Monday, November 30, 2015

47th B're'shiyt Teaching - Torah Portion Toldot - November 14

14 Nov 2015  ~  2 Kislev 5776
Torah Parashah Tol’dot ~ History
B’re’shiyt 25:19 - 28:9 RSTNE p 26
Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt Hebrew word study - B’re’shiyt 1:21

Ruth 2:12 - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah Tol’dot ~ History
B’re’shiyt 25:19 - 28:9 RSTNE p 26

1.  Yitzchak and Rivkah have twin sons - “Two nations and two kinds of       peoples”
2.  Famine in the land - B’re’shiyt 26:2-5 - YHWH repeats Avraham’s blessing to Yitzchak. 
3.  Yitzchak goes to live in Gerar- the land of the Philistines  - and like his father before him - has his wife (Rivkah) tell them she is his sister.  Yitzchak grows wealthy or wealthier there.

4.    There are issues with the 3 wells... Yitzchak’s servants re-dig the wells Avraham had dug - (the Plishtim had “stopped” them) and then the locals claimed them.


5.  Yitzchak goes to Beer-Sheva in 26:24 “YHWH appeared to him the same night, and said, I am the Elohiym of Avraham your abba;  fear not, for I am with you, and will bless you, and multiply your zera for My eved Avraham’s sake.”  - and “Yitzchak built an altar there and called upon the Name of YHWH.”  ... and they dug another well. 

These were wells Avraham had dug in Beer-Sheva ... so according to the covenant Avraham had made  in B’re’shiyt 21: 22-34  - Yitzchak had a right to that water....  but he leaves it and gives them telling names - the first is...
          a well of living water (it flowed/ a spring) - he leaves it and calls it Esek b/c they strove with him.  Esek = contention

          The second one...he calls sitnah = enmity /hatred

          The third one  - Yitzchak moved... we don’t know how far - but here -- they didn’t bother him about the well. He called  this well - Rehovoth and said “for now YHWH has made room for us”

Rehovoth = wide open spaces - room.

6.  Then Avimeleck - after sending Yitzchak away- comes to him and makes an oath / covenant - that Yitzchak will not destroy them or visa versa

7.   Yitzchak’s blessing Ya’akov instead of Esav.

8.  Ya’akov is sent away by Yitzchak to Padan-Aram to Lavan, Yitzchak’s mother Rivkah’s brother.  And Esav marries a daughter of Yishma’El - because he figured out that would not please Yitzchak and Rivkah his parents.

Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt study

Study guide page 54

We are on... B’re’shiyt 1:21  

Read B’re’shiyt 1:1 - 1:20

By B’re’shiyt 1:20 - all things were in place to now move on to creating the nepesh - the souls of the animals

The creation continues....

B’reshiyt 1:21  “And Elohiym created great whales and every living creature that moves, which the mayim brought out abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after its kind:  and Elohiym saw it was tov.”

“Vay-yivera’ Elohiym ‘et-hat-tan-niynim hag-g’doliym ve’et kal-nephesh  hachay-yah  haromeset  ‘asher  shar’tzu  ham-mayim l’miynehem  v’et  kal-‘oph  kanaph  l’miynehu.  vay-yar’ Elohiym kiy-tov.”

Vayyivera’ :  bara - created appears once again

          Elohiym will bring animal life into existence now....

... the nephesh and the chayyah are not made from materials taken from the heavens or the earth.

Elohiym - “the Great One”

          Probably came from the Hebrew Word TANAN
                    = Tav - Nun - Nun

          TANAN = “to emit sounds”
          This is where the English word TUNA comes from.

          Hebrew = dragons, whales, serpents

          Sh’mot (Exodus) 7: 9-12 = the serpent (not naquash - usually           translated as serpent)

          Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 27:1 = the sea monster (only the last word is           Tanniym)

          Miykah 1:8 - whaling dragons (emitting sounds)

          Iyov (Job) 7:12

          Malachi 1:3 - dragons



          = living things that creep

          root = ramas:  to move or walk lightly : move, creep, worm

          Seems to distinguish between those things in the waters which are swarming and moving very quickly and producing a lot or millions ...  they are           reproducing - but this distinguishes these - the things that are moving -very slowly along the ocean floor.

          Yah is separating out the swarming creatures in the water.

