Sunday, March 24, 2013

Yesterday's Shabbat Sermon

Benei Ohr – People of the Light – People of Torah
March 23, 2013  ~  Nisan 12, 5773
Torah Parashah 25 – Tzav – “Give and order”
Torah - Vayikra (Leviticus) 6:1- 8:36
Haftarah – Malachi 3:4-24; Yirmeyahu (Jer) 7:21-8:3;  9:22-23
B’rit Hadashah – Mark 12:28-34; Romans 12:1-2;  1 Corin. 10:14-23; Mark 7: 31-9:1
Intro….Benei Ohr – people of the light – people of Torah….
What does the light that you carry allow you to see?
If I shine a flash light I can see something in the dark…. 
But I need to understand what it is that I am seeing.
-or it won’t make much difference. 
- One time Kevin and I were camping with the kids and they were babies… so one of us had to stay in the tent while the other went up to the bathrooms and got ready for bed… so there I was, walking back with a flash light….in the dark.  Have you ever gotten lost in a camp ground?....  well I missed the turn in the road on the way back to the tent… and I couldn’t find it… so I was shining my light around…and I heard something beside me…  moved the light and there, about 3 feet from me – were three very large black creatures with white stripes down their backs. 
Now if I didn’t know – those are skunks… I might not have moved the light away but not so far that I couldn’t see them at all… and might not have backed up so gingerly….  And quietly…. 
I found the tent… and didn’t stink…
You get the point… if I didn’t know that it was essential not to move toward them and frighten them….  I may have smelled really really bad.
If we “see” something in the world or in the church…  and we don’t recognize it for what it is…  we will think that the wolves in sheep’s clothing are just sheep and let them into our lives!!
So you people of the Light – children of Torah…
… what do you see??
Joel 3:1-2 (actually chapters 3-4)  cjb p 727
Mattityahu 25: 1-13 cjb p 1256
Oil = light = Truth = Torah = Living Torah = Y’shua
These women were “light bearers”… 
25:12 “But he answered, Indeed! I tell you, I don’t know you!”
            = those who do not practice Torah
            = those not OBEDIENT to Yah’s instructions – keeping Shabbats, and Feasts etc
25: 13 “so stay alert” = root – “shaqad” = to watch, be alert, or to be sleepless… just as light bearers should be….

I Thessalonians 5: 1-8
“people who belong to the light” = Benei Ohr = children or Torah
6 “so let’s not be asleep, like the rest are; on the contrary, let us stay alert and sober.” = See “almond” of Exodus 25
-      It doesn’t sound like most people could tell the difference from good and bad – function and dysfunction – tov and ra
-      (the tree of “good and evil” is really “the tree of tov and ra” = function and dysfunction”)
-      Something either helps function or brings dysfunction
-      There are two powers in the world – YHWH and evil….  If it is not one it is the other…. And just because someone says it is of Yah does not mean it is… we have to be able to SEE the difference!!
-      We have to be alert!! ….

Ex 25:33 cjb p 88 – Yah’s instructions for making the Menorah…
“One one branch are to be three cups shaped like almond blossoms…”
Almond = same root – “shaqad” = to watch, be alert, or to be sleepless… just as light bearers should be….

