Monday, July 10, 2017

Family: The Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son - Besar Echad

27 May 2017 -
Tomorrow is Shavuot :) - The Giving of the Ruach haKodesh
Torah Parashah - B’midbar ~ B’midbar (Numbers) 1:1- 4:20 p.105
Ruach haKodesh - The Holy Spirit

Did you know Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as feminine? - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah - B’midbar (Numbers) 1:1- 4:20 p.105 - taking a census

Buckle your seat belts...I want to teach/talk about The Ruach HaKodesh.

Let’s first back up and remember that we are learning that MOST of what we have been taught is not okay - but either full out WRONG or WICKED - lies twisted with enough Truth that the lie becomes believable.

We know “HE” was given at Shavuot...
we know that Messiah Yahusha said...

(Road to Amma-Us)
Luka (Luke) 24:13- 53 p 752
        focus on verse 49
        49 “And, see, I send the Promise of My Abba upon you:  but remain in the city of Yahrushalayim, until you are clothed with power from on high.”

And we know about GIFTS of the Spirit....

Qorintyah Alef (1 Corinthians) 12:1-10 p 860

4 “diversities of gifts, but the same Ruach”
7 “But the manifestation of the Ruach is given to every man to profit himself and all others.”
        1 word of chochmah = word of wisdom
        2 word of da’at = word of knowledge
        3 emunah = faith
        4 healing
        5 nisim = miracles
        6 prophecy
        7 discerning of the emet Ruach = discernment of the Spirit to know what is truth
        8 diverse languages (tongues)
        9 interpretation of diverse languages

We were taught that these things just happened in Acts 2 and forward..

        Were there healings and miracles in the Tanakh?
                Miraiym was healed of leprosy.
        Were there tongues in the Tanakh?  - Yes. Niguneem.
                Psalms 4, 5, 6,  and others

Luka (Luke) 1:15 p 725

Luka 1: 35

Yoel (Joel) 2:28-32 p 460

Shophtim (Judges) 3:10 p 187

Mattityahu  12:31-33 blasphemy

Yochanan (John) 3:6-8

Romiyah (Romans) 8:2-6 p 843

Divre Hayamim Alef (1 Chronicles) 12:18-20 p 636

Michah 3:8-10 p 472

Yochanan alef (1 John) 2:19-27 p 832

Spirit = Hebrew = Ruach

1st use - (because we look at first use to define it)
(Brad Scott)

B’re’shiyt 3:8  p 10
“And they heard the voice of YHUH Alohiym walking in the garden in the cool of the yom:”

cool of the yom = ruach hayyom = wind of the day

= a comforting, active presence and not passive, a constant reminder of what was to come.

This helps us  understand the function of the Ruach haKodesh  (or the sanctified wind of the Holy One)

The Holy Spirit is the active presence of YHUH that brings back to remembrance of the Word of YHUH.

Yochanan 3:8 p 756 “wind”
        “The wind blows where it desires, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from, and where it goes:  so is every one that is born of the Ruach.”

Yochanan 14:26 p 770  “bring all things to your remembrance”
“But the Comforter, which is the Ruach HaKodesh, whom the Abba will send in my Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to y our remembrance, whatever I have said to you.”


But let’s go back to the beginning for a bigger picture.

Brad Scott even explains the B’re’shiyt as YHUH starting with a Bayit - a house... and out of the Bayit - (the first letter of Torah) - all the rest comes...

Brad explains that YHUH started with a HOUSE - a piece of land - and a family.

Did you think this odd? 
I sure did... because there was no family in the first few verses... 
So I thought at the time - oh - the family comes when Ahdahm and Chavah are created....

but that is not until later...

Moen’s work...

So let’s look at the words - “male” and “female”...

“Male” in Hebrew = zakar. 

It is a noun that appears 82 times in the Word.

It is most likely derived from a root that means “to be sharp pointed”. 

“It stands in complementary opposition to the Hebrew noun for female...

Female in Hebrew = neqevah.

Neqevah is derived from a verb that means “to pierce”.

Okay we can see the sexual metaphor...
.....   but Moen says there is much more to this...

So let’s talk a little more about Hebrew words...

Zakar - we already said - means “male”

But zakar is a homophone.

A homophone is a word that is spelled exactly the same way in Hebrew - (Zayin - kaf - resh ) - but it has a different meaning.

Moen says...

“As a  verb - “zakar” -  suggests some very interesting possible connections to the Genesis creation account.”

The main meaning of the VERB  -- ZAKAR = “To Remember”!!

