Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Ruach HaKodesh

The Ruach HaKodesh – Holy Spirit –
May 4, 2013  ~  Iyar 24, 5773
B’har (On Mount) and B’chukkotai (By My Regulations)
Torah – Vayikra (Leviticus) 25:1 – 27:34
Vayikra 25:1 “Adonai spoke to Moshe on Mount Sinai; he said, ‘Tell the people of Isra’el, when you enter the land I am giving you, the land itself is to observe a Shabbat rest.’” = Shemittah.
Vayikra 26:3 “If you live by my regulations, observe my mitzvot and obey them; then I will provide the rain you need in its season, the land will yield its produce and the trees in the field will yield their fruit.  Your threshing time will extend until the grape harvest, and your grape harvesting will extend until the time for sowing seed.  You will eat as much food as you want and live securely in your land.”
… Some clear directives and promises from YHWH…
And just so you know…
You might want to read the latest Light House Trails Research news letter… at…
There is an article in it about the New Queen James Bible…    that takes out any reference to homosexuality.
Yesterday I walked around a beautiful quilt show.  Amazing gifted quilt artists had done great work…. 
But there were – for the first time  in what I understand of that annual quilt show… a significant amount of quilts with a “spiritual” theme….  Things that don’t line up with the Word….  Even one with skulls and the catholic sacred heart and one talking about the (implied) soul’s descent…. And one talking about a faith that combines science and spiritual…. 
When my friend and  commented to someone in charge, who asked what  thought…  we commented about the variety – including the spiritual variety…. And the response was something close to…”yes, but everyone has their own view and that’s okay.”
“that’s okay” !! ??
--- Really??
That is not what I find when I read Torah.
YHWH makes it completely and totally clear what His people are called to do and be and not to do and be.
Even that old Christian thought of “everyone having their own view.. and that’s okay.”…… IS NOT OKAY!!!
Haftarah for today…
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 16: 19 – 17:14    cjb p 577
          “YHWH, my strength, my fortress, my refuge in time of trouble, the nations will come to you from the ends of the earth, saying ‘Our ancestors inherited nothing but lies, futile idols, completely useless.’  (In fact they aren’t gods at all.)  Therefore I will make them know, once and for all, I will make them know My power and My might.  Then they will know that my name is YHWH.” 
The Ruach HaKodesh – part 3

Let’s start with some review….
2 Weeks ago … we started talking about the Ruach HaKodesh – The Holy Spirit…
          We talked about the Hebrew words
-Shagar = gates
-Shaar = the remnant
And how these words are brother/sister words… connected… 
Messiah said to settle  your accounts and go through the narrow gate… not the wide gate…. Matt 7:13
The Remnant – YHWH’s people… are, according to Rev 12:17 and 14:12… those who keep the commands (Torah) and have the testimony of Messiah.
The remnant has the right to go through the narrow gate b/c they have kept the Torah and have the testimony of Y’shua.
We also talked about Derash….  Pursuing YHWH with all that is in you … like we would pursue a lost child.
We said that in order to DO the things we are called to do we need the Holy Spirit in us… 
Every time we see YHWH  - DOING something – that is the Spirit of YHWH.
Last Shabbat we talked about…
Understanding the Ruach HaKodesh in the whole Book (Bible).
Again, that every time we see YHWH – DOING something – that is the Spirit of  YHWH – the Ruach HaKodesh – the Holy Spirit.
We also talked about Brad Scott’s…
“Presuppositions we have about Ruach HaKodesh”
1.      The Ruach HaKodesh didn’t come until Pentecost and not mentioned very often.  The Spirit is not mentioned in Vayikra (Lev) at all.  – But he is not mentioned..  in B’rit Chadashah in  Titus, 2 Peter or 2nd  3rd  John either.

2.    The HS did not indwell the Tanakh believers, especially not the group of believers!

3.    The Tanakh believers were governed by the Torah and the believers in the B’rit Chadashah are governed by the Spirit. 

