20 B’re’Shiyt ~ Shlach L’kha ~ June 14, 2014
14 June 2014 ~ 16 Sivan 5774
Torah parashah ~ Shlach L’kha - Send on your behalf
B’midbar /Numbers 13:1 -15:41 cjb p 162
Before we start today - i am going to ask you to consider these 2 questions and i will ask you them after the teaching is done...
- What was the most significant thing you heard today?
- Something you didn’t know before today?
B’re’shiyt teaching #19 -
Turn to page 23 in your study guide...
B’re’shiyt 1:5
“Vay-yiq’ra’ Elohiym la’or yom, val’chosheck qara’ lay’lah. Vay’hiy- ‘erv vay’hiy - boqer, yom ‘echad.”
“And called God the light Day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the day one.”
= first occurrence of Yah calling something…
Vay-yiq’ra’ (= name of book in english = leviticus)
kof - resh - aleph
qara’ = sounds like = kaRA.
literally means… = “to summon to a direction”, calling something to move it or turn it in a particular direction that you desire.
= going back to the picture of the house the land and the family.
VAY-YIQ’RA’ = translated as - to call, to name, to meet, to invite
It suggests - that when Yah calls something - it is changed…
It suggests...that YHWH uses this word to express change - ie : when and / or what YHWH calls it -then that is what it is. done deal.
HE originally gave that responsibility to Adam to name the animals … Yah gave some of his responsibility to man …
B’re’shiyt 2:19 cjb p 3 “call them” = vay-yiq’ra
Romans 9 CJB p 1411... when YHWH calls someone, He changes them .. .
His body, the Church , we call it ecclasia = his called out ones..
ecclasia = greek for vay’yiq’ra.
== When Yah calls something out - it changes .
To be called as of Isaac means that you are operating through faith.
Not ishmael = no faith….
... Isaac which means that... Yah has changed you and conformed you to His ways.
Abraham’s seed means we express things the way Abraham did…. .... Isaac is his son.
Sh’mot 5:3 cjb p 64 and Amos 4:12 cjb p 735 = “to meet”
- a miq’ra = qara with a mim prefix
Sh’mot 12:16 cjb p 72- “assembly” or“holy convocation” = a miq’ra
= a holy calling out when all the people who are called come together collectively
This is not about your personal worship and praise… but about when YHWH’s people collectively come together… the called out.
Vayiq’ra 23 cjb p 136 we have the feasts of Yah = the holy times - when Yah calls us together to focus us in a certain direction and makes permeant changes in our life.
Y’sha’yahu /Isaiah 1:13 cjb p 436 “i can not bear it”…. or in CJB ...”I can’t stand evil together with your assemblies!”
.... why is he saying this...?
.....because man is calling their assemblies - not YHWH…. we should celebrate HIS feasts - not ours…
What kind of calling do you have??!!
What way do you walk out your calling??
So right there in Yesha'yahu 1:13, YHWH is making it clear that He is not okay with the way man does things - but CALLS us to be obedient in how and what he tells us to do things!!
... So Yah dissociated himself from these feasts of man…..
That means....
....... there is a difference between what YHWH calls and what we call.
N’chem’yah /Nehemiah 8:8 cjb p 1140....
“They read clearly from the scroll, in the Torah of YHWH, , translated it, and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read.”
== They stood and read the book and Torah caused them to understand the “reading”.
The word reading = “miq’ra” = a gathering together - to focus or direct their attention…
you can also read Acts 13:15 and I Tim 4:13 - both translated miq’ra as “reading” or “giving attention to”
The word in Greek from this word “and god called the light day” is
ekklesia - and God called
EK = out of
klela = call
ekklesia = called out of….
We are talking about a literal calling in the beginning but...
later - it is going to be used to express the idea of God calling people out of darkness into his marvelous light throughout the rest of scripture
ekklesia is translated in the greek NT as “church” but the word is there in the beginning… and it is a word used to express someone that has been changed.
- someone removed from one position to another position
and this has been true of the things in nature..b/c Yah has called it first out to use it for the natural things and it will also then be used for spiritual things as well.
