Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Yahusha - The Name of Messiah

9 April 2016  ~  1 Nisan 5776
Torah Parashah - Tazria - She Conceives
Uyiqra (Leviticus) 12:1- 13:59 RSTNE p 89
The Name Yahusha
-                     taken from Lew White’s “I am Yahuah” book
And maybe Natsarim!...

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Torah Parashah - Tazria - She Conceives
Uyiqra (Leviticus) 12:1- 13:59 RSTNE p 89

Review last week’s teaching:

We talked about the Name YHUH - Yahuah, based on Lew White’s work.

Shemoth (Exodus) 20: 7  p 63
          “You shall not bring the Name of YHUH to vain emptiness; for YHUH will not hold him guiltless that brings His Name to vain emptiness.”

Lew wrote
“In the days of YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) there was a strong tendency to exchange the true Name Yahuah with a substitution in order to mix worship by calling on the Kananite storm deity Baal (Hebrew= LORD).  We are not one (united) because we failed to hold to the one Name given under heaven by which we must be delivered (Acts 4:12)” 

“Yahuah had to act.  He removed His Name from their lips, and tore it from their hearts by the roots.  He could not bear the mixed worship any longer.”

YirmeYahu 44:25-28 p 385
          “26...See, I have sworn by My great Name, says YHUH, that My Name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Yahudah in all the land of Mitzrayim, saying the Master YHUH lives.”

We talked about why they stopped using the Name...
and that Stephen was stoned because he used the Name
and they killed Yahusha HaMashiak not just because He claimed to be YHUH but because He used the name YHUH.

Yochanan 17:26 p 773
          “And I have declared to them Your Name, and will yet declare it: so that the ahava with which You have loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

And according to Lew White....

“The vowels are not silent, but operate just as our modern vowels do. Some of them are “double letters” in the sense that the vowel could be used as a consonant in certain words.”

Lew also says...

“When the Masoretes began to corrupt the vowels of the Hebrew alphabet (which are written, not imagined), they were about 2,200 years removed from the time of Mosheh. They worked diligently for 500 years to make the phonology of Hebrew words uniform. By the 12th century they had accomplished their work, and no one using their system of vowels could possibly pronounce the Name using the Hebrew letters and their vowels points (niqqud).”

          “YAHU had become YEHO,
          ALAH had become ELAH, and so on.”

          “SHALUM is more likely the correct phonology (of shalom).

We get our vowels from Hebrew ALEF, AYIN, YOD, HAY, and UAU produce the vowels in Greek and Latin, giving us the AEIOU we use today.

As we have long and short forms, the AYIN can sound like a short “A” as in YAHUSHA, or a long “E” as in ESAU.


This week I want to look at the Name  ~ Yahusha HaMoshiach

Lew White wrote:

The teachings of men blocked the identity of our Creator by substituting His Name with titles like LORD.
The Hindu’s have all sorts of deities they refer to by the title of LORD: Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, etc.,. George Harrison, a member of The Beatles, wrote a song to his Lord Krishna entitled “My Sweet Lord.”
Read the preface of any NIV, and you'll see the translators admit removing the Name and inserting the device LORD.
LORD is the definition of the Hebrew word BAAL.

The Alexandrian “fathers” of the Didascalia (I call them circus fathers) were mystagogues who initiated pupils into the mysteries of the faith.
Lew goes on to say...
As I was taught by Jesuits, they often used the phrase, “mysteries of the faith.”
Catholicism inherited an enormous amount of Hinduism in their traditions.
Syncretism is the practice of adopting and mixing dissimilar religious traditions together.
Mystagogues withheld the Name until an initiate progressed to higher grades, and often a pupil would be told that one deity was the equivalent of another.
Hadrian wrote that the Greek deity Serapis was the same as IESV, the name that eventually became Jesus.
Serapis was the Greek’s name for the Egyptian deity Osiris.
Mixing diverse religious traditions was the pattern, since every Sun deity on Earth stemmed from the first man to be worshipped as a mighty-one: Nimrod.
          All Sun deities were only babbled forms of his name.
Yahuah is not for mixing, nor confusion.

In the east, the Name Yahusha was concealed as the cryptogram IC-XC.
In the west, the Name Yahusha was encoded as IES, IHS, and Latinized to IESV by Jerome.
The IESV code/theonym in the Latin Vulgate evolved into the JESU/JESUS term taken into the KJV and later translations.

 The authentic Name of our Redeemer is YAHUSHA,
          -the first part of which contains the YAHU component (I was/I am/I will be) as expressed in names such as NathanYahu, ObadYah, NekemYah, YashaYahu, YirmeYahu, etc.
YAHUAH became flesh, taking the Name YAHUSHA, since the ending SHA conveys the meaning of deliverance - from the root YASHA, meaning to deliver.

As our Healer, Yahuah is called YAHUAH RAFA;
as our Banner He is YAHUAH NISSI, and so on with all His roles.
The teaching authorities over us have taught us Yahuah is a committee of three "persons" in one "GOD" - but Yahuah is only one, and we call on Him as our Deliverer, Yahusha.
To believe in “one god in three persons” is the Catholic faith (See Athanasian Creed).
Greek, Latin, or Korean languages don't alter His identity or His Name.

The invented name JESUS was first seen in print in the second-printing of the King James Version.
The KJV is a Catholic translation, as the king was baptized as an infant in an Anglican Catholic ceremony.
They considered Tyndale’s translation a Protestant version, as well as the Geneva translation.
They banned all unauthorized versions from the realm, and only allowed the printed “Authorized Version.”
The original 1611 version used the Latin Vulgate’s IESV, a christogram with a line under it meaning it represented a name, but was not the name.
It had to be interpreted by a mystagogue to be understood.
Christograms used in other manuscripts were IC-XC, IES, IHS, IESOUS, and IXTHUS.
One is the Truth; the other is tradition, so we have to choose.

Is the Name of the Mashiak JESUS or YAHUSHA?
 YAHUSHA” means “Yah is our deliverer” from Hebrew.
But this is only partially translated; the “YAH” is yet to be revealed to us.
Because YAH can mean “I am,” we now realize that Yahusha is a revelation: “I am your Deliverer.”
          The “I am your” comes from YAHU, and the “Deliverer” comes from SHA, the suffix modifier.
          The root YASHA is found in the SHA and SHUA suffixes, and means help, rescue, save, deliverance, or salvation.
          This suffix is found in the name Alisha. The root is used in the name of the prophet YashaYahu (aka Isaiah).
          The Talmud refers to Yahusha as YESHU, an acronym they understand to represent the words yemach shmo U’Zikro, = “may His Name be blotted-out.” !

Because Yahusha is based on the Name Yahuah, it was avoided by copyists.
The Septuagint used the form IESOU in Greek. To reverse-transliterate JESUS, the closest Hebrew name is ESU, the name of the man known as ESAU. IESOU became IESU in Latin, and for 1200 years was believed to be their xpistos (Christos).
The Latin Vulgate (and first KJV) wrote the letters IESV in place of the Name Yahusha.
Greek has no sound for SH, so it’s impossible for Greek to properly transliterate the Name Yahusha.

IEZUS makes the sound for “hail Zeus” in Greek.

To say HAY-SOOS in Hebrew would mean “the horse.”
Since there was no letter J on planet Earth until around 1530 CE, the name Jesus is therefore a hoax (a stand-in, imposter, or interloper).
To say “we speak English” isn’t a defense of anything, since the “only Name” given in which there is deliverance is a Hebrew Name, not an English one (Acts 4:12).
Jesus isn’t an English word, it’s a construction based on a theonym. {A theonym is proper name of a Greek diety.}
 IESV is the Latinized form of the Greek IESOUS which developed into Jesus.
Yahuah does not change, so the Name of our Mashiak would not undergo alterations over time.
It was tampered with by an enemy.
A spirit of anti-messiah will defend the name Jesus.
Anti-messiah will not come in the Name Yahusha.
Here’s why: “I am Yahuah, that is My Name, and My
esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.”
                    YashaYahu 42:8

Scholars know how to determine the real Name of the Mashiak of Yisharal, but they hesitate because tradition would be challenged.
The evidence reveals that the person known as “Joshua” in the Scriptures has exactly the same Hebrew name as the Mashiak, because both the Mashiak and the successor of Mosheh are identical in Greek, IESOUS.
The Name of the Mashiak is not Greek; it’s Hebrew.
The Name has a meaning in Hebrew; yet JESUS (or JEZUS if in Jugoslavia) is promoted by the Society of IESV (Jesuits) to be valid based solely upon Greek, not Hebrew.
This study should set the record straight, because we are looking to the Hebrew to determine the true Name. The intermediate languages have only mutilated the original for us, and are not legitimate sources to build a case.
           Casuitry is a Jesuit tactic employed to sway opinions, or to build a “case” that is intentionally meant to mislead.
THE MASHIAK'S NAME IS FOUND 219 TIMES IN THE TANAK in 3 spelling variations.

In 216 of these we see:
The son of Nun (a leader of the tribe Afraim, aka Ephraim) started out with a four-lettered name, then Mosheh changed it by adding one letter (YOD) to the beginning of his name:
Husha =
#1954: HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as HOSHEA (Dt. 32:44), and OSHEA (Num 13:16).

#3091: YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN YAHUSHA = Y+HUSHA This is found 216 times, rendered in the KJV as JOSHUA.

In another two instances in all of Scripture it is spelled YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN, or “YAHUSHUA”.
In one place it is spelled YOD-SHIN-UAU-AYIN - NekemYah 8:17

CASUISTRY: Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.

Next we’ll investigate the Hebrew spelling found in Scripture.

See handout:

Many transliterations of Mashiak's Name are used, among the most popular of them are YAHSHUA, Y'SHUA, YESHUA, YEHOSHUA, YAHUSHUA, and YAHUSHA.

His Name is identical to the Hebrew spelling of the man called JOSHUA, whose name was originally spelled as above, but without the letter YOD at the beginning. Mosheh added the YOD to his name, which was originally HUSHA (hay-uau-shin-ayin). Acts 7 and Hebrews 4 the same Greek letters are found: IESOUS - a change, not a justification. The letter W (double-U) did not exist on Earth until the 13th century, so it is impossible for it to be used honestly in the Name
YAHUAH: YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY (no letter W). In the Name YAHUSHUA -- SHUA, or SHA comes from the ROOT yaSHA meaning to deliver. SHUA and SHA mean the same thing, to deliver.

(YAHUSHUA would be spelled YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU- A YIN).

“YAHUSHA” and “YAHUSHUA” – both can mean
“YAH is our Deliverer”.
Alternately, “I AM – your – Deliverer” YESHUA: YOD-SHIN-UAU-AYIN (once at NekemYah 8:17)
There is a man named Shua at 1 Chr 2:3 - #7770, spelled SHIN-UAU-A YIN.
Another word is Malkiyshua (mal-kee- shu-ah), found at 1 Sam. 31:2 - #4444, with the ending SHIN-UAU-A YIN.
In 216 places out of 218, there is no letter UAU used between the SHIN-AYIN in the name for the successor of Mosheh,...
          ... but there is a UAU following the letter HAY, so YAHUSHA is the preferred way of rendering the Name in English.

“Yahushua” is seen twice out of 219 times in the TaNaK.
 Yahushua and Yahusha are acceptable transliterations.
          BUT one is used twice and one is used 216 times.

At NekemYah 8:17, the hypocorisma (short form) Yeshua is used.
This spelling is the only time we find this in Scripture.
          HYPOCORISMA: a diminuative form for a name;
Mel; short for Melvin or Melinda; Mick or Mike for Michael, Joe for Joseph (originally Yusef).

YahuSHUA and YahuSHA – the endings SHUA and SHA both contain the root, yaSHA, meaning deliverance.

          Both spellings, Yahushua and Yahusha, are found in the inspired texts.
          The two uses of this 6-lettered spelling (YAHUSHUA) are found at Deut. 3:21 and Judg. 2:7. Both variations in spelling are found in these books.
           In these two books, the name was written with only one “UAU” in the following ratios:
Deuteronomy / Debarim: 7 to 1
          Seven times we find YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (Yahusha). Once it is YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN (Yahushua).
Judges: 5 to 1
Five times we find YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (Yahusha). Once it is YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN (Yahushua). Overall ratio: 216 to 2
216 times: YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (Yahusha).
2 times: YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN (Yahushua).

Both are seen used in Scripture, so either is acceptable.
It’s a mistake to believe the vowel-pointing (niqqud) of the Masoretes (Karaite traditionalists) is without flaw.
          They worked from the 7th to the 11th centuries on vowel-points to establish a uniform pronunciation, permanently fixing (steering, directing) the utterance of certain vowels.
This was to assure the Name, Yahuah, would never be pronounced precisely.
They were about 2300 years removed in time from Mosheh, so their vowel-pointing work had to involve guesswork. We can’t be sure how Shakespearean-era English actually sounded (400 years ago).
Lew goes on to say....
This information is bound to be painful to those who have never been told the Truth. The Greek or Latin forms have no bearing on the authenticity of Yahusha’s original, true Hebrew Name. Evidence must be based on Hebrew, not Greek, Swahili, or Latin.  :)
One cannot explain Chinese with Spanish, so we should not use Greek and Latin to explain Hebrew. Even though the Septuagint uses the Greek letters IESOUS, we have to realize their reason for IESOU rather than IAHUSA was to keep the Name YAH from being pronounced.”
“And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be delivered.” Acts 4:12 - BYNV

The 3rd Commandment - not to stop using the Name - is very important....

Luke 15:8-9 p 743
          “Or, what woman having ten pieces of sliver, if she loses one piece does not light a candle, and sweep the bayit, and seek diligently until she finds it?  9 And when she has found it, she calls her chaverim (friends or companions) and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me: for I have found the piece that i had lost.”

Finding the NAME is like finding the lost coin... !!!!

We’ve found His Name
          YHUH = Yahuah


Our Messiah’s name:

What a privilege to learn these!!!


Last week I so much enjoyed what you all wrote.  I not only got to see some beautiful art - there was one comment that after I read it - I realized I was crying.... 

“I am 53 years old and I finally know His Name!!!”

And then it hit me - that not only have I not even known His Name - but most people aren’t blessed enough to know His Name - YET. 


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