do i.” … For the restoration of Your Bride. Amein and Amein.
(Insert picture of two sticks)
Yechezk’el (Ezekiel) 37:15-28
The word of YHWH came to me 16 You, human being, take one stick/ tree and write on it, For Y’hudah (Judah) and those joined with him [among] the people of Isra’el. Next, take another stick/ tree and write on it, For Y’sef/Joseph, the stick/tree of Efrayim, and all the house of Isra’el who are joined with him. Finally, bring them together into a single stick, so that they become one in your hand. When your people ask you what all this means, tell them that YHWH Elohim says this: I will take the stick of Yosef which is the hand of Efrayim, together the tribes of Isra’el who are joined with him, and put them together with the stick of Y’hudah and make them a single stick, so that they become one in my hand. The sticks on which you write are to be in your hand as they watch. Then say to them that YHWH Elohim says; I will take the people of Isra’el from among the nations where they have gone and gather them from every side and bring them back to their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Isra’el; and one king will be king for all of them. They will no longer be two nations, and they will never again be divided into two kingdoms.
Raise the cup….
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Eloheinu me-lekh ha-olam bo-rei p’ri ha-ga-fen.
Blessed are you, YHWH our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. AMEIN
Everyone drinks the first cup!
The Washing of Hands…
This is probably the ceremony in the Sader that Y’shua used to teach His disciples an object lesson (John 13:4-5)…. “After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet…”
This is a ceremonial cleansing. Let’s remember that Y’shua taught that it is not what is on the outside – but what is in our hearts that is important.
Everyone washes and dries their hands.
The Green Vegetable - the karpas – parsley
Leader: The parsley is a reminder that Passover occurs in the springtime. The salt water is a reminder of the tears of pain and suffering shed by the Jewish people in slavery.
Blessing for bitter herbs
Baruch ata Adonai elohaynu melech ha’olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al-achilat maror
Praised are you, Adonai our G-d, King of the Universe, Who made us holy by His instruction, and commanded us about the eating of bitter herbs. Amein.
Everyone dips the parsley into the salt water and eats it.
Unleavened Bread
(insert picture of Matzah)
Leaders: holds up the three matzah set apart from the rest….
“These three loaves of unleavened bread share one napkin and are called Echad. We know that the three represent YHWH.
We break the middle one… because Mashiach/Messiah was broken/ sacrificed for our sins.”
“We will put half back in the napkin and wrap the other in another napkin (and hide it!) - This symbolizes the death and burial of Y’shua.”
“This Matzah is a symbol of our God.
He is the Bread of Life.
This is what the Hebrews ate as they left Egypt.
Notice that it has stripes … like the stripes on Y’shua’s back that bring us healing. Notice it has holes or piercings … like the nail holes in Ys’hua’s hands and feet.
Notice the darker places … like His bruising for our sins!”
Leader puts the 2 ½ pieces of Matzah back on plate, covering it with linen napkin.
The Four Questions
The youngest children are called on to ask the traditional Passover questions…. In order to fulfill Exodus 12:26 “When your children say to you, “What do you mean by this service?”…. beaming with joy and accomplishment the children will ask:
1. Why is this night different from all other nights? On all other nights, we eat either leavened or Matza (unleavened bread) but on this night, only unleavened bread?
=We eat only matzah because our ancestors could not wait for their breads to rise when they were fleeing slavery in Egypt, and so they were flat when they came out of the oven.
2. On all the other nights, we eat all kinds of herbs, but on this night, only bitter herbs?
=We eat Maror, a bitter herb, to remind us of the bitterness of slavery that our ancestors endured while in Egypt.
5. On all other nights, we do not dip even once, but on this night, we dip twice?
= The first dip, green vegetables in salt water, symbolizes the replacing of our tears with gratefulness, and the second “dip”,- eating the charoseth (apple mixture) symbolizes the sweetening of our burden of bitterness and suffering.
6. On all the other nights, we eat either sitting or reclining, but on this night we eat reclining?
=We recline at the Seder table because in ancient times, a person who reclined at a meal was a free person, while slaves and servants stood.
{We don’t recline… but we are taking our time. J}
(insert picture of the cup again)
Begin the second cup – the Cup of Instruction
Do not pour yet
In response to the four questions of the children, the story begins….
