Monday, May 20, 2013

Holy Spirit - Ruach HaKodesh #4

Holy Spirit – Ruach HaKodesh - #4
May 11, 2013  ~  Sivan 2, 5773
Torah Parashah 34  B’Midbar (in the desert)
Torah – B’Midbar (Numbers 1:1- 4-20
Review …
Last Shabbat we summarized that the small picture of the Holy Spirit/ Ruach HaKodesh is that the Holy Spirit came in Acts 2 for each believe…
But the bigger picture is that the Ruach HaKodesh was with His people Isra’el as a nation when they left Egypt… and until they became too mixed with paganism and He withdrew from the nation as she withdrew from Him…. And then He was just with the prophets….  Until Acts 2 … when He came back to the people as a nation.
(This teaching is based on Bradley Scott’s study of the Ruach HaKodesh)
Another aspect of Ruach HaKodesh….
=TRUTH = HS is truth.
I Yochanan (John) 5:6 cjb p 1528 “He is the one who came by means of the water and blood, Y’shua the Messiah – not with water only, but with the water and the blood.  And the Spirit bears witness because the Spirit is the truth.”

Yochanan 14:15-18 cjb p 1350 Spirit of Truth
        “I am coming to you”
-      Again this speaks of YHWH being ECHAD
Yochanan 16:13 cjb p 1352 “However when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you in all the truth…”
Sh’mot (Exodus) 15: 13 cjb p 76  “In your love, you led the people you redeemed; in your strength, you guided them to your holy abode.”
D’Varim (Deut) 32:4 He is the rock… and God of truth…
Tehillim (Psalms) 31:5… you have redeemed me and saved me … Elohim of truth.
{Tehillim 53  - walk in your truth; Tehillim 86:11;Tehillim 105: Tehillim 119}
One of the purposes of having His Spirit – is to drive us to follow Him…He gives us the power and strength to follow Him. 
Manifestations of Ruach HaKodesh
Open your Bibles to Acts 2 cjb p 1361 and Sh’mot (Exodus) 19:1-19
There are a lot of similarities between the two!
Mt Sinai – the first Shavuot and Acts 2 another Shavuot
Let’s talk about the word “filling”
“Filling” = Malah = mem- lamed - aleph = to put life into something.
First occurrence =  Gen:1: 1-21…   he creates the life and says.. go and fill… = put life into it… 
Why Matt 5:19  fill = to put life into it!!  I came to put the life back into the law and the prophets/ into their words!
Acts 2:4 – filled with HS … -
(=not a one time thing!!!! Read the book of Acts.. filled and filled again…)
When go through Acts and start reading about HS… you will see that every time HS makes an appearance, he never does the same thing twice! – do not put him in a box!!
Acts 3:1-4:4.. man healed , peter preaches and 5k are saved…. No tongues.. no fire…
Chapter Acts 4:23-31.. prayed, shaken, filled and spoke w boldness and filled.
Acts 5:16 HS appears again… believers were added, sick healed, unclean spirits cast out.
Acts 8:12-25 – Philip preaches,  baptized , laying on of hands receive HS.

“Baptized” … the scriptures say …”and they were baptized or immersed”… 
But notice…
When it is water baptism.. it will have –“water” in the context somewhere… 
If it doesn’t say water – then we don’t know for sure if water or Spirit!!!
Acts 9:17-18  cjb p 1372Shaul…    Hananyah came to Shaul…  scales fell – he saw and arose and was baptized…  
= sight, filled with HS and then immersed.