We can say... “Well ... ‘to remember’ - that is a cognitive, or thinking process.”

BUT - in Hebrew - mental activities are intimately connected to actions. 

In Hebrew - Zakar describes a presence of mind that is taken to heart.

Let me say that again....

In Hebrew - Zakar describes a presence of mind that is taken to heart.

In other words...
“It is thinking that becomes doing.”

= The purpose of zakar is not simply to bring something to mind... It is also to bring something to mind IN ORDER TO ACT UPON IT.”

Zakar - is “necessary for human existence and is a fundamental bond of mutual remembrance that unites YHUH and man”. 

“There is another indication that remembering is essential to what it means to be a man.”...

Zakar has 2 meanings.

1. zakar = male
2. zakar = to remember.

Hebrew has 2 words that are translated as “MAN”

1. Adam = the individual man or the person - Adam

2. “ish” - B’re’shiyt 2:23  p 10

ISH has a homophone....
1.         “to show oneself to be strong”
2.         “to fix in mind” (ie remember) 


“Neqevah” = female

Neqevah ...

- The Arabic cognate not only means “to pierce, to make a hole”,
- but also to “single out” and “to appoint as a leader”
        (Divre Hayamim Bet (2 Chronicles) 28:15  p 667 )

Neqevah = homophone...(of verb construct)
1. neqev = “to pierce”
2. neqev = “a prepared setting for precious stones

= “a purposeful boundary, a designed setting

- this seems odd to us because we don’t really see the connection....

Moen says...

“If neqevah is “the pierced one”, perhaps the homophone suggests that she is also the “boundary -setter”, “the designed setting” for human dynamics.

This may point us toward the complementary roles of the female  = “Appointed to a high office revealing her identity, a conduit for all subsequent name-giving identity and the one who maintains the boundaries.”

B’re’shiyt 1: 26-27 p 9
        “And Alohiym said, Let US make man in Our image, after Our likeness:  and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
        27 So the Word of Alohiym created man in His own image, in the image of Alohiym He created him, male and female He created them.”

Tselem - “image” - is a masculine noun
transferred authority and order over what destroys. 
To be created in YHWH’s image is to reflect divine action.

Demut - “likeness” - is a feminine noun.
“Being human is ACTING according to YHUH’s path to life.
 It means standing against chaos. 
.. It also means knowing what is permitted and what is not and acting accordingly.

To be human is to ACT LIKE YHUH ACTS... to reflect His choices... It is not to BE YHUH... but to reflect Him.

“Male” in Hebrew = zakar. 
“to be sharp pointed”
“To remember who YHWH is and what He said and to act accordingly”

Man =“Ish” = to show oneself to be strong and to fix in mind (remember)

Female in Hebrew = neqevah.
“to pierce”
“To single out” and “appoint as a leader”
“A prepared setting for precious stones” = “boundary setter”
Ishshah = woman

B’re’shiyt 2:18 - “Helper”  = Ezer Kinegdo
“Ezer” = “helper”
“kinegdo” = “as in front of him”

“It is not Adam’s productive energy that needs assistance.  It is his faithfulness to YHWH’s instruction. 

He needs a protector, encourager,  and spiritual director. 

He needs someone assigned to keep him on the straight and narrow. 

He needs one who comes alongside for the express purpose of guiding his obedience.”

Her role is the role of priest and spiritual guide for Adam!”

Moen says that the Hebrew text actually gives PRIORITY to the creation of woman. = 6 times more text - than that of man!

“The origin of woman is the capstone of all YHWH’s work, signaling that the entire plan is now complete.  It is the most important even in the whole story, positioned last to signify its emphatic climax.” 

“From a Hebrew perspective, Chavah, not Adam, is the concluding masterpiece.”

She is created LAST.

- Adam’s word for woman - A-SH-SH-H Y = aleph-shin-shin-hey
= double consonant  - shin shin ....

Remember double words make an emphasis ... and so do double letters.

This double shin shows us - woman is a consumer and a destroyer...  a very powerful combination.... She makes and she takes away. 

Another way to look at it is

“She faces two directions at the same time:  one toward the man in productive cooperation ad the other away from the man, opposing his efforts when he does not remember the prime directive. 

Her role is to stand apart from the man and challenge him to act in ways that remember who he is and who YHWH is.”

(This sounds like Ruach HaKodesh to me!)

“When she fulfills her role as YHWH designed it, she becomes the most powerful ally a man could have. 