YHWH called Abram/Abraham in Ur, to leave his homeland and his people… Genesis 12:1-3 “Get yourself out of your country, away from your kinsmen and away from your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you, and I will make your name great; and you are to be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” [The word translated as “blessed” is nivrew, and it means “grafted in or intermingled.”]
Later, when Abraham was 99 years old the Lord came to him and said… Genesis 17:1 “I am El Shaddai [God Almighty]. Walk in my presence and be pure hearted. [The word translated as “pure hearted” is tamim, and it means “spiritually mature”.] And Adonai/YHWH said to Abraham… Gen 17:7-8 “I am establishing my covenant between me and you, along with your descendants after you, generation after generation, as an everlasting covenant to be God for you and for your descendants after you. I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you are now foreigners, all the land of the Kena’an, as a permanent possession; and I will be their God.”
Abraham and Sarah waited a long time for their promised son, and in the process tried to “help” YHWH….so Abraham fathered Ishmael who is the father of Islam.
Isaac married Rebekah and fathered Esau and Jacob. And there came a famine in the land …. Gen 26:2-5 “Adonai appeared to him and said, ‘Don’t go down into Egypt, but live where I tell you. Stay in this land, and I will be with you and bless you, because I will give all these lands to you and to your descendants. I will fulfill the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, I will give all these lands to your descendants, and by your descendants all the nations of the earth will bless themselves. All this is because Abraham heeded what I said and did what I told him to do – he followed my mitzvoth/instructions, my regulations, and my teachings (Torah = YHWH’s Word/ instructions).
In time, Isaac got old and Jacob went in and was blessed with the birthright instead of Esau. Isaac sent Jacob to Laban to find a wife. On his way there Jacob had a dream…. A ladder reaching heaven, with angels going up and down. Gen 28:13- 15 “Then suddenly Adonai was standing there next to him; and he said, “I am Adonai, the God of Abraham your grandfather, and the God of Isaac. The land on which you are lying I will give you and to your descendants. Your descendants will be as numerous as the grains of dust on the earth. You will expand to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. By you and your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed. Look, I am with you. I will guard you wherever you go, and I will bring you back into this land, because I won’t leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Later, Jacob married Leah and then Rachel and eventually left Laban his father in law, to take his family back to the land YHWH had promised him. On the way … (Gen 32:25) “someone wrestled with him until day break”. And this ‘man’ struck Jacob’s hip and dislocated
it. The man said “Let me go, because it is daybreak” and Jacob said Gen 32:27 “I won’t let you go unless you bless me”… and Jacob’s name was changed to Isra’el. Jacob left that place with a limp – never walked the same again… He was set apart unto YHWH, so clearly that all could see he was different.
Jacob had 12 sons… who became the leaders of the 12 tribes of Isra’el. But remember the story of his son Joseph who was a dreamer and Jacob’s favorite so the others hated him and took his coat and covered it with animal blood and threw him into a pit and then sold him into slavery… and Joseph ended up in Egypt where he worked for Potifar, but Potifar’s wife accused him of assault and so Joseph got thrown in prison… While in prison for years – Joseph interpreted dreams of the king’s wine taster and baker and the cup bearer – gets released and a long time later, remembered Joseph to interpret the king’s dream. Joseph interpreted well and gets moved to second in command in Egypt and prepared for and carried them through the seven year famine.
In the mean time, Joseph’s brothers were in famine and came to Egypt to get food.
Remember that story…. Once again … YHWH does amazing things from the place the world calls famine. (What has He done in that famine place of your life?)
Joseph moved his brothers and father down to Egypt to Goshen and there the peoples are blessed.
Before Isaac dies, Joseph brought his boys to his father to be blessed. In Gen 48 we read how Isaac crossed his hands and blessed the youngest – Ephraim with the right hand blessing. Joseph tried to correct Isaac, and Isaac insisted, and said, “I know that my son,
I know it. He too will become a people, and he too will become great (meaning Manassa); nevertheless his younger brother will be greater than he and his descendant will grow into many nations.”
But then a new pharaoh came into power who didn’t remember Joseph, and the Hebrews were so great a people they were forced into slavery and great oppression.
Then a baby was born, and despite the pharaoh’s ruling to kill all the Egyptian babies, he survived because his mom put him in a basket in the river and the daughter of Pharaoh finds him and raises him as her own. So Moses grew up in the place of Pharaoh.
