Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Holy Spirit part 2 - Understanding the Ruach HaKodesh in the Whole Book

Understanding Ruach HaKodesh in the whole Book
April 27,2013 ~ Iyar 17,5773
Day 32 of Omer
Torah Parashah 31 – Emor (speak) – Vayikra (Leviticus) 21:1-24:23 cjb p 134
Haftarah – Yechezk’el (Ezekiel) 44:15- 31
B’rit Hadashah – Matt 5:38-42; Galatians 3:26-29; Luke 11:1-12:59
Understanding Ruach HaKodesh in the whole Book….
Last week… we covered a lot of things in preparation to understand the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) according to the entire Word of YHWH and not just what man’s tradition teaches….
We also talked about derash… and that it means pursuing YHWH with the intensity we would look for a lost child…. 
In this pursuit of how to follow Him and live the way HE wants us to…  we need to understand the Ruach HaKodesh… the Holy Spirit… 
So let’s review a bit….
-      We talked about how the popular religion of our time teaches that being filled with the Holy Spirit didn’t happen on earth until Shavuot after Y’shua’s ascension.  – What Christians call Pentecost.
-      We also talked about how Christianity has spiritualized the Ruach HaKodesh…. By that I mean…  they have decided things about the Holy Spirit – not based on the Word, and can say whatever idea  one has is okay…..  And so when they say… “The Spirit led me…” -  it can’t be proven wrong…. And it has become an anything goes – free for all…
--- We might want to understand the truth about the Ruach!
We also talked about….
-      One of the things we need to understand is that …
Greek thinking is “either /or”…
In Greek thinking = things are either “this” or “that” …
…they are “one” or “the other”… and THAT IS ALL.
And so Christianity – being Greek based… makes theological issues out of ideas…  and forgets to look at what the Word says… in its entirety.
This Greek thing is very important… it is where paganism came in and it is going to explain a lot of things that happened in the B’rit Chadashah… as we get into this study.
-One of the significant scriptures we talked about last Shabbat was….
Mal’Akhi 4:6 cjb p 90 “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers…”
Again – we have often said ….this is not families getting along… this is about we the children turning back and living what the Patriarchs did – ……back to Torah!  Amein!
So let’s build on this….  The following teaching is based largely on the work of Bradley Scott – of Wild Branch Ministries.
Presuppositions we have about Ruach HaKodesh
1.      The Ruach HaKodesh didn’t come until Pentecost and not mentioned very often.  The Spirit is not mentioned in Vayikra (Lev) at all.  – But he is not mentioned..  in B’rit Chadashah in  Titus, 2 Peter or 2nd  3rd  John either.

2.    The HS did not indwell the Tanakh believers, especially not the group of believers!

3.    The Tanakh believers were governed by the Torah and the believers in the B’rit Chadashah are governed by the Spirit. 

