16 B’re’shiyt vay’hiy owr
3 May 2014 ~ 3 Iyyar 5774
Day 18 of the counting of the Omer.
Torah Parashah #31 - Emor - “speak”
Torah - Vayikra /Leviticus21:1-24:23 cjb p 134
B’re’shiyt 1:1 “B’re’shiyt bara Elohiym ET hashamayim v’et ha’aretz”
In the beginning created God ET the heaven and the earth.
B’re’shiyt 1:2a “ V’ha’aretz hay’tah tohu vavohu v’chosheck al-p’ney t’hom”
And the earth was (became) without form and void. And darkness was upon the face of the deep.
B’re’shiyt 1:2b “ V’rucha Elohiym m’reachephet ‘al-peney ham-mayim.”
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
B’re’shiyt 1:3
“Vay-yo’mer Elohiym y’hiy ‘or vay’hiy ‘or.”
“And said God, let there be light: and there was light.”
Let’s go to page 18 in your B’re’shiyt study guide...
I Thessalonians 5:1-6 cjb p 1476
... Notice it says “when the people are saying ‘Everything is so peaceful and secure’.... then sudden destruction comes!
and it goes on to say in vs 4... “but you, brothers, are not in the dark.”..you belong to the light...
“Sons of light” in Hebrew thinking , are sons of Torah
b/c “light” in Hebrew thinking is Torah -
“A light unto my path” == this is an ‘understood’ in Hebrew thinking ....
....as being understood as those who know Torah and those who do not!!!!
In vayy’omer
The root is
‘amar = aleph mem resh
‘amar is a common Hebrew word to express words as they come off our lips - aka - speech.
it literally means “to collectively organize speech”
this is often translated as - “speak”
but it is different than the word d’var - the Hebrew word for ‘word’
D’var focuses on thought, intent and motivation - the source - or someone who plans = d’var
But the actual administration of the words as they come off the lips is ‘amar = the actual speaking of the word
‘amar is translated as = to think, to speak, to command and a few translated as - promise
- This is Yah speaking something that is not a completed act. It is still occurring as we speak..
Brad says what he means is that YHWH is the infinite God and only He can do these things
yahhee… yod hey yod
comes from a root which is hey hey yod = “was and became = h’yah
and it contains - “he that is”
“i am that i am”.. YHWH…
y’hiy - thranslated as “let there be”…
This is in the imperfect tense... YHWH is still bringing forth His light
aleph -holem vav - resh
What is the light?? - It is NOT the sun.
or = is translated as : light, fire, shine, enlighten
It is torah in the form of light
first thing YHWH says is “let there be light”
Brad says....so now we have the the regenerative act of the spirit regenerating / restoring haeretz - restoring it….
The creation is going to go thru the same pattern as man… and Isra’el.
Isn’t it amazing that He creates - we mess up in sin - and HE redeems us if we ask!!??!!
So the Ruach is hovering over the waters and the next thing that is going to happen is LIGHT is going to come forth!
It is like that in us... sin and darkness is there and then after we teshuvah - we are regenerated by Ruach and then light is going to illuminate us!!!…
The Ruach /Spirit hovering over waters and then light comes forth…
the first thing he does is move over the face of the waters...
remember movement causes sound...
Remember last time we said that if water molecules are exposed to sound it creates full spectrum light...
So HE is there - hovering over the water... there is sound from His hovering and then YHWH SAYS “Y’hiy ‘or”
and immediately there was LIGHT!
All other languages are stolen - taken from the Hebrew…
...not the other way around...
and if you look - you would find a lot of the creation stories - in other religions - because they took them front the Word and not the other way around.
Yesha’yahu /Is 8:19-20 cjb p 449
“ 19 So when they tell you to consult those squeaking, squawking mediums and fortune-tellers; [you are to answer], ‘Shouldn’t a people seek their God? Must the living ask the dead 20 for teaching and instruction (Torah)?’ For they will indeed give you this unenlightened suggestion.”
In King James it says... “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
“Light” in this verse is = shachar = referring (according to Brad Scott) to “the dawning” - ‘the Messiah”... dawning of the day... (not “owr” here)
In all scripture - darkness is pushed out - through the Messiah !!!
I Tim 6:14-16 cjb p 1485
talks about ...“dwelling in the light”
vs 16 “who alone is immortal, who dwells in unapproachable light that no human being has ever seen or an see -- to him be honor and eternal power. amein.
Mashiach Yahshua is the only one who has immortality - not you and i.
But once we are one with Him, we are immortal through Him...
....b/c Yahshua has immortality.
Yahshua haMashiach is the only son -the beinah (plan for restoration) of YHWH...
We are called “sons of God” = b/c we are in HIM/ through His beinah - Yahshua.
This same “light” is in
2 Corinthians 4:6 cjb p 1443
“For it is YHWH who once said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of YHWH’s glory shining in the face of the Messiah Yahshua.”
= This “light shine out of darkness” == is a direct reference back to the beginning... the B’re’shiyt.
We have talked about Yochanan 1:1-5 cjb p 1329
= LIGHT = the LIVING TORAH- Messiah’s chayim /life
The Word says.... in .....
Yochanan Aleph / I John 1:6-7 cjb p 524
“If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth (Torah). 7 But if we are walking in the light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of His Son Yahshua purifies us from all sin.”
So - what light?
The light from the B’re’shiyt - the beginning...
