Friday, November 17, 2017

Angry Like Yahusha

Angry Like The Messiah
a lot of the ideas for this teaching are from

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“Hope has two beautiful daughters;
their names are anger and courage

at the way things are


to see that they do not remain as they are.”


I present this to you... because in listening to someone recently...
she was telling me how she felt so bad for being so angry...
and I said...
“What if it is righteous anger?”

That was something to think about.

And then I have been listening to someone in a very “unjust” job situation...  where people don’t care of the outcome for the children...  they are just getting by...
and realized I wanted this person to go do something about it....

And then I got a picture from Olivia who is at the National Gifted Conference... and the list describing adults who are “gifted” it says...

“As they get older, they:
          are more likely to be idealists, impatient, and dissatisfied.
          are more likely to reach higher levels of moral development.
are more intense and more sensitive.
search for consistency and ‘universal truths’ in themselves and their environments.”

And I sort of wonder here....  how does having spiritual eyes  wide open and understanding more Truth - have to do with this?

Does this knowing more Truth  - cause this impatience and dissatisfaction... ?
Opposed to being a zombie sheeple?....

What if people of faith rise up and start walking in defiant faith...
that calls ourselves and the situations around us into accountability....

and I guess the bigger question...

What if this is ANGER....?

and what if this anger is not just okay but necessary?

What if we could stop being sorry that we are angry and really get a handle on it?


Ephesians 4:26 p 886
Be angry, but sin not: let not the shemesh go down upon your wrath.”

“Yahusha’s anger salts the earth.  Without the salt of Yahusha’s anger, people accept what’s unacceptable.  We allow what we shouldn’t allow.  We don’t make changes we should make.  We deceive ourselves into thinking that corruption doesn’t need to be opposed.  We leave it to YHUH.  We stay hands-off.  Conveniently, we take ourselves off the hook.  When we lack Yahusha’s anger, we allow evil to prevail.”

“As Christians, we’re commanded to be earthy - like salt.  Salt is so down-to-earth that it refuses to  cave in to the fallen human tendency to deny truth rather than face it.  Salted anger is not afraid.  It assumes responsibility.  It motivates us to confront things we wish did not exist.”

“Salt is gritty.  It’s an irritant, yet medicinal.  Yahusha’s anger was medicinal.  It was irritating and gritty precisely because it was salted by truth. 

Salted anger makes people well enough - spiritually healthy enough to stop denying truth.

The salt of righteous anger is needed in this world because the world is a dangerous place. 

Deliver us from evil we pray. 
The salt of Yahusha’s anger is Yah’s gift to help deliver us.” 

“Salt preserves the truth of the difference between right and wrong. 
Salted people remember that right is better than wrong.
Salted individuals have truth in their inmost parts.”

What does the Word say about salt?

John 14:6 - truth

Numbers 18:19 - covenant of salt - melach

Matthew 5:13

Mark 9:49-50

Luke 14:34

Colossians 4:6

James 3:12

“Salt of the earth” = “those who fear YHUH are the CONSCIENCE of the earth.”

“salt is only salty when it is truthful.”

“Salt is salty.  It isn’t bitter or sour or sweet.  It isn’t mean (as bitterness and sourness are), and it isn’t nice (as churchy sweetness pretends to to be).  Salt is powerful enough to heal a giant wound or melt a glacier.

Too much salt is ruinous - bad taste...

It can show us our sin so we can teshuvah ....

Ephesians 4:26   - step away from our anger

“Godly anger takes a rest.  It regularly rests.  If it is fighting a long term battle against a behemoth, godly anger may pick up again in the morning, but as soon as evening comes, it resets again.”

“All old anger is sinful.
Only fresh anger can be godly.”

Anger is like manna.
Overnight it rots.
It turns rancid in a matter of hours.
In other words, every kind of anger is perishable. 
Another way to say it is that sinful anger is acid and goldy anger is soap.
Acid and soap both burn skin.

Thus, both need to be rinsed off.  Forgiveness is a rinse.  It washes off all anger removing the burn of acid and soap.

Resentment never has a rightful place.  Resentment is essentially fleshly.  Fleshly anger forgets that vengeance belongs to Yah.”

Not about attacking people... 