Acts 10:4448…  remission of sins.. HS falls… tongues … then water baptized…
The Judeans – Kefa and other talmidim are astonished b/c HS was poured out  on gentiles.
… the Judeans are not freaking out b/c of HS… but that it is on the gentiles too!
They received HS – the Ruach HaKodesh.
Acts 11:1…  “heard gentiles received the WORD of Yah
… His seed is his word!
When you receive the Word (seed) everything you need is in the seed!
Acts 13:52… disciples filled with JOY and HS.
Acts 16:30-34 - the jailer believes and is baptized (don’t know if it is water or Spirit)
Acts 19:1-7    Shaul asked.. have you received the Ruach HaKodesh since you believed?...  they hadn’t heard of HS…. But they did believe (repented -= johns baptism)….  Expressed in the cleansing of the waters… traditional Judaism had been doing this for centuries!
Brad Scott says… “we don’t understand what moving – not stagnate water does for us!”
See that is what we are to be immersed in… water that is from rain and is moving….
Assumed they haven’t heard about HS… that spirit not in them…  …but HE is b/c they have the WORD!!!!  They just didn’t know more!!
And they spoke in tongues and prophesied!
Spirit can only  produce fruit of Spirit… 
When the seed is planted in prepared soil – it already has all it is going to produce in the seed! 
So we can conclude from the book of Acts….
That the manifestation of HS not confined to a formula !!!
In fact…. HS is not even confined into a sequential order.. ie – this has to happen and then this… etc.

Okay … lets look at 3 chapters other chapters.  ( we will eventually get back to Acts 2 and Sh’mot 19)
1.    Rom 12 cjb p 1416– ministry gifts
2.   I Corin 12 cjb p 1433= Spiritual gifts
3.   Galatians 5 cjb p1457 = fruit of Spirit
==These things are all right out of Tanakh!!
Let’s learn about ….Manifestation gifts….
Rom 12: 6-8
These things can be TAUGHT
In Tanakh – there were schools for prophets… can learn to teach and exort and give and rule… etc… these are things are something that anyone who wants to follow YHWH can learn to do…
I Corin 12: 1-13 – gifts are supernatural… can’t learn them.. expressions of something outside of myself.
        These are controversial…. 
-He doesn’t want us to be ignorant – he wants us to understand how HE works.
Shaul has already taught the whole council of Yah…
But remember where and to whom he is teaching…. He is teaching Northern Kingdom Isra’el who are very caught up in paganism and Gnostic thought.
According to Gnostic thought – “God is transmundane and cannot inhabit man, and salvation is the releasing of the inner true man back to the realm of light. – so god can’t be discovered in this world!”
=   This is what Paul is teaching against!!  He is trying to get them to understand how the Spirit works…
Vs 3 – understand…..
If we have HS and we do wrong things – that is not HS..but the old man… the spirit of man doing that….
When we sin after we know the truth… we are resurrecting the son of man… the old man the spirit of man….
The point is the spirit of God is not and does not produce /and is not producing sin!!
12:4  gifts…  Diversities of gifts but the same Spirit…
        Difference or distinctions of gifts but same Spirit…
Greek work – Charismata… ch’ane = Hebrew word.  Charis = grace or favor… the gifts of spirit are based on charis – grace and favor and honor…
In Hebrew Ch’ane = root = “chana” = “To pitch a tent with someone.”
Remember how in the Aaronic blessing…one of the lines means to pitch a tent beside someone and camp with them? !
In Hebrew tent days.. .son would find a bride… make a room in his family’s tent for his bride…  = one family with one head… same rules..
When betrothal  happening – the bridegroom would start setting aside gifts for his bride…. 
What follows gifts being given is the idea of a bride being married to a bridegroom….
Bridegroom comes to take his bride to his father’s house….  (wedding feast)….
==Gifts – grace is easier to see in Hebrew. J
I Corin 12: 4 difference  in gifts
Vs 5 – difference in how gifts administered….
        We can’t put HS in a formula… and classify gifts like that either
Vs 6 – diff in way operate – but YHWH  works it all.
Gifts in Tanakh
Joseph interpreted the dream of pharaoh … in B’resheet (Gen) ..
Gifts given to guys who built temple
Caleb had a diff spirit.
I Corin 12: 7 manifestation of spirit… = the showing forth of something…./Spirit – is given to every man to prophet.