Moses tried to help the Hebrew people on his own and killed an Egyptian and flees to the other side of the desert for forty years, and while there, YHWH speaks to him from a burning bush and tells him to lead his people out of Egypt.
Only after the 10 plagues that attacked the Egyptian gods were loosed on the Egyptians did Pharaoh give permission for the Hebrews to leave. The tenth plague brought the very first Passover.
The leader pours bit of wine in her glass for each of the ten plagues to express the sorrow felt for the suffering Egyptians…
(insert pictures of plagues if you can)
1. Water turned to blood – this was for the signs and wonders in Egypt against the false hopi god.
2. Frogs everywhere – this was because Egyptians couldn’t kill frogs because they worshiped them.
3. Dust became biting gnats or mosquitoes – this was against the Egyptian land god – Zeb. Only God can make life from no life!
4. Flies – against the Egyptian god of the air – Sheu.
5. Livestock – against the Egyptian bull god Epsi and cow god Hapha = hoof and mouth disease.
6. Ashes into the air making boils and sores on man and animals – against the ashes of human sacrifice – against the queen of heaven.
7. Hail, fire, thunder and lightning – against the Egyptian god of nature.
8. Locusts – against the other Egyptian god of the land
9. Darkness for three days – against the Egyptian sun god Ra.
10.Death of the first born – pharaohs were worshipped as god… this was against the next pharaoh god.
“And Isra’el left – Hebrews and a mixed group” (Sh’mot (Ex 12:38). And then they came to the Red Sea… in a valley with mountains around and no way out, with Pharaoh’s army fast approaching… and YHWH parted the Sea.
-He makes a way… where there is no way – again. (He always moves mightily in situations that the world calls bad/hopeless.)
First half of the Hallel is recited responsively.( Psalm 113-118)
Hallel = praise. These Psalms used to be sung/chanted while the lamb was being sacrificed.)
Responsive reading….Psalm 113
Servants of YHWH, give praise! Give praise to the name of YHWH!
Blessed be the name of YHWH from this moment on and forever!
From sunrise until sunset YHWH’s name is to be praised!
YHWH is high above all nations, his glory above the heavens.
Who is like YHWH our God, seated in the heights, humbling Himself to look n heaven and on earth.
He raises the poor from the dust, lifts the needy from the rubbish heap, in order to give him a place among princes, among the princes of his people.
He causes the childless woman to live at home happily as a mother of children.
All: HalleluYah!
{please note: Yah is a short version of YHWH!}
**AMEIN ….
The dipping of the matzah (2 pieces with horseradish)
-Everyone is given a piece of Matzah and horseradish.
Do not eat yet!
Each breaks their matzah in half and makes a “Hillel Sandwich”… horseradish between two small pieces of matzah. (This is in honor of a first century rabbi who taught that enough of the bitter herb should be taken to bring tears to the eyes.) In this way each person can identify with the forefathers who were slaves in Egypt.
This is also the ritual that gave rise to when Y’shua gave the bread to the one who would betray him. This bitter herb speaks of the bitterness of that betrayal, and of our betrayals where we have sinned.
Make sandwich but do not eat yet
Pour the second cup for everyone
The B’ RitHadashah/ New Testament teaches that to sin is to “miss the mark” and we know that Yah’s Word, Instruction, His Torah – is referred to as “the mark”. Leavening is a symbol of sin. A little sin affects our whole self … in the same way - a little leavening affects a whole loaf of bread.
This bread is pure and free from leavening, just as Y’shua is pure and free from sin.
We eat this bitter herb because it reminds us of the Hebrews bitter and miserable lives when they were slaves in Egypt, the bitterness of the plagues on the Egyptians … and the bitter and miserable lives we have lived as slaves to sin…. It also reminds us of the ‘bitter cup’ that Y’shua tasted so we could live.
Blessing before eating Matzah
Baruch ata Adonai elohaynu melech ha’olam hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz.
Praised are you, Adonai our G-d, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth. Amein.
Everyone together with leader –
“Thank you Y’shua, for taking away the bitterness of our sin, and for setting us free and purifying us with Your blood!”
Baruch ata Adonai elohaynu melech ha’olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al-achilat matzah.
Praised are you, Adonai our G-d, King of the Universe, Who made us holy by His law, and commanded us about the eating of unleavened bread.
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Eloheinu me-lekh ha-olam bo-rei p’ri ha-ga-fen.
