Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Shabbat and the end of Days - May 28

Shabbat and end of days...
28 May 2016  ~  20 Iyyar 5776
Torah Parashah B’har ~ On Mount
Uyiqara (Leviticus) 25:1- 26:2  RSTNE p 101

The manna taught the Israelites what day Shabbat was - Harbour Light Ministries

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-Transgender laws in making in US and Canada...

-Meeting in NS regarding “Unity” between natives and others...
At end of meeting - had an “altar call”... and everyone who wanted to receive “the spirit of the natives that is about unity - could come forward... They came in droves.

-- What spirit would this be?  - Because it is not the Ruach HaKodesh.
Christians “came forward in droves”....

The masses are being deceived. 
The Word tells us so...

Mattityahu 7:13-14

Romans 12:2

Mattityahu 24:24

 My question to you is..... Can you see it??  Do you know what is going on around you??

Yekezqal (Ezekiel) 44:23 RSTNE p 430 - Talking about the Kohanim:
“And they shall teach My people the difference between the kadosh and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.”

“And they are to teach My people the difference between the set-apart and the profane, and make them know what is unclean and clean.”

So I believe it is my job / calling - to not only teach what it means - looks like - and how - to be “set-apart”.... but also to know and understand the profane - the unclean...
Our world has so much programming.... that the profane, the unclean is “okay”... I believe what I am called to do is explain enough about the profane - that we all clearly understand what is profane and why... so that we can be “set-apart” - kadosh unto YHUH.  AMEIN.


We’ve been talking about the Shabbat in the last few Shabbat teachings....

 Yechezkel 20:12 p 407
“Moreover also I gave them MY Shabbats, to be an ot between Me and them, that they might know that I am YHUH that sets them apart.”


"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman (the Bride) and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring ~ those WHO OBEY ALOHIM'S COMMANDMENTS, and hold to the TESTIMONY OF YAHUSHA (which is: 'repent - for the Reign of YHUH draws near'.)."
The 4th Commandment tells us all to remember the Sabbath, and it's the 7th day of every week.

The Pagan Babylonians did not establish the 7-day week (shabua), nor did the Romans; it was YHUH alone.

Sabbath, the word, is not even a stone's throw from the Hebrew word for seven, sheba, or the word shabua. The “7 pillars” referred to at Ps. 75:3 and Prov. 9:1 in their context refer to the unmovable and unshakable foundation which Father YHUH established for the 7 days of each week.

The moon is brought in to determine the 7 annual High Sabbaths. The 7 millennia, or pattern of 7 periods of 1000-years each, is unaffected by the moon. The first 7 days (creation week) established a repeating cycle of 7 in order that we recall creation, and honor the Creator each 7th day.

Besides all this, if the Yahudim (Jews) and the 12 tribes of Israel dispersed all over the Earth think that the Sabbath Day each week is the same one the Pagans have been calling "Satyr Day" (or day of Satyrn), and it isn't REALLY the Sabbath, then why would Satan arrange to change the day of rest from the true 7th day of the week to Sun-Day (the 1st day of the week) for his deceived followers?

(Under penalty of death, Constantine ordained the change of the Sabbath to his "Sun-Day" in the year 321 CE, in his "Edict of Milan").

Satan changed the day of rest for Mohammad's pupils in the 7th century to the six day of the week. Why would Satan do that, if the 7th day was already wrong?

The real answer is, the 7th day of each week really is the true Sabbath, the commemoration of creation; and this honors the true Maker of Heaven and Earth, YHUH - the ALOHIM OF ISRAEL.

Even if the cycle of seven days had been changed at any point from some "lunar pattern", how could the whole Earth have adopted the flaw all at once, with- out any echo of the previous "correct" pattern lurking about in some culture?

Also, remember that many remote cultures all over the Earth have retained in their indigenous languages the meaning, and often a close sounding word for the Hebrew word, "Sabbath" -- for their 7th day of each week (Shabbath, Sabbath, Sabo, Sabado, Subbata, Shubuta, etc.,.).

The Sabbath is really the only day of the week that has a name -- the other days were only numbered, until the Pagans decided to give homage to various deities by calling the days by the proper names of their false elohim (i.e., Sun Day, Moon Day, Tyr's Day, Woden's Day, Thor's Day, Frigga's Day, Satyrn Day).