Anger in Scripture
          David killing Goliath
          Queen Esther

Anger not always needed... Yahusha never preached/ taught in anger to the multitudes.

If we don’t know Yah we can’t trust him....
... when do we trust Him enough to stop sinning?

Where is integrity?

“It’s impossible for any of us to be a faithful friend unless we love each other enough to disrupt each other’s worst sin patterns.”

John 8:32 
the more you know the truth - the less you will feel  “compelled to resort to sinful anger in self-defense.”

“Sinful anger extinguishes love, godly anger ignites it.”

How to live:

Ephesians 4:24 - new self
Ephesians 4:25 - speak truth.
Ephesians 4:26  - be angry and do not sin

Not be angry:
James 1:20
Matthew 5:22

James 1:20 - anger of andros = human anger is human not godly...  fallen anger  about sin...  when we are grumpy ... fallen anger is loveless.

          sinful anger can’t achieve righteousness of Yah

Matthew 5:22  - senseless violence stems from sinful anger in the heart

          orge (ore’gay)  = anger that can be sinful or godly.
          Ephesians 4:31 orge - = simmering anger - stop it.

          Pharisees were angry Mark 3:5 because Yahusha healed on Shabbat-
Be angry (orgizesthe) and yet do not sin - Ephesians 4:26

godly orge and sinful orge

ANGER = strong feeling of displeasure, great annoyance or antagonism

“Anger is complex because it’s always tied to something underneath.
Anger is not a prime number, so to speak.  There is always something more basic under anger, such as envy or guilt or embarrassment or fear or wounded pride or jealous love.  That’s why anger is broadly known as a secondary emotion, not a primary emotion.

Physical health is negatively effected by being angry... heart, digestion, headaches, skin, sleep, depression, anxiety, .... unaddressed anger.

“Every time the Bible says Yahusha was angry, he’s the only one who was.” 

“in every situation that drew out Yahusha’s anger, he alone had the sensibilities to salt the situation with the ANGER OF REAL LOVE.”
“Love your enemies, Yahusha said.  Thus he loved them with the love of godly anger.”  - “thus he loved them by surprising them with grace.”

Nobody ever criticized him for it.

Godly anger  = a form of moral authority. = rests on truth that is transcendent.  ... when anger has moral authority - it displaces selfish pettiness and revenge.  Moral anger is deeply principled. It understand that right and wrong aren’t washed away by shades of gray.  Moral anger holds high standards and refuses to lower them.  It’s commanding.  It’s relentless.  It prevails.  It dares to promote God’s standards.  It stands like steel.  It isn’t tossed by waves of self-preserving doubt or philosophical winds of deception.  It acts out of genuine love for Yah.  Thus moral anger trumpets one main thing:  the unrelenting truth that Yah is faithful.”

Yahusha wants us to rely on YHUH’s integrity.
He was unwilling to compromise his own integrity.
he was never dishonest. 

honesty = ability to trust Yah.

Yah sent his spirit to convict the world of sin so that we might turn to Yah and be transformed.

Yahusha “was offensive precisely because he spoke the truth in love.  Speaking the truth in love is offensive to those who do not love the truth.  Love itself is offensive to those who aren’t honest enough to accept that love inherently is truthful.”


15 Stories of Yahusha’s Anger:

1.   Yahusha confronted the Pharisees
          Mattityahu 23:2-6
          Mattityahu 10:34-38
          Mattityahu 3:10-12
          Mattityahu 23:13-32
“he was so truthful, so politically incorrect toward the Pharisees that he threw them under the bus, by broadcasting their sins in broad daylight.”  23:2-6

2.    Yahusha rebuked a demon in the temple
          Luke 4:35
          to rebuke = epitimesan = to “beat back” - strong word that connotes the idea of anger.

          He didn’t explain to the demon nor did he say why the demon couldn’t announce who he was.... just was angry and ordered it out.

