Monday, June 19, 2017

Essential Oil Teaching

Essential Oil teaching
Biblical and scientific look at essential oil and their healing properties - Harbour Light Ministires

The oils used in the Bible – were “essential oils”… (the oleo portion of the plant fluid). These are considered to be the first medications ever used.
Essential oils…
- Are composed of tiny molecules, all less than 500 atomic mass units (amu) in molecular weight.  {fatty oils are composed of much larger molecules weighing 1000 amu and more.} { = crucial to know in  understanding why essential oils heal and fatty oils do not!}
- Because of their small size,  they can easily pass through cell walls!
Any essential oil, placed anywhere on the body – skin – can reach every part of your body within minutes!  (put it on your feet and taste it in seconds!)
Things essential oils can do:
Support and balance our endocrine, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and reproductive systems.
-         Clear sinuses and lungs
-         Help metabolize our nutrients, minerals and vitamins
-         Boost the natural defenses of our immune system.
-         Fight hostile bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi.
-         They know the difference between bad and good – attacking the bad, but never attacking our bodies! (unlike drugs)
-         NO negative side effects!!
-         Insect repellent
        Heal open wounds
-         Antiseptic
-         World’s most powerful antioxidants – eat free radicals in our bodies.- thus retarding aging process and preventing cancer and other diseases.
-         Can cross the blood-brain barrier. (Molecules have to be less than 800-1000 amu in size to cross.) When you inhale an essential oil – the molecules go straight to the brain to a part called the amygdala “amy” (or diencephalon).  This is the central headquarters of the limbic system…
The limbic system = manages your storage and filing system of all your emotional experiences.  It does not understand words… it only responds to smell. (Why scent triggers memories!)
When we have an emotional experience, especially a traumatic, or painful one – the “amy” assigns a part of our body to remember that experience until we are ready to deal with it.
Remember our body has 100 trillion cells and each of those cells have a strand of DNA capable of storing up to 6 gigabytes of memory that can replicate RNA memory strands without limit!... we will never run out of memory storage!
-As essential oils penetrate our brain – we can recall “forgotten memories” stored away.  … thus creating the opportunity for healing of and release. 
-        One drop of essential oil contains enough molecules to cover EVERY cell in our bodies with 40,000 molecules!
Considering that it only take one molecule of the right kind to open a receptor site and communicate with the DNA to alter cellular function, you can see why even one drop or inhaling a small amount of oil vapor can have profound effects on the body, brain and emotions! 
“Sometimes too many molecules can over load a receptor site and they freeze up – this is why less is best in essential oils.”
Three kinds of Essential Oil compounds
1.       Phenols and Phenylpropanoids (“Compounds of carbon molecules with a hexagonal ring incorporating one isoprene unit with a hydroxyl radical attached.”)
= anise, clove, basil, oregano, thyme, calamus, cane, cinnamon, and cassia.
          Cleanse receptor sites!
They create conditions where unfriendly viruses and bacteria cannot live!
          The most important thing they do = they clean the receptor sites on the cells… so cells can communicate.  Without clean receptors – the cells cannot communicate and the body malfunctions, resulting in sickness!
2.       Monoterpenes
=grapefruit, angelica, frankincense, cypress, galbanum, pine, rose of Sharon, juniper, spruce, myrtle, hyssop, and peppermint.
         Deprogram bad information.   The most important thing they do = they can reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory (DNA). (Without this – cells can malfunction and diseases result including things like cancer.)
Monoterpenes help prevent and discharge toxins from your liver and kidneys, and have antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, analgesic (weak) and expectorant properties.14 Reference Guide for Essential Oils 2013

3.       Sesquiterpenes
=more than 10,000 kinds.  The main ones are= cedarwood, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, ginger, myrrh, spikenard, black pepper, galbanum and frankincense.
-         Reprogram correct information.   Deliver 02 molecules to cells, like hemoglobin does in the blood.  Can erase or deprogram miswritten codes in cellular memory.  Especially effective in fighting cancer.  The additional 02 creates an environment where cancer cells can’t reproduce.  Also significant help to brain function and memory.
          Sesquiterpenes can go beyond the blood-brain barrier and help simulate the limbic system of your brain, as well as your hypothalamus, and pineal and pituitary glands.15

Another dimension of Essential oils is Electromagnetic frequency!
(I find this amazing as I have been wanting to learn more about sound and its effects on us!)
We know that all matter has frequency.
If part of our body is sick – the frequency is lower than when it is healthy.
Essential oils carry electrical charges, usually electrons or negative ions which are healing!!
The frequencies of essential oils are between 52- 320 MHz.
The highest frequency of all known substances is Rose Oil at 320 MHz
For comparison – fresh herbs measure 20-27 MHz,
dry herbs = 12-22 MHz
fresh produce =5-10 MHz
processed or canned food = 0 MHz!
Healthy human body = 62-68 MHz
At 58MHz = cold symptoms
At 57 MHz – flu symptoms
At 55 MHz – candida
At 52 Epstein Barr Syndrome
Below 42 MHz – cancer
25-0 MHz – dying…. Death.
-         Tainio found that “even holding a cup of coffee lowers one’s bodily frequency by 8 MHz and taking a sip can lower it by 14 MHz!!
        Tainio also found that frequencies of oils are affected by thoughts.
        Negative thoughts = lowered by 12 MHz
        Positive thoughts = raised by 10 MHz
Prayer = made and even greater difference, raising MHz by 15!
This is important - - - the idea is to use prayer and essential oil together!

Turns out the oils that YHWH had the priests anoint the temple things with – were the phenols… and they were antimicrobial – antiseptic… so there they were a place with lots of animals and blood… using antiseptic on their utensils!  - go figure!

There are many blends of oils we can get.
 “Thieves” is a mixture that originated in the dark ages and the Black Plague -   bodies were left lay where they died.. because people were so afraid of getting sick.  But there were some who came and stole the belongings from the dead bodies…and didn’t get sick.  Finally the king – using penalty of death – found out these guys were spice traders – and were using essential oils to keep from getting sick!  A study showed that “Thieves kills 99.96% of airborne bacteria!  - about $12 a small  15 ml bottle.
 – all natural and  no side effects….  !!!
The book I used for this study is Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart PhD

The top 10 anti-pollutant houseplants. They rate the best as:
1.   The Feston Rose plant 
2.   Devil’s Ivy 
3.   Phalaenopsis 
4.   English Ivy 
5.   Parlor Ivy 
6.   African Violets 
7.   Christmas Cactus 
8.   Yellow Goddess 
9.   Garlic Vine 
10.Peace Lily

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