Tuesday, January 12, 2016

STAND - Torah Portion Shemot - January 2

2 Jan 2016  ~  21 Tevet 5776
Torah Parashah ~ Sh’mot - Names
Sh’mot (Exodus) 1:1- 6:1 RSTNE p 49
This is how we fight. STAND.

I want to talk about some negative things for a bit.... hang on - there is a point to my madness ! :)

There is a lot of things going on in the world right now...

GMO’s  - mixing seed  -

Chipotle has e-coli issues... and some are now reporting that it is because of bioterrorism... the CDC has announced that it is very rare strain not usually found in food!...  allegedly this bioterrorism is because of their no GMO stand.

A side note -
Russia has blocked all GMO’s from it’s country, while the Grocery Manufacturers of America are doing all they can to block labeling GMOs!

Vaccinations - also mixing seed and adding poisons

I found an article on a web site I trust that said....
“In 2010, a study found that the US had the highest infant mortality rate (6.1 out of 1,000 live births) of 28 wealthy industrialized nations.  - The US also has the highest number of vaccines given to infants.”

Cancer treatments - and the disappearances and deaths of the physicians who have “natural” treatments

Another article I found  said...
“With $100 billion a year now being spent on toxic chemotherapy treatments that damage patients and cause "chemo brain" side effects, a panel of cancer experts commissioned by the National Cancer Institute publicly admitted two years ago that tens of millions of "cancer cases" aren't cancer at all.”

“Tens of millions of people who have been diagnosed with "cancer" by crooked oncologists -- and scared into medically unjustified but extremely profitable chemotherapy treatments -- never had any sort of life-threatening condition to begin with, scientists have confirmed.”

Now I can’t tell you that is truth - (I believe it is) - BUT what I can tell you is my own physician told me not to get mammograms - because I am not at high risk and there are many false positives and problems from them!

Then there are things like :

Chem trails ....

Glycosphate...round up

Illuminati agenda...


ISIS... and the immigrant issue creating chaos where there was none.

Pay attention - because where there is chaos - someone wants those people - maybe us too (!!!) - to NOT see something else!

-And stupid things like our leader announcing that the USA has always been an Islamic nation!

We can talk about how we are affected currently and directly effected by these things in our own culture - like GMOs and glycosphate

But let me add to this... 

Recently I took my mom to see her doctor...

She had had a test done - that showed she needs oxygen....

The physician told us he faxed the script to the medical supply place....
The supply place told me  - they faxed him back - letting him know he needs 3 things:
1.   a valid diagnosis so medicare will cover it.
2.    the amount of liters of oxygen to give
3.    a titration study

They didn’t get any of this - while our doctor said he send the script!

Then the supply place told me that they also faxed back the list of tests that they could do to meet diagnostic criteria ...
They said there are 4 different tests that could be done....
Our doctor’s office performed one of those tests and told us - with a SMILE - that she is “fine” and doesn’t qualify....

So medicare doesn’t have to pay for my mom’s oxygen. 

This story is shortened and much is left out - but let me say this - we are convinced that clearly the “SYSTEM” DOES NOT WANT TO HELP ELDERLY.

If you think this is not true...  look at the effects of statin drugs and then start looking at who all are taking statins!

NOW - even more than this....

Let me remind you - we live in a society who lives from the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. - The etz of da’at of tov and ra.

Remember there are two trees:

The etz chayim (tree of life) and the etz of da’at of tov and ra...

and people - blind sheeple - don’t know.... 

Let me give you a picture of Yisra’el....  YHWH’s people MOSTLY - lost in the nations.... In Hoshea’s day - and still today!!!

Hoshea 4:1-19 p 451

And yet - there is something in some of HIS sheeple - like us -

BUT most people have no foundation - nothing firm to stand on...

Like the guy in Luke 6:47-49 p 732

So they don’t know that there are two powers in the world...

YHWH - and hasatan.

 If it is not one, it is the other....

and if you live from the tree of tov and ra - then that means there are things that
            LOOK GOOD... and they produce NICE things - for awhile....

            BUT what you have to remember  - or KNOW - because the world DOESN’T KNOW...

            If I am living from the tree of LIFE - Chayim... then I have my halacha (my walk) in YHWH - my life lines up with the Word....