3 and 4.  Yahusha rebuked a fever and rebuked demons

          - Peter’s mother in law - fever.. Luke 4:39
          - Luke 4:41 rebuked demons

   (2-4 all rebuking anger that resulted in deliverance)

5.  Yahusha rebuked the storm  Mark 4:37-41 and Luke 8:23
          “when people focus on power rather than truth, inevitably they feel intimidated.”
          He never said “I am the power”.  He said, I am the truth  John 14:6... Truth sets people free.  Truth puts everything into right perspective. Power untied to truth is rogue.  Thus, when anger is oriented around power, not truth, anger itself is rogue.  Having a wounded pride is not a legitimate reason to be angry.  Human pride lies.  It deceives itself into thinking that I am greater than I am.  So Yah opposed the proud - James 4:6 , 1 Peter 5:5

6.    Yahusha rebuked Yaakov (James) and John.  Luke 9:52-56
          James and John were so insulted by the way people treated them, they plotted to annihilate a whole village...they had paid attention and believed their Teacher when He said “nothing will be impossible for you”  Matthew 17:20...    they believed they could call fire down from heaven...  BUT they seriously missed the point...  they were given license to move mountains.. not so they could destroy a whole village of people... His point was to inform them of the power of their faith if they put their faith in Yah and His agenda.

“Godly anger lobbies for God’s agenda....  sinful anger is all about self.

So in this rebuke - Yahusha not only saved the Samaritans.. but he saved two of His disciples....

Godly anger corrects sinful anger.

Yahusha let them know (2 Tim 4:2) what kind of spirit they were functioning in - because they didn’t know themselves. 
Romans 12:19 “Vengeance is Mine”

7.    Yahusha’s cleansed the temple...  John 2:15-17
          “He was “consumed with zeal for his Father's house”  John 2:17
          John 2: 15... he made a scourge of cords and drove them all out.... poured out the money ... overturned the tables of the money changers. 

          He did it all by himself... singlehandedly ... “almost instantly, Yahusha got the wrong people out and the right people in....and the blind and the lame poured in... and children too...  Matthew 21:12-15

8.    Yahusha became indignant at his disciples...  Mark 10:13-16  ... 
          Little kids were coming to Him... 
          “Why was Yahusha having so much fun?!”  “He gets carried away you know...”
          “indignant” = aganaktasen (from the root aganakteo) which literally means “to have much grief”

He didn’t yell - he corrected them... 

9.    Yahusha rebuked Peter
          Yahusha’s love was truthful - not polite.  (NOT “nice christian” :) )
          He wasn’t selfishly ambitious... it wasn’t about making himself look good - it was always only about making Yah look good...  to please Yah.... that’s all...
          “He wasn’t trying to win the shallow favor of shallow people, he was free to love them instead.  He regarded people’s souls.  He was interested in their destiny.  He cared about the condition of their hearts.  He wanted people to have abundant life, and since that can only happen when people trust Him... He coached the disciples and the Pharisees alike to stop committing the sin of doubting God.” 

          Matthew 16: 22-23
          Mark 8:33

sinful anger doesn’t listen... 
Godly anger isn’t sidetracked... it overlooks ingratitude and sets its face like flint toward restoration.
Yahusha didn’t rebuke him in private... “instead of saving Peter’s face, he rebuked him face-to-face.  ... so everyone learned... at the same time... 

Peter had a problem listening... we all do...  selective hearing.... jump to conclusions... especially when we feel threatened personally.
His heart was wrong.. His heart was almost right... but still it was WRONG.  It was awful to think of Yahusha being killed....  he failed to listen because he failed to be respectful enough to listen... that is the nature of sinful anger - it is disrespectful.

Yahusha wasn’t one -upping Peter... he was forwarding the interests of Yah.  Godly anger champions the values and interests of Yah.  It upholds righteousness and love. 

and look what happens next... he is angry with Peter... and then back around to the crowd... and he says...
Matt 16:24-26

but that is not all - he assured them AND Peter that justice was imminent and that Yah is interstedin justice and right rewards. 

Matthew 16:27-28

Peter was threatened by Yah’s plans...  Yahusha took security in them...  He knew that everything works out best when it’s Yah’s plans... 

10.    Yahusha raged at the tomb of Lazarus
          He raged, he wept and he raged again!

          John 11:1-16
He could have come... and saved him. 
He could have come and restored him before they stuck him in the tomb....

It was dangerous to go to Bethany.... .. they would have to go through Judea... this was nearly a suicidal idea... so the disciples were relieved..
but then 2 days later - Yahusha suddenly announces - they are going to Bethany!