The sun rules over the day. A week of 7 days cycles over and over, and the moon is in no way able to interfere with it.

The manna, not the moon, was used to emphasize this "shabua" cycle to remind Israel.

Days and months are not connected or geared together, but flow separately through time. The period of 7 days, which we call the week (Hebrew, SHABUA, #7620), has been assaulted in recent years by the new teachings concerning new moons. This mostly is the result of deciding to believe something, then hunting down the texts that support that belief (eisegesis).

Once a person falls for the re-setting of the weekly pattern which they believe is caused by the moon, the moon becomes an all- consuming topic for them from that point on. They feel that they must convince everyone else to see the hidden secret they've discovered. --

---- (We talked about this last Shabbat)

By deduction, or the taking away (discounting) of what is not discussed, we know there is only one new moon day which is a day of rest from work;   ---  the first day of the 7th moon.

By simple deductive reasoning, we know that the other 11 new moon days are not rest days. The fact that men of YHUH worked and traveled on new moon days is but one indication of this. The best method for study is by exegesis.

We do not worship or serve the men who promote a floating weekly Sabbath involving the moon cycles, so we don’t have to fear them or their teachings; but we should not be hateful to them in their deception either.

There is not a single text from Scripture which suggests or implies that the 7th day Sabbath is regulated or connected to the moon or its phases;

-    the only associations that can be made between new moon days and Sabbaths are imagined assumptions, and the mishandling of the Word of Father YHUH.

-    Bending, wrestling, and twisting the Scriptures is a grievous thing to do, and falling from our steadfastness can easily be the end result.

-   We are not to judge the person, however as the Body of Mashiach we are to judge the teachings regarding food, drink, new moons, Sabbaths, and moedim.

-   It's natural to have differences of understanding, but we must not allow these to become roots of bitterness between one another. There are many points of contention today; the "new moon" re-setting the weekly Sabbath is one example.

Ha shatan, the adversary, hates the marriage Covenant, and Israel. This means the enemy of our beings hates the "sign" of our Covenant, the Sabbath.

This being attacked Israel at every turn, and attempts to alter the Covenant, or make it seem unimportant.

The “sign” of this Eternal (Everlasting) Covenant is the sign of the Sabbath, which is the 7th day of each week.

-   Many languages exist on our planet; and if you study the various names these languages have for this 7th day, you will find they closely relate cognitively to the Hebrew word for Sabbath, SHABATH.

-   So, even if the Yahudim attempted to change the pattern, it would become evident to everyone that they did so when the patterns are compared to one another.

-   The pattern (shabua) of 7 weekdays is found across the entire planet without any conflict in its rhythm

-    none of the cultures on Earth use a lunar-phase to determine or re-set their week each month.

-   Their languages even identify within themselves the day of rest being the one called "Shabbath" in Hebrew. Their word for this day still bears a strong resemblance to the Hebrew original.!!!!!!
 Yechezkel 20:12 p 407
“Moreover also I gave them MY Shabbats, to be an ot between Me and them, that they might know that I am YHUH that sets them apart.”

Shemoth (Exodus)  31:13-17 p 73

Buying and selling (commerce) is to cease on the 7th day.

The outward “sign” that we actually give worth-ship  -is this “sign” of resting as He rested, every seventh day - since creation.

  It is important to discern how we have been deceived into believing we are giving worth-ship (worship, obedience) to the Creator of heaven and Earth, while having the “sign” of our worth-ship to Him removed by revisionism.


Shemoth 16:4-5 p 60

Ephesians 4:14 p 886
          “That we should no longer be children, tossed around, and carried away with every wind of teaching, by the tricks of men, and human cleverness, used by those who lie in wait to deceive you.”


The new teachings which are entangling the Natsarim today, come from interpretations of Scripture, which alter the patterns of the days, nights, and appointed times ruled by the new moons.

Some interpret “day” (yom) and “night” (layelah) somewhat differently than others.

Reading B’re’shiyt (Genesis), some have come to believe that “creation” began with “light”, therefore  (they say) - the 24-hour period begins at sunrise.