I am so excited… Monday night we will be joyously keeping the feast/moed/set apart time – that YHWH set apart and commanded His people to keep … Pesach! J
Vayikra (Lev) 23:14 “this is a permanent regulation through all your generations, no matter where you live.”
He instructed us to be obedient… and we have turned and are returning… we are learning how to be obedient to His written instructions – Torah.  Praise Yah!
We read earlier in Mattityahu 25: 13 and in I Thess. 5:6 – “stay alert” and “let’s not be asleep”. .. 
So part of being obedient – is staying alert and not being “asleep”.
Now let’s just clarify – this is not about not sleeping at night so our bodies can recover and have the strength to carry on…  
This is about SEEING what is going on around us. 
So – what is going on around us??
We can comment on the amount of natural disasters that have seemingly increased.
I just read that the meteorologists have just declared that “extreme weather” is the “new normal” for the States. ( and probably is for the whole world from what I see.)
We can look at what I would define as the increase in darkness… the ugly stuff….   The evil…  the pornography, the human trafficking,  the crime….   Etc…
Significantly- the increase in desensitization by the media to violence.  – especially by television.
            As many of you know, I don’t watch much tv at all….  And recently I wanted to watch a movie with Kevin… so we turned on TV… flipped around and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!  I kept saying … “THIS is on TV?!!”  I couldn’t believe how it has changed since I stopped watching!!
            But I have had people tell me they are tired of hearing about tv and violence…  because there are other things that cause problems and that really doesn’t matter that much!
-      Talk about desensitization !!!
Aldous Huxley’s book “Brave New World” – published in 1932 – talked of the “box in people’s homes” that gives them directions.
I think that most people are probably aware of these sorts of the ugly evil increasing in the world….
But there is more…
I have learned from Scoop that there is a term – (maybe it’s sort of slang)… in basketball – called “back door”….  Now I don’t know if I understand it correctly – but what I think it is… the ball is on one side of the court and it looks like the offense is going to do something from that side…and quickly the ball is moved to the other side/ back side or “back door”… and surprise surprise – the shot is open…
Nobody – most of the players don’t expect that to happen b/c it is not the “presenting option they are focused on”.
It’s a sort of “sneak attack”.
I think there is a “back door” that the enemy is going through in our world… and not only do most people not know about it, but they don’t want to know about it… let alone are they even aware that it is even a possibility!
So if you don’t want to know…  if you’d rather have your head in the sand and pretend that all if fine… If you don’t want to be obedient and be prepared … then you best go home or stop reading now.
Yesha’Yahu (Isaiah) 5:20 cjb p 443 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.”
Colossians 2: 8 cjb p 1471 “Watch out, so that no one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition which accords with the elemental spirits of the world but does not accord with the Messiah.”
I was delighted to find that Richard Rives who wrote “Too Long in the Sun”,  wrote (and I never read it before this week)… after that hard sermon I preached about the church serving a false Messiah….
Rives wrote…”Practices in opposition to the accepted ways of the Lord can only be in honor of ‘another jesus’.”  
- exactly what I was saying – the Christian church is teaching a false messiah.  Not that the one in the Word is false… but the one they teach is… because the Christian jesus came to END Torah.  He was born on 12-25, his name is a greek god – zeus…  he was not in the grave three days and three nights…  etc….
Brad Scott said … “It is better to be an atheist than to be lukewarm.”
-      After all this is what the Word says….

-      Revelation 3:15-16 cjb p 1536 “I know what you are doing: you are neither cold nor hot.  How I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth!”

-      Brad Scott goes on to say that lukewarm is when people take the instructions of YHWH and mix them with traditions of men and say that they are worshiping YHWH.

-      We’ve talked about this many times.  This is why we have left the holidays man created that are called “Christian” and we have RETURNED to the holidays YHWH said to do “throughout ALL generations.”
2 Kefa (2 Peter) 3:1-14 cjb p 1523 … (“during the last days…”)
-      The Day of YHWH/ “The Day of The LORD” = this is the day that heaven and earth will be destroyed and there will be a new Heaven and earth….   This is the day we don’t know…
-      We are to be READY for Y’shua’s return ( this is NOT “The Day of the LORD)….
-       YHWH spends a lot of scripture telling us what the signs are when Y’shua’s return is near…
-      And remember HE gave us the FEASTS – the first part of the year are prophecies of what Y’shua would do and HE fulfilled them (Pesach, Matzah, First Fruits, and Shavuot)
-      and the second part of the year – are prophecies of what HE will do when HE returns! (Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot)

So let’s talk about what is going on around us.
Most people can recognize horrible evil in the world… but do we know ….
… do we have enough light and the wisdom to identify what it is we are seeing…. When it doesn’t appear “bad”.
Remember that just because something seems to produce good results, doesn’t make it Godly.   There is always a beautiful beginning to the most evil … otherwise nobody would accept it.
So let’s shine some light and some Word on some things that may not be so obviously evil….