            If I am living from the tree of da’at of tov and ra... then some things seem good and are nice - for awhile and other things are just bad....and I can see that from the beginning. 

            No matter how good it looks!

            So people can and do - do yoga - because most don’t know that every position in yoga is a worship position to a hindu god.... 
            and it seems good - because we all need flexibility....

            and now we have churches doing “christian yoga” and the real Yogi’s in the world are laughing at their stupidity...
            and when someone does yoga - no matter how “good” their intent - it OPENS DOORS FOR THE ENEMY in their life....

            and then sheeple try - mediation... because many many leading helpful people in our society recommend meditation....  and “free writing”....

AND  pretty soon.... the person is hearing voices... believing lies about themselves, others and especially YHWH - thee only LIVING God...

and they have a spiritual mess...

and they get sick....physically ill....

so they will go to acupuncturists and reiki masters....

and more doors are opened!!!

The reality is ... nobody told them!!!

Nobody told them - and life is hard.... so they keep grasping- willing to try anything  - because - remember - they have NO foundation - no understanding or Torah.

So let me give you an example of life is hard...

Just take my last week and a half....

1.   My debit card information was stolen...which over drew our account
2.    Thursday - a disastrous cable guy was at our house for four hours
3.    Friday - Aunt L. passed
4.    Monday I found myself doing counseling with a dear young woman who  accidentally ran over her precious dog - and feeling bad and guilty
5.     I agreed to do counseling - later in the week,  with a woman who had opened many many doors to the demonic.
6.    A tree fell on our house! - and pulled out power lines... we have no power til after midnight - and we have much damage to repair (so thankful - it could have been so much worse!!)
7.     Fire truck hit our mail box.... (no matter - thrilled for their help!)
8.   Many electronics were fried in the tree/wire event.
9.    My sister’s dog died.
10. We have this disappointing lack of help from the medical system... and I spend probably HOURS on the phone to medical people - or rather on hold!
11. Besides all this - and no surprise - both Kevin and I came down with the terrible colds my parents had 2 weeks earlier....  so I spent Mon and Tues in bed as much as possible!

A side note - because the bad cable guy came ... two good cable guys showed up at our home on Tues - and asked if we knew the modem was off line...  and it hit me - oh the light flashes  - They not only fixed the cable but they got our modem on line much faster than had the bad guy not showed up!! :)

I tell you all that to tell you  a couple things...

Something has changed in me...   a few years ago - all these things happening - I would have been a mess....
            with lots of crying .... and even more worrying and probably catastrophizing!   

But I was just busy being thankful to YHWH for His presence and His care and His love....

I did spend a lot of time - taking these things to him and asking him what the big picture was ....

I mean - this was about 10 days that were full of some really challenging stuff!!

And what I heard was...         

"Preparation - this is preparation … this is the fringes of what is ahead… and this is how to fight. STAND.”

Let’s go back to last weeks Parashah...

B’re’shiyt 48 the blessing of Yoseph’s children - Efrayim and Menashsheh

B’re’shiyt 48:14-20 p 46

48:16 - “fish” - vayi-dag-oo lerov  = teeming fish

Mattityahu (Matthew) 4:19 p 679
            “And He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Mattityahu 28:18-20 p 706
            “And Y’shua came and spoke to them, saying, All power is giving to Me in the shamayim and in the earth.  19  Go therefore, and make talmidim of all nations, doing mikvah upon them in MY Name.  20  Teaching them to shomer all things, which I have commanded you:  and, see, I am with you always, even to the end of the olam hazeh.”

Think about this picture for a minute....

When you fish with a fly rod or a spinning rod - you most often only catch one fish at a time.... amidst a lake or stream that probably has hundreds or thousands....

and if you fish as the talmidim would have fished - with a big net... you still only catch a few at a time - compared with how many are in the water!

But fishing for those “ones” or “few at a time” - is how people learn to follow YHWH - to have their halacha - their walk - in Him... in TRUTH...

-    gives them a foundation to stand on!!

