B’re’shiyt - 17 - Torah B’har - 5-10-2014
10 May 2014 ~ 10 Iyyar 5774
Torah parashah 32 B’har - On Mount
Vayikra /Leviticus 25:1-26:2 cjb p 139
Today we are going to talk about B’re’shiyt and then the Torah parashah.
B’re’shiyt -17th teaching
B’re’shiyt 1:4
p 19 in study guide….
B’re’shiyt 1:4
“Vay-yar’ Elohiym ‘et-ha’or kiy-tov vay-yav’del Elohiym beyn ha’or uveyn hachoshek.”
“And saw the light, that it was good: and divided God between the light from and between the darkness.”
Comes from the root ra’ah = resh - aleph - chet
Ra’ah = to behold, see, to understand, perceive
= “We perceive and understand our world through trust in His way, not what we see around us.”
- used to express idea of someone using their eyes to see something….
..... but more importantly it refers to...... to understand something!
“seen” = something being taught = perceiving something, understanding something
B’re’shiyt 42:21 cjb p 48
obviously they didn’t really “see” it… they perceive and understood
Psalm 8:3
“when i consider”
Psalm 52:6 “the righteous also shall see thee and fear thee.
Mark 8:17-18 … not seeing and hearing in person… but “getting it”
ET ha’or = when God perceives and understands the light…
= “the light, the Aleph-Tov”
ET = defines the direct object, and we have a sigaul vowel and we have a m’keph - and a hyphen or dash.. which is using the ET to point to the object of what he saw = LIGHT.
Kiy-tov = he saw that it was good.
the gematria of “the light” === is equal to “ b’torah” or “in the Torah!”
Both “The light” and “B’Torah” = 613 which is the number of commandments.
613 = the number of commandments
Kiy-tov =
Tov = that which is good, well, a pleasing benefit to man …
“In The Torah “ = the numerical value of “The light”
Prov 6:23 “for the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light”
Kiy-Tov = and it was good.
Kiy = kof-yod = conjunction tied to tov
= YHWH saw the light and understood.
- First use of the light being good.
- First use of the word Tov in Word
Tov means “good and well and pleasing in our Bibles”
Examples of how Tov is used
List of things YHWH declares to be TOV / good = study guide p 20
Yesha’Yahu /Isaiah 5:20-24 cjb p 443
Ra = to crush and break into pieces - something scattered.
In Hebrew all words referring to TOV = something being good... all share the etymological background of TOV
Tov = complete and useful
as opposed to RA = resh- ayin
= translated primarily as wicked and evil = to break something into pieces.
Good / tov also refers to ways of God, and EAST
Esther 10:3 cjb p 1097
“welfare” = tov
Job 36:11 cjb p 1036 “prosperity” = tov
There is a direct association between obeying God and things of the East and doing good. :)
Tov = used 201 times in Brit Chadashah
of those 201, - 116 = directly tied to your works… good works.
- Isn’t that interesting - in the Brit Chadashah!...
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Torah parashah 32 B’har - On Mount
Vayikra /Leviticus 25:1-26:2 cjb p 139
Before we start... the Torah Parashah i want to share something exciting i learned this week... You know how Yah works....
i have been learning about forgiveness at a new level...
and then i learned this....
Turn to Mattityahu 27:21 cjb p 1260
This is when Yahshua is before Pilate and there are two prisoners and one is going to get released and the other will be crucified...
Mattityahu /Matthew 27:21 cjb p 1260
“‘Which one of the two do you want me to set free for you?’ asked the governor. ‘Bar-Abba! ‘ They answered.”
We’ve all heard this story before... but not with much depth...
According to the writings of Josephus…. Bar-Abba’s first name was Yahshua.
And it is POSSIBLE that Bar-Abba was a son of one of the Cohen HaGadols / High Priests....
That would make Yahshua Bar-Abba the son of religion (mans religion).
Another way to say this is - that would make Yahshua Bar Abba the son of rebellion.
Now consider what this means.... on this trial day… It is the question of the ages….
…. YHWH creates a situation where man gets to choose between killing the Son of the Living God - and His ways...
