Friday, May 13, 2016

Who We are: Natsarim - Torah Portion M'tzora - April 16

Natsarim    April 16, 2016
Torah Parashah - M’tzora ~ “Person afflicted with tzara’at
Uyiqara (Leviticus) 14:1- 15:33  p 90 RSTNE
Who we are ....    Natzarim   ....

Torah - Uyiqara 14:1-15:33 p 90


From time to time we have talked about what to call ourselves...

When we first left the Sunday realm...we went by “Messianic” - because that is all we knew...

.....and then we stopped being that when we learned what that was...  and
then we’d just say “Torah observers who follow Mashiak” ...  or just “studying from the Hebrew”....

Finally I understand the NAME we are...

Over and over and over again YHUH has taken me to two different Scriptures in the book of Gilyahna (Revelation)

Gilyahna (Revelation) 12:17 p 919
          “And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her zera (seed), that shomer (watch, keep, observe, guard) the mitzvoth (instructions) of YHUH, and have the testimony of Yahusha haMashiak.”

Gilyahna (Revelation) 14:12 p 921
          “Here is the endurance of the Yisharalite kidushim (saints): here are those that shomer (watch, keep, observe or guard) the mitzvoth (instructions) of YHUH, and the emunah (faith) of Yahusha.”

And I read those a long time ago... and I thought - “That’s who we are!!”

But what do you call these people??? 

YashaYahu (Isaiah) 49:6 p 331 RSTNE
          “And He said, It is a light, easy and small thing that You should be My Eved (servant) to raise up the tribes of Yakov, and to restore the preserved ones of Yisharal:  I will also give You for a Light to the heathen, that You may be My Yahusha to the ends of the earth.”

in the BYNV (Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version)
          “and He says, “Shall it be a small matter for You to be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Yaaqub, and to bring back the preserved ones of Yisharal?  And I shall give You as a light to the gentiles, to be My deliverance to the ends of the arets!”.

Who are these - “preserved ones of Yisharal” ??

The foot note in our Scriptures for this verse (p 331) has a lot of information:

          “The early believers in Jerusalem, Judah,, and Shomron (Efrayim’s former capital) were all called Notzrim, Notsraei, or Netsarim Yisrael.  They are the “preserved ones” from both houses, from both the 721 BCE and the 586 BCE exiles.  Believers are the preserved little branches, or notzrim of the main Vine, our Messiah Yahusha.  The Hebrew word for branches is netsarim, the same term used here for the “preserved ones”.  So we are all “preserved branches” of Yisharal. 

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 31:6 p 372
          “For there shall be  a yom (day), that the called out Netsarim Notsrim the ones who watch on the Mount Efrayim shall cry, Arise, and let us go up to Tzion to YHUH our Alohim.”

          foot note....  “The word Notzrim speaks of watchmen (guards) appointed by YHUH and assigned to the task of watching over the restoration of all Yisharal.”

                              “ The word notzrim, and the root is natzar.  The real explanation of the word in Hebrew is to safe keep, to keep until a later time, to hide it in a way that will be revealed later.”

                              “The word netzer is used only three times in the Tanakh and everywhere it is mentioned it has to do ONLY with Efrayim.”

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 11:1 p 303
          “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Yishai, and a Netzer-Branch shall grow out of His roots.”

          This is a prophecy of Yahusha haMashiak ... and here He is called a Netzer!

Mattityahu 2:23 p 678
          “And he came and dwelt in a city called Natzereth:  that it might be fulfilled what was spoken by the navi, He shall be called a Natzereth.”

-    Again Messiah is called a Netzer
-    and the foot note says “so naturally he came and dwelt in a city called Natzeret - or Netzer.” :)  - amazing! :)

Yahukanon (John) 15:5 p 771
          “I am the Vine, you are the netsarim; ....”


So let’s look at what Lew White says because he explains it so well....


The first Natsarim were the early followers of Yahusha.

The church fathers called the Natsarim heretics because they obeyed the Commandments while holding to the Testimony of Yahusha.
 Here in the last day, we are reappearing on the Earth just before Yahusha’s return. “And those who have insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3
 We reject the leaven of men’s teachings, and hold to Yahusha as our teaching authority. A yoke is a body of teachings. (No wonder Messiah said His yoke is easy!)
In the last days, during the Great Distress, we will have a literal glow about us when the sun darkens and the moon glows blood-red. People will be howling in all the lands.
The powers (authorities) of the heavens will be shaken, because there will be a "changing of the guard" taking place, referred to as birth pangs.
The powers currently having sovereignty over the Earth will be shaken from their moorings when the children of Yahuah are revealed -
-   the universe groans in expectation of our birth. We have been "begotten" from above, but our actual birth will occur at the return of our Creator, Yahusha ha'Mashiak, after the "distress" of those days (Mt. 24:29-31).

We were given the commission to teach all nations to obey all that we were commanded to obey.
We occupy our post,
protecting that which we were commissioned to cherish.