She is designed to both push and pull.  She pushes her mate toward responsible action and she pulls him away from irresponsible self -determination.”

simple - when the male is being obedient to YHUH - she is his strongest support/ally.  When he is not being obedient - she stands opposed to him as destroyer. 

CHAVAH = literally means = “the mother (source) of all living who worship/work”
This is her legacy.  

Since Hebrew uses the same word for work and worship, the name Chavah also means the woman brings life to all those who worship.


-The EZER is Yah’s answer for man being alone... just as the covenant with Avraham is Yah’s answer from man being separated from YHWH.

“We once asked how the EZER KENEGDO could act as a priest and guide in a perfect world.  We asked how she could be connected with the idea of forgiveness.  Now we see the answer.”

“She has a covenant relationship with YHUH; a covenant relationship that is built right into her very existence.  Her connection to Yah is precisely what equips her to accomplish the purpose of her existence - to bless her man.  She is the physical manifestation of YHUH’s grace, the one who guards him and guides him toward harmony with the Creator and the creation.  She embodies the attributes of the truest EZER.”

It’s interesting to note that Moen says “There are several other verses in the Word that portray the same analogy.  In each one, YHUH is represented by the woman, not the man.  The Woman and YHUH stand on the side of the covenant.  The Man is the beneficiary on the other side of the covenant.”

Process how this relates to Holy Spirit!

Now I want to turn to some things Matthew Nolan taught recently....

Romans 8:16 p 844
 “The Spirit herself  bears witness with our ruach, that the b’nai (the children of)  YHUH.”

We live in a society where men have taken control and the texts have been corrupted.

Holy Spirit relationship is as a child with a mother... she comforted me... drew me to the Son...
The Son is a lot less of intimidating relationship than with the Father.
for many years my relationship was the mother drawing me to the Son. 
As I matured - the conviction of the Ruach got bigger and bigger....

Jews have rejected the Son... and tried to bypass the family structure and go directly to the Father - and if you deny the Son - you do not have the Father also...

so there is brokenness if we don’t understand the family structure.

It shouldn’t be a mystery of if Holy Spirit is male or female...

“The mystery regarding whether the Holy Spirit should be proclaimed as HE or SHE is resolved when you realize that

        the male Latin = ‘Spiritus’

        which translates the neuter Greek = ‘Pneuma’

        translate the Hebrew word Ruach which is always FEMALE.”
        (although I did find several commentaries that said 2 times in the Tanakh - it is referred to as male)

“For those who like the Aramaic: you can go to the Peshitta, and you will find the Ruach ha Kodesh/the Holy Spirit - translated as a female being - a “SHE”. 

Here in Romiyah 8:16 the text of the Aramaic Peshitta and the older, less corrupted Old Syriac reads “And SHE the Spirit (Ruach) gives testimony to our spirit that we are the sons of Alohiym.”

“In the Hebrew Tanakh the Spirit is always female and in the Greek New Testament  - either male or neuter, which creates a PROBLEM!”

English has three genders, masculine, feminine and neuter (ie she, he, it)

In Scripture - our biggest problems is generations not bringing right teachings through to the next generations! We wouldn’t have the problems we do...

Hebrew and Aramaic have no neuter gender.

In Hebrew and Aramaic everything is either “he” or “she” - and nothing is an “it”.

The Hebrew word Ruach (Aramaic Rucha) is grammatically feminine just as the phrase Ruach ha Kodesh is.

The pronouns used for the Ruach haKodesh in John 14-16 in the Peshitta have all been monked with! 

They’re all masculine!

IS 66:12  he describes the HS how she takes Zion upon her lap... like a mother...

So the gender of the HS has been revised...
        and it has affected the culture and when the nations are under such influence of demonic oppression...

When the nations are being oppressed - it is the Holy Spirit that is going to guide and convict us... the HS - she will guide you and keep you... make decisions that will save your very life...

In John 14, 15 and 16 - have all been monked with ...

Both the Peshitta and the Old Syriac have “he” in John 16:8

but the Old Syriac has “she” just a few verses further down in 16:13 while the Peshitta has “he”. 
But then the monks missed a spot on another passage in which the Peshitta pairs the Ruach haKodesh with the feminine verbs and/or feminine modifiers.

Mark 1:10
John 1:32-33; 6:63; 7:39
Acts 8:29, 39; 16:17
Romans 8:9-11, 16, 26a, 26b
I Corinthian 3:16
I Tim 4:1
I Peter 1:11; 4:14
I John 5:6

The Holy Spirit is a living conscious being, the manifested  power of YHUH - not a mystical figure way off - but a living conscious being... the manifest power of YHUH.

