Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Yom Teruah and the Second Coming of Messiah

Torah Parashah for Yom Teruah
B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 21:1-34, B’midbar (Numbers) 29:1-6,
I Samuel 1:1-2:10
Yom Teruah
Who is Yisra’el?

Yahusha's statement in Matthew 24 that no one would know the time of his return was an idiom for the Feast of Trumpets - Harbour Light Ministry

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Torah Parashah

B’midbar 29:1-6 p 130

Mattityahu 24:32-44 p 700

            24:36 p 700 “But of that yom and hour knows no man, no, not even the heavenly malachim, but My Abba only.”

            We grew up in a culture that taught that it was just a random day that Mashiach would return... but let’s look at some Scripture. 

Let’s use Scripture to explain Scripture.

Let’s go to Daniel. ... and as we turn to 9:27 , let me remind you that Daniel backwards in Hebrew makes total sense... without any editing.... and it is all about the 2nd coming of Mashiach!

Daniel 9:27  p 445
            The RSTNE says ...
“And he shall confirm the brit with many for one week: and in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and on the wing corner of abominations shall be the one who makes it desolate, even until the complete end of the olam hazeh, which has been determined and shall be poured upon the one who lays waste.”

Better translated - this is not about offerings to cease... but it is about the abomination of desolation starting...

            = Which is offering sacrifice again - and offering it as a SIN OFFERING. 

Daniel 9:27 could be read as
“He will confirm a covenant with many during that week, but in the middle of that week he will be cut off and cause the sacrifice and offering to “cease”   or “confirm covenant in the middle of the SEVEN.”    And he could also mean the 7th month’s full moon!

“CEASE” = Strong’s 7673  - could be cease, but it could also be “keep” or “observe”

“DESOLATE” = Strong’s 8074 - “appalled”, “stunned”,   “causing horror”

“OFFERING” = Strong’s 4503 - “meat offering”, “sacrificial offering”, and “sacrifice”.

“LAYS WASTE” = “deserted”, “awe struck”, appalled”, and “horror struck”

And as we have talked about before... This is about the RESTARTING of the  sin - sacrificial offerings!!!!

A key thing is - WHEN IS THIS??

Daniel 9:20-27 p 444

Clearly Daniel is explaining the end of days....  pretty specifically.

But it says -  “Nobody knows...”

Mattityahu 24:1-31 p 698

Again - about the abomination of desolation.

Again  - pretty clear markers to guide us as we come into that time.

So nobody knows?

Mattityahu 24:3   p 698
“...When shall these things be?  And what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of this age?”

Mattityahu 24: 4-15 p 699

Yahusha’s answer tells of a very specific event - the abomination of desolation.

So it is telling us very specifically and clearly when this will be!

“No one knows the day and the hour” = a Hebrew idiom

When Yahusha said this - he was using a common Hebraic figure of speech referring to a specific Biblical Holiday!
Yochanan (John) 1:47-48 p 755

Yahusha told Natan’el in a strong figure of speech - that is a widely taught Jewish expectation concerning the resurrection and the millennium.

“I saw you while you were still under the fig tree” - refers to life and study of Torah in the millennium.”

The phrase “Here is a true Yisra’elite, in whom there is nothing false.” ==Yahusha is telling Natan’el that he is like righteous Avraham who received his reward for trusting Yah. 

The millennial concept of the fig tree is found throughout the Tanach including:

Z'kharyah 3:10 p 485
“In that yom, says YHUH tzevaoth, shall you call everyman his neighbor under the vine and under the fig eytz.”

This is the reason Natan'el responded emphatically to Yahusha
and His words, saying: "Rabbi, you are the Son of YHUH; You are the King of Israel!"

Yochanan 5 p 758
             is about Yom Teruah ! 

It is said that this chapter shows that Yom Teruah is not only the start of “The day of YHUH”

but it is also the day of the resurrection of the people in the graves. 

It has to do with the moon and it’s 29 day cycle of renewal.

In this period the moon goes from darkness to light and back to darkness again.

This is not a random accident!
YHUH planned it for many reasons =
1.                     a picture of resurrection and renewal.

Each cycle of the moon the rabbis thought of this as the moon being “reborn” or “born again”


Qolesayah (Colossians)2:16   p 893  Shaul says...
“Let no individual man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a moed, or in the Chodesh, or in the Shabbat days:”

Shmu’el Alef (1 Samuel) 20:5  p 218 David is sort of taunting King Saul...”
            “And Dawid said to Yonathan, See tomorrow is the Chodesh, and I should be sitting with the melech to eat: but let me go, that I may hide myself int eh field until the third yom at evening.”

Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 46:1 p 432
“This says the Master YHUH;  The gate of the inner courtyard that looks toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but  on the Shabbat it shall be opened, and in the yom of the  Chodesh it shall be opened.”

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66: 23 p 348
“And it shall come to pass, that from one Chodesh to another, and from on shabbat to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says YHUH.”

Mattityahu 24:25 p 700 - in the context of the Day of Trouble, the destruction of the Temple, the rise and fall of false messiahs etc.

“See, I have told you before it occurs.”

So if he knows the future here... what happens .....

Then why does he say this..... ?????

Mattityahu 24:36 p 700
“But that day and hour knows no man, no, not even the heavenly malachim, but My Abba only.”


Yom Teruah is the only HIGH SHABBAT that is on a NEW moon.