The thing we guard is not only discarded as rubbish by most, but it is the reason we are so despised.
The term for us is commonly misspelled "Nazarenes"  - should be = (NATSARIM).
We are a sect named after the original followers of Yahusha of Natsarith (see Act 24:5).
Acts 24:5 p 803  “For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Yahudim throughout the olam (world), and a ringleader of the sect of the Notsrim (Natsarim).”

We are guardians,  -- Natsarim literally translates as watchmen, guardians, protectors; it also means branches, as in off-spring or descendants.
          The idea of branches being off-spring or descendants indicates that we are continuing contact with the ROOT, so we live in the teachings that provide the nourishing life the ROOT provides.
 We are referred to as first-fruits having been sealed with the Father's Name (Yahuah) in our foreheads.
Our obedience is evidence of our belief.
 Gentiles graft into the commonwealth of Yisharal through the Covenant (Eph 2:8-13).
Our obedience perfects our belief. We guard two primary things: Yahuah's Name, and Yahuah's Word (His Covenant with Yisharal).

Rev. 14, which describes the first-fruits and you will notice we ABOUT 2 things: "obey the Commandments of Alahim AND hold to the Testimony of Yahusha".

We have been pursued by the dragon from the beginning.
What the early church fathers said about the original followers of Yahusha.