She leads us, guides us, instructs us and teaches us in the way of all truth, John 14:26, Luke 12:12

She actually shows personality, so she understand (Romans 8:27 specifically in the  Aramaic)

She wills (Acts 13:2, I Corinthians 12:11  specifically in the Aramaic)

She can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30 Aramaic)

The Tanakh teaches us that the Holy Spirit is feminine

Numbers 11:25 p 116
“And YHUH came down in a cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Ruach that was upon him, and gave it to the seventy zechanim: and it came to pass, that, when the Ruach rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.”

From the empowerment and speaking in tongues found in Numbers 11:25 (Parashah B’haalotcha) when the Holy Spirit was taken off of Moshe and put on the 70 elders and they prophesied =   (naba - poured forth words of praising, edification, prophecy and songs of divine power, sometimes in a language unknown to the speaker/ tongues)

Interestingly Parashah B’haalotcha is read immediately following Shavuot on the traditional annual cycle.

Now you have the whole family - Father Mother and Son... this is the gospel message...

This fits with Brad Scott’s - house, family, and a piece of land.

Matthew says - Her name is Sophia / Chochmah / Wisdom

In the Septuagint = sophia - a translation of the Hebrew “Wisdom”

But I just can’t call the Holy Spirit sophia.

Now, another thing - this is NOT talking about The Shack!!!

Mishli/Proverbs 8:1-7 “Does not Sophia cry aloud....”

So the Holy Spirit is going to draw you by calling you with her voice and then stand in the narrow road that leads to life...and few shall find it - beside the gates of the city...

John 5:6 “Ruach /she is all truth”

John 16:13 “when she Ruach of truth has come she will lead you in all truth.”

Romans 8:2 “The Ruach of truth is the Ruach of Life”

There’s nothing masculine about it - is there!

Mishle (Proverbs) 8 p 553

Many a christian theologian has attributed Proverbs 8 to Jesus!

but it is not about Jesus! 

But that is how common christian theologians have attributed it because they don’t understand it is talking about the Mother - the female Ruach haKodesh....

We go back to the first letter of the Torah - get your house in order...
you are the binai YHUH -

-then get your house in order...

or follow the gods of the nations..then YHUH will disinherit you and he will not let you into his land and he will not let you into his house...

But if you are a follower - then come into his house... He will spit you out if you play both fields... 

Matthew said, “We’ve made it so bloody complicated - but really it is about coming home to your father's house...”

Proverbs 8:22-36 (not about Messiah - but about Holy Spirit)

- because - you can't go directly to the father with out the spirit through the son.

Proverbs 9:1-3  “Chochmah has built her bayit; she has cut out its seven pillars; she has killed her beasts; she has mingled her wine; she has also furnished her shulchan.  She has sent forth her young women: she utters upon the highest places of the city.”

The LXX and the Hebrew words are fully feminine, the English is NOT.

“Sophia” in the biblical creation was the breath or ruach of YHUH.

She is not a new age goddess - but this is real, biblical understanding the text.
in fact there is more material in the Old Testament before the American bible society threw out all the wisdom books in 1867.

She has more material written on her in Old Testament - except for YHUH, Job, Moses, and David ... aside from that it is all about Sophia/wisdom.

One of the reasons we skip of the name Sophia - is that the English writes/translates it as Wisdom...but this word is definitely feminine, look in the Apocrypha.

Proverbs 8:27 when YHUH set the heavens in place, I was present...

she is the breath and spirit of YHUH

She serves at the heart of the creative process, as Wisdom and as Teacher who was sent by YHUH to draw humanity toYHUH like a mother.

The Holy Spirit convicts you to walk in purity.

The book of Wisdom speaks of Her divinity. (7:25-26)

Look at the spirits that are on the nations.  they are alive and real - living alohiym... manifest fallen spirits/gods that are at work upon people and upon nations.

We have to be a people that are filled with the Holy Spirit because she is the breath and the power of YHUH.

She’s the breath of YHUH’s power and a stream of pure glory of YHUH.  This is why nothing polluted enters Her.

She mirrors YHUH’s energy completely, and She images YHUH’s goodness.

Creation:  Chava/eve was taken out of Adam  ---  following the image of YHUH just as the Holy Spirit/Chochmah was taken out of the Father in heaven. A basar echad - a one flesh.