            This is something that has infiltrated the Christian church…
Contemplative Spirituality: A belief system that uses ancient mystical practices to induce altered states of consciousness (the silence) and is rooted in mysticism and the occult but is often wrapped in Christian terminology. The premise of contemplative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all – as in God is the universe) and panentheistic (God is in all).
How did this non-biblical practice enter the evangelical church?
In the mid-seventies three monks wanted to bring contemplative prayer to Christianity. This is how they did it.»
"They invited to the abbey ecumenically oriented Catholic theologians,

an Eastern Zen master, Joshu Roshi Sasaki, who offered week long retreats on Buddhist meditation,

and a former Trappist, Paul Marechal, who taught transcendental meditation.

The interaction between these Christian monks and practitioners of Eastern meditation helped distill the practice of Christian contemplative prayer into a form that could be easily practiced by a diverse array of "non-monastic" believers: priests, nuns, brothers and lay men and women."

“Contemplative spirituality” is found in things called terms like the following…
“contemplative prayer, centering prayer, centering down, paschal spirituality, the discipline of the secret, contemplative spirituality, celebrating the darkness, mineralization, the Mineral Man, practicing the presence, the interior life, intimacy with Abba, the uncloistered contemplative life, inner integration, yielding to the Center, the bridge of faith, notional knowledge, contemporary spiritual masters, masters of the interior life, shadow self, false self, mysterium tremendum, existential experience, and the Abba experience.”
Ray Yungen states…
“New Agers, occultists and those practicing Eastern religion regard contemplative
prayer as part of their own movement. The following are examples from New Age, Eastern thought and occultic books and magazines:

Those who have practiced Transcendental Meditation may be surprised to learn that Christianity has its own time-honored form of mantra meditation. The technique, called Centering Prayer, draws on the spiritual exercises of the Desert Fathers, the English devotional classic, The Cloud of Unknowing, and the famous Jesus Prayer.…

Reliance on a mantric centering device has a long history in the mystical canon of Christianity.

Several contemplative authors: Father Thomas Keating, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Julian of Norwich, John of the Cross.”

Thomas Merton is a popular contemplative… and you can say… well he was a monk so he is a Christian…. His mentors were buddist.

Henri Nouwen – before he died… said he “would have made a better buddist than Christian.”!!!!
And Christians quote Nowen all the time!
What’s the big deal…  contemplation has its roots in buddism and the occult…. Methods of contemplation are the same as eastern religion practices.  So how can they be “okay”???
The Mennonite Church is the leading denomination in the USA inviting and teaching contemplative spirituality.
Y’shua never taught and Torah never states a way to “attain oneness with YHWH.”  But called us to be obedient and serve YHWH. 
For more information – see Light House Trails Research
**  ** ~~  ~~  ~~  **  ** 
Okay so that is a problem…  that has been going on…
What is going on now??
1.      Greg Reid reports in His March newsletter…. that “Student members of InterVarsity were shocked to find themselves banned from casual Bible study together at their dorms last month”.
-      Universities in our country are starting to not allow Bible study!

2.     Reid also brought up the “mob mentality”…  His point was that when Shaul spoke he was nearly killed by “mobs” many times. 
What is more… if you think that these children in middle school who are bullying … are not going to grow up with mob mentality … you might be sticking your head in the sand.

3.     Or how about the ABC news fake video of a waitress not wanting to serve a lesbian family….  And then discovering that the people that watched the video who were Christian – had “found a new thought”
-      They berated the waitress and wrote the “couple” a note telling them what a beautiful family they had. 

Greg wrote…”This must be a new breed of Christians who believe ignoring the elephant in the living room, or calling it a goldfish, will win people over to ‘Christ’ just because we are so nice.”

