Monday, June 27, 2016

Torah Portion Emor - Shabbat - May 21

21 May 2016  ~  13 Iyyar 5776
Torah Parashah - Emor - Speak
Uyiqara (Leviticus) 21:1-24:23

The Jews are part of Israel but Israel consists of all 12 tribes - Harbour Light Ministries


Last Shabbat we talked about being Kadosh and we talked about how to clean up defilement in our own beings.

We also talked about the crux (Greek) - cross in English = is a symbol of the sun god!!!  - Not the Living Alohiym - YHUH!

Lew White says....

The crux is the symbol of Sun worship known all around the
world, and many today continue to bow down to it, or wear it as a
talisman. It was a symbol of Constantine's Apollo, aka Mithras.
Hindu's know the symbol as a swastika, the Norse as the Celtic
Crux, and in the temple of Osiris it was identical to the Latin
cross. That is the symbol Stephen was referring to. The Greek
word STAUROS should have gone into the Latin word, STAURO -
but Jerome adopted the word CRUX for the Latin Vulgate, and
we've inherited the word from the Latin Vulgate into the King
James Version as cross. The cross is the ancient astrological
symbol for the Sun, Constantine's Sol Invictus.
His edict in 321 forced the whole Roman empire to pay homage
to the Sun by resting from all labors on the first day of the week.
We were warned there would be a ruler who would think to
change Torah at Daniel 7:25. Constantine did it, and he picked
the one Commandment that happens to be the sign of the
everlasting Covenant. How suspicious is that?

The Greek word STAUROS matches the Hebrew word NAS, and is a single upright pole. When Jerome (Sophronius) translated the Latin Vulgate in the late 4th century, he avoided the Latin word STAURO (matching the Greek word STAUROS), and inserted CRUX. So the KJV today reflects the word cross, the ancient symbol of Sun worship, first brought into the new faith called Catholicism during the reign of Constantine. Another huge error is the elimination of the Name Yahuah, and the use of the Latin Dominus. Dominus was the title for the Sun deity Apollo (Sol Invictus Mithras) worshipped by Constantine. LORD is the definition of the Hebrew word BAAL. The destruction of the Name Yahuah is forbidden by the third Commandment; but to insert the translation of a proper noun (the name BAAL) in its place (LORD) is nothing short of blasphemous. The reapers will unleash Yahuah’s wrath upon this whole Earth for good reason.

There’s a mark identified by a behavior: buying and selling.
Those not having the behavior of buying and selling don’t have
the mark. Because it’s a riddle we have to solve, we need
wisdom to deduce who’s who, and what’s what.
DEDUCTION – Remove Elements To Reach A Conclusion
A riddle conceals something only obvious to the riddler.
If the one solving the riddle does not have the specific
information needed, they lack the wisdom to solve it.
Samson posed a riddle at Judges 14 which could never be
solved because he alone knew the allegorical components.
The world is deceived by the beast, the teaching authority of
Babel, guiding all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,
in what they are thinking (forehead) and behaving (right hand,
Rev. 13:1, 17). A specific behavior is described in the riddle:
“no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
This verse is not saying the beastly mark, name, or number is what is keeping anyone from buying and selling.
It simply says the one not having the mark, name, or number of the beast “should not be able to buy and sell.”
This calls for wisdom.
What is wisdom? It’s explained in so many places, here’s one:
Debarim (Deut) 4:5-9 p 140
“See, I have taught you laws and right-rulings, as Yahuah My Alahim commanded me, to do in the land which you go to possess. And you shall guard and do them, for this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of the peoples who hear all these laws, and they shall say,
‘Only a wise and understanding people is this great nation!’ For what great nation is there which has Alahim so near to it, as Yahuah our Alahim is to us, whenever we call on Him? And what great nation is there that has such laws and righteous right-rulings like all this Torah which I set before you this day? Only, guard yourself, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the Words your eyes have seen, and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of your life. And you shall make them known to your children and your grandchildren.” – Dt. 4:5-9 BYNV
This was after spending 40 years in the wilderness being trained by the manna as to how to determine which day is Shabath.
A strong lesson comes from the reason for the captivity in Babel for 70 years. They failed to allow the land to rest.
Then, after a remnant returned, they started to ignore resting on the seventh day, buying and selling with traders who came into the walls on the Shabath.