Tov = good… to prophet = makes someone complete =
=“Bride”  = callah = to finish or to create something.
Second day of creation not called good and Shabbat not called good.
At end of six days he says ‘very good”…
Good ==Tov
This does not mean what it means in English….
 Good means different things in english…
We call God good and we call chicken soup good.
Tov = complete and finished, designed just the way He wants it to be.   = Perfect

I Corn 12:8 – greek word = Sophia = philosophy = love of wisdom…
-from Hebrew word “chukma”… wisdom and understand –
-etimolgically = accumulative understanding… something that goes over a life time…
….. not  accumulate by  something in own strength…
…but by following His Spirit…. 
And it will accumulate over time….as you obey.
Chet kof mem “chukma”… 
=mem = from or out of…. 
=chet = to protect or defend something
= kof = open palm- the palm that blesses people…
==if you live your life blessing others… and making them more important to you  ===  Wisdom… 
Wisdom is not learned – but a supernatural gift that Yah gives to those who are willing to live their life, defending, blessing and protecting….

In Tanakh… “chukma’
        Sh’mot (Ex) 28:3   filled with spirit of wisdom
        Sh’mot 31:3 filled with ….
        D’Varim (Deut) 1:13 “Pick for yourselves from each of your tribes men who are wise, understanding and knowledgeable….”
        Entire book of Proverbs about wisdom
        Proverbs 4:1-9… 
Is 11:2  - Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel  etc
Deut 18:11

To one he has given wisdom and one – knowledge
Knowledge – gnosis…  the root of Gnosticism (the knowing ones)…. The enemy has messed up and created Gnosticism…
Knowledge = daat  in Hebrew – experiential knowledge… 
Hoshea 4: 6  “my people are destroyed for the lack of daat…. 
(Hoshea is an example where he separates from his people.)

Knowing – in Hebrew = yada = relationship knowing
Daat = experiential knowledge
==A supernatural knowledge given by HS himself so we don’t perish… so some people have the ability to know things that is outside what they would know in the natural…
…not something you go learn how to do  - it is a gift.
These are manifestation gifts – given from outside myself….
Evil spirits supply knowledge outside myself too….

Examples of supernatural  gifts from Father….  He gives gifts when we ask for them….
We can’t accomplish in our own strength – the mission he has called us to…  so he gives gifts…. 
I Corin 12:9 – faith
– is something that has to be given to us….
 (Heb 11:1)…  everybody has a measure of that based on what Father has revealed to us… about Messiah etc… 
….BUT there is a gift of faith…  an extraordinary trust in Father… outside normal man ability of trust.
        Heb 11 = a list of these people with the extraordinary trust…
Healing = most people wouldn’t contest – as far as its appearance in the OT.
So far – can see all the gifts listed above in OT…. 
Healing = “marpay” in Hebrew….  Translated as healing or as health. 
Many times it is talking about health more than healing in scripture

Matt 17:11   cjb p 1245 John Baptist was Elijah….  Remember the Torah – b/c if you keep the commands you walk in health. .. and if you don’t you need healing all the time….
II Kings 2:19-22 cjb p 402
Jer 8:22 cjb p 562
Jer  33:6  cjb p 604 “However, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them peace and truth in plenty.”
Ezek 34:2-10 cjb p 687
Rev 22:2
*Proverbs  3:6-8 cbj p 944