If we were made in YHUH’s image, then man was made in the Image of the SON and woman was made in the image of WHO?  - the Holy Spirit!

male and female - besar echad
YHUH created the family unit (Bet first letter / bayit / house) and the family unit is a reflection of Him Male, Female bringing forth a Son who begets many children. The binah YHUH.

How could Adam leave his parents and cleave to his wife if he was created from a single parent structure?

Let us make man in our image

Eph 5:30  “For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.  31 For this cause shall a man cleave his abba and eema, and sh all be joined to his wife, and the two shall be basar-echad. 32 This is a great sod: but i speak concerning the Moshiach and the Yisra’elite congregation.  A mystery!”

We must be born of water and The Spirit;  we must enter into the womb of the Holy Spirit and be born again!  that is the great mystery!

To call on Moshiach causes us to receive her - The Holy Spirit and  then at that point we are sealed in her womb where YHUH plants His seed in us, the seed is then germinated by the washing of the Word;  we’re conceived of the water and the Ruach (John 5:25) germination.

that is the mystery of Eph 5:30 - the born again experience and how that really happens.. a whole germinating process - and by their fruit you shall know them... if you open the fruit and there is no seed - they are not of Him! 

This is the mysteries of Messiah, He left his Father and Mother to cleave to His wife which is His priesthood. That is the mystery right there and the profundity is just outstanding!

this Holy Spirit experience is so powerful.
we must understand the differences of conversion and being filled with the HS.

Mark 5:1 - the man at the gadarenes...
that makes no says Yahusha was going to the gadarenes and a man possessed by demons ... they found him with chains but then it says they couldn't bind him!.... (contradiction) because he had often been bound...  (?) 

this is telling the difference between oppression and possession
could be bound if oppressed
but when possessed - nobody could bind him.

people walking in demonic are always oppressed ...
and at times they react and are possessed

if possessed - only fasting and prayer

this like the difference
between conversion - when we meet Holy Spirit and the mother draws us because we’ve accepted her son and she draws us into the house to get ready by washing of Word - to meet father...but you don’t meet father on day one because you are not ready.

now diff between born again and being filled with Ruach haKodesh..
Exodus 28:3
foundational text...

filled = malay = to fill or overflow, to accomplish/ a divine appointing

acts 13:52 disciples were everywhere filled with joy and with Holy Spirit...

so there is a time where as believers , once we come into the faith - and are converted - the Holy Spirit is always with us.

the counterfeit is the demonically filled

but at times when we draw close we can have a malay - a filling and overflowing that no one can touch us - that is the anointing you and i need in the last days-
she can strike your enemies blind... and literally get you through the road block...

the impossible made possible

The things that come with the filling and overflowing  the malay (Ma-Lay)/Ruach HaKodesh

1.  You must be in YHUH’s sovereign will
2.  Wisdom she will give you wisdom, knowledge, understanding in your creative skills for your calling in body of Messiah
3. You will have spirit of Elijah put on you for reconciliation of nations in these days
4.    The HolySpirit/that filling will lead you in a powerful communication of the Word and accurate prophecy... speaking and communicating the Word and will of YHUH
5.    Sophia, she will give you chesed /grace that draws you into the house to learn about the house manner of the Father.. not grace to lawlessness...
6.    Sophia will lead you in visions, inspired dreams and visions and prophecies especially those with gray hair of these last days.
7.    Sophia will empower uneducated and untrained men like myself to preach the gospel with boldness!
8.    She will lead to an echad a plurality oneness of unity within the truth in body of messiah.
9.    She will lead you to place all material good s in common apostolic control of body of messiah - having all wealth in common.
10.  She will bring healing to the sick and those that have infirmities.
11.   She will prompt the neophyte to get immersed/baptized - new believers will want to get baptized.
12. She will impart the power to render the infidel blind.
13. She will fill you with joy - where HS is there is a joy!
14. She leads to thanksgiving praise and worship in spiritual son.
15. Holy Spirit will lead to mutual submission of wives to husbands and husbands to the love and care of their wives.

Yoel 2:28 and it shall come to pass - I will pour out my Ruach... and ...

hizeione  “visions” - put in an ecstatic state to receive divine communication

YHUH wants to show us our calling..

do not put on the wisdom of men - that will fail you

listen to hidden wisdom - sod chukim  - the natural man won’t understand what you and I are saying - they don’t get it... no concept - because they are so entrenched in carnality!

Sophia will instruct the minds of YHUH’s children... allow YHUH to bring to light the hidden things of darkness in our lives... to bring to light the hidden things of darkness in our lives - that is the greatest work of Ruach haKodesh

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