Neh 13:16  p 626
“And men of Tsor dwelt there, bringing in fish and all kinds of goods, and sold them on the Shabath to the children of Yahudah, and in Yerushalayim.” Nehemiah 13:16
The sign (mark) of the everlasting Covenant is the Shabath.
Only those obeying Yahuah’s Ten Commandments have the wisdom to know how to recognize which day not to buy and sell.
There is also a “Shabath of Shabaths,” a fast, which we who have wisdom know is coming, so we practice for it each year.
Some say the Romans messed-up the weekdays. Yahusha recognized all the weekly Shabaths and annual appointments of those around Him, and never mentioned one word about them being incorrect in their calculations.
 There has been no change attempted by anyone since He was here.
The Romans simply use a pagan term for the 7th day (Saturday, Saturn’s Day), but it’s still the Shabath.
It’s still blessed since Creation, and we stop buying and selling on it every week, and rest as Yahuah rested.
On the tenth day of the 7th moon is a “Shabath of Shabaths” – a FAST.
The majority of Christians have been listening to poisonous teachings, making them unprepared to stand in the day of wrath.
 Some may be the “survivors” whom Yahuah will call, assisted by the Natsarim who will be on Earth during the distress.
The Natsarim are the elect (chosen ones) for whom the duration of the distress will be lessened. Our purpose during the distress will be to help people be restored to the Covenant. They must be helped to overcome many false teachings learned from misguided preachers.
They will learn that Sun-day is not the day Yahuah blessed, and because of their distress, they will listen to us more closely. They will not argue about the true Name, and many will submit to immersion for the remission of sins, and be sealed for protection.
Those teachers who hold to the “pre-Tribulation rapture” in spite of the Scripture, claim that those being gathered in the end of days are those who turned to Yahuah during the distress.
These things will happen rapidly, shortened for the sake of the elect.
They tell their Christian assemblies that those who listen to them will be in a special group who really understand, and they will see nothing of the terrors and birth-pangs, and the fiery cataclysm at the very end of days. They believe they are “in heaven” during the distress, and will come with Yahusha when He returns.
The text says we will all see Him coming, be gathered by malakim into the air to meet Him, and continue down with Him as the New Yerushalayim.
We never “go to heaven” as most understand “heaven.”
 We will reign with Yahusha in His Kingdom of heaven located here on a renewed Earth. His Throne will be on Earth, and we will be with Him always.
Amos 5 and Yual 2 explain to us that the Day of Yahuah is a day of great darkness, and Yahusha’s words at Mt. 24 are given to us so we will be comforted when we see the sun literally turn off like a lamp. It will still be glowing RED-HOT, but it will be so dark that we would be struck with terror if we didn’t realize what was going on.
“For the Master Yahuah does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who is not afraid? The Master Yahuah has spoken! Who would not prophesy? - Amos 3:7,8
“And there shall be signs in the Sun, and Moon, and stars, and on the Earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the sea, and agitation, men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the Earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then they shall see the Son of Adam coming in a cloud with power and much esteem. And when these matters begin to take place, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” - Luke 21:25-28

end of review

This week’s Torah Parashah has a listing of Shabbats in Uyiqara 23.

Uyiqara 23:1-3  p 98

And the remainder of Uyiqara 23 it talks about the “high shabbats” - the 7 Moeds of YHUH - the appointed times.

These are all shabbats - the 7 Moeds and the 7th day Shabbat.

So let’s start learning more about Shabbat:

Lew White goes on to say....
Everything we see practiced (in Christianity) -- is from Sun worship, including the symbols (indoor altars, cruxes, steeples, idols, holy water, etc.).
These practices were brought to Rome by the soldiers who had interacted with the eastern religions of Persia, transmitting Hinduism that originated in Babel’s worship of Nimrod, Babel’s Great Architect of the World Order (worshiped as the Sun).
We are to live by “every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of Alahim,” but Constantine made sure that we had “nothing in common with the hostile rabble of the Yahudim.”
The church fathers at Alexandria were former Sun worshipers, and funded by the Fiscus Judaicus.
That’s how Christianity spread.
We are practicing absolutely nothing Yahuah told us to obey, and doing everything He told us not to do, and that is what is called: Christianity.