4.    Gifts are only given to the church.

Yochanan (John) 14:25-26 cjb p 1350 “I have told you these things while I am still with you.  26 But the Counselor, the Ruach HaKodesh, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything; that is, he will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
{Now let me remind you that the word “remind” is the Hebrew word zachar which means … “to act or speak on behalf of someone/something.”}
Based on Yochanan 14:25-26, one ministry of the Ruach is to teach us all things so we can do them!
But these verses in Yochanan 14:25-26   have led us to believe…that the Ruach HaKodesh didn’t show up on earth until Y’shua left!!!
And this is NOT SO!
Messianic Jews (Hebrews – Ivri) 13:8 cjb p 1508 “Y’shua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
The commentary on this verse in the Aramaic English New Testament says….
 “Rav Shaul knows Y’shua as the Word of YHWH who is Mashiyach, as the same yesterday, today and forever, and all things were created by the Word of YHWH from the beginning of time.  It was Mashiyach who spoke with Noach and Avraham and gave the Torah to Moshe, which is why it is very wicked for Christians to speak evil of Torah and suggest that Isra’el could not keep the Torah which was given them, when YHWH Himself says, “But the Word is very night unto you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it.” (D’varim (Deut) 30:14.
 So where it says “Y’shua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.”…
We have to step back and remember who Y’shua is….  The Living Torah, the Word, the Word made flesh… the Beina…  (not “son” as in “child of”...b/c that word would have been yelid… while beina is “the plan or one who brings restoration.”)
Plus we also know that “trinity” is a Christian and non-biblical concept.
YHWH is Echad.
So Shaul (Paul) is saying here…
 “YHWH is the same – yesterday, today and forever.”  Amein.
Now think about that…. If He is Echad and He is the same…. 
Scott says…
“Religions are in the business of corrupting and changing the plan of YHWH and YHWH is in the business of restoration.”
We who grew up in christianity were taught that the “JEWS” in the Tanakh were “different”…
We were taught that they did not have the Ruach HaKodesh….and now we have evolved since then and HE came on Pentecost…  and because they did not have  him, HE operated differently then, than he does now.
We were taught that Holy Spirit can and does indwell “New Testament” believers, but that HE came and went in the “Old Testament” (Tanakh).
We were taught that…
- the followers of God in the Old Testament just lived according to Torah and they didn’t have the Holy Spirit…
-And now since Pentecost – we don’t operate according to Torah, but according to Holy Spirit!
This is WRONG. 
This teaching from christianity is NOT what the Word says!!!
He is “the same – yesterday today and forever.” Messianic Jews 13:8
If you are like me….  You can hardly wait to find out the truth!!
This is so exciting!!
We have talked about the wheel of B’resheet –
Remember – in Y’akov (James) 3:6 “the whole of life” -  better translated … means… in both Greek and Hebrew – “the wheel of B’resheet”
…..and even better translated – it means – the power and ability to keep the wheel of B’resheet.
{The wheel of B’resheet is the cycles of YHWH that He introduced in B’resheet (Genesis) 1-4.  =  His Shabbats, His New Moons, His High Shabbats- feasts etc.}
We learned that YHWH has a path - an agol – and it is cyclical…(creationism) and it is NOT linear as evolution is.
Our Father is not linear, he is cyclical…. Everything in the universe goes through cycles… and someday the cycles will end – Praise Yah!
In simplest form…
His cycle is:
He creates in perfect form…. There is a fall (sin – disobedience) … and then He restores.
… so we are going to understand this better. 
Scott says….You can’t be saved without Ruach HaKodesh… you can’t be His son, if HE is not your Father…The teaching of “Trinity”  is a HUGE part of the problem to understanding the Ruach correctly!!”
Scott goes on to say …
“I do not believe that – ‘God is three persons… blessed trinity’!” !!!!!!!
The problem is that in Trinity, as in other teachings… “we” have made up words to describe/talk    about something in the Word… and so  “we” have changed things considerably!
Scott also says…
“We don’t have to make up words not in the Bible to describe something!”
“Once we add words – it gets convoluted and harder to see”…
….and then we start mixing lies in with the truth, and calling it the truth…
… and we have learned that THIS is what YHWH hates; mixing truth with lies and calling it worshiping HIM.
We don’t have to make up words to describe what is in the Word!...
We can use the same terms that YHWH does!  (Imagine that!) J
Remember last Shabbat I talked about some comments from George Barna and his surveys…
George Barna :
            “There are several troubling patterns to take notice,
Although most all Americans claim to be Christians …
…less than one out of ten– demonstrates such knowledge through their actions.”
Actions… doing… Sh’ma = hear and do!
“Ruach HaKodesh” – phrase used in Scripture to describe YHWH in action.
Barna goes on to say that…
 these people have an intellectual assent to things written about what the scriptures say… but they don’t reflect on what these people do.