          Ma’sey hashSh’liyechiym (Acts) 10:12  - sheet vision (most of these things are unclean)

          Ya’akov (James) 3:7 -

Next words....

‘ASHER = which

SHAR’TZU = swarmed

HAM-MAYIM = the waters

L’MIYNEHEM = after their kind

V’ET = and

KAL’OPH = every bird

New word....

          first occurrence of birds with wings - that which causes the bird           to fly above

kanaph: = to cover, to protect
          translated in Word as = wings quarters, borders, skirt,      uttermost           parts of the earth

          English word Canapy comes from kanaph

           - used in Hebrew Marriage = hoopah


          sh’mot (Exodus) 25:20 - wings of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant
                    cherevs always looking down - focusing on the blood which covers the precious Words

The Ark is about the Testimony - the Word, and about  the Mercy = BOTH.

Between the 2 kanaph - is where YHWH will meet with you

YHWH will use this same image in many other ways to show us how He                protects ....
          B’midbar (Numbers) 15:37-38 - borders of garments
                    make them fringes in the kanaph - (tzit-zit) 

                    The talit comes from the garment that holds the tzit-zit.

Blue die from a mussel - has blue dye - been gone for over 2000 years.. only recently has it been found again

Y’shua scolded the Pharisees for widening their kanaph of their talits..
                    = a sign of false righteousness

speak of authority

          D’variym (Deuteronomy) 22:12 - quarters

          Rut (Ruth) 2:12, 3:9,
                    Rut - This is a perfect picture of exactly what YHWH has called the     gentile out of his wild tree into the  Hebrew tree....

                    Naomi sends her daughters-in-laws back to where they came from...
          but     Rut had agreed to be one with her husband... 

                    Ruth 1:16   p 589
this should be our attitude ... toward YHWH!

                    2:12 - “wings” kanaph = covering and protection

                    Boaz is asleep and is going to do something that we can easily misunderstand....

                    3:9 - “covering” / skirt - kanaph - saying i will take you in and marry           you as your kinsman redeemer...
                              -This has nothing to do with sex.

This is about the Hebrew Kinsman redeemer plan.
                              - He agrees to cover / protect her

                              In last chapter - He took her and she was his wife...
                    She bore a son =  This is fruit from the grafted in wild branch !!

                    RUTH 4:14-16
                              YHWH is picturing that the fruit of this relationship... of the wild branch and the regular tree - is going to be nourished by a Hebrew!!!

Those grafted in are going to be nourished by those who live Torah!!

Sh’mot 19:4

instead of wings - Y’chez’qel (Ezekiel) 17

Mal’akiy 4:2 RSTNE p 496
           “wings” = kanaph = the boarder of the garment of the Talit

                    “Everyone who understands Torah - knows this is speaking of the Messiah - who will be Hebrew - b/c he is going to wear Talit.”

Luke 8:43-48 RSTNE p 735
                    When the woman with the issue of blood reaches out to his garment -     what she touches is his tzit-zit - his kanaph..... 
          = his wings with healing.

Z’kar’yah 8:20-23 RSTNE p 489 -
                    tzitzit = kaaph

                    = the same thing that happened with Ruth
                    “YHWH is only in that natural tree”... not the wild tree

                    “You either become one with that tree or you kick rocks!” :)

We know that - Hasatan - makes fake kanaph -

-   we know from    Yeshayahu 14 his primary goal is to imitate YHWH ....

Brad says  - so he can’t do something just the opposite (?!!)  because people would recognize that as hasatan ..... so he produces an “instead of” = that is the word “anti-Mashiach” - “instead of Messiah”

Hasatan does this - because we know there are real coverings - real kanaphs of protection!

We see this in Yechezkel (Ezek) 17 p 405 - with 2 great eagles....

There’s the parable of the sower - Mattityahu 13:4 p 688 -  birds come and    eat up the seed, and in 13:32 where the evil birds lodge in the trees.

 - just like leaven in bread - there is always a counterfeit

Miz’more 17:8 RSTNE p 500
                     shadow of your wings/ kanaph/ skirt (guarding and protecting)

          Yir’m’Yahu (Jeremiah)  2:32 p 350  - “skirts” = kanaph

                    “I have not found it by a secret search, but upon all your skirts”

          secret search = speaks of the false coverings or false protection...