YashaYahu (Isaiah) 56:1-7  p 339

If we claim Yahuah is our Master, we will stop and go in the same way sheep follow their shepherd.
Can we ignore the Shabath day, and claim to know Yahusha, the Master of it?
Ex. 31:13 Ex. 31:17, Ez. 20:12,
YashaYahu / Isaiah 56  (verses 1-2  et all ) p 339
Hebrews 4 (vs 9) et all, p 815 
These are-- all point out the Shabath Day as a sign.
Buying and selling (commerce) is to cease on the 7th day.
Without wisdom (Yahuah’s Torah), the riddle of the mark of the beast is unsolvable.
We stop buying and selling on Shabath; those following another shepherd (beast) will not stop.
Resting is not any sort of works. Hebrews 4 describes resting on the Shabath Day as obedience, and tells us to do our utmost to guard it. Obedience “perfects” our faith / belief, because without the outward behavior of obedience, our faith is dead.
Ivrim (Hebrews) 4:9-11 p 815
“So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Alahim. For the one, having entered into His rest, has himself also rested from his works, as Alahim from His own.
Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience.”
Those who disobey will perish. Those who claim, “I know Him,” but do not obey His Commandments, are liars:
I Yochanan 2:3-6 p 831
“And by this we know that we know Him: if we guard His Commands. The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His Commands, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Alahim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him: The one who say he stays in Him ought himself also to walk even as He walked.”

Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 20:1-24  p 407

YHUH said....

 Yechezkel 20:12 p 407
“Moreover also I gave them MY Shabbats, to be an ot between Me and them, that they might know that I am YHUH that sets them apart.”

Lew White says....

We’ve learned that a mere man was responsible for instituting the change from the 7th day to the 1st day of each week, and the “Sun-day Sabbath” has been the “Christian Sabbath” ever since.

Let’s study a bit more....


I want to read what Lew says about this... because we are not going to be like the angry ones... and Lew White is not either...

....  Please take this only as from a lover of the Commandment, not as any condemnation or personal criticism, bearing in mind, "He who answers before listening ~ it is to his folly and shame" (Pr. 18:13). I was once in denial and rebellion against Gentiles needing to follow the 4th Commandment, but I listened to all of what Scripture says, not men, or Constantine’s establishment of “Sun- day” as the new Christian day of rest.
 Hebrews 4 has been "allegorized" to mean our "rest" in Mashiach, but really the whole section deals with the disobedient, and mentions the "Gospel".

The message of repentance is of no value to the lost, and it says "He has spoken about the seventh day in these words: 'And on the seventh day Elohim rested from all His work'." At v.9: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of Elohim; for anyone who enters Elohim's rest also rests from his own work, JUST AS ALOHIM DID FROM HIS.

Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of DISOBEDIENCE.

For the Word of Alohim (Torah) is living, and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart . . ."

With the New Covenant, we receive the Torah written on our hearts, and His "Word" is the Torah. If the Sabbath is for only Hebrews, not Gentiles, then why would Gentiles be punished for not observing the Feast of Tabernacles after Yahusha's return, cited at Zech. 14?

Also, there is no difference now between a Hebrew and a Gentile, as a follower of Mashiach.

The Replacement Theology has lulled us into thinking Gentiles (or the “Church”) are now "Israel", but it is rather these wild olive tree branches grafted into the original olive tree, Israel (Rom. 11).

 This is far more than a "Pharisaical" issue. There is no “Covenant” in Scripture with “Christians”, only Yisrael!


At Is. 66, in the Millennial Reign: "FROM ONE SABBATH TO ANOTHER, ALL MANKIND will come and bow down before Me, says YHUH. And they will go out and look upon the DEAD BODIES of those who rebelled against Me“.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 56:2
"Blessed is the man who does this, the man who holds it fast: who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it . . . . "Let no foreigner who has bound himself to YHUH say, 'YHUH will surely exclude me from His people'. . . . .To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to My Covenant ~ to them I will give within My Temple and its walls a memorial and a name BETTER THAN SONS AND DAUGHTERS . . . . AND FOREIGNERS WHO BIND THEMSELVES TO YHUH, to serve Him, to LOVE THE NAME OF YHWH and to worship Him, ALL WHO KEEP THE SABBATH WITHOUT DESECRATING IT, and HOLD FAST TO MY COVENANT, these I will bring to My holy mountain and give them joy in My house of prayer . . . . for My house of prayer will be called a house of prayer for ALL NATIONS."