Blessed are you, YHWH our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Everyone eats the Matzah and horseradish and drinks the second cup.
(insert sader plate picture)
Explaining the Seder plate
(Feel free to drink as desired.)
The Sadder plate:
1. Shankbone (Ziroah) – we have roasted lamb - represents the lamb sacrifice the first night when the death angel passed over the houses with the lamb’s blood on the door post. = Prophecy of Y’shua and the ultimate sacrifice that He gave for us.
2. Egg (Betzah) - A roasted egg, symbol of the life cycle; – Hard and cold reminds us of the heart of pharaoh, and our hearts before we asked for forgiveness.
3. Bitter Herbs (Maror) - horseradish (Chazeres). Represents the bitterness of the Egyptian slavery.
4. Charoset - Mixture of grated apples and nuts, and cinnamon and sugar. The Maror is dipped in the charoset to counter the Maror's sharpness. Represents the morter used in building bricks during the Egyptian slavery. When Moses asked pharaoh many times to free them, one time he said no and didn't supply the Israelites with straw to make the bricks, and the Israelite task masters were beaten when the brick quota was not made. = Its sweetness – as the sweetness of the other deserts, reminds us of the victory that we have being delivered from sin and the lies of the enemy that we have embraced, and the sweetness that we can return to covenant!
5. Karpas - (parsely or other vegatable) - dipped in saltwater. Used as an appetizer to induce the children to ask questions. Dipping is a sign of freedom, yet dipping in salt water reminds us of the bitterness of the slavery. Contradictions that cause one to ask, "why is this night different than other nights?"
6. Matzoh, symbolic of the unleavened bread, when the Israelites left in a hurry they didn't have time to let it rise, eaten while crossing the desert;
7. Bitter herb – in our case a salad… representing the bitterness of slavery to the Egyptians and slavery to all things not of YHWH = traditions of men.
We are also having:
Carrots with fresh herbs
Matzah with Duo of Hummus
Brown rice with lentils – our own mix of Hebrew and Gentile; the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.
Dessert will be served later in the evening.
Per Hebrew tradition, the blessing will be spoken after the meal.
Praise Y’shua!!
The meal is now served ( but not desert).
After dinner blessing of the meal….
The leader:
Birkat Hamazon = Grace after Meals
"And you shall eat and you shall be satisfied. And you shall bless YHWH, your God, for the good land he has given you."(D’Varim -Deuteronomy 8:10)
~Thank you YHWH for this wonderful meal and bless the ones who prepared it. And for all you have given us, especially for Y’shua and delivering us from our sins, and for the Good News that we can come back into covenant!! Open Heaven and pour out Your Ruach/ Spirit and give us strength, wisdom and revelation. Avineu Yah, please bless your people Isra’el – the Hebrew and the gentile … and bless the nation of Isra’el that the whole nation would come to know the Prince of Peace – Y’shua Ha Mashiach – the Living Torah! In Your mighty name! AMEIN!
I invite you to look in the appendices of this hagada at the time line of the lamb sacrifice and Y’shua’s coming into Jerusalem on Nissan 10 and being on trial, as the lamb was kept in the family home to make sure it was spotless. Notice the lamb is slain on the doorstep of the family home – at 3:00 in the afternoon on Nissan 14… Same time Y’shua dies.
Notice the time line.
It is important to understand that when we are taught that Y’shua was crucified and died on Friday and rose again on Sunday – that is NOT three days and three nights … This is important because that means that “close” and “kind of” or “almost” is okay with YHWH…. AND it means that the WORD is not trustworthy. BUT the WORD is true and HE is alive …. And HE does EXACTLY what HE says.
He was crucified on Wed, and was in the tomb before sundown on Wed night because Thursday was the HIGH Shabbat of Pesach. Friday was preparation day for the weekly 7th day Shabbat… and in that evening... Y’shua rose from the grave and went as the Cohen Hagadol the High Priest and took His blood to the Heavenly Holy of Holies to atone for all of our sin – as a earthly priest would have done… but no earthly priest even did it that year, because Caiaphas made himself ceremonially unclean when he tore his robes at Y’shua’s trial.
-The WORD is always true.
The Afikomen
Children look for and find the hidden matzah!
Remember that this is the broken bread that represents Mashiach….
As it is unwrapped, we are reminded of the empty tomb that Mary found…and the resurrection of Y’shua, and that death and sin have no hold on Him because He took those keys back from the enemy! And that sin has no hold on us any longer because of His shed blood and that we are no longer kept out of the covenant!