-This is exactly what I am talking about when I say – Greek is a significant issue.
Remember … If I am a Greek student in your class…. I will sit down with my paper and my pen and say… “Okay tell me what I am to learn.”
And If I am a Hebrew student in your class… I will sit down and say…”show me what I am to learn.”
Because Greek is about knowing…  Hebrew is about knowing and doing = Sh’ma!
This is huge!
So take what Barna says… that people claim to KNOW – but their life does not reflect what they know…  and put that with the concept of the Holy Spirit…  and let me remind you – what they KNOW is what they were told of man’s traditions and most if not all of them do not line up with the Word.
I want you to consider something for a second…
Don’t answer this out loud but think about this…
-      If we discover that the Holy Spirit of  YHWH actually indwelt ALL believers in the Tanakh (OT)…. Would that somehow put your relationship with him in jeopardy?....

-      Would your relationship with YHWH be made LESS if you actually
realized that He is the same then as He is now??

Would that somehow make your relationship with Yah, less??

It shouldn’t…. BUT we like to think we are one up…
We like to think that we have something those poor Isra’elites in the desert and in the Promised Land didn’t have.
What if we find that
Mal’akhi 3:6 “… I, YHWH, do not change”
…. is actually true??
Think about this…. If we learn that the Ruach HaKodesh actually indwelt YHWH’s people as a whole, not just a few prophets…. 
Then that might mean that the WORD actually is true….
What would that mean… if the WORD – actually is true… every word… because ‘HE changes Not’ ???   !!!

Do you get this??!!
….Because many people have a freak out when confronted with the idea that we aren’t anything special….  We are not “better than”… and we have NOT “evolved into better believers” since the believers in the Tanakh!!!

This is like the parable of Mattityahu 20:1-16 cjb p 1248… where some workers agree to work all day for a certain amount of pay… and then later, at 9 and then at 3,  the vineyard owner hires some other workers to work – – for the same amount that the all day workers were making….  Then with only an hour or so in the day, the field owner goes and hires some other guys to work… for the last hour of the day – for the same amount as those who have been working all day….
So we might just want to set that thing aside and stop holding on to it – that says I am something special… and begin to understand the fact that HIS Word is true and HE changes not!
And if we believe – He doesn’t change…. Then we have to consider that Ruach HaKodesh was a lot more active in the Tanakh than we have had any idea!
Who is Ruach HaKodesh?...
According to Brad Scott, (a Hebrew linguist)…. and …“The rules of language”…
….One does NOT translate proper nouns… YHWH and Y’shua…  and other names… but as we know…. these names were translated.
“God” = a translation of Elohim…  and that word is okay to use!...  Elohim is a common noun – so it can be translated to the English “God.”…
This is not a name.
Scott says that…”Most of the English language comes from pagan sources.”
We at HLM use the name – YHWH because “god” can mean many different things in our culture… 
So let’s talk about YHWH – our Elohim….
Who is the Creator of the universe? 
We need to understand who YHWH is first – in order to understand how He operates as the Ruach HaKodesh.
YHWH is Echad.  – (Sh’ma)
Hebrew uses 2 words to talk about the difference between ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.
1.     Ordinal = order of something = “rashone
2.    Cardinal =describes  how many of something…  distinguishes between the order of the apples to  how many apples…  (separates between many and order) (doesn’t describe the 3 omni’s.)   = “ECHAD”.
Cardinal numbers “ a generalization of the natural numbers used to measure the cardinality (size) in the set.  The transfinite cardinal numbers describe the sizes of the infinite sets.” 
So basically cardinal numbers are about how many…. Not the order.