After deciding that fleshly circumcision is not a requirement, the Gentiles who BEAR THE NAME are told to begin by abstaining from idolatry, sexual immorality, FOOD STRANGLED, AND BLOOD. "For Moshe (the Torah) has been preached in every city from the earliest times, AND IS READ IN THE SYNAGOGUES EVERY SABBATH.”

The Nazarenes studied next to the other sects in the places where the Scrolls were read, until after the destruction of Yerushaliyim, then were shunned for having fled the city instead of defending it, as they were obeying what Rabbi Yahusha had warned them of. Many of the synagogue rulers were believers in the Mashiach!

At Acts 1, Luke records "Then they returned to Yerushaliyim from the hill called the Mount of Olives, A SABBATH DAY'S WALK from the city."

Even the "day of Pentecost", called Shabuoth (weeks), is an annual Sabbath ~ one of seven, and is the memorial of the receiving of Torah at Sinai (the Nazarenes received it in their hearts, circum- cised by Mashiach on that day, fulfilling the prophecy at Yerme Yahu 31).

Paul even states that we should "keep the feast", speaking of the 7 days of unleavened bread, at 1 Cor. 5:8.

"The Fast", or Yom Kippur, is referred to at Acts 27:9, because the weather was turning bad because of the lateness in the year. I completely understand the turmoil this causes in your mind; I remember it well. I endured it when I had to weigh all the evidence, but I received Him; and the Sabbath, and all His Commandments fill me with extreme joy.

Will YHUH punish you for resting on Sabbath, or is it really the "bad seed" (teachings) of ha Satan that inoculates most people from repenting?

 It is only Israel, YHUH's obedient Bride, who will enter the gates into the city. There is no gate named "the Church", or "Christianity" ~ only gates bearing the names of the 12 tribes of Israel.

When Scripture says “Israel”, it is not just speaking of the Yahudim — they are one of the tribes — Israel is all 12 tribes.



"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman (the Bride) and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring ~ those WHO OBEY ALOHIM'S COMMANDMENTS, and hold to the TESTIMONY OF YAHUSHA (which is: 'repent - for the Reign of YHUH draws near'.)."
The 4th Commandment tells us all to remember the Sabbath, and it's the 7th day of every week.

As a regular observer of Sabbath, I stay home and rest, and study with my wife and children.

Obedience is worship. Can we “obey Elohim’s Commandments”, and not have His Sign of the Covenant, His Sabbath? If Rabbi Yahusha is “Master of the Sabbath”, and it was made for man, will ignoring it bring us closer to Him in our walk?

If the 4th Commandment is only for “Jews” to obey, then the Creator has 2 different sets of rules ~ or, an enemy has sown weeds among the wheat!

The parables are “dark sayings” that only the Bride will understand, and Proverbs 9 even refers to the 7 annual appointments: “Wisdom (Torah) has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars.”

From Passover through Tabernacles and the Last Great Day, there are “7 pillars” or high Sabbaths. These outline the redemption plan of YHUH’s Bride.

The parable about the “Great Banquet” (Luke 14:16-24) illustrates how many are just not interested in coming to the appointed observances of YHUH.
As you can readily see, there is no “break” between what is meant by the “Sabbath” in the TaNaKh and Brit Chadasha, as many would lead you to believe.

If you’d really like to learn how this rift occurred, you can look up a man named Marcion in a good encyclopedia, or go to a library. He was a heretic, who taught that we need to completely disregard the “Old Testament”. How- ever all scholars realize that the New Covenant authors consistently used the “Old” as their foundation, and never taught the changes we see today.



If you are a Gentile, you may have a little knowledge already, but you should re-ground yourself by starting with Acts 15. Then do as it says, and study the writings of Mosheh, the Torah (Ten Commandments).

 Read all of Exodus 20, Lev. 19, Lev. 23, then Deut. 16, understanding that you are about to enter into a Covenant with your Creator, YHUH.

Lew says...
Pronounce your belief, “I believe Rabbi Yahusha of Nazareth is the Mashiach, and that He raised from the dead 3 days and 3 nights after His execution for my past sins.”
Yahusha, please save me.”

This is the way you give yourself to the Bridegroom. As a woman will bath after her period of uncleanness before contact with her husband, so we wash away our uncleanness (past sins), and COVENANT to obey our Husband. We are His virgin bride! The unrepentant and the very young cannot be immersed, because they have not been convicted of their sinfulness.

The Pagan Babylonians did not establish the 7-day week (shabua), nor did the Romans; it was YHUH alone.


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