And he went on to say that – yes we need to love people… “but neither can we allow ourselves to pretend like truth doesn’t matter.  Nor do we lie to people in the name of ‘Jesus’.”
Or how about that…. “The supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Biblical speech opposing homosexual behavior, including in written form, is essentially a hate crime.”
We know that Rob Bell continues to announce all sorts of things that don’t line up with Torah – and yet thousands if not more, young people follow his teachings…
Or how about that…
The publishing firm – Houghton Miflin Harcourt  has just released …
“A New New Testament:  A Bible for the 21st Century Combining Traditional and Newly Discovered Texts” .. edited by Hal Taussig.
Did you get that?!!! – a new – New Testament!!!
And in summary of a lengthy article…  it appears that the books they have added do not line up with the rest of the Word as we know it. 
It also appears that there is a clear agenda by the editor and others to now insert Gnosticism (special knowledge… and believe that matter is evil and spirit is good)  and mysticism (a belief of union with or absorption into God)  into the Word.
Doesn’t this just sound like “contemplative” stuff!... and where did that come from …  the catholic church….and the protestants accepted that??!!.... 
How did that happen??
Which leads us to another topic right in front of our eyes.
How many of you had any “red flags” go up for you, because of previous knowledge, before getting information from me….  About the fact that the new pope is a jesuit??
An article from Light House Trails Research
 ( I like this source because everything is documented – so you might want to check out what I am saying.)
States that… “the evangelical/ protestant church is being drawn seductively into the Roman Catholic church, largely through what we call  ‘The Jesuit Agenda’…. Incredibly, while the evidence is obvious to some, the majority of  proclaiming Christians are not at all aware it is happening.”
As protestants you may know of the “protestant reformation”… where persons left Catholicism to return to the Word. 
But did you also know of the “Counter Reformation” – that was founded in the catholic church to bring the “Separated Brethren” back to the “Mother of All churches”??
The Counter Reformation was “largely headed by Ignatius Loyola, the man who founded the Jesuit Order in the mid 1500s…..  and launched an all-out attack against those who dared stand against the papacy and Rome” 
You can read about this attack over and over in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.
“The Jesuits were commissioned by the Pope to do whatever it took to end the Protestant Reformation.”
{Now, something very important to point out… we know from multiple sources that much of the people if not all, who were leaving the catholic church in the Protestant Reformation – were in fact – blood Hebrews…  Northern Kingdom Isra’el… 
So it is no wonder that Hitler is quoted as saying.. “I am not doing anything that the Jesuits have not been doing for 1500 years.”!!!
Do you get this??!!}
“Most christians think that the Counter Reformation is a thing of the past, because we are not seeing inquisitions today, this movement continues until today and with renewed effort through various avenues of the evangelical/Protestant church.”
“In a way, it is more insidious than the Inquisitions, because now it has infiltrated Christianity and is being disguised as the “new Christianity”.  Rick Warren promotes it.”
This is a jesuit agenda to bring about ecumenism and a one-world religion – at the same time attempting to destroy the TRUTH.
I might say I have read a lot of information on Jesuits perhaps, compared to most…  and what I know is the Jesuits are one of three very significant controlling/ influencing groups in the world today.
-      Jesuits, illuminati, builderbergs.
The jesuit oath… taken from “Political and Economic Handbook” by Thomas Edward Watson published in 1916 and found in the Harvard College Library:
            The oath states in part…
“I do declare from my heart, without mental reservation, that the Pope is Christ’s Vicar General and.. He hath power to depose heretical Kings Princes, States… that they may safely be destroyed.  Therefore, to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine… I do further declare the doctrine of the  Church of England, of the Calvinists [sic], the Huguenots, and other Protestants to be damnable and those to be damned who will not forsake the same.  I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness agents in any place wherever I shall be; and to do my utmost to extirpate [exterminate] the heretical Protestant doctrine, and to destroy all their pretended power. (p 437)
“In another version of the Jesuit Oath, the Jesuit is asked to promise that he will make ‘relentless war’ against ‘all heretics, protestants’ and to ‘hang, burn waste, boil, flay strangle, and bury alive those infamous heretics” (found in US House Congressional Record, 1913, p. 3216.