The disciples were thinking practically - of keeping their Rabbi alive and Yahusha was thinking of visiting a dead guy!
“so that you may believe” - that’s how Yahusha responded!

Thomas announces... lets go so we can die with him!.... he didn’t trust....
he trusted the power of the Jews more - to kill ...
Nobody in the story trusted Yahusha.

John 11:17-32... 
“this sickness is not unto death”

the sisters meet Yahusha and they are mad....

John 11:33 
English translation - “deeply moved in spirit” 

Original Greek however says enebrimesato (from embrimaomai) which literally means “to snort with anger like a horse, or to rage.”

 Yahusha was “raged”  -

Same word is used in Mark 14:5 - when the people were angry with  the woman who “wasted’ costly perfume...

John 11:38  same word

11:33 he raged inwardly - in spirit

11:38 he raged inwardly - in himself.

Why was he in raged and also weeping...

maybe because they were angry at Yah for letting Lazarus die..
People get mad at God for “letting” people die

and in 1 Corinthians 15:56 Shaul says
“The sting of death is sin”

Doesn’t this sound backwards?

He is saying death has a stinger - it is sin.

Everyone was stung with selfish dissatisfaction in the God who let Lazarus die.  Nobody believed that Yahusha has said to them plainly.  All of them complained.  All of them lost hope.  All of them resigned themselves to defeat.”

“The death of Lazarus made mourners faithless, and their faithlessness made them blind.”

“No one had eyes to see what Yahusha was doing because no one had ears to hear what he had said.  In plain, straightforward language, Yahusha had pre-announced, “This sickness is not unto death.”

HE said “NOT”

death and unbelief had stolen their ability to hear... 

Yahusha gets led to the tomb and
there HE starts to cry...
and the others stopped crying...
saying things like - he could have saved him but he didn’t...

What if Yahusha wasn’t crying because Lazarus was dead... but instead ... because He knew what it was like to leave the Presence of Yah in heaven....  and now he was going to do that to his friend...
Plus Lazarus was going to have to die again....  

So there they all are - standing in front of a cave with a big stone...
What did they expect to happen?

Jews knew you didn’t mess with dead bodies... you know the word “unclean” comes up very fast...
and Martha broached the subject - telling Yahusha - about the body stinking.... 

Can you picture this??
As I see it Yahusha SPOKE UP... with AUTHORITY...
and said...  “Did I not say to you, if you believe, you will see the glory of YHUH?”  John 11:40

and some must have gotten organized to move this big stone...

And then Yahusha began to pray...
John 11: 41b-42...
not a petition but a word of thanksgiving!

this was doubt-free confidence...and it had to bring conviction to at least Mary and Martha and the talmidim.
They had to see a difference between the faith they had and the faith of Yahusha!

John 11:43

Yahusha rages against death and unbelief because He is a friend of sinners...  he sees death and unbelief as enemies.  Death is what steals life away and unbelief is what steals faith.

These things steer people away from TRUTH. 

11.  Yahusha reproached his disciples
Mark 16:6
          women came to the tomb.. Mary Magdalene came to the tomb... and the disciples wouldn’t believe them...
          They had seen Yahusha raise Lazarus but still they couldn’t believe... that Yahusha would do what he said he would do...

They are alone eating.. and Yahusha “pops in”... and the first thing he does is to reproach them!

Mark 16:14 

12.    Yahusha rebuked a demon in a boy
          Matthew 17:14-21
          “How long should I put up with you?”

          Yahusha was ANGRY ... he didn’t just expose the demon - but he was angry and and sincerity of faith...” He faith-ed it out!”

          “Faith in the form of confidence and authority drives them out.  Faith not in oneself, but in Gods love.  Faith animates a person to be angry to the point of exercising sacrificial love.  Sacrificial anger  - that’s the kind of anger that brings healing.”

Matthew 17:22-23... Yahusha had faith to rebuke the demon ,faith to rest assured that his not-so-impressive disciples could move a mountain by faith themselves, and faith to trust in YHUH even thought Yah had planned for Yahusha to be delivered into the hands of murderers.” ... 
          that is demon moving faith!!

13.    Yahusha was angry with the pharisees in the Temple.
          Healing the guy with the withered hand on Shabbat.... the set up...
          Mark 3:3-5
          Matthew 12:11-12
          Yahusha looked around at them “with anger”  (met’ orges), “grieved” at their hardness of heart. 