Just like - us studying and learning - studying Torah and praying... and paying attention - and seeing what is around us....  teaches us - and gives us a FOUNDATION of TRUTH.     :)
As I have learned TRUTH -  my foundation has gotten stronger!
What am I talking about - “THIS IS HOW WE FIGHT.  STAND.” 
Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 6:10-18 p 887
This is how we fight - we do these things !
Focus on YHWH - and NOT on the MESS and do NOT worry!!!!!
Galutyah (Galatians) 5:1 p 880
Mizmore (Psalm) 24:3-4 p 504
Today’s Torah Parashah starts with
Sh’mot 1:1-2:10 p 49

Interesting that Yisra’el - YHWH’s people lived in Mitzrayim (Egypt/Sin) ... and “task masters” were put over them to afflict them with their burdens....  and they were called to build Pharaoh cities....

In Elementary school - we studied the pyramids - and I was so interested... and I used to study about who built them and how...
and read a lot of things - but never did I read that -  Hebrews built them!...

So their culture had changed. 

Yaakov / Yisra’el had gone down with  his family to his son Yoseph - 2nd in command in Mitzrayim...  during the famine... and the were fruitful and multiplied...

Then there was a new melech/king over Mitzrayim - who didn’t know Yoseph .....  and things changed....

They must have had a good life....  things must have been comfortable....

comfortable....   you know.... had what they needed for the most part...  no other countries invading...  food, water, probably fun.....  green pastures in Goshen for their animals.... 

Life was good.
Sound like another nation you know?

And the taskmasters came when the new melech / king / leader....  president...

and one day - they must have realized - it wasn’t comfortable any more.

In fact, it wasn’t just uncomfortable  - it was awful.... 

And then killing the babies started....

(We here in this nation have been killing babies for almost 44 years. (1973).)

In this Torah Parashah

One baby -

One family who didn’t follow the rules of the government.
            Rules that did not line up with Torah.

Isn’t it interesting... ?

You think that Moshe’ parent’s had any idea - that this one little baby would lead all the people to freedom?

Reminds me of a similar story of Y’shua HaMashiach :)

But think about this... ONE person....

One person - is who brings change...  ONE person is who YHWH uses as the facilitator of HIS Y’shua (salvation).

What are the odds - this mother puts her baby in a basket - and the Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and “adopts” him. 

In this hard process....


His mom gave him up - so he could live....

She would be able to teach him Torah... she had to trust YHWH...  with her child..... 

And Moshe learned the ways of the melech of Mitzriem. ... things he would use later....

Do you think that she cried  ?  - this mother - who gave up her child so he could live?

Do you think that she grieved? 

It had to be awful in many ways.... albeit better than her child’s death.... but a death to her none the less....

Sure we can say - Moshe was one person who YHWH used....

but what if His mother would have responded differently??

What if she would have taken the less dangerous route?
What if she would not have hidden him for awhile..?
What if she would not have put him in a basket?
What if she was not willing to let him go??

What if she did not trust YHWH in this?

What if her focus was just her own pain??
What if she just worried?


Back to my last 10 days...

or back to the many difficult issues in your life...

Or back to the crisis of the culture of death that we live in...

WE are each ONE person for YHWH to work through....

WE are also part of HIS people....

            called to be fisher’s of men....
            He put his name on Ephrayim and Menashsheh....

They each ONE were called to things in their life...

We each are called to things in our lives that POTENTIALLY - very much impact those FISH around us....

And we are part of a people - called to impact the world!

Life is hard - and we can’t make it - being consumed by the mess - the distraction and the crisis of evil.

We can’t make it unless we are focused on HIM

This is how we fight...

Go back to Ephesians 6...

Notice it has us putting on armor and carrying a shield and a weapon...
and then it says when you have done all -


STAND and look at YHWH.

not the mess....
not the fact that my child is floating in a river....

not the fact that my bank account doesn’t yet look like the bill will be paid...

not the fact that terrorism is in our land....

(I’m not saying be stupid and live in denial by any means)

BUT wear your armor and fight... with the Word...

and fight....

and STAND.

STAND - you one person - called by the LIVING ElOHIYM to
fight and STAND and look at HIM... and worship HIM.

Moshe was one person... his mother was one person..... his father was one person.... 

But I know - that my fighting with HIS WORD...
and my standing...

will change the world... for HIM....

and that is what we are called to do.



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