The Bible says there is ONE true Elohim.
… that means all others are false.
– Echad describes how many…
Echad doesn’t describe the essence or the ability /ies of the one God…
This takes us to the three omni’s.
Omni= all = infinitely 
(It is crucial to grasp before you read the Bible!)
1.     Omni present = everywhere at once
2.    Omnipotent = all powerful
3.    Omnificent = all knowing

Okay – so that said…
 Now we can start to understand the Ruach HaKodesh of YHWH… and what Y’shua is about…
… Paul says in Col 2:9 cjb p 1471 “For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that YHWH is.”  
== Y’shua is the fullness bodily of YHWH!!
He is saying… Y’shua is YHWH!!
Now let’s talk about how we process this…
When we start to compare things and say the equation –
 “Yah = _______”
Scott says…. “What we need to understand is that --on the left side of the equation is --  Elohim/ YHWH.
 Before we go to the right side of the equation – we need to understand the left side of the equation.  = our Elohim YHWH.
Psalm 145:3…cjb p 936 “Great is YHWH and greatly to be praised; his greatness is beyond all searching out.”
“Great is Yah and greatly to be praised…”
So this means one half of the equation = YHWH = is totally indefinable…
Ie – Stephen looking into heavens and seeing Y’shua “standing on the right hand….”   
Romans 1:23  cjb p 1403 “In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God to mere images, like a mortal human being, or like brids, animals or reptiles!”
People try to change the image of incorruptible God to an image like unto man…  = really this describes the power and wisdom of Yah!!!
Back to Stephen’s vision of Y’shua on the right hand of YHWH…..
If the left side of equation is omnipresent.. how do you stand at the right hand of something that is everywhere at once?….
 How do you not stand next to something that is omnipresent? 
Scott says… “The only way you can conclude that Y’shua was actually standing next to someone if you have already defined and confined… YHWH.”
So one half the equation is indefinable!!  Incomprehensible!!
Let’s go back and look at ….
Presuppositions we have about Ruach HaKodesh
1.      The HS didn’t come until Pentecost and was not mentioned very often.  The Spirit is not mentioned in Vayikra (Lev.) at all.  –He is not mentioned..  in NT –  in  Titus, 2 Peter or 2nd  3rd  John….
2.    The HS did not indwell the believers of the Tanakh.
3.    The believers of the Tanakh were governed by the Torah and the NT saints are governed by the Spirit. 
(It has always been by the Spirit that His people are governed and led!!)  The Law was designed to bless you when you keep it and curse you when you don’t…  that is physics not just doctrinal positions! 
If you separate the Spirit of Yah from Yah - …   it is the Word that quickens/ that gives LIFE.  You can NOT separate the Spirit from YHWH himself!!

4.    Gifts are only given to the church.
It’s up to us – to present the evidence of what we do believe – b/c the other side can’t prove that he is NOT.
Scott believes that the proof is on our shoulders… 
It is harder to say something IS than it is not.   You can’t say it is not unless you have all universal knowledge.

Yochanan (John) 1:1 cjb p 1329 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 
Or better translated…  “In the B’resheet, was the Living Torah and the Living Torah was with YHWH, and the Living Torah was YHWH.”

 – Is the Word separate from YHWH?
-------  Nope not according to scriptures…
“Echad” says how many.
“Echad”  does NOT say the essence or ability of Yah…
Our Creator can manifest himself however he pleases… when He is working in our midst.. the word used in scripture is Spirit/ Ruach – to describe the action of what is going on.
The active demonstrative presence of the Spirit:
First occurrence:
 B’resheet (Gen) 1:2… “The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of YHWH hovered over the surface of the water.”
B’resheet  3:8 “the evening breeze” – the Ruach Hiyom – a wind that blows from the east.
B’resheet 6:3 striving and
B’resheet 8:1 passing over
B’resheet 41:8 troubled
B’resheet 45:27 revived
Sh’mot (Exodus) 6:9 anguished
Sh’mot 13:25 we can move him
Sh’mot 28:3, 31:3 filling
B’Midbar (Num) 11:26 rested
B’Midbar 24:2 came upon
I Sam 16:14 departs
I kings 18:12 – he carries
II kings 2:16 He takes up
Job 4:9 consumes
Psalm 1:4 drives
18:10 flies
18:6 blasts
18:43 beats
IS 26:9 seeks
IS 29:10 he pours
Matt 3:16 descend
Matt 4:1 leads
Matt 10:20 speaks
Matt 12:20 upon
Matt 12:28 casts
Luke 11:13 power given
John 3:5 born of
John 3:8 blows
John 16:13 guides and he shows
Acts- He fills pours upon, catches away, bids, allows, doesn’t allow
Rom 8:1 walks
Rom 8:9 he  dwells
Rom 8:13 mortifies
Rom 8:16 bears witness
I Corin –demonstrates, searches, washes, sanctifies, justifies, manifests
Galatians – described as fruit, lives, reaps
Ephesians – described as a sword, praying
I Thes 2:8 he consumes ,
I Tim 4:1 speaks expressly
I Peter 3:18 he quickens = life