4.    Gifts are only given to the church.

Yochanan (John) 14:25-26 cjb p 1350 “I have told you these things while I am still with you.  26 But the Counselor, the Ruach HaKodesh, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything; that is, he will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
{Now let me remind you that the word “remind” is the Hebrew word zachar which means … “to act or speak on behalf of someone/something.”}
Based on Yochanan 14:25-26, one ministry of the Ruach is to teach us all things so we can do them!
But these verses in Yochanan 14:25-26   have led us to believe…that the Ruach HaKodesh didn’t show up on earth until Y’shua left!!!
And this is NOT SO!

Messianic Jews (Hebrews – Ivri) 13:8 cjb p 1508 “Y’shua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
The commentary on this verse in the Aramaic English New Testament says….
 “Rav Shaul knows Y’shua as the Word of YHWH who is Mashiyach, as the same yesterday, today and forever, and all things were created by the Word of YHWH from the beginning of time.  It was Mashiyach who spoke with Noach and Avraham and gave the Torah to Moshe, which is why it is very wicked for Christians to speak evil of Torah and suggest that Isra’el could not keep the Torah which was given them, when YHWH Himself says, “But the Word is very night unto you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it.” (D’varim (Deut) 30:14.
 So where it says “Y’shua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.”…
We have to step back and remember who Y’shua is….  The Living Torah, the Word, the Word made flesh… the Beina…  (not “son” as in “child of”...b/c that word would have been yelid… while beina is “the plan or one who brings restoration.”)
Plus we also know that “trinity” is a Christian and non-biblical concept.
YHWH is Echad.
So Shaul (Paul) is saying here…
 “YHWH is the same – yesterday, today and forever.”  Amein.
Now think about that…. If He is Echad and He is the same…. 
I also asked you the question of … “What would it mean if people in the Tanakh had the Ruach… like we do today?... Would this make your relationship with Yah less?”
And we began to talk about how The Ruach HaKodesh is throughout the Tanakh and indwelled His people…not a select few… but the people as a group of followers.

Mal’akhi 3:6 “… I, YHWH, do not change”
Think about this…. If we learn that the Ruach HaKodesh actually indwelt YHWH’s people as a whole, not just a few prophets…. 
Then that might mean that the WORD actually is true….
What would that mean… if the WORD – actually is true… every word… because ‘HE changes Not’ ???   !!!
We also talked about:
We need to understand who YHWH is first – in order to understand how He operates as the Ruach HaKodesh.
YHWH is Echad.  – (Sh’ma)
Hebrew uses 2 words to talk about the difference between ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.
1.     Ordinal = order of something = “rashone
2.    Cardinal =describes  how many of something…  distinguishes between the order of the apples to  how many apples…  (separates between many and order) (doesn’t describe the 3 omni’s.)   = “ECHAD”.
– Echad describes how many…
Echad doesn’t describe the essence or the ability /ies of the one God…
This takes us to the three omni’s.
Omni= all = infinitely 
(It is crucial to grasp before you read the Bible!)

Omni present = everywhere at once
Omnipotent = all powerful
Omnificent = all knowing
… Paul says in Col 2:9 cjb p 1471 “For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that YHWH is.”  
== Y’shua is the fullness bodily of YHWH!!
He is saying… Y’shua is YHWH!!
He is saying that Ruach is YHWH!!
Our Creator can manifest himself however he pleases… when He is working in our midst.. the word used in scripture is Spirit/ Ruach – to describe the action of what is going on.
I gave long lists of scripture references of the Ruach DOING things in the Word.
Ultimately what we need to understand… is….
You can’t separate the Spirit from the Word or the Spirit from YHWH !!!!   He is ECHAD!!