                    ... but only YHWH’s kanaph/ protection/ covering.

          Daniyy’el 9:27  p 445 - “wings/corner” = kanaph
                    Many believers today have placed themselves in the false - the fake kanaph - the false things that are not of YHWH!

In the Greek - kanaph =

          ieros (Greek) - I Corinthians 9:13;
                    2 Tim 3:15

          kraspedon (Greek)  Mattityahu 9:20, 23:5

          pterux (Greek)  Mattityah 23:37


p 56 in Study guide

B’re’shiyt 1:22

“And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.”

“Vay-y’varek  ‘otam  Elohiym le’mor p’ru  ur’vu  umile’u  ‘et-ham-mayim  bay-yam-miy  ve’ha’oph  yirev ba’aretz.”

This is the first occurrence of the word “bless” or “to bless


          barak/ baruch  = growth, to kneel, to bow;  bless, (also name of           contemporary of Deborah)

          Very important to understand what “blessed” means - b/c we can get a totally messed up view of “blessed” from what we came out of... b/c they teach “blessed means getting something.  If i don’t get something, i am not blessed and if i do get something i am blessed”  etc...

and this is...really only half of what it means.

          barak /baruch = growth, to kneel, to bow

          translated as - thank, knees

          barak = a word of reciprocation... 

          “i do this and this is the result... when i kneel to YHWH then this is the reuslt”

this is the meaning behind:
          D’variym 11:26-28

Barak is directly associated with three words:

          1. Being fruitful
          2. Being many
          3. To fill to overflowing

YHWH blessed the animals and the birds...

          English word Brook = derived from Barak  - whatever comes down to me started out down stream....


BARAK - begins with a “bet” meaning TWO.  It is the first number that multiplies.

Being fruitful and multiplying is directly associated with blessing.

It is also known to require two actions
-The kneeling or subjecting, i.e. the initiating
-The growth is a reaction.

Blessed is a term or reciprocation.

For man, it is the result of his obedience and subsequent growth. 

To bless YHWH refers to the Father’s joy and desire to multiply and cause to grow.

If you are not obedient - you can not bless YHWH.

See this in the 4th sower in the parable of the sower (Matt 13)

          B’re’shiyt 2:3
          B’re’shiyt 24:26-27

          B’re’shiyt 12:3

          B’re’shiyt 22: 16-17

          Mizmor 16:7
          26:3, 12


          Male’akiy 3:7-12

          Hitgalut (Revelation) 1:3
          22:7, 14


          Resh-vet- hey

 Root = RAVAH :  to multiply, increase, -  translated as that and -  authority, much, exceedingly, plenteous, more

Blessings always flow when 2 become ONE...   and then blessed - multiplied and increased.

D'varim 8:1


Mizmor (Psalm) 49:6 - increased

Mishlei (Proverbs) 29:2

Greek = plethuno

Ma’ey hash- Sh’liyechiym 6:7, 9:31, 12:24

Ivriym (Hebrews) 6:14

You have to have two things in order for multiplication to take place.  Anything times one remains the same.


We saw in our Torah Parashah - how YHWH began to multiply His people.... just like he had the fish of the sea and fowl of the air multiply....

Let’s go back to the wells.... That Yitzchak had re-dug - that Abraham - the Father of Yisra’el had dug... 

One must have water to survive.  ...  and it is interesting to me that the first one that Yitzchak re-dug was “Living water”....

Wells were not done by a well driller - a man who would come with a big apparatus on his truck - taking maybe a few hours - like around here.... they were dug by hand - THROUGH lime stone. 

Hard work....

And they would put a wall around it - to keep animals and people from falling in it - and use a rope and bucket sort of thing... or they would cut stone steps down into it ... 

Imagine the joy of the site of a well in desert land....

Now think about our lives.... 

There are wells of gifts and callings within us... and sometimes - like the Philistines we have filled them in - b/c we don’t want to do “that”...

Another way to look at it is - that there are things that YHWH has given us - we understand - the whole “renewing of your mind” - “transformation” process -- and that thing to do is like a well - a life source - only we don’t want to do it...  and will “fill in” that well - that life source.

How many life sources have you filled in - that you need to re-dig - open up and use - that YHWH has given you to live???


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