....or the son of - man’s religion (because remember by the 2nd Temple period - Hebrew faith had gotten all messed up with traditions of man) - The son of -man’s religion - also known to YHWH as REBELLION.
and they - the Jews that day…. chose to give life to the son of Rebellion - religion of man.
It might also interest you to know that Yahshua Bar-Abba was a leader of the insurrection against Rome (Remember Rome was persecuting Jews)...
….Bar-Abba was doing what many thought was right….
…… but it was not right in YHWH’s eyes.
Consider this picture:
The idea goes on with the fact that when Yahshua HaMashiach stood before Pilot... Bar-Abba was in prison... probably within ear-shot of this whole production...
...But Bar-Abba probably would not have heard what Pilot was asking... he would have only have heard the crowd....
So what Bar-Abba heard from his prison cell was....
“Put him to death on the stake! Put him to death! Put him to death on the stake! His blood is on us and on our children!”
And so Yahshua Bar-Abba had to be convinced he was a dead man....
Just like we were….dead men … in our sin
......Until the guard shows up at his cell and releases him.
Romans 6:23 cjb p 1408
“For what one earns from sin is death.”
It is said that Yahshua Bar-Abba was one of the persons at the foot of the stake of Yahshua HaMashiach...
.... that Bar-Abba went there .... knowing that it should have been him on that stake.... not the Mashiach!
It should have been us on that stake... not Mashiach!
If this is so - Yahshua Bar-Abba was one of the first people to really have a deep and intense understanding of forgiveness and grace.... that could have been Bar-Abba on that stake.
That should have been Bar-Abba on that stake.
That should have been you and me on that stake...
So i am thinking i didn’t really understand forgiveness very well...
Let’s go back to Torah...
Vayikra 17:10 cjb p 129
“When someone from the community of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living with you eats any kind of blood, i will set myself against that person who eats blood and cut him off from his people.”
Vayikra 18:3-5 cjb p 130
“You are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Egypt, where you used to live; and you are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Kena’nan, where i am bringing you; nor are you to live by their laws. You are to obey my rulings and laws and live accordingly; i am YHWH your God. You are to observe my laws and rulings; if a person does them, he will have life through them; I am YHWH.”
= Implying that if you don’t observe YHWH’s laws and rulings - you will NOT have life
Vayikra 18 cjb p 130... sexual sins...
“for the people of the land have committed all these abominations, and the land is now defiled. If you make the land unclean, it will vomit you out too, just as it is vomiting out the nation that was there before you.”
Vayikra 19:8 talks about anyone who eats a sacrifice on the 3rd day... will be “cut off from his people”.
Vayikra 20:2-3 is about anyone who sacrifices a child to molekh - is to be put to death
Vayikra 20:9 “A person who curses his father or mother must be put to death”
Vayikra 20:10 “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, that is, with the wife of a fellow countryman, both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.”
Vayikra 20:11 “The man who goes to bed with his father’s wife has disgraced his father sexually, and both of them must be put to death.”
20:12 “If a man goes to bed with ihs daughter-in-law both of them must be put to death.”
20:13 “If a man goes to bed with a mans as with a woman, both both of them have committed an abomination; they must be put to death”
20:14 is about death
20:15 is about death
20:16 is about death
verses 17, and 18 are about being cut off from their people
20:27 is about death
D’varim /Deuteronomy 21:20:21 is about stoning rebellious children
D’varim 21:22 - is about death
D’varim 22:21 is about death
D’varim 22:22 is about death
22:25 is about death
24:7 is about death
and we could look at D’varim chapters 27 and 28 and talk about the curses and the blessings...
The entire concept is - sin is punishable by death.
“For what one earns from sin is death...” Romans 8:23 cjb p 1408
Okay so now we have Mashiach - HE died for my sins - so i don’t have to....
but i thought i still deserved to be punished.
you know - of course i wasn’t going to hell.... but that he redeems us... so we don’t have to be in that place of punishment.
BUT HE took that punishment... I don’t have to continue to remind myself what a sinner i am... because i have been forgiven...