Lew White says....
“In contrast, the end of the “day” which arrives at the moment the sun sets, beginning a new cycle of 24 hours, actually reflects the six creation days”

At creation, it was first “dark”, and YHUH created water, Earth, and the rules of physics.
Kepha (Peter) tells us that the Earth was formed out of water. Darkness was on the face of the deep.

The first sentence of B’re’shiyt states:
“In the beginning Alohim created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth came to be formless and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep.”

-- But many Natsarim believe creation began with LIGHT, therefore the periodic 24- hour night/day scheme is interpreted to be “day, then night” (light, then darkness), as opposed to “night, then day” (darkness, then light).
“And there came to be evening (darkening, Ereb) and there came to be morning (lightening, boker), the first day.” (This suggests a 24-hour period).

By interpreting the order of occurrence differently, differences in patterns of behavior can be seen today among the Natsarim.

This has the effect of making a Sabbath “day” only pertain to when the sun is up, and so “night” has no pertinence to the “Sabbath day”.

Scripture that establishes whether Shabbath begins at sunset or sunrise is:

Nekemyah (Nehemiah) 13:19  p 626 (also see context):
“And it came to be, at the gates of Yerushaliyim, as it began to be dark before the Sabbath, that I commanded the gates to be shut, and commanded that they should not be opened till after the Sabbath.”

The interlinear Hebrew-English rendering of this text shows that before the Sabbath shadowed the gates of Yerushaliyim, they were commanded to be shut.

-Just as each "month" (new moon) BEGINS with a dark moon, so the beginning of each "day" begins at the darkening, ereb, the going-down of the sun.

 Beginnings seem to be a progression of dark- ness-to-light.

Lew says....
“Most Messianics who enter into the Lunar- Sabbath system are reading texts like Yashayahu (Isaiah) 66:23  and believe there is an equivalence between a weekly Sabbath and a New Moon day.”

 Let’s analyze that here a bit:
Yashayahu (Isaiah) 66:23 p 348
“And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, declares YHWH."

....They explain that the connective word, "and", makes both things the same (marrying them in likeness and oneness), not distinct.

 Is this really so? What this verse seems to be saying is that the SPAN "from" new moon TO new moon, and the SPAN "from" Sabbath to Sabbath, is when all flesh will worship -- it will be every day.

YHWH used these terms to gather all time into a kind of net to describe the fact that the span of time concerning His worship will have no break in it.

Should we not worship every moment? Now, most do not; but those in the world-to-come will do so.

“From new moon TO new moon” — and “from Sabbath TO Sabbath” ; can you see the interesting way this is expressed?

Trying to force texts to say what they aren’t actually saying is what Peter warns us of, and he called it “twisting” the Scriptures. The text does not say "ON new moons" or "ON Sabbaths", but FROM one TO the other.

Our Father has not put me on this Earth to judge my brother, because if I do this I also judge the Torah.

 The “manna” which YHWH fed Israel for 40 years is very much related to the week, in that it made the arrival of each Shabbath very easily recognized.

If the “hidden manna” really is about the moon, or the week and its relationship to Shabbath, then more are going to be lost than even I had realized.

To me, it seems someone has brought in a corrupted “virus” of sorts among Yahusha’s elect, confusing them. (I realize this can be taken either way, depending on which perspective one takes on the “lunar-setting Sabbath” issue). YHUH used manna, not the moon, to teach us when the Sabbath day arrived each 7 days. (7=Shabua, week).

{The use of the connective “and”:
When a statement is made in Scripture which involves a list of several things, and these are thought to not only connect the words together in the sentence, but that the “and” unites them — marries them in likeness and oneness — we are treading into very murky waters of interpretation. The “sun and the moon” are used with an “and” between them, but these two are not the same things. Good and evil, Qayin and Hebel, Adam and Chawah; These are distinctions between things and people, the “and” in no way makes them the same or equivalent. “Sarah his wife and Lot his brother’s son” were not the same entities, but completely separate individuals in their
persons. Dawid and Golyath were both people, but very different people. In the same way, New Moons and Sabbaths are distinct. If we are told the first day of the seventh moon is a Sabbath, this means by deductive reasoning that the other 11 new moons are not Sabbaths, unless they happen to coincide with the weekly pattern established during Creation Week.