The “found/resurrected” piece is passed around…. and everyone breaks off a small piece of it.
DO NOT EAT now – set it down and save it.
Traditionally, Passover is about what YHWH did for His people…. The things that are written in “the book”….
But we also need to talk about /share – because “we OVERCOME by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony”…. What YHWH has done for each of us!!!
--I invite person’s to share what YHWH has done for them this year.
Pour the third cup.
Do not drink
This third cup represents the three most important lessons that the Torah, the Word of YHWH, teaches us…
1. That Y’shua died for our sins.
2. That He was buried in a tomb.
3. That the Bridegroom rose from the dead on the third day so we could come back into covenant and He could remarry His Bride!
all… because He loves us!!
Congregational leader leads the “Feast of Wine”.
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Eloheinu me-lekh ha-olam bo-rei p’ri ha-ga-fen.
Blessed are you, YHWH our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Amein
Eat Matzah and drink the 3rd cup of wine and matzah together.
Leader: “With joy we celebrate and eat desert and remember the sweetness of the grace and love of YHWH and that HE sent Y’shua HaMashiach- YHWH’s beina = His plan for restoration, to die and rise so that we could return.
Dessert is served. Enjoy. J
Pour the 4th cup
(do not drink)
The fourth cup is often represented as the Hebrew belief that Elijah is one of the witnesses proclaiming the coming of Messiah…. So Hebrews set a place for him and in traditional Jewish Seder - the children go to the door and look for Elijah. And the children come back – not seeing Elijah at the door… and then everyone says… “Well, next year Elijah will come.”
BUT what we now understand is that before that “Great and terrible day of YHWH, the spirit of Elijah will turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers…” –And this is not just about families getting along.
It’s about returning the hearts of HIS people back to the patriarchs and what they taught = the entire Torah, the WORD!
Torah of YHWH – the whole book . (Malachi 3) And Torah/ the Word instructs us to keep the forever commands of YHWH, and worship Him only as HE instructs.
We hold the fourth cup today…
and give thanks to YHWH…. That Mashiach did come, and He was crucified and died and went to Shoel and took back the keys to sin and death… and was resurrected from death and after appearing to his followers and saying.. don’t touch me, for I haven’t ascended to My Father…. and then He went to heaven as THEE High Priest – and took His blood before YHWH as the final sin sacrifice– just like Caiaphas was supposed to do with the blood of the sacrificed lamb.
Caiaphas could not do it that year, because he was unclean since Caiaphas had torn his robes during the trial of Y’shua…. So the only High Priest to go to the Holy of Holies that year was Y’shua and He went to the heavenly Holy of Holies… as the final sin sacrifice to end all sin sacrifices… to save each one that believes in Him.
As it says in Yochanan (John) 1:1…. “In the beginning was the Word – (the Living Torah), and the Word (the Living Torah) was with YHWH, and the Word (the Living Torah) was YHWH.”
YHWH came as Y’shua – the Beina – the plan of restoration and died… because HE was the bridegroom that had to die and rise, so that he could remarry whom He had divorced…. So the Good News of the Word is – we can come back into His covenant!!!
And know this…. HE is coming back… and He is coming soon! We say…
Baruch Haba BaShem YHWH!
Blessed be HE who comes in the name of YHWH.
Thank you YHWH!! We praise Your name!
Come Y’shua HaMashiach, come!!
Ba-rukh at-tah YHWH Eloheinu me-lekh ha-olam bo-rei p’ri ha-ga-fen.
Blessed are you, YHWH our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Everyone drinks the 4th cup.
I Yochanan (John) 3:4 “Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah – indeed, sin is violation of Torah.”
All of the Word is our instruction in how to live… and when we don’t keep it we are in sin…Y’shua didn’t come to end the instruction. Yah gave the instructions verbally – we know that Noach knew of sacrifice and clean and unclean animals, we know that Jacob and Esav knew of sacrifice… and then Yah gave the instructions in writing on the Mt to Moshe, and people still didn’t get it – so He sent his beina – his plan for restoration – to show us how to live His instructions. We are not saved by His instructions but we live holy unto him, only by following them.
And we begin the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread and we invite you to abstain from eating anything with leaven for the next 7 days, in order to focus on living a life that follows the Torah – the Word of YHWH and His instructions in how to live.