Yesha’Yahu (Isaiah)  63:10-11 cjb p 536  “However, they rebelled, they grieved His Holy Spirit; so he became their enemy and himself fought against them.  11  But then his people remembered the days of old, the days of Moshe:  ‘Where is he who brought them up from the sea with the shepherds of his flock?  Where is he who put His Holy Spirit right there among them,…”
“right there among” is the Hebrew word beqherbo and it means “WITHIN”
So it should read…”Where is he who put his Holy Spirit within them.”  !!
Aleph Kefa (1Peter) 1:10-11 cjb p 1515 “The prophets, who prophesied about this gift of deliverance that was meant for you, pondered and inquired diligently about it. 11 They were trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of the Messiah in them was referring in predicting the Messiah’s suffering sand the glorious things to follow.”
 – This is speaking of the prophets… “Spirit of the Messiah in them…”
Who would that be… the “Spirit of the Messiah”… the Ruach HaKodesh – the Holy Spirit.
We also talked about the story of Abraham sending Eliazar out on 10 camels to go get a bride for Isaac …  and how Eliazar is a type/shadow of the Holy Spirit… the helper… and the camels are the Torah…
Eliazar led the way for Rebecca to go… but without the camels she would have died in the desert.
So today…. 
Lets start part 3 of understanding Holy Spirit….
(Let me remind you that the resource for most of this teaching is Bradley Scott of Wild Branch Ministries.)
Up until Jacob – there was no Isra’el in Bible…
Adam to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… no Isra’el yet,
… b/c Isra’el is a biblical term used to expressed all Yah’s people – a GOY… (this is not goyim – those out of covenant)!
GOY = a nation.
Body of Messiah  in the singular = GOY…
The Holy Spirit inhabits and guides them thru wilderness
and gives Instructions/ commands… on Mt Sinai.
(We need to remember that the “10 commandments” represent all of His instructions….)
 Scott says…
“They – Isra’el-- rejected these instructions …
……and their carcasses fell in desert b/c…..
…… they didn’t take the camels (instructions/ Torah) with them.”
The Holy Spirit also inhabits individual believers
Our body…is based on DNA …  each cell has same DNA – and yet they do different things…..but all together it makes me - me…
He inhabited Abe, Isaac and Jacob – individuals….
 – but he didn’t inhabit a nation until in captivity and coming out of captivity =
At the Exodus they are now a nation  - a GOY - called Isra’el.
We see the Holy Spirit strong in….
 Sh’mot (Ex) 17-19 cjb p 79 and in Acts 2  cjb p 1361
Sh’mot 19:4 cjb p 81 “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you will pay careful attention to what I say and keep my covenant, then you will be my own (peculiar) treasure (segulah) from among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine, 6 and you will be a kingdom of cohanim for me, a nation set apart. .”
 … So it is the commandments that distinguish his people.
It was NOT the commandments that delivered them…
….the blood of the lamb delivered them. 
But the commandments blessed them…as they wondered thru the desert of life…
The Holy Spirit was in them and with them…
Then, in days of Solomon…
…. they began to wonder away from YHWH…
.. and He began to withdraw from them.
. .. the nation was divided into the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom after King Solomon died…
And we know…  a kingdom divided always falls…
We know HE withdrew….
Scripture speaks of the glory leaving Gan Eden, the Temple and Shiloh….
Yechezk’el  (Ezekiel) was written to both the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom
Yechezk’el (Ezekiel) 8  cjb p 648 
And if you continue reading in Yechezk’el… you will find many times… the Glory leaves…
Sh’mu’el Alef (I Sam) 4:21-22 cjb p 303 “She named the child I-Khavod (without glory), saying, “The glory has departed from Isra’el; because the ark of YHWH has been captured, and because of her father-in-law and husband.  She said, The glory of Isra’el has gone into exile, because the ark of YHWH has been captured.”

He left the Goy (Nation) of Isra’el …but not some of His people.
His prophets continued to carry His Rauch HaKodesh
  and they wrote the prophecies of the reuniting of Isra’el so it would be back to one fold with one shepherd…
so the Holy Spirit is now in business of bringing His body back to ONE.

Shavuot is part of the regathering of house of Isra’el…
 Only the Holy Spirit is in business of making things one.