I Corin 12: 10 Miracles
“To another … the working of miracles “ 
 miracles = “oat” = aleph and tov with holem vav in middle (long o)  = translated as sign or token (Sh’mot (Ex) 3:12)
Numb 14:22 cjb p 164 “none of the people who saw my glory and the signs I did in Egypt and in the desert, yet tested me these ten times and did not listen to my voice.”
We understand that all these things we have talked about – are in the Tanakh as well as the B’rit Chadashah.
---When reading about miracles… notice that Isra’el doesn’t freak out – it is normal for them…
Over time… when they started turning away from YAH..they these things started to cease…. 
Started not seeing these things in the kingdom of Yah any more….  (or in his people)…. 
….So manifestations began to cease b/c Spirit left their presence b/c they were sinning in paganism.
Gift of Prophecy
This is not the kind of prophecy we find when we read Daniel….  (that kind is in Rom 12)..
…This kind is something outside of myself.. that Yah gives me for a specific time and situation…
Testimony of Y’shua is the Spirit of Prophecy  (Rev)
Usually when you say “prophet”… it is Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, Joel, Amos, Jeremiah … etc.. we don’t generally thing of Avraham as a prophet   --- Gen 20:7….
Nabe / Nave = prophet in Hebrew
From root .. nuv = to sprout out blossoms, to produce fruit… 
(look how agriculture works…!!!)
The fruit of prophet is their words! … and it has to line up with the Word or do NOT receive it!!
We miss so much in trying to understand words of Scripture b/c they have been rendered abstract… but when you take it back to Hebrew- there it is growing…  and you can see it b/c it is agriculture based!
Pick a peach… and seed inside.. good chance it is a peach tree seed… because how it is in the beginning is how it is in the end.
The purpose of the prophet is to speak forth the words of the Creator.
To be able to understand – to warn people of something impending that is going to happen…
… not just saying what is in the Bible.. that is something you can learn to do… but something outside of yourself…  that HE said….

How do you recognize if prophecy is from Father?
Does it line up with the WORD??
… the Word is the seed
And so whatever the prophet says… will be according to the seed/ Word…
Why the root of nabe is nuv.. .
….so when you go to Deut 13 and 18 it very clearly lays out the parameters for discerning the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet
And even if the prophet prophecies correctly – if he leads you after anything other than the Word… it says other Gods……. If outside the Word of God then outside of God… is not a Godly
I Sam 10:5 talks of prophets
Isaiah 29:9-11 talks about prophecy
Acts 3: 21, 25 –talks about prophets
Acts 15:32 = 2 characters who were prophets….
Not just in Tanakh! 
How know true = is it in perfect harmony with seed…
--what they say is the Fruit…
 the Hebrew word for fruit is = pey – resh = yud
Pey = mouth
Yud = hand
Resh = heart (in middle of word ) and it means “head of”  or what comes thru mind
==What you say and what you do is your fruit..
You will know them by their fruit.

Discerning of Spirits
To make a distinction of spirits…
Brad’s opinion – the one manifestation that we need more today than any other time.
From outside of ourselves – like all the others in I Corin 12.
When take this phrase back –to Hebrew we get - “shofat” = judge in Hebrew
Exodus 21:      the idea of judges
Judging  means to discern – to make a decision….
Ex 21:1 “the mishpat/ mishpatim which you shall set before them….
Not commandments and ordinances… all given from Yah… but distinction between. 
Mispatim starts like this… in Sh’mot (Ex) 21:2….“If you buy a Hebrew servant”….

*There are commandments… BUT….and then things happen…
These are to deal with the things that happen.
Judgments are not commanding to have slaves…  he is saying “if you have one”…
People do things…  things happen… 
Judges are given to – to decide about something that HAPPENS… here  is what you do.. here is how you decide…
When something comes up – how you decide on how to deal with – is supposed to be based on commandments of Yah..
Dem (dan) judgment  (tribe)  Prov 31:9 open your mouth judge righteously and
= to be able to make a distinction.
-There are people given ability to make a decision regarding what is happening…
And then there are people saying something like…. They are
“trying to discern if this circumstance is from God or from devil.”.. .
… = sounds strange but the reality is that b/c we have mixed among the nations… we have been able to come up with a plethora or circumstances that are  not addressed in the Word…
But there are many things already written about in Word and I don’t need a manifestation gift to figure out what it is .. (Ie murder) 
But there are situations not in Scripture… but we use the Word in what we have been given in order to make righteous judgments…
(ie – if supposed to move to country or stay in city – this needs manifestation gift.)
The Father is about the business of restoring all these things – to a  magnitude that exceeds what we see in the NT… His desire was to restore the Torah… and then the gifts…

Will continue next week.

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