Tomorrow is the Feast of First Fruits (Lev 23:9-14)… This is a time marker -it offers the first grains for that year in thankfulness to YHWH, and we believers in Messiah celebrate Him taking His first fruits/ blood to YHWH as our final sin sacrifice.
Feast of First Fruits also marks the beginning of the Sefirat Ha-Omer = “The Counting of the Omer”… the fifty days that lead up to the Feast of Shavuot – what we used to call Pentecost.
We invite you to study the feasts of YHWH because the first ones -the ones in the spring - prophesied His coming – and He fulfilled them… While the second half of the year YHWH’s feasts – prophecy Messiah’s second coming and reign. And every year YHWH has his people go over them to remember, to hope and to know what HE said and what HE did and what He promises to do. So that we know HIM.
Responsive reading – close of the Hillel Psalms
Praise YHWH, all you nations! Worship him, all you peoples! For His grace has overcome us, and YHWH’s truth continues forever.
HalleluYah! Give thanks to YHWH, for He is good, for His grace continues forever. Now let Isra’el say, His grace continues forever.
Open the gates of righteousness for me; I will enter them and thank Yah. This is the gate of YHWH; the righteous can enter it. I am thanking you because you answered me; you became my salvation.
The very rock that the builders rejected has become the corner stone! This has come from Yah, and in our eyes it is amazing. This is the day YHWH has made, a day for us to rejoice and be glad!
YHWH is God, and He gives us light.
You are my God, and I thank you. You are my Elohim ; I exalt You. Give thanks to YHWH, for He is good and His grace continues forever. AMEIN!
Priestly Blessing spoken by leader: all STAND
Y’va-reh-ch’cha YHWH v’yeesh-m’reh-cha,
Ya-air YHWH pa-nahv ay-leh-cha vee-choo-neh-ka
Yee-sa YHWH pa-hahv ay-leh-cha v’ya-same l’cha Shalom.
YHWH bless you and keep you;
YHWH make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
YHWH lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
I speak the name of YHWH over your lives and your families and your trust in Him, His promises and His will for your lives.
May your foundation be only His Emet – His Truth.
I speak the name of YHWH over your ministries, over your opportunities, over your finances and over you-- spirit, soul and body, and over the plans He has for your lives… may you always go to shalom.
Thank you for celebrating with us.
AMEIN and His shalom - shalom be yours always.
Below I have appendices
“Understanding the time and season”
“the feasts of YHWH”
“the four cups of Passover”
“The two kingdoms”
“The Good News”
Understanding the time and season:
Daniel 9:25 “Seven weeks of years will elapse between the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until an anointed Prince comes.”
“7 weeks of years” = 173,880 days.
This is the EXACT number of Days from the decree for Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem until the day – Nissan 10 where Y’shua wept and rode the colt into Jerusalem in Luke 19:41. The rabbis knew that that day was THEE of the coming of Messiah.
(Lora, can we do this on a chart with lines so it is easier to follow…??
Saturday Nisan 10
Lamb chosen by families Y’shua rode into Jerusalem and the common people worshiped Him.
Saturday 10- Tues 13
The lamb was “inspected” Y’shua being “watched”
Tuesday Nisan 13
Y’shua’s last meal with disciples
Y’shua betrayed and arrested
Y’shua on trial
Caiaphas (High priest) tore his garments
which made him ceremonially unclean…
so there would be no high priest (man) to offer the sacrifice of first fruits!
Wednesday Nisan 14 between 3:00 – 6:00 pm
The lamb was killed and prepared Y’shua died on the stake and then taken off
At 3:00 that afternoon is when the father would take the family lamb to the door step (what happened on the door step determined what god you served) and sacrificed it and drained the blood.
Also at this time – the curtain of the Holy of Holies was torn.
This can be seen 2 ways. 1. Y’shua tore down the separation that kept us from being with YHWH. 2. As tradition of the day, if someone tore his garments- he was showing great grief and distress – as was YHWH at the time of His son’s death.
The day of “preparation” 14th of Nisan, when the homes were scoured of all leaven (sin) and a preparation of food was readied for the Passover meal, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread [Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, John 19:14, 31, 42].
Thursday Nisan 15
The first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which was an annual Sabbath observance (the first and last days of Unleavened Bread were annual Sabbaths in addition to the normal weekly Sabbaths).