In B’re’shiyt 1:3 “Vay-yo’mer Elohiym y’hiy ‘owr vay’hiy ‘owr.”
“And said God, let there be light: and there was light.”
= Light is what illuminates and separates day from night... light from darkness, good from evil, tov from ra, function from dysfunction.
- This is the pattern throughout the entire Torah = seperation!
Also the light is in an imperfect tense so it is not a completed act - === He is still making it!
Once the light of YHWH is in us - it causes darkness to flee from our lives by us walking in light!
What does it mean to “walk in light”?
The Word says:
Mizmor / Psalm 119:105 cjb p 916
“Your Word is a lamp for my foot and a light on my path.”
{“path” = agol = cycles of YHWH}
Mizor 119:130 cjb p 918
“Your words are a doorway that lets in light, giving understanding to the thoughtless.”
Mishlei /Prov 6:23 cjb p949 - We talked about earlier
= commandments are the lamp. and the Torah is light
Yesha’yahu /Is 51:4 cjb p 518
“Pay attention to me, my people! My nation, listen to me! For Torah will go out from me; I will calm them with my justice as a light for the peoples.”
Yesha’yahu /Is 5:20-21 cjb p 443
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change v’choshek (darkness) into (owr) light and (owr) light into v’chosheck (darkness), who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!
Hoshea /Hosea 6:5 cjb p 713
“This is why i have cut them to pieces by the prophets, slaughtered them with the words from my mouth -- the judgement on you shines out like light.”
Mishlei /Prov 4: 18-22 cjb p946
18“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining ever brighter until full daylight.
19 The way of the wicked is like darkness; they don’t even know what makes them stumble.
20 My son, pay attention to what i am saying; incline your ear to my words.
21 Don’t let them out of your sight, keep them deep in your heart;
22 for they are life to those who find them and health to their whole being.”
Scripture is very clear that the commandments of YHWH - the Torah -is LIGHT... brought forth in creation in the very beginning.
In the beginning the Spirit was moving over the face of the water = energy
In the beginning is the restoration process ......first we have energy
proceeded by mass = earth and water
and since we have mass - we have time.
and the restoration process begins -we have energy
and the light is brought forth
Is it a coincidence
E = MC squared??
= mass times the speed of light squared = energy
-These three fundamental things that Einstein discovered, and isn’t it interesting that they are the very first three things we have in the very beginning - B’re’shiyt ??!!!
energy E = mass times speed of light squared
energy involves mass and light
The energy of YHWH producing motion. - hovering over the waters..... over the mass and He speaks and light is produced!
The Spirit/ Ruach of YHWH combined with His word produces His energy which creates all things.
We also know that light is slowing down....
Brad Scott says....ever since 1980s we know light is slowing down.
We used to think it was a constant
= 86,282 miles per second
But, now we know that is slowing down ever so slowly.
Why does this matter?
Because if it is slowing down... then this means at one time it was much faster than it is now.
Since we can now measure how much it has slowed down in a short period of time... we can extrapolate that backwards... and see it was about 30% faster in Messiah’s time and probably thousands of times faster at creation.
We also know that sound is made of particles and their motions is slowing down as well.
So..... it is literally - very possible when YHWH said “let there be light” - that instantaneously there was light!
Mattityahu /Matthew 5: 14-16 cjb p 1228
14 “You are light for the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Likewise, when people light a lamp, they don’t cover it with a bowl but put it on a lamp stand, so that it shines for everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your light shine before people. so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.”
Mashiach Yahshua relates the light to good works... “light of the world a town on a hill... let your light shine before everyone...”
Brad Scott said...
“The only thing that distinguishes in Scripture between good and bad and right and wrong and light and darkness is Torah.
and men don’t like Torah”
According to
Yochanan /John 3: 19-21 cjb p 1333
“Now this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, but people loved the darkness rather than the light. Why? Because their actions were wicked. 20 For everyone who does evil thing hates the light and avoids it, so that his actions won’t be exposed. 21 But everyone who does what is true comes to the light, so that all may see that his actions are accomplished through YHWH.”
The same light that shines in and out of our hearts is the same light that came forth in the beginning - the B’re’shiyt....
..... and is the same light that will illuminate everything in the end as well.
- The same light is used to express understanding and revelation from YHWH.... and it is the same light that is going to separate the day from the night in the next couple verses
I Thessalonians 5:1-6 cjb p 1476
... Notice it says “when the people are saying ‘Everything is so peaceful and secure’.... then sudden destruction comes!
and it goes on to say in vs 4... “but you, brothers, are not in the dark.”..you belong to the light...
~Brad says....
“Sons of light” in Hebrew thinking , are sons of Torah
b/c “light” in Hebrew thinking is Torah -
“A light unto my path” == this is an ‘understood’ in Hebrew thinking ....
....as being understood as those who know Torah and those who do not!!!!
vay’hiy owr
vay’hiy owr = and light became..
not created, but brought forth, “and became”
“and there was light”
We talked about the difference in the speed of sound and light....
the magnetic poles were much greater...
perhaps earth diameter was up to 10% less than it is now and was expanded with the eruption of the waters in the flood.
We already said that light particles and sound waves go much slower now....
YHWH said.. “let there be”... and there was - immediately!!
Yah said it and it was!!
We are to be His light in the World....
Mattityahu 5:14 cjbp 1228
“You are light for the world.” = ‘You are the Words of YHWH.’
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