Sh’mot (Ex) 3:12 cjb p 62 “He replied, ‘I will surely be with you.  Your sign that I have sent you will be that when you have led the people out of Egypt, you will worship YHWH on this mountain.”
This prophecy identifies the Elohim of Isra’el as separate from all other gods.
The Sign given =  “I led you out of Egypt… so you can serve me on this mountain.”
In the desert.. that was the plan all along…
  He said He was sending them to the MT… to worship and to get the Word… the instructions, the Torah…
  so they could serve Him and survive the desert and know how to live in the Promised Land.
But eventually over time …they began to wonder away from YHWH and His Torah….
… they intermarried… and took on the paganism of the people around them….
 …”They tried to mimic the rules.. but they had forsaken the relationship.”
 Yesha’Yahu (Is) 59 cjb p 529  = prophecy of reuniting
At the water drawing ceremony of Shavuot ….Y’shua stands up and declares…..
Yochanan (John) 7:37-39 cjb p 1339 “Now on the last day of the festival, Hoshana Rabbah, Y’shua stood and cried out, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him keep coming to me and drinking!  Whoever puts his trust in me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being! (Now he said this about the Spirit, whom those who trusted in him were to receive later – the Spirit has not yet been given, because Y’shua had not yet been glorified.)
 “been given” = was added…  by translators! 
“Rivers of living water” 
Tehillim (Psalms) 36:8-10 cjb p 824 “How precious, YHWH is your grace!  People take refuge in the shadow of your wings, they feast on the rich bounty of your house, and you have them drink from the stream of your delights.  For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”
= Yochanan is quoting something that is already written in Tanakh – “rivers of living water”… The Tanakh full of this! = Holy Spirit!!
The Holy Spirit would drive them to uttermost parts of earth….  And Will give you the power to do what He calls you to do….
We can’t do it without Holy Spirit – the Ruach HaKodesh to lead and guide, and empower us…
Y’shua’s message was….The Kingdom can’t be restored to “Isra’el” – ONE GOY/ nation people, BRIDE, …..
…. until you go out and get them – they are mixed in all the peoples of the world,
… and they have taken in all the pagan stuff…
The kingdom can’t be restored until His people are returned!!

Prophecy according to Yechezk’el (Ezek) and Yesha’Yahu (Is)… Is …
…… “When you go to get the lost sheep, multitudes of gentiles are going to join… and then there will be one fold and one shepherd”….
… and the Holy Spirit has everything to do with the GATHERING… and then you will have the power to go to Jerusalem and Judah –
– the house of Judah – Gospel to Jew first….
THEN to Samaria = capitol of house of Israel. N kingdom and to the uttermost parts of the earth…
….and there will be pagan gentiles grafted in with the returning of natural branches…
Rivers of Living water = Spirit of YHWH.
Fig Tree….
Mattityahu 21:19 cjb p 1250 “Spotting a fig tree by the road, he went up to it and found nothing on it except leaves. So he said to it, ‘May you never again bear fruit.’ And immediately the fig tree dried up.”
What I learned about figs….  When the fruit is not in season… they have little “knobs” on them with the leaves – that drop off before the fruit is produced.  But these knobs can be eaten… so if it was not season for the fruit, it should have been season for the knobs.
Now let’s think about a tree… the most important part of the tree is its seed.
All parts of the tree exist to propagate the seed…
…the wind scatters the seed so it can propagate.
The tree is Y’shua…
….the seed of woman -the root of Jesse, - the branch.

John 16:7-11  cjb p 1352 “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don’t go away, the comforting Counselor will not come to you.  However, if I do go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will show that the world is wrong about sin, about righteousness and about judgment – about sin, in that people don’t put their trust in me; about rightesouness, in that I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; and about judgment, in that  the ruler of this world has been judged.”
Y’shua has to go – send comforter…
He will reprove the word of sin… etc…  He will bring back all that was taught, when he comes.. He will teach us all things… 
Y’shua has to go away for comforter to come…
Remember the image of the seeds of a tree falling to ground...
…. the wind comes and blows/ scatters the seed all over.
In other words – if Y’shua would have stayed there…  the disciples would have clung next to the tree – (remember the tree represents Y’shua…)
….. and they wouldn’t have gone out….
But the commandment was to go out to the world and be fishers of men…
The wind has to do that – the spirit the Ruach scatters them to go …

This is what the prophecy is about in
Yesha’Yahu (Is) 59: 1-4 cjb p 529 ….
…. b/c they have turned away----  He has turned away. 
Remember - can’t separate Spirit of YHWH from YHWH.
As a whole nation – they have turned away from Him so He has separated Himself from them…
….but the prophecy is that there will be a day He will come and
 re-gather the house of Isra’el = He will return in full to His people as a GOY !!

