Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Resilience and Overcoming

Resilience - Overcoming

Our deepest pain can be turned into our greatest healing in the hand's of the Father - Harbour Light Ministries

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Messiah’s blood - offered because our blood is not clean.... H cleanses our blood...

Let’s talk about resilience.
We’ve talked about it before... and we have learned that it means...

          - To be able to look at your situation and recognize - “yep this is awful”.... AND then to be able to say... “but it will get better. I have faith/hope that it will get better.”

Isn’t it interesting that it is about FAITH... looking at YHUH?

Okay  - so life is difficult...

But this week I had a moment...

You know those moments... when you have looked at something a thousand times, but in this one instance...  you see it differently?!

We know - life is hard.. it is always hard...
and as I said... “It is always hard...”  I saw something more...

no seriously - look around... 
think about your situations... most things have significant challenge.

And we can be thankful for that challenge because that is what grows us and tests us and refines us and purifies us.... etc...
But most things are hard.

Well - it’s no wonder.... the prince of the power of the air...

Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 2:1-2 p 883
“And you has HE made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 In which in ties past you walked according to the course of this olam, according to the prince of the power of the air.”

No wonder life is hard!  No wonder everything seems uphill!

that is not a complaining or whining statement... it is just the facts!

But let me remind you about negative and positive Hebrew words:

In Hebrew- All words negative words go back to the same root...
          which means  “taking something and breaking it/ crushing it/ destroying so it is not useful for it’s designed purpose - It’s dysfunctional.”

And also in Hebrew - All positive words go back to the same root....
          which means “something that is collected together/ made whole/ gathered together and drawn into echad (one) - functional.”

It is very challenging to remain functional ... in a dysfunctional world.
-    a literally dysfunctional world because the prince of this air is hasatan!

          “None of us finds out what we’re made of when everything is rolling along nicely; we find out who we really are when hell is pressing in from all sides. Trauma burns with such a hot fire that if we have an cracks in our foundation, all of them will be exposed.”

-You see, when bad things happen... we have a choice...
Just like in the Word... when Moshe says...
D’barim (Deuteronomy) 30:15-19 p 162

Interestingly enough....

Yisrael has been defined ....

                    Yisra’el = “YHUH overcomes”

In Luke 11 - it is talking about casting out shedim (demons)

Luke 11:22 p 738
“But when a stronger one than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.”

“overcome” = G2538 = nikao

John 16:33 p 772
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have shalom.  In the olam hazeh you shall have tribulation:  but be of tov courage;  I have overcome and conquered the olam hazeh

Romans 12:21 p 848
          “Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with tov.”

I John 5:1-5 p 8:33

Rev 2:26 p 912
“And he that overcomes, and keeps My mitzvoth to the end, to him will I give power over the gentiles (nations).”

Rev 2:22 p 912
“He that has an ear, let him hear what the Ruach says to the Yisraelite congregations: he that overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”

Rev 3:21 p 913
“To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My kesay, even as I also overcame, and have sat down with My Abba on His kesay.”

Gilyahna (Revelation) 12:17 p 919
“And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her zera, that shomer the mitzvoth of YHUH, and have the testimony of Yahusha the Messiah.”

Gilyahna (Revelation) 14:12 p 921
“Here is the endurance of the Yisra’elite kidushim:  here are those that shomer the mitzvoth of  YHUH, and the emunah of Yahusha.”

Rev 17:14 p 923