Thursday, October 29, 2015

Torah Portion Lech Lecha - Guardian Angel Teaching #13 - 24 October

24 Oct 2015  ~  11 Cheshvan  5776
Torah Parashah Lech-Lecha B’re’shiyt 12:1- 17:27 RSTNE p 16
Guardian Angel - Skip Moen - “naked”

Revelation 14:12 - Keep the commandments of YHWH and have the faith of Yeshua. - Harbour Light Ministries

Guardian Angel  - “Naked”

B’re’shiyt 3:1
“Now the serpent was craftier than any beast of the field that YHWH Elohiym had made.  And he said to the woman, Is it emet?  Has Elohiym really said, You shall not eat of eery eytz of the garden?”

         (this is NOT a question in original - He says.. “YHWH said, and implies - so what?”)

King James syas “Now the serpent was more subtle”
subtle = Strongs H6175 = aruwm   = tsade resh vav mem
         root = tsade resh mem = subtle, shrewd, crafty, sly, sensible, prudent
aruwm or arum = has positive and negative uses.

Mishle (proverbs) 14:8 =  prudent

Mishle 12:23 = humble

B’re’shiyt 3:1 = shrewd, duplicitous or seductive.

We can’t see in the English translation that this is a world play with the Hebrew “arom, the word used to describe nakedness (B’re’shiyt 2:25) 

“In fact, there are a host of consonants (ARYM) that carry nuances about this event: 
         erwah = nakedness
         arwah = dishonor
         arom = naked
         arum = crafty

do you notice something about the connection between them?
The Hebrew pictograph helps: 
         pictograph = “To see a person connected to chaos.”
In other words, nakedness is now a symbol of disordered existence.

There was a time when being naked reflected ordered, honorable relationships. 
The serpent turned nakedness against itself, using its vulnerability to bring about the destruction of the divine relationship. 

Nakedness became the symbol of chaos.
We are the ones who behold our own chaos.
We are afraid of who we are.
What we lost was NOT INNOCENCE.
We lost ORDER.

Here we see what we know in our own lives...
We are tempted to establish our order in place of  YHWH’s order. 

We should learn that displacing YHWH’s order destroys all order - it leaves us naked and ashamed, exactly the opposite of what we hoped to achieve.

We see that one time our vulnerability was the crown of humanity.

We thrived in dependence on our Creator
But sin’s disorder destroys our vulnerability, not by stripping way our fragile innocence but by removing the trust that makes vulnerability possible.

Vulnerability without trust is chaos.

That’s what the serpent left us.

Scripture shows our predicament even in the word picture of “serpent”
serpent = hahash = a fence separating life and destruction

This is exactly the role that the serpent plays.  He provides choice between life and death.  He is himself the fence separating the two. 

What the serpent left behind is chaos incarnated, existence withtou belonging or connection.

YHWH’s restoration appeals to our deepest loss   - the loss of trust - trust between YHWH and man and between each other.

We can cover up but we cannot hide.
It takes YHWH’s provision and covering to restore our humanity.

Fig leaves don’t cut it.

They were trying to conceal something - but not “private areas”... they were trying to conceal disobedient pride .

Hebrew word for loin covering is hagore from the root hagar = The verb means = to gird, to put on a belt

But the pictograph really tells the story = to make private by fencing the pride of a person.

One of the cognates of this word in Babylon is a military belt that served no useful purpose except to show off the status of the person.  It was a belt of pride in prominent display.       

It isn’t being naked that needs to be covered up - It is far more humiliating.
It’s the evidence that Adam is an idolater.

The Hebrew word for pride = ga’ah = to rise up to be lifted up or exalted.

Precisely what Adam wished to conceal from the eyes of YHWH.
He wanted to put a fence around his self-exaltation. to cover up his rising up against YHWH’s command. The verb ga’ah paints the picture - “what comes from the lifting up of strength”

The things which man did lose were the glory of YHWH and the dominion over nature which were associated with the image;  he lost them when he forgot that he himself was the eikon theou (image of YHWH) and sought to find that eikon (image) elsewhere.  In doing so, he took on the image of corruption and became subject to death thus obscuring the fact that he was originally created in the image of an incorruptible Elohiym.

Once Adam disobeyed YHWH’s word and denied his image-bearing existence, he discovered the terror of his idolatry in confrontation with the one true and holy Elohiym.  He had to cover it up.

What needed to be covered up was the unleashed aggression of the yetzer ha’ra (evil impulse).


Torah Parashah Lech-Lecha
B’re’shiyt 12:1- 17: 27 RSTNE p 16

B’re’shiyt 12:1-3 p 16

= The oath of promise- From YHWH to Avram 

This oath is eternal, unbreakable and NOT dependent on humans.  Salvation through Covenant.

B’re’shiyt 15:1-21 p 18

= The Promise Covenant.
Made with Avram and his descendants, at Avram’s request.

 YHWH promised his own death if the covenant was ever broken.

This Covenant had a death position and was breakable (hence Y’shua’s death as YHWH’s lamb.)

The smoking furnace and the burning lamp walked between. 

The entrance into this Covenant was marked by the “token” of physical circumcision in B’re’shiyt 17.

B’re’shiyt 12:1 p 16
         “Now YHWH said to Avram, Get out of your country, and from your mishpacha, and from your abba’s bayit, to a land that I will show you.”

B’re’shiyt 12:6
         “And Avram passed through the land to the place of Shechem..”

B’re’shiyt 12:8-9
         “he moved from there to a mountain,”
         “.... Avram went down to Mitzrayim”

B’re’shiyt 13:1
         “Aram went up out of Mitzrayim

B’re’shiyt 14:13
         “Avram the Ivri”
         Ivri = “One from beyond”
         Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew says:
         tzad - bet - resh
         = “cross over to other side; move to different condition.”
         1.  passing over

Ivri - one who crossed over.

Overcomer -
Gilyahna (Revelation) 2:11; 2:26; 3:5;3:12

Strong’s G3528 nikao
to conquer
         =to carry off the victory, come off victorious
         those that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations and persecutions
when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one's cause

Yaakov (James) 2:14-26 p 811

2:26“emunah without mitzvoth is dead also.”

There is one thing to KNOW it..... but if you really have Emunah / Faith - you do it.

Hebrew is not about just knowing it... as Greek is - it is DOING it.

“Sh’ma Yisra’el....”

You see- I can say I know /understand all kinds of things - but if I don’t LIVE it ... then I really don’t believe it.

It’s like - how we think....

I can know it in my head... that I should be positive...
but is my head really positive?

My brain is formulating positive attitude thoughts IF I have the brain chemistry that does it.

Romiyah (Romans) 12:1-2 p 848

“And be not conformed to this olam hazeh; but be transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind....”

Your brain can not think positively unless it has the positive hormone / chemical release that causes it to do so....

So that means i have to DO something to make it positive.

“we should just be positive.” = “Isn’t that easier said than done?!!”

-  ABSOLUTELY... but I’m not asking that you just suddenly wake up and decide to think happy thoughts....

-  have to do something that changes the chemistry
-  so then you CAN think positively.

What it is NOT is - just deciding to have a certain kind of thoughts...

It’s about we have to DO something to change our brain chemistry so we can then think positively!!

I want you to think of three specific things that you are thankful for...

(every day for a month)....

= fastest way we have to teach optimism.

What else can we do -???

-  worship
-  reading Torah
-  Pray

Think of a good memory....

This is whyYHWH does all the repetition  - so as we review the joyous things He has done for us - this builds the “trees” stronger!!!!

So important to go over and over the things you have experienced with YHWH....  !!


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