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 2:13  cjb p 546 “For my people have committed two evils:  They have abandoned me, the fountain of living water, and dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water!”
They have forsaken Spirit so he has departed .
This is why Acts 2 is so exciting…..
Acts 2 cjb p 1361 . .. Shavuot = Because it starts the process again of
 re-gathering His people …..to the Jew first and then to the Northern Kingdom – out of covenant believers.
Mattityahu 28:19 cjb p 1262 “Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of…(trinity! L ).”
This should say “YHWH”… as the trinity was not in the original manuscripts including the Aramaic English New Testament.
This is why they are to go into all the world.. teaching all nations…
Because you don’t know who is and who isn’t… nobody knows who anybody is….   Isra’el is scattered and lost in the nations!
Brad Scott says – every day … (– every day!)… thousand’s come to realize they are of Hebrew blood!
He also says….
“We sing AMAZING GRACE – I was lost but now am found…..
…… can we sing that if  (we are not Hebrews)… for Kefa’s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!”
People see terms in the B’rit Chadashah (NT) like “Holy Spirit” and don’t see the same term in the Tanakh and assume that the Holy Spirit wasn’t there….
… But apparently the translators didn’t even know….
Then there are things in the B’rit Chadashah (NT) like demon possession….  Which seems like a new idea…. 
…But there wasn’t much of that in the Tanakh because when people were living by Torah and before they had intermarried and taken on paganism…
… Yah’s people were not dealing with demon possession… but as paganism came in… so did the demonic….and as Yah’s presence receded… the demonic increased.
When His people are living in the age of the patriarchs… they are primarily not a “mixed” people  ….
… not saying they didn’t sin… but they were not  mixed with paganism at that point.
Then Moshe leads the Goy /Nation of Isra’el out of Egypt into the wilderness and to the promised land…
Only in the LAND…  was there mixing with other nations… 
Slowly and especially when kingdom divided and scattered – they mixed and learned the ways of pagan nations and over time, the next thing you know, there is an inordinate amount  of mess!
 …. There is a prominence of Gnosticism …  at that time.. and suddenly demon possession and diseases are huge problems!! 
As they continue to be today!!
When see phrases like…. “sun setting” , “going to west” , “when evening came”….
… we need to know that the “west” was a picture of the nations, the multitudes…
…geographically where the  prodigal wondered – went across sea…
…”West” and “Yam” (sea)= same word
Yam… when returning… would go back to east – (Jerusalem)… over time –
The prodigal son…  - the prodigal nation……they started taking on ways of nations and eating what the pagans ate…  eating pig!
(Just one example of pagan things taken on!)
By the time we  get up to  Y’shua… in the Word…. Isra’el has taken on the ways of the pagan nations!
…. so that is why there is so much more sickness and demon possession…
……b/c they wondered away from Father and blessings are in his house…
…. In His Torah!
The teaching of Holy Spirit are more detailed in B’rit Chadashah (NT)… b/c in the Tanakh (OT)… the Ruach seems to be taken for granted…or just assumed everyone knows……
…… At the scenes of the great miracles.. . the Red Sea, Jericho… etc… it doesn’t seem like anybody is surprised in the Tanakh…. .. 
As Isra’el mixed with nations –  the Gnostic doctrine increased in the people!   (HOW like today!!!)
And so what is taught today by the popular religion of our culture – christianity….is based on the Greek Gnosticism…. 
(This is why it is so important to keep seeing what MIXING did/does and to see how the Gnosticism and Greek thinking has affected the thinking of Christians today!!!)
1.      God of Tanakh was a “blood god”…  paid back with life and blood!!!
2.    God of B’rit Chadashah was a kind gentle god !!!!!
3.    Dualism – (strong in Gnosticism)... people just have a soul and a body. (There is no concept of Spirit or the Ruach HaKodesh being in someone)!!