To reason from a general principle, using logic, we can arrive at what is factual truth by deduction. Deduction literally means that we arrive at our conclusion by deducting, or taking away what is known to not apply; and this principle is how we arrive at a conclusion by reasoning.

“My enemy’s enemy is my friend”.
This statement contains deductive reasoning.
“Whosoever is not against us is for us.”This is also an example of deductive reasoning.

Sabbaths are days of rest from work, we would all agree. No one is in rebellion on that issue except those who deny they apply to us, or those who have changed the law.

Shabbath is in fact the only day of the week which has its own name. Shabbath means “cease” or stop; and at the same time, it also means “seventh”, as we see in several Hebrew words which derive from the root, such as Shabuoth (weeks).

The Hebrew word for “seven” is SHEBA, #7651.

 I want to let the Word of YHUH speak to us mostly on this, so I want to let you read the following text slowly, and go ahead and strain to make the moon seem to tell us when a Sabbath is, or relate to us how it “rules” the week in any way:

B’re’shiyt 1:14  p 9 RSTNE
“And Alohiym said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the shamayim to divide the yom from the night: and let them be for signs-witnesses, and for moedim, and for days, and years.”

          BYNV  = “And Alohim said, ‘Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heaven to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years.”

Lew White asks....
Is there any indication that the moon resets the week each month?

“ We all know that “signs and appointed times” are signals and "moedim", and we count the days of the moons which establish these moedim.”

 “But when we take a leap into applying it to also affecting the weekly pattern, suddenly the weeks are sliding around the Earth with the moon; and the bad math at the end of each month doesn’t seem to indicate there’s a problem.”

 Can we find some text from Scripture that explains this bizarre anomaly? This is not asking too much. Does Scripture tell us anywhere we can find the weekly 7-day pattern in the sun or moon? It shouldn't be necessary to hunt it down, because if such a scheme were of the Truth, it would be seen everywhere we look in Scripture.
If something becomes complicated or confusing, then something has gone terribly wrong.

The following is NOT what Scripture states:
“And Alohim said, ‘Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heaven to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days, (and weeks?) and years.”
No, it doesn't say the lights are for our weeks.

The pattern of the week is not seen in the skies.
Now watch very closely; here's a few words which should show the distinction between a "new moon" and a "Sabbath":

"Why are you going to him today? It is neither New Moon nor the Sabbath." 2 Kings 4:23.

This is the text describing the events in Shunem, concerning the Shunammite woman, her son, and Elisha the prophet - her son had just died in her lap.

 But, this same text may cause some to make a Federal case out of it, declaring it to mean that all "new moon days" are also days of rest from work.

They even go to the extent of allowing new moon days to recalculate the weekdays, without a single shred of evidence from Scripture for doing so.

“You are exhausted by your many counsels; let the astrologers, the stargazers, and those who prognosticate by the new moons stand up and save you from what is coming upon you.” Isaiah / Yesha Yahu 47:13

In the above text, these moon-worshippers are equated with astrologers, stargazers, and witches.
Both sun worshipers and moon worshipers will be devoured by fire, which they so fervently honor. The “lake of fire” will destroy the enemies of YHUH, and His wrath at the end of days will consume them with fire.

The moon was a deity among the Pagans, and it ruled their lives as we see it echoed in the horoscopes of Astrology today.
Crystal gazing, Tarot card reading, and spellbinding (chants, enchantments to bewitch) are exploding in popularity all over the Earth today, reflected in the success of the adventures of Harry Potter and other things...

Moon dances and rain dances are performed at pow-wows, where incantations and dancing are used to invoke divine aid in hunting, battle, or against disease.

The elect can be drawn away from the sign of the Everlasting Covenant, and deceived into believing they have not been.

Certain texts of Scripture seem to be telling us that each new moon is a Sabbath, but it doesn’t actually state this in a resolute way - it’s only arrived at by extrapolating (to broadly infer, or estimate from known information).

We read about directives to open gates and curtains, or to blow a shofar on a new moon; however there is only ONE new moon spoken of on which no work is to be done.