Ephesians 1:22-23 cjb p 1459 “fullness” - this all began in the very beginning… Yochanan 1 - we are told that the Mashiach who is a head and a body began in the beginning and was with Yah in the beginning.. ,
Messiah has been there since beginning.. . so HIs body and his “calling-out” has been there since the beginning…
Brad suggests that Yah reveals this ‘calling out’ when YHWH speaks to creation first…
Brad goes on to say....
“I am going to suggest to you that the body of messiah has been there from the beginning …
....that every single believer who is called out is emerged into the body of messiah , into his seed brought into his house.. (beit) --expressed in the first letter in scripture
every time Yah qaras… he changes things…
Acts 7:38 cjb p 1369 a church in the wilderness
Adam calling the animals…
“Calling” is going on in beginning when Yah makes and shapes and forms the creation.
Romans 1:1, 6 cjb p 1402
Shaul “called” and “separated”
6 “the called”
“called” - reflecting the idea of Yah calling and changing our nature - part of the idea of calling throughout scripture
So when Yah calls you, you are truly changed?? really?
Hitgalut / Revelations 17:14 cjb p 1549
“They will go to war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will defeat them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are (with him) called, chosen and faithful will overcome along with him.”
… they that are with him are “called, chosen and faithful”
okay so if we go back to what this verse says…. b/c we are starting to come to words we already know and as you know, Brad skips what he has already covered….
but the verse is:
B’re’shiyt 1:5
“Vay-yiq’ra’ Elohiym la’or yom, val’chosheck qara’ lay’lah. Vay’hiy- ‘erv vay’hiy - boqer, yom ‘echad.”
“And called God the light Day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the day one.”
So we just talked about vay-yiq’ra … and then it says…
Elohiym la’or
Elohiym is THEE GOD…. and la’or = the light….
Next time...
the next word we come to is “yom” or day.
Torah parashah Shlach L’kha / Send on your behalf.
B’midbar 13:1 cjb p 162
This starts out with the instructions of who to choose to reconnoiter the land of Kena’an..
B’midbar /Numbers 13:17 - 14:9 cjb p 163
attitude - faith - trust
or to go back to the B’re’shiyt teaching for today....
they that are with him are “called, chosen and faithful”
Interesting isn’t it....?
Just when i was busy thinking about attitude - faith and - trust this week!!
they that are with him are “called, chosen and faithful”
we know that YHWH calls us...
and that we are chosen...
being faithful is about my attitude...
I met with a man at hospice this week .... and i suggested to him that “religion” is not faith.... This was shocking news to this man....
What do you have - religion or faith?
.... no trust or trust?
Do you understand that you are... invited to a life where you are...
Also in this parashah -
B’midbar 15:37-41 cjb p 167 (tzitzits)
There it is .... plain as day.... clearly spoken... wear these...
and yet we don’t. It’s like we don’t want to go there yet...
So what are we waiting on??...
What was that third word....
“called, chosen, and FAITHFUL”....
oh, faithful... obedient... hmm...
i was thinking about the diet changes we have made.... and not eating pork (etc) any more...
and we know... we can give all sorts of science - medical reasons for why we wouldn’t ever want to eat pork...... but the reality is
Why not?
B/c it should be enough - not to eat pork - JUST BECAUSE YHWH SAID NOT TO EAT PORK!
So here He says wear tzitizts....and do we??
This is an obedience thing...
At our last teaching i brought up how Isra’el - standing at the base of Mt Sinai - said their “i do” vows ... and they said AMEIN - without knowing what they were agreeing to!!! ...
... we also considered the thought of saying amein - because you are so much in love - that no matter what YHWH says... we say... “I do!”...... fully committed!!
YECHEZK’EL / EZEKIEL 2:1 - 3:14 CJB P 642
“resoluteness” = “shamiyr” = often translated as diamond... a very hard stone.
So how does your CALL, and your being CHOSEN and your FAITH compare...?
if not, what are you waiting on??
Opportunity to commit to - or ask for more - resoluteness...
to be FAITHFUL like never before.
When i started speaking today... i asked you a couple things to think about....
- What was the most significant thing you heard today?
- Something you didn’t know before today?
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