4.    There were certain gods for certain things… they had to have certain names…. This is why people are so hung up on the names… 
5.    Soul = only thing capable of good…
6.    Body  = evil…   (why doing Torah is so bad) – things you do with body is really irrelevant…  like – It didn’t matter if  men  had sexual relationships with men or not in the Greek world.)
So this is why there is so much teaching about Ruach HaKodesh in the B’rit Chadashah (NT) ….
…..b/c all these people in the NT time live with and the new believers  have come out of that Gnostic junk!! 
-      Just like today!!
Brad Scott said…
 “When Peter wrote… “ pour out Your spirit on all flesh” ….
That slaughters the whole Gnostic concept right there!”
The idea of Spirit of Yah being within you wasn’t foreign in the Tanakh …
But  – it was foreign to Gnostic / Hellenist Jews and gentiles of that day in the B’rit Chadashah….
becasue… they thought like greeks… Gnostics!!
Just like most westerners /Christians today think like greeks… gnosictics!
The believing Messianic Jews were astonished the Spirit was poured out on gentiles….
 They were not astonished  by the  Holy Spirit!
The surprise and dismay was that the Ruach HaKodesh/ Holy Spirit was on the gentiles..
So what happened….= jealousy.
Jealousy is what happens when someone sees something  that is only for them – with someone else….
We do not make Jews jealous by doing “Jewish things”…
We make them jealous by keeping Torah!!!  
Because Jews have been trained that Torah only for Jews!!
This is what was so amazing to the Jewish ladies I talked to and whom I told… “The Messiah I serve is Y’shua and he kept Torah and I keep Torah.”
So are you starting to see the significance of the Greek Hellenism… = which is Gnosticism….  has had on our FAITH???!!
Not just on our pagan culture….
But on the fact that YHWH pulled away from His people Isra’el as a nation…
… the Glory departed….
And then we can begin to see what Y’shua was saying when he stood up at the water drawing festival on Rosh Hashanah… and said… “I am the living water – if you drink from me – you will not thirst again!”
He was declaring that HE was YHWH… b/c we can’t separate the Messiah from  YHWH and we can’t separate the Ruach HaKodesh from YHWH because HE is Echad!
So this helps us begin to see how very significant and important the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh is in Acts 2….
B/c this Shavuot was the release of the Ruach HaKodesh  - the RETURN of the glory, the Presence of YHWH  to His people Isra’el – the Goy/ nation!!.
I find it very interesting … that
Just like in the teaching from the Tanakh, on the separation of Isra’el and the Northern Kingdom not returning and being lost/ scattered in the pagan world…..
And the “Good News” being that because the Bridegroom came and died and rose again… those who are scattered – who are far off… can return and come back into covenant – and be part of Isra’el once again….
Remember how shocking this was… that the small picture is “my” salvation and your “salvation”….  That we can come back into covenant….
While the big picture is that the part of the Goy of Isra’el that has been scattered can return.. come back into covenant and the Bride can be made whole…
So that Y’shua can return!!
Well, this idea that we have had from christianity – that the Holy Spirit CAME in Acts 2 on that Shavuot…  for individuals… that we can have the Holy Spirit within us….
Is just as small a picture….
The bigger picture is that the Ruach HaKodesh is seen in scripture everywhere YHWH is DOING something among His people… 
He was there all along!!! 
But He withdrew – as His people withdrew from Him….
And in Acts 2 He came back to Isra’el as a whole….
Why is this so important???
… again… it’s the big picture…
The Bride….and YHWH’s plans for His people.
Acts 2: 1-4 and 2:14-21 cjb p 1361  

Yo’el (Joel) 2: 28-32 cjb p 727
It is amazing to find the bigger pictures and make sense of the whole book….
May we not just know it – as the greeks would – in their heads…
But may we take this information and sh’ma… it.
May it change who we are and how we live and what we do and how we think….
…into who HE has called us to be.

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