Nobody is saying the Jesuits are murdering anyone right now… but there is “the determination and efforts to convert Protestants back to the Mother Church still exists today”
=   Teach contemplative spirituality and mysticism… remember how it started… in Catholicism and now the protestants are not only practicing it, but they are teaching it!
How many churches have you driven past and seen a labyrinth? 
I also want to quote…
“Those who shine the light on the Jesuit Agenda are considered to be conspiratorial crackpots…”
But don’t believe me – go look up “ the black pope” and find out who they are. 
***  **  ***
And finally – let me share something that might not have any value… but it is very interesting to note… and if we don’t believe in coincidence…. 
The point is… we just need to be aware…
A man named St Malachy – wrote “Prophecy of the Popes” sometime before he died in 1144.
In it, St Malachy predicted Pope Benedict XVI would  be the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to resign.
He also wrote that the “final pope” – “Petrus Romanus” or “Peter the Roman” ‘s reign would end with the destruction of Rome and the judgment of “Christ””.
Tom Horn, who wrote a book about this explained, “the name ‘Petrus Romanus’ in prophecy, ‘implies this pope will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church and will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world.”
Horn also states that “more than 60 years ago, a Belgian Jesuit theologian and academic named Rene Thibault came up with the date 2012 as the culmination of Malachy’s prophecies”
It might interest you to know that according to the article I read…. the pope made his decision to resign last year and announced it in Feb.
“St Malachy, an Irish saint and the archbishop of Armagh who lived from 1094 – 1148, described the “final pope” this way;   ‘In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the City of Seven Hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.”

Now what is interesting about this… Bergolglio- the new pope- “named himself after Saint Francis of Assisi.    Shortly before Assisi died he prophesied that at the time of tribulation a man would “be raised to the pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it..  for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.”  [Works of the Seraphic Father St Francis of Assisi 91182- 1226), Washbourne, 1882 AD, 248].

What  I find even more interesting is this…. The article states…
“Furthermore, in naming himself after Assisi, Bergoglio branded himself after an Italian (Roman) priest whose original name was Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone --- literally – Peter the Roman.”
Now I am not telling you that is all true about the pope… but it is proven that several things that St Malachy said have been true….
Greg Reid said it well….  The fact that St Malachy said these things might not mean anything… “but I am also aware of an extensive behind the scenes power struggle in the Vatican between Luciferian Bishops (that would be Jesuits) and the last 4 popes.  Those renegade Bishops are determined to turn the Catholic church into a SECULAR church, which is the only way a “one world, one church” order can truly be established.”
The Catholic Church “continues to take a strong stand on abortion and homosexuality, which are the last real obstacles to be re moved for the secularization of the church to take place.”
… so let’s watch what happens with these two issues!
I don’t present these things to you… to bring fear… but we are to carry the light… and in carrying light – that means we can SEE … 
The issue becomes.. do we understand what we are SEEING right in front of us….
You beina – you people of the light – people of Torah…
You have to understand that the Torah is the LIGHT…  HE is living and is the Light… and if it doesn’t line up with the Word/ the Torah…  it is not okay!!
It is not okay – just because someone says so.. or you read a book about it….  It is not okay of your pastor says to do centering prayer or any other contemplative activity – they come from eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism etc.   
Using that stuff… to “worship” YHWH – is the same as celebrating the birthday of Y’shua on December the 25th – which was NOT his birthday… it is the forever known birthday of Ra the sun god – baal….  And calling it celebrating Y’shua.