Angered by their legalism that rendered them compassionless....
He healed on Shabbat. And the pharisees were thrilled  - they had Yahusha now!

None of the Pharisees were impressed with the great miraculous healing... they were blinded by their sinful anger... 

Mark 3:6 - the Pharisees went out then to plot how they could kill Yahusha!

Perhaps Yahusha was angry at the Pharisses... because in violating this man... and ignoring his need - they were violating themselves  - or ignoring their own needs for healing.... and they didn’t pick healing... they could have, but they did not.

14.    Yahusha raged when he healed a leaper
This might be the most interesting anger of our Master...

Mark 1:40-45

The big deal isn’t that Yahusha said he was willing to heal... the big deal is that he TOUCHED the leaper!!
According to Torah - physically touching a leaper makes one unclean.
...  He risked being a social outcast. 

Yahusha raged as he sent the leaper way.
Most English translations of the Greek omit the 2 Greek words that signal to us the presence of Yahusha’s anger...

Our Scripture says in verse 41 “moved with rachamim” (mercy) and
New American Standard says “moved with compassion”...

But the ancient Greek says two different things...where the translators have written ... “moved with compassion or mercy”...

Some of them say splanchnistheis = “moved with compassion”

and some say

orgistheis = “being angry”

It is easier to think it was “angry” and changed to “compassion” than the other way around...

There is a rule in translation - and that is - to assume the more difficult reading is the true one...

Also in Mark 1:43 - “strictly ordered” - was actually  embrimaomai ...  and remember that means “to snort like a horse”... “to rage”

What if Yahusha not only healed he leperacy - but he healed the man emotionally as well?... 

and how did this man respond?  Many teach he was grateful...
but if he was grateful, why would Yahusha rage?
          he was disobedient
                    he did not keep it confidential - he announced it
          he did not show himself to the priest
          and he did not offer the sacrifice that Moshe commanded... in
          Leviticus 14. 
          It looks like maybe this guy went and bragged....

15.    Yahusha reproached the 3 cities where people responded to his miracles with nothing but sighing yawns of faithlessness.

          reproach = to express disapproval or anger about something. .. blame, chide, reprimand, and upbraid.

          Greek  for reproach = “oneidizo”... this is in the Sermon on the Mount where Yahusha says “Blessed are you when people reproach (oneidizein) you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of me.  Matthew 5:11

          Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernaum

Matt 11:21-23, 28-30.

Perhaps the people in these cities were people like us - at least those of us who like to live in denial and not face our pain. 
If we have too much pride we expose our vulnerability.  Then their dishonesty blinded them.  ... and when spiritually blind - we can’t see Yahusha’s miracles!

These cities refused to understand that
Yah is greater than the tragedies in our lives. 
He is greater than our sins. 
He is greater than our pain. 
He is greater than our most devastating losses. 

Interesting that Peter and Andrew were from Bethsaida (Matt 4:19),
Phillip was from Bethsaida (John 1:43)

follow me .  Matt 9:9
“Come to me Yahusha said to us today... if we go to him, he will give us life-giving faith and life-giving hope that can not disappoint.  Hope gives people rest, even in our pain and tribulations. We can rest when we are hopeful b/c hope points us a way to something greater than ourselves.  hope turns our attention to Yah.”


YHUH calls us to reign WITH HIM!
We see that clearly in the Word..
We are called to be a kingdom of PRIESTS.

That means... HE - the CREATOR OR THE UNIVERSE...
THE SOVEREIGN  OF ALL - calls you and calls me a PRIEST!

We are called to REIGN... to take authority - to walk in righteous anger - that is not about raising myself up and me being ‘right’

but it is about having the courage.
Better yet, having a faith so strong that you are done playing "nice."

And having so much audacity - to be angry when things are not okay with YHUH!

And loving people around us enough to speak truth!

We are called to REIGN
to walk in HIS AUTHORITY....

and that means how we think matters...
positive or negative

and what we tolerate and what we turn our heads from
and what we DECLARE... and what we have the courage to walk in righteous anger - MATTERS....

The Alohiym of EVERYTHING - of ALL -

May we walk in our authority and
do it well.

Sh’ma Yisrael


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