He took the punishment.
I don’t have to feel guilty any more.
In fact - we don’t have to die any more.... which means we don’t have to feel guilty... if we have done teshuvah...
Yochanan 8:21-37 cjb p 1341
I Yochanan 2:1-17 cjb p 1525
I Yochanan 3:3-10 cjb p 1526
So sin is not punishable by death while on this earth here..
Because Yahshua HaMashiach hung on that stake instead of me
and He died - instead of me.. so that i can be forgiven!!
I don’t have to die any more !!!
He took my punishment !!!
But if i do not teshuvah - repent and return to Him /the Living Torah.... then my sin will be punished by death when i die.
So let’s go to the Torah Parashah 32 B’har - On Mount
Vayikra 25:1-26:2 cjb p 139
The title “On Mount” refers to that YHWH gave Torah - all the directions on Mt Sinai - even if they all are not printed in the section of Torah right where Moshe came down.
Vayikra 25: 1-28 cjb p 139
The land’s rest = the Shemittah year = the 7th year...
The Shemittah teaches us that the primary force in the universe is YHWH, not the ‘law of nature’.
True life only comes when man stops striving for material gain in favor of dedication to growing YHWH/ Torah.
The Chumash says that the command of the Shemittah “guarantees that the year before the shemittah will produce a crop large enough to last for 3 years.”
3 years!!
Shemittah will do that - it will produce enough food to last for 3 years.
The shemittah also alludes to 6,000 years of history of the 7,000th millennium.
Can you imagine this? - gather enough food to last 3 years?.... We are thinking about have a short term supply stored up... but how do you do 3 years??!!
This is all about TRUST isn’t it?
Comes down to what is really important - the heart of the matter...
Our culture doesn’t understand this Torah section, let alone the Shemittah... The 7 year cycle of rest!
- Well, that is nothing, our culture doesn’t understand the 7th day Shabbat for that matter!!
So because we don’t understand - we can just sort of skim through the Torah portion... and miss the whole point.
What is the point??
We have to know and remember that Torah is always about relationship.
Torah teaches us through practical day-to-day life instructions how to love YHWH and how we should treat one another.
Vayikra 25:14-17 cjb p 139
This is about selling property to a neighbor - being aware of how many years are left until the Jubilee and the return of said property.
We don’t get this.... we do not expect him to bring it back in seven years...
Vayikra 25:17 is about not taking advantage of one another!
So when we read this Torah portion... maybe we should consider how much we do in life that has someone else’s interest at heart?
How much of what I do and what we decide daily is about ME and how much is about others?
Are our actions positive on the one’s around us or are they negative?
Torah goes on to invite us to consider if the reason we are not to take advantage of one another is because of our fear of YHWH.
I find myself pondering the Word to fear YHWH...
I have often said... “If we really understood Torah - we wouldn’t / couldn’t live like we do!”
I think that there isn’t much fear of YHWH in the land...
There is modern “grace” teachings which say that “all is forgiven and you really need never think about your actions in this life.”
and this idea goes on... that one day we will each stand before YHWH...and simply point to the stake and all my life will be glossed over, erased and forgotten about... “as far as the east is from the west.”
But this teaching doesn’t get the idea that though our sins are forgiven in Mashiach, what we do on the earth with that grace will one day be judged by fire.
I Corinthians 3:10-15 cjb p 1425
-Note that “he will still escape with his life, but it will be like escaping through a fire.”
= He escapes with his life - he has eternal life... but there are no rewards because his work is burned up.
Mattityahu 12:30-37 cjb p 1238
We are going to “give account for every careless word”.... we might want to consider the words that we speak... what we agree with and what we disagree with...what we say to others....
...Seems to come back to... that age old question...
Will you choose man’s religion -which is rebellion towards YHWH...?
...or will you choose the Mashiach?
Yahshua Bar-Abba knows what it is to be forgiven... to have someone die in his own place... do we? Do we really get that Yahshua HaMashiach died in my place and he died in your place...
and then he rose again - so the bridegroom could remarry the Bride!
AMEIN and Baruch YHWH!!
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