Whenever we mix the traditions of man…  with worshiping YHWH and call it worshiping YHWH … b/c I mean well….  We are lukewarm and worse than if we were cold… and will be vomited out of His mouth… 
It is not okay!
We have to be aware of what is going on in the world… so we don’t accept things of the enemy!
We have to be aware of what is going on in the world… so we can be ready….
Is there oil in your lamp?  How much light can you carry?... How long will it last…
If you are called to live through tribulation – will it last?
We have got to know the Word… Torah …  because that is why the church has so easily accepted the things of the enemy….
You see in the bible that most Christians read – it is translated so poorly and so anti – Hebrew – that  quote … “it can be interpreted any way you want”….   So then it makes it “okay” to accept things of the enemy.
We have got to understand YHWH’s Word… and understand as much as we possibly can based on the Hebrew meanings and understanding….
Because …
Truth only sets you free…if you obey Yah’s instructions!
Yochanan (John) 8:31-32 cjb p 1341  “So  Y’shua said to the Judeans who had trusted him, ‘If you obey what I say, then are you really my talmidim, 32 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’”
What does the Living Torah say?.... If we obey Yah’s instructions on how to live Holy unto Him….  Then we will know the truth and then we will be free. 
So what it is saying is – if we aren’t obeying His instructions/ Torah.. we can’t know the truth and we can’t possibly be free.
We must be free to carry light enough to see with!
Other wise – we will believe anything… and it is “the thief that comes to steal and kill and destroy.”  (Yochanan 10:10)
If we don’t have enough light of His Word… we won’t be able to see… and if we can “see it”… we won’t know what it means/what it really is….
It is time to get ready – to be prepared, to be alert!!
Matt 5:19 cjb p 1228 “So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches other to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Tehillim (Psalm) 111: 7-8 cjb p 905 “The works of his hands are truth and justice; all his precepts can be trusted. 8 They have been established forever and ever, to be carried out truly and honestly.”
-      “Truly and honestly” = Yashar in Hebrew = to be right… the straight path… = the cycles of YHWH.
Richard Rives in “Too Long in the Sun” states…
“Do we really love the truth?  Those that do will not be satisfied to remain like those, who, ‘willingly are ignorant’.  They will study in order to search out the truth and then respond to it.”
 May we not blindly accept darkness.
May we run passionately after TRUTH. 
You don’t have to take my word for the things I spoke here today…  look them up – do your own research.
You will find that there is nothing of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that has to do with – Christmas, and Valentines, and Easter, and Halloween – the holiday’s man’s traditions…
You will find that there are significant issues with Jesuits and it might mean something that this pope is a jesuit and his name means “Peter the Roman”.
You will find that gay marriages are now legal all across Canada, and in several states in the US with more to follow.
You will find that there is an agenda by people  much more powerful and evil that I can understand – to have one world government and one religion.
You will find that there are talks going on between Muslims and Rabbi’s that are about Isra’el building the Temple… and they are going to call it Solomon’s Palace.  Now you know – they aren’t going to tear down The Dome of the Rock… but if you study you will find out – that the Dome is not on the temple sight… and that there is enough room to build the temple beside it!!
You will find that there is a Red Heifer in Isra’el and what that means.
You will find that the furnishings and  utensils and priestly garments are ready to be used.
You will find that to rebuild Solomon’s Temple – may take some time… 
… while -   Moshe’s Tabernacle could be up in less than three days…
And you will know that that means.
And you will even learn why Christianity has embraced PORK and why YHWH said to NEVER eat it.
I don’t share these things to bring fear – but to give you a SOLID foundation on the ROCK that is Y’shua – YHWH is salvation…  so that you are not like a reed blowing in the wind… but an oak of righteousness… a planting for the display of His splendor… 
As you study….
You will find that YHWH always does what HE says… and He said He will never leave us and HE will never forsake us…
And if you really study.. you will find – what we talked about last week…
That every place in the Word where it says… river, stream, inheritance, and lead…. It is talking about – based on Hebrew – that YHWH always provides in the midst of all the difficult places…  HE provides what flows down from the mountain top… and what did He give on the Mountain top? – Torah…  
And you will find that the written Torah and the Living Torah are one in the same….  Ponder that one and be changed!
So this day – I invite you to not just carry the light…  but learn to identify the difference between a nice kitty and a skunk!
Run to HIS TRUTH….  And obey it… because when you do… You will be free.

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