Yochanan (John) 6:63 cjb p 1338 “It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is no help.  The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life,”

From the beginning – NO one can be delivered by anything that they DO. = “the flesh is no help”.
Consider the concept of being “Saved”… 
……..there are a lot of things I am not saved from….
I am covered in the Blood of  Y’shua… rescued and delivered from the wages of sin which is death…
I am not SAVED from the penalty of stealing….   

If I still am in Torah.
The Torah guides me and I am blessed.. if I don’t follow Torah –
-- I am cursed.
If I follow Torah  - aka-  I don’t steal ---I get blessed by not going to prison.
The purpose of Torah is to bless us.
AND … It has always been by the Spirit of Holy One that you are redeemed… SAVED.

You can’t be saved without the spirit
… You can’t have Y’shua without the Spirit in you.

Scott says….
If you don’t have the  Holy Spirit – you can’t follow YHWH  b/c all you have is the spirit of man then,
 and the only thing the spirit of man is designed to do is to cause you to understand the things of a  man.
You can’t separate the Spirit from the Word or the Spirit from YHWH !!!!   He is ECHAD!!
You can’t have Messiah/ Word without the Spirit. 
If you have the Word in you.. you have all of YHWH…
BUT- this is not the same thing as manifestations happening…
So ….you always have to have the Spirit of Yah ….
…. in order to walk in anything faithfully, that He has called you to do .

Yesha’Yahu (Isaiah)  63:10-11 cjb p 536  “However, they rebelled, they grieved His Holy Spirit; so he became their enemy and himself fought against them.  11  But then his people remembered the days of old, the days of Moshe:  ‘Where is he who brought them up from the sea with the shepherds of his flock?  Where is he who put His Holy Spirit right there among them,…”
“right there among” is the Hebrew word beqherbo and it means “WITHIN”
So it should read…”Where is he who put his Holy Spirit within them.”  !!

The ministry of the Spirit within me is to lead me to follow and keep the instructions of my  Abba.

Aleph Kefa (1Peter) 1:10-11 cjb p 1515 “The prophets, who prophesied about this gift of deliverance that was meant for you, pondered and inquired diligently about it. 11 They were trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of the Messiah in them was referring in predicting the Messiah’s suffering sand the glorious things to follow.”
 – This is speaking of the prophets… “Spirit of the Messiah in them…”
Who would that be… the “Spirit of the Messiah”… the Ruach HaKodesh – the Holy Spirit.
It is the Word of Yah that regenerates and you can’t separate the Word from the Spirit… 
…Can’t have Spirit doing one thing and the Word doing another…
It is the Word of Father that quickens and gives life.. and it is His word from the beginning that quickens and gives life!