The dragon's religious architecture of rebellion became an institution of deceit.  =
= The Catechetical School of Alexandria, Egypt and the church fathers who taught there developed what ultimately became Christianity, and later Roman Universalism, Catholicism.
These early church fathers of Alexandria wrote about a certain sect, the Natsarim. Many of these early Christians were former sun-worshippers that adopted a belief in the Mashiak (Messiah) of Yisharal, Yahusha.
They worked predominantly with Greek texts, yet from reading their Greek letters, we quickly discern that they despised the Natsarim whose existence seemed to threaten their teachings.
One of these church fathers’ indicated that these Natsarim possessed the writings of MattithYahu (Matthew), and stated that they were in Hebrew letters, as they had been originally written.
These facts, and more to follow, clearly contradict what many people today have been led to believe about the original followers of Yahusha.
~~~Nobody called the Natsarim - Christian!!

Due to the church fathers, the Hebrew roots of the faith were suppressed, and only Greek roots developed.
The 2 most uniform traits among all the church fathers was their condemnation of the Natsarim, and their rabid anti-Semitism.
Modern seminaries (seed-plots) promote the teachings of the church fathers, the Greek and Egyptian men that sought to eliminate the former Natsarim.
The Natsarim were spoken against by those in authority in the days of Paul:
"And we think it right to hear from you what you think, for indeed, concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere." (ACT 28:22).
This sect, the NATSARIM, was suppressed by the early church fathers, and by the developing hierarchy at the earliest formal school of Christianity:

This school at Alexandria was founded in 190 CE by headmaster Pantaenus of Alexandria, and funded by the Fiscus Judaicus (Jewish tax started by Vaspasian in 70 CE).
The term by which the early followers of Yahusha of Natsarith were called is found at Acts 24:5, misspelled Nazarenes.
 The reason they were so despised by everyone is simple to understand. ...
          This entire planet is under the influence of a supremely dark force that has been in charge over mankind for the last 6000+ years, since Adam and Chava lost sovereignty over Earth. This dark force is called “the dragon,”  --- and we see in the following verse two reasons for the dragon’s hatred of the Natsarim:
“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Alahim and possessing the witness of Yahusha Mashiak.” Rev 12:17
The dragon is enraged at the woman Yisharal, and fights against a remnant of her seed (off-spring of those who obey the Covenant), who guard the Covenant, and possess belief in Yahusha.
          ...Obeying the Commandments and possessing the witness of Yahusha are not what the church fathers did, and they weren’t going to stand for anyone else doing so either.
          The 4th-century church father known as Jerome described the Natsarim as “those who accept Messiah in such a way that they do not cease to observe the Old Law.”
          This was in stark contrast with them! They followed Constantine’s order to have nothing in common with the hostile rabble of the Yahudim. Rather than live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuah, they lived by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Constantine.
          -They want nothing to do with the old paths (Yir. 6:16).
What they call the “Old Law” is the Torah, the 10 Commandments, guarded by the Natsarim.
The dragon (Rev 12) pursues the offspring (Natsarim) of the Woman (Yisharal) through systematic persecutions because of doctrinal competition and control.
The Hebrew roots of the fig tree (Yisharal) remain a threat to this dragon’s bad tree, but Yahusha has given His Natsarim His Torah, and this is the axe (Sword, His Word) that will become the downfall of the false system (Roman beast) ridden by the Great Prostitute, which has made the nations drunk from the golden cup of abominations (like sacraments).
( Notice it says in White’s work - “Roman beast”... and I am learning/ seeing - that Islam is a force used... by Rome...  Rome and the demonic may just be the head of it)

She (The great prostitute)  is the teaching authority (Greek, Didascalia, Latin, Magisterium) controls all beliefs.

Yahusha’s cousin, Yahukanon, said:
“And even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” Luke 3:9
Worldwide, there are about 1 billion people living (producing bad fruit) according to the doctrinal errors (a bad tree) of a few men called the “church fathers.” These men molded the patterns of early Christianity, and in their own words declare they were not Natsarim, but rather suppressed the Natsarim as heretics and accused them of perversion for obeying the Commandments.
These church fathers were men who failed to adopt the Covenant, but instead pursued control over doctrines as they interpreted them.
Some castrated themselves and others, became monks, took vows of poverty, celibacy, silence, and condemned the Natsarim for holding to the Torah while professing belief in Yahusha.
Celibacy is a Hindu thing.
Mixed teachings are the leaven that’s filled the whole Earth (the whole lump of dough).
Those whose thinking has been affected by the false doctrines of these early apostates view the Natsarim today as heretics also,
and it is the same “spirit of error” that possessed the church fathers that is at the root of the bad tree, producing bad fruit.
The good fruit is the obedience of the set-apart ones, because obeying the Covenant produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
          -This tree will not be cut down by the reapers.
          -The tree that is against the Covenant (lawless) will be eliminated, and be left with neither root nor branch (offspring).
Our condemnation will be derived from our own words.
-Let’s examine what the early church fathers had to say concerning Natsarim.
The fourth century Church Father, Epiphanius, gave a detailed description of the Natsarim:
We shall now especially consider heretics who call themselves Natsarim; they are mainly Jews and nothing else. They make use not only of the New Testament, but they also use in a way the Old Testament of the Jews; for they do not forbid the books of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings ... so that they are approved of by the Jews, from whom the Nazarenes do not differ in anything, and they profess all the dogmas pertaining to the prescriptions of the Law and to the customs of the Jews, except they believe in Messiah. They preach that there is but one God, and His Son Yeshua the Messiah. But they are very learned in the Hebrew language; for they, like the Jews, read the whole Law, then the Prophets...They differ from the Jews because they believe in Messiah, and from the Christians in that they are to this day bound to the Jewish rites, such as circumcision, the Sabbath, and other ceremonies. They have the Good news according to Matthew in its entirety in Hebrew. For it is clear that they still preserve this, in the Hebrew alphabet, as it was originally written.”
Now doesn’t this sound like who we are becoming!! ???!!!

In stark contrast to the Natsarim, Epiphanius would forbid the Law, Prophets, and Writings (TaNaK), often referred to by Yahusha.
He mentions how the document of MatithYahu is written in the Hebrew script. The Sabbath observance (the weekday blessed at Creation) was observed by Yahusha, yet those who walk as He walked, are heretics.
This record hits on how doctrinally arrogant things had become very early, and why Christian doctrines are so different from the REAL first followers of Yahusha.
After Irenaeus, a new flagrant error crept in called “Apostolic Succession” along with the idea that the “church” hierarchy could supersede any Commandment, and usurp the name Yisharal  for itself.
There is evidence the Natsarim sect continued to exist until at least the 13th century.
The Catholic writings of Bonacursus entitled Against the Heretics refers to Natsarim who were also called Pasagini. This term meant they lived in the passes and cliffs, hiding from the cruelty of the church (circus) :) fathers.
Waldensians was another term for us, a reference to the valleys (walled hills) in which we hid away from those hating us.
WE know from other reading that Mennonites were earlier known as Waldensians!
Bonacursus says: “Let those who are not yet acquainted with them, please note how perverse their belief and doctrine are. First, they teach that we should obey the Law of Moses according to the letter - the Sabbath, and circumcision, and the legal precepts still being in force. Furthermore, to increase their error, they condemn and reject all the Church Fathers, and the whole Roman Church."
We were still around in the 13th century!
 Today we who are Natsarim still obey that “Old Law” (the Covenant, as it is written), and we still “reject all the church fathers, and the whole Roman church.”
We are accused of being “Jewish” but we are really made up of all the lost tribes in captivity among the nations, as the Prodigal Son found himself and returned to the Covenant, the Father’s household (Torah- observant ones).
We are those described at Rev 14:12;
1. We hold to the testimony of Yahusha
2. We obey the Commandments of Yahuah.
For these we are branded as perverse heretics.
We call on the true (and only) Name, Yahuah, each time we utter the Deliverer’s Name, Yahusha ha’Mashiak.
We have never been part of the broad road.
Tertullus, a hired accuser of Paul, spoke these words at Acts 24:5:
“For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Yahudim throughout the world and a ringleader of the sect (G139, hairesis) of the Natsarim (G3480) . . .”
The Greek word hairesis above gives us the word heresy, translated sect. We are sure the sect being spoken of was not the Christians, because Christians developed later.

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