Friday, January 8, 2016

Torah Portion Vayigash - Shepherds - December 19

19 December 2015  ~  7 Tevet 5776
Torah Parashah Vayigash - “He Approached”
B’re’shiyt 44:18- 47:27  RSTNE p 42

Yochanan 21 - Feed my sheep - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah Vayigash - “He Approached”
B’re’shiyt 44:18- 47:27  RSTNE p 42

            -Background - Yoseph’s silver cup has just been “found” in Benyamin’s grain sack....

1.    Yahudah begs Yoseph not to take Benyamin....  because -
     B’re’shiyt 44:30-31 p 42 

2.     Yahudah offers himself instead of Benyamin.
     B’re’shiyt 44:32- 34

3.     B’re’shiyt 45:1-8
            “I am Yoseph, does my abba still live?” 

            Interesting that Yahudah is the one offering himself ....  and Yoseph asks about his Abba.
            Look at this from a tribe perspective - today - with Ephraim (Yoseph - lost in the nations) - “away” from Abba - but still seeing Him!!

4.    B’re’shiyt 44:9 Yoseph instructs them to “hurry and go up to my abba, and say to him....  come down to me, do not delay” 

5.     Then he gives more instructions... and

6.     B’re’shiyt 44:24 “So he sent his brothers away, and they departed:  and he said to them, See that you don’t quarrel on the way.” 

            Interesting that Ephraim is not to quarrel on the return to get father to be “all”reunited!!

            How does that relate to today??!!

            I listen to what is being taught out there - and I can’t believe the differences.... 

            Without even talking about the MESS that most of the world embraces...
            Christianity - is a mess!
            Judaism is a mess!
            BUT lets not forget  Messianics!  Have you looked at what all is being taught !  It is very different!

            There doesn’t seem to be many at all teaching like HLM!
            I had to laugh the other day when Matthew Nolan, last Shabbat was talking about how pastors are NOT teaching truth as it relates to our day - because it is scary and because they couldn’t keep their tax deferment... and because it just isn’t pretty... 
            YHWH has called me to teach about end of days and to teach the TRUTH  of the Word.... and the more I look around I’m just not finding it out there!!

7.     Interesting that Yaakov/ Yisrael stops off at Beer-Sheva...

8.     B’re’shiyt 46:26-34 - Yoseph is reunited with Yisra’el his Abba, and he tells his family to declare to Pharaoh that they are shepherds because shepherds are an abomination to Mitzriem. 

            Think about this one.... 

            A shepherd puts his sheep first - he is willing to die for his sheep...

            But the culture of Mitzriem - was a selfish “I” centered culture....

            Look at how this describes the land we live in today!!

            We are called to be shepherds....

Yochanan 21:11-17 p 776

            15 Agapae - phileo
            16 agapae - phileo
            17 phileo - phileo

agapae = more parental, mature, sacrificial love, “to take pleasure in a thing; prize it above all things, be unwilling to abandon it or do without it.  Costs the bearer - puts the beloved first. sacrifices pride.  A love of supreme greatness.

Phileo = love of soul, bent toward our natural tastes, embodies culture and beliefs, friendships towards people like yourself.  Can be deep and also can be shallow - conditional soul love

15 feed = bosko
16 feed -= poimaino
17 feed = bosko

Bosko = “boskoing” is what the prodigal son found himself doing when he came to his senses - slopping hogs.  The only other usage is in context of slopping hogs - Matt8:30,33; Mark 5:11,14; Luke 8:32,34; Luke 15:15.

Poimaino = not just “pushing feed off the truck but slopping the hogs”  But it involves tending to them and to theirr needs with personalized care as a servant tends to the needs of his master/queen.  It is life giving not taking; without concern for your own needs. 

Tender care is a rare thing by a shepherd in OUR culture. -

            Acts 20:28 p 799

             I Peter 5:2 p826

             Rev 7:17 p 915

15 lambs
16  sheep
17 ewes

Maybe this is about developmental stages of understanding YHWH??

9.     Yoseph went to Pharaoh - and told him his Abba and his brothers had come and they were in Goshen.  Pharaoh asked about their occupation... and offered them the best land. 

10.     Yoseph brought in his Abba Yaakov/  Yisra’el before Pharaoh.

11.    Yaakov/ Yisra’el blessed Pharaoh.

12.     Yoseph ends up buying land for food

13.     B’re’shiyt 47: 27p 45


Y’shua called Kepha to be a shepherd....

Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 34 p 419

foot note #3 Yisra’el’s shepherds must be able to teach Torah and Messiah from both covenants.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 23: 1-6 p 366

I Peter 2:9 p 825

Do you see how this Torah Parashah is about prophecy of today?? !!
What are the shepherds doing/teaching??!!
If we are a kingdom of priests - we are each called to be shepherds to those around us....  what are you doing..

Y’shua asked Kefa if he loved him enough to die for him and he replied

“sure Y’shua you know that i’m your friend and disciple”
and Y’shua said - then feed - as in slop the hogs - the sheep... the young immature ones....

and Y’shua asked Kefa again - do you love me enough to die for me?

and Kefa answered the same

and Y’shua said... essentially - No Kefa - you have to take special care of them....  put them before yourself - that is what I do....  and notice that these are the sheep - the middle ground... not the lambs like the first statement...but the “adults” who are in between the fruit bearing and the young stage..... 

and Kefa still didn’t get it - he said Sure Y’shua you know we are buddies.... of course I have your back.....

So Y’shua asks a third time - something that smacks of a memory of three denials that Peter is ashamed of....

“Kefa” - but this time Y’shua doesn’t say - do you love me enough to die for me... he asks...”Kefa, are you really my friend?” 
and Kefa says yes sure you I am....

and Y’shua says... well you will be led where you don’t want to go and you will die for me... so make sure you are “bosking” the ewes....  giving feed /slopping the hogs - to the ones who are producing fruit....

Y’shua is calling Kefa - and us - to an awareness that truly feeding others is putting them before us.... how do we lead??

and Y’shua is calling Kefa and us - to a greater love... calling us to love like Him.... enough to die.....

This is happening in the world.

We just bought the bracelets from Voice of the Martyrs - “I am-N” - that represent the Arabic letter that Islam writes on the homes of Christians as a warning.... to pay a huge tax, convert or get out because you will be killed.... and the money goes to help those who have been in those situations....

Look at the world....

There are long skirts in stores... like never before  for the last two years.  and you can think - “well, Janet, that is the style...”..... but wake up!

I like to wear scarves - around my neck and shoulders....  but look how much bigger they have become - and look they are everywhere.... 

Now schools are “suggesting” to their female students that they wear the bigger scarves and cover their heads so their Muslim friends don’t feel left out.


In a school where you can’t Pray to YHWH - you can have halal food, you can have prayer breaks for Islam ... and now if you are not of Islam - you can dress like them so they don’t feel left out. 

Sh’ma Yisrael!!!!!
LOOK what is going on!!!

We are shepherds !!! We are NOT called to be the blind sheep!!
How will you shepherd, you priest of YHWH??

Because as I see it, you are a leader or a follower - there is no other option....

What is our call and how will we live it?

Sh’ma Yisra’el.


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