We can’t do anything without the Ruach HaKodesh….  It is the DOING part!  Otherwise, we just have the spirit of man.
Yochanan (John) 5:24 cjb p 1335
Yochanan  5:47     
Yochanan 6:63 spirit quickens – words , spirit, life, God = same thing
Yochanan  8:31
Yochanan 8:43
Yochanan 12:48
Yochanan 14:24
Yochanan 15:3
Acts 13:26
Rom 10:8 – quoting D’varim 30:14
Rom 10:17
I Thes 2:13 cjb p 1475

If we don’t have the Ruach in us… then we can’t do these things!!
You can NOT separate YHWH into parts!   HE IS ECAHD.

We’ve been trained to think you can only receive HS one time and that is all.

Scott says…. some people say I can drink .. and have Him come in me.. and the others say it as  jumping in…. 
BUT do we only take one drink, or jump in the water one time?
 -That is what we were taught… 
But it is a wrong assumption to conclude you only receive HS one time and never drink of him or in him more than one time..
Aleph Kefa (1 Peter) 1:23 cjb p 1516
I Peter 1:25
I Yochanan (John)  1:1
Tehillim (Psalm) 56:10
Tehillim 119 all about the Word…
Tehillim 107:20
Tehillim 119:9
Tehillim 119:11 same word that generates us is what regenerates us…
Tehillim 119:25
Tehillim 119:41, 50
Let’s look at this another way….
B’resheet 24 cjb p 22
– Eliazar is the servant…. He is a picture of the Ruach HaKodesh…
He is the “helper” – the comforter.
… When he goes to find the bride for Avraham’s son, he is given clear instructions about the women at the well =
= but the one that is the bride, is the one that gives water to Eliazar (the spirit) and the 10 camels…   
Why 10 camels?... 
The camels represented all the goods Isaac’s father, Avraham had… 
The camels are like the 10 commandments – which is a little picture of ALL His instructions   = AKA  = Torah
The purpose of camels is to sustain you in the desert…
My bride is the one who takes care of the spirit and the camels…
The one who worships me in Spirit and in Truth.
Yochanan 4:23-24 cjb p 1334 “But the time is coming – indeed, it’s here now – when the true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind o f people the Father wants worshipping him.  24 YHWH is spirit; and worshippers must worship him spiritually and truly.”
 This is what identifies my bride….
Rev 12: 17 cjb p 1544 “The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey YHWH’s commands and bear witness to Y’shua.”
Rev 14: 12 cjb p 1546 “This is when perseverance is needed on the part of YHWH’s people, those who observe his commands (Torah) and exercise Y’shua’s faithfulness.”

Back to Eliazar story…
 And when she (Rebekah) left – she got on the camels and followed Eliazar – who represents the Ruach HaKodesh…
    she follows the spirit by riding the camels…= Keeping Torah/ His instructions!!
 If she leaves the camels – YHWH’s instructions/ Torah…..
….they die in the desert!
The words….”Holy Spirit”, is in English only half a dozen times in Tanakh
  In B’rit Chadashah… they made it “Holy Ghost”
-When we change words, you eventually change the meaning of the words!!! – so we change the story!
In the Tanakh = Ruach HaKodesh = holy spirit.
 and in B’rit Chadashah = Holy Ghost.
The idea is there are other attributes, other words assoc with HS.  Like comforter…. 
And you can trace “comforter” throughout the Tanakh!!
But you  – can’t just do a word search on “Holy Ghost” and find that in the Tanakh!
Sh’mot (Ex)  15:13 cjb p 76  “guided”
Tehillim  94:19 “comforter”  cjb p 886 “When my cares within me are many, your comforts cheer me up.”
Tehillim 119  comforter …many times
Okay I am going to stop here for this Shabbat…
There is much ahead yet…. 
But hopefully you are starting to see that the Ruach HaKodesh is throughout the whole Word!!!
May this increase our understanding that YHWH is ECHAD….
And cannot be divided.
May we come to realize that HE is YHWH and He does not change!
You might not know yet, why it is important to understand that the Ruach HaKodesh is throughout the Tanakh (OT) as well as the B’rit Chadashah (NT)  But hopefully you are beginning to!  Because we are going to!!

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