We Natsarim do not keep “full moons”... 
AND apparently the world can’t be for certain when the new moon is - give or take a day... until very close to it. 

“How could they plan for a festival that they did not know at what day or hour it would be publicly announced and thus begin?

Once proclaimed, the Feast of Trumpets

Until that public announcement by the Priest, everyone had to wait before they could begin the observance of the festival.

No one could begin the festival beforehand!

Thus, we can more clearly see the analogy Yahusha made with His words:

“no man knows the day and the hour, not the angels of heaven, but just YHUH”

This is about Yom Teruah!

“NO MAN KNOWS” =  a Hebrew idiom, about Yom Teruah!

Our Messiah was speaking in the language of Feast of Trumpets typology  - the same words....

“I must do the works of Him that sent Me, while it is yom;  the night comes, when no man can do works.”
Yochanan 9:4 p 764

When the Feast / Moed of Yom Teruah was announced....
it is said that...

Those who were working in the fields had to run towards the temple before the doors were shut.

The person who was alert and listening for the sound of the shofar was “taken” by the sound of the trumpet; this was his signal to run towards the temple.

But the person who was not alert and not watching, would not hear the sound of the trumpet,

and they would be “left” in the field or grinding at the mill, unaware that the day had come.

Mattithyahu 24:43-51 p 701

The Thief in the Night

What does this metaphor mean???

In order to understand this metaphor, we must know historically where this term came from.

In ancient Jerusalem, the High Priest in the temple (Kohen ha'Gadowl) would make his rounds each night to make sure that the other priests were doing their duty of keeping the fire burning on the brazen altar. 

The commandment in the Torah was to never allow this fire on the altar to go out (Leviticus 6:13). 

If a priest was on duty to watch the fire by night, he was not allowed to fall asleep on the job.

 If he fell asleep, the fire would not stay stoked with wood, and it would go out, thereby bringing judgment on the entire nation of Yisra’el.

 The priests were also commanded not to have wine or strong drink while serving in the temple (Leviticus 10:9).

Alcohol in their blood stream would defile their worship and cause them to become drunk, lazy and sleepy.

Because the Kohen haGadol  (High Priest) came at an hour when they were least expecting him to show up, the priests began to nick-name him “the thief in the night.”

If the priest on duty fell asleep and was not watching the fire on the brazen altar, the High Priest would show up and find him sleeping on the job.

The High Priest would then take some hot coals from the altar, and scoop them up with a shovel. He would then dump some of these hot coals onto the priest’s garment who had fallen asleep. 

The priest who had fallen asleep would be suddenly awakened by the smell of hot burning coals and his garment on fire.

He would immediately strip off his clothes as fast as he could in order to prevent from being burned.

At the end of his shift, the other priests would see him naked without his garment, and he would be ashamed. This is because all the other priests would know that he was caught falling asleep on the job. 

Yahusha is our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:17-21) and his true followers are his royal priesthood (1st Peter 2:9).

We are told not to be like those priests who fell asleep on the job.

We are given a command to watch, and keep our garments so that we will not be ashamed when our Messiah returns.

Now we can better understand his warning to us in the book of Revelation:

Gilyahna (Revelation) 16:15  p 922
“See, I come as a thief.  Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.”

Gilyahna 19:11-16 p 925

Yahusha is coming with the trumpet... and great fan-fare and ceremony! :)

He destroys the enemies of His bride. :)

This is what the prophets call “the great and terrible day of Yahuah
 Yoel 2:11, and 31 p 459

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 61:2 p 343

Jeremiah 46:10 p 386

 Luke 21:22 p 749

Another term that is used to describe the same day is “the day of wrath” 

Job 21:30
Psalms 110:5
Proverbs 11:4

On this day, Yahusha becomes the “King of Kings” over all the kingdoms of this world as seen in:

Gilyahna 11:15-19; 19:16;
Daniel 7:9-27
He also becomes “Master of Masters” as the High Priest,Melchizedek.

On the wedding day, the bridegroom and the bride are called King & Queen as seen in 
Tehilliym (Psalm) 45:3
“Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O most might one, wiht Your tifereth and Your majesty.”

Like the 10 virgins in Mattityahu 25:14 - 17 p 700


Last week we talked about “with all your heart”

So who is Yisra’el?? The Binai Alohiym - the Children of YHUH ....

Let’s go to Galutyah... the book that is so so mistranslated and misunderstood in English....

But let’s go there anyway - we need to see something...

Galutyah 3:19 -26 p 877

Yisra’el = children by faith in Mashiach Yahusha ... the zerah (seed) of Avraham.

Yom Teruah... you have to pay attention!....
Sh’ma Yisra’el!!

Romans 14:11 p 848
For it is written, As I live, says the Master YHUH, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to the Master YHUH.

Phylypsiyah (Philippians) 2:10 p 890
“That at The Name of Yahusha eery knee should ow of the things in the shamayim, and things on  earth, and the things under the earth:
11And that every tongue should confess that Yahusha ha Moshiach is The Master YHUH, to the glory of Aloah His Abba.”

Yoel 2:1 p 459

Mattityahu 24:31 p 700
“And he shall send His heavenly malachim with a great sound of a shofar, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”

Gilyahna 8 -
= 7 trumpets....

The thief comes in the night.... will you be ready?

Do you have oil??

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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