Friday Nisan 16 –
preparation day for weekly Sabbath
“And it was the Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin. Now the women who had come with Him out of Galilee followed after, and saw the tomb and how His body was laid. And they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment. Luke 23:54-56
Nisan 17 -Saturday evening
(John 20 – remember the first day starts at sundown Sat eve!)
HE rose from the grave….
He appeared to disciples and said don’t touch me – I haven’t ascended and wento to the heavenly
Holy of holies to offer His blood as the ultimate sin sacrifice!
Later Y’shua reappeared and could be touched.
First fruits
No high priest
sacrificially clean to offer
Why didn't the two Mary's try to anoint the body of Jesus on Friday, since they had prepared the spices and perfumes on Friday before the weekly (Saturday) Sabbath began? It is because in Matthew 27:62-66, Pilate had given the Roman order to have the grave sealed on Thursday morning, and they had put the Roman seal on it and posted guards until the 3 days were complete. Therefore, if the 2 Marys had tried to anoint the body on Friday, they would have broken the law and been arrested. They waited until after the 3 days, so as to avoid arrest. The apostles were all in hiding at the time, fearing possibly their own arrest, so it fell to the two Mary's to anoint the body.
Matthew 27:62-66 shows that Y’shua had openly taught that the major sign that He was the Messiah was that He would die and three days later rise again. Even more clearly, He said that He would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. This promise meant that 72 hours would pass from His death to His resurrection and that this would be the sign for the Jews that He was who He said He was (the Messiah). The Friday crucifixion with a resurrection before sunrise on Sunday morning totals approximately 36 hours. If we understood Y’shua to mean that within three days and three nights He would rise again, then any period short of that would suffice. But He taught that after three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, then He would rise again. This logically would necessitate the crucifixion on a Wednesday, then the nighttime periods of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and the daylight times of Thurs, Friday and Saturday would be three days and three nights.
Peshitta Aramaic Matthew 28:1 Mary's arrived at the tomb at twilight on Saturday evening and the stone had already been rolled away.
YHWH does EXACTLY what HE says!!
** ***
(Next page)
Feasts of YHWH
(Lora if you can make a chart of this…. Each number “one” goes together and number 2 goes together…. So if you have the heading across the top (paper sideways maybe?) and then 1… Pesach and then all the “number ones across in that same column…. I hope this is sort of clear??” thank you!) I think the way this is in the smaller books is fine.
Can you put in the round calendar/ picture on this page??
1. Pesach (Passover)
2. Hag HaMatzah (Unleavened bread)
3. Bikkurim (First Fruits)
4. Shavuot (Pentecost)
5. Yom Teruah (Trumpets)
6. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
7. Sukkot (Tabernacles
1. Isra’el’s deliverance out of Egyptian bondage
2. The going out of Egypt
3. Crossing the Red Sea
4. Giving of the torah at Mt Sinai
5. Blowing the shofar (calendar new year)
6. Priest entered the Holy of Holies Cleansing of people’s sins
7. Entering the Promised Land/ Great rejoicing
1. Death of Y’shua on the stake
2. Burial of Y’shua
3. Resurrection of Y’shua
4. Pouring out of Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)
5. The resurrection of the dead/rapture of the Bride in the air.
6. The day of Y’shua’s second coming and judgment of all peoples.
7. The Messianic era / Millennial Reign of Y’shua
The Four Cups of Pesach / Passover
By Daniel Rendelman
These four glasses of wine are each symbolic of statements. They tell the Passover story and vividly remind us that Y'shua is the Passover lamb.
The first cup is the Cup of Sanctification. This cup of holiness originates from Exodus 6:6 when YHWH said, "I will take you out." Or “I will free you…”
The first cup is the Kiddush cup, or glass of holiness. With this juice, we remember the promise of YHWH to bring the people out of slavery and establish a holy nation. Similarly, Y'shua sanctifies us, "On their behalf I am setting myself apart for holiness, so that they too may be set apart for holiness by means of the truth." John 17:19.
The second cup is the cup of deliverance. It is with this cup that the Seder recalls the ten plagues of Egypt. Just as YHWH delivered the children of Israel, He still delivers His people from judgment. John 8:32 expresses the deliverance of Y'shua. "I will deliver you," is found in Exodus 6:6.
The third cup is the cup of redemption. This cup of blessing shows how YHWH redeems Israel from sin. Galatians 4:4-5, "but when the appointed time arrived, God sent forth his Son. He was born from a woman, born into a culture in which legalistic perversion of the Torah was the norm, so that he might redeem those in subjection to this legalism and thus enable us to be made God’s sons.”
(This is also reflective of the “feast of wine” – the marriage proposal.)
The last cup is the cup of the Kingdom. This is also called the cup of praise or the cup of acceptance. YHWH says in Exodus 6:7, "I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am YHWH your God, who freed you from the forced labor of the Egyptians.”
The pattern is simply: YHWH will bring, redeem, deliver, and take us as His people. In Luke 22 and Mathew 26 we can read of the Messiah partaking of the traditional Seder. He takes up the cup of redemption and offers it as a symbol of his covenant with believes. We were once in spiritual bondage to sin and Satan. Y'shua gave his life to deliver us from sin and the plague of death. The shed blood of Messiah paid the price to redeem us. And finally we are to live a life worthy of praise. Our actions should reflect the principles and practices of the cup of the Kingdom.
“If we don’t understand the 2 Kingdoms, then we don’t understand 7/8ths of the Word!”
Northern Kingdom = House of Isra’el = Efrayim
= Christianity today!!
Tribes = 10 lost tribes = Re’uven, Shim’on, Naftali, Z’vulun, Yissakhar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Yosef =(Efrayim, M’nasheh), part of Benyamin
Jeroboam = king and an Ephramite
Shomron / Samaria = capitol
Captured by Assyria in 721 BC – lost their identity – and never came back to the land or the Covenant. – Dispersed into all nations.
YHWH divorced in Yirmeyahu (Jer) 3:6,8
Out of Covenant people – lost sheep Yirmeyahu 50: 6
“Those who are far off” Yeshua Yahu (Is) 57:19
Hoshea 8:8-12
Yirmeyahu (Jer) 23:27 – have forgotten the name of YHWH
Need – Repentance of man’s traditions and false teachings and rejection of Torah!
Southern Kingdom = House of Judah = Judah
= Jews today (mostly Benjamin in Isra’el today)
2 tribes = Judah, Levi, (and part of Benjamin)
Rehoboam = King = son of King Solomon = a Judahite, 931 BC the kingdoms separated
Captured by Babylon – 586 BC - for 70 years, but came back to the Land of Isra’el in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah
Destruction of 2nd Temple and Rome captured and then dispersed into the world, but kept their faith and traditions. They came back in 1948 to the Land.
Never lost their identity
Punished but not divorced b/c of YHWH’s promise to David
B’resheet (Gen) 49:10 – have Torah
Reject Mashiach
Daniel 9: 27 are called “those who are near” and Yesha Yahu (Is) 57:19
B’resheet (Gen) 49:22 –wealthy
NEED – repentance of man’s additions to Torah and not accepting HaMashiach
Yechezk’el 34,36 cjb p 687
Yechezk’el 37: 15-28 cjb p 691
When and where Isra’el and Judah come together = Yechezk’el (Ezek) 39:25-27 cjb p 694
Romans 11:1-27 cjb p 1415
Good News!
In the Word – in both the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the B’rit Chadashah (New Testament) = “The Good News” – isn’t focused on the blood of Messiah covering our sins… although that IS good news!! Over and over – the “Good News” is that the ones who are out of covenant – who have been divorced, can be remarried by the Bridegroom…. they can return to covenant!! We can come back!!
Eph 1:9 cjb p 1459 “he has made known to us his secret plan, which by his own will he designed beforehand in connection with the Messiah.”
Eph 2:13- 19 cjb p 1460 “But now, you who were once far off (out of covenant or gentile) have been brought near through the shedding of the Messiah’s blood. 14 For he himself is our shalom – he has made us both one and has broken down the machitzah (wall) which divided us (secret plan – concealed) 15 by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah, with its commands set forth in the form of ordinances. He did this in order to create in union with himself from the two groups a single new humanity and thus make shalom, 16 and in order to reconcile to YHWH both in a single body by being executed on a stake as a criminal and thus in himself killing that enmity.”
17 “Also, when he came, he announced as Good News shalom to you far off (Northern Kingdom) and shalom to those nearby (Southern Kingdom), 18 news that through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.”
19 “So then, you (Northern Kingdom) are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow-citizens with YHWH’s people and members of YHWH’s family.”
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