So, yes, there is one new moon out of the year that is, in fact, a Sabbath of rest prescribed by Torah.

Can we bear with one another with love, enduring such a difference between ourselves? We have to.

Colossians 2:16 tells us:
“Let no one therefore judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths - which are a SHADOW of what is to come - but the body of Messiah.”

Even here, there is a distinction between new moons and Sabbaths. And, they are shadows of what is to come.

A shadow is understood to mean a metaphor, or example of something else. It points to a coming reality, like a rough outline, and it is a semblance, and is insubstantial.

If we condemn one another over an unreal, indistinct pattern we are wrong even if we’re right. If we get it all perfect, and have all wisdom, and yet lack love, we have failed the big test.


Many articles have been written debunking the idea that the first day of each new moon is a Sabbath. Not only have many sincere Natsarim begun to believe each new moon is a Sabbath, but they also “re-set” the pattern of the 7-day week each new moon. This reshuffles the 7-day week into a new beginning each month for these folks, and each new moon begins with the seventh day rest, counting from nothing.
The final few days of this pattern chop the last week of their month off with the abrupt arrival of a sudden “7th day Sabbath”. It is not harmonious at all. The pulse of the first week of creation is lost to those who follow this pattern, and so they have become observers of some lunar-based Sabbath system. If the weekly Sabbath is set by the new moon, the arrangement of the week is under constant change.

During the week of creation, the moon was brought forth on the 4th day, and is simply called the “lesser light” to rule over the night. It is also used to calculate the appointed times, or annual Sabbaths, referred to as “High Sabbaths”. The greater light, the sun, is used to calculate day and night.
Ex. 16:1 tells us the Israelites were traveling on the 15th day of the 2nd moon.
How this will be weighed by Yahusha, the Righteous Judge of us all, is unknowable. He told us that stumbling blocks would come, but woe to those through whom they come. Those who ignore the Sabbath each week (the real one) are cut-off from Israel, and death is proclaimed as their judgment.

If the moon were involved in such a vitally important operation as calculating the weekly Sabbath, it seems He would have mentioned it somewhere in His Torah.
 Even though the 29.5 days in each moon don’t divide evenly by 7, this doesn’t matter to them; the new moon comes and they reset their week, and it BEGINS the new moon day as a Sabbath.

Even though the true Sabbath is supposed to be the 7th day of each week, they let the MOON tell them when that 7th day is — the previous week which the same moon “set” for them is interrupted with a sudden arrival of a new 7th day, the 1st day of the moon (the first day of the moon is the seventh day of their week). Careful, you could get cross-eyed thinking about this too long.

The week is simply not in the sky, but set by the counting of days! The “greater light” determines these days, and all we have to do is count to 7, the number of completion. How could anyone possibly go for such a system? They read Scriptures which
  make them get panicky, and so hunt for other clues. A very strong urge comes from the following:

{Ending at Amos 5 p 157 in Fossilized Customs by Lew White}
Amos 8:5 brings out a question,
“When does the new moon pass so that we sell grain, and the Sabbath so that we trade our wheat, to make the ephah small and the sheqel large, and to falsify the scales by deceit, to buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals, and sell the chaff of the wheat?”
The context of this verse in Amos shows that these are a list of things YHWH finds displeasing to Him. The moon worship of that period had led many to observe strange customs, blending it together with His Torah. If we add to the Torah by reading something into the meanings of sentences like Amos 8:5, we can trouble ourselves. According to the Torah, resting on the new moon from work only applies to ONE of the new moons, and it is possible that this particular new moon spoken of in Amos 8:5 was the 7th new moon, the harvest time of some grain they wished to sell. I can abide the people who believe these things about the other new moons being Sabbaths, but I cannot abide this new wind of doctrine for these reasons:
Reason #1. Torah doesn’t know about it.
The Shabbaths of YHWH are listed at: Leviticus / Wayiqra 23:1-44
Deuteronomy / Debarim 16:1-18
These are listed carefully, and only ONE new moon is designated as being distinguished from the other common new moons as a day of resting from labor. No indication is given that any other new moon is qodesh, or set-apart as a day of rest in any way. Further, there is no hint that the weekly Shabbath is related in any way to the moon phases. This is entirely a misreading of the text at YeshaYahu (Is.) 66:23. If Father YHWH wanted us to know that every new moon was a Sabbath, all He had to do was say so. By the act of telling us that the 7th new moon was a Sabbath, He told us by deduction that the other new moons were not days of rest, and therefore He distinguished the 7th new moon for us.
Reason #2. There are examples of work done on the first day of the moons:
At Genesis 8:13, Noach removed the covering of the ark he spent 100 years building. It was the 1st day of the moon.
At Num. 1:1, on the 1st day of the 2nd moon, a census was taken of all Yisra’el. How odd is that?
At Ezra 7:9, this prophet was journeying on two new moons.
Reason #3. The Sabbath is supposed to be the seventh day of each week, after 6 days’ work; but if you re-start each new moon with this Sabbath rest, then it becomes the seventh day of a new week, without having a previous six work days for that week. The seventh day begins each of their months somehow, and makes the second day of each moon the first day of their week. With an operation like this going on, you would think that our Father would have given at least a couple of sentences explaining the relationship of the moon to the week. But, He’s totally silent about this relationship. Again, these ideas don’t come directly from Torah, but are inferred from phrases embedded in sentences. He knows how easily confused we can be, so by not mentioning something this important, it would have to mean He is hoping to trick us. I don’t think He would do such a thing.
Reason #4. The moon circles the Earth in a period of approximately 29.5 days. For thousands of years, the same side of the moon has faced the Earth, perfectly synchronized with its orbital period and rate of rotation. Scientists cannot explain this circumstance, and mathematicians will tell you that it is almost infinitely improbable to ever develop this way on any planetary system in the universe. And yet, the planet we all happen to live on has this bizarre, unlikely situation. If our Creator can do this, then He could have just as easily made the week fit into the moon’s orbit by division, and made the moon orbit in exactly 28 days. Then He could have also told us to watch for the new moons, and rest on each one. He could have also told us that each one of the new moons was also a 7th day of the week.
Reason #5. The manna was used to re-teach the Israelites when the seventh day was, not when the new moon arrived. During the captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, it is possible that no one on Earth had kept the record of days for the 7-day week. Israel had succumbed to the Pagan system, and lost it also. They had to be re-taught. This is why the 4th Commandment begins with the word “remember” - it had been forgotten. The manna was provided for 6 consecutive days without fail. There was no interruption in this cycle mentioned, nor did the new moon come into any references that pertained to the manna. A double-portion of manna coming before each new moon would surely have been a signal, and yet there is no record of this occurring. The new moons have no connection to the 7-day week.
Reason #6. The Yahudim (called Jews today) have kept the heartbeat of the 7-day week.
p 158 Fossilized customs

With the framework remaining in place, the central control of the Pagan administration could go on, simply blending-in with the ele- ments of the Messianic belief, but leaving out the elements essential to the obedience of YHWH. The Pagan organization in place retained the office / title of Pope, the body of priests called Cardinals, and even the word Curia for council. The “Pope” was no longer thought of as the high priest of Janus, but to literally be the authority of “Christ” on Earth. The former Pagan pattern was brought through perfectly intact. Idolatry mixed with Truth became clothed in the former framework of sun-worship. The main objective was to anger our Creator by mixing the patterns of idolatry together with the Truth, so that it would become poisoned (wormwood). Darkness and Light would mix together, and be taught for centuries through a Pagan framework of priests, and a calendar based on idolatry. They didn’t even have to put in a change of address; Rome remained the office of the 4th beast of Daniel, which will remain until the time of wrath.
"Allah" was the moon-deity of the Arabs before Muhammad brought his brand of religion to them. This term was adopted because of its "name recognition" among the population. You will often notice that the primary Islamic symbol is the crescent moon, placed above their places of worship in a similar way Christians use the cross. This name "Allah" (Arabs' former term for their moon deity) reflects the pattern of adopting familiar terms and symbols of former Pagans; the Celtic/Druidic sun-deity was worshiped under the proper name "GOTT", which was adopted into our English as "GOD". The Hebrew term is Elohim, but translators chose to use a more popular term with "name recogni- tion". "English" is the language of the Angles, and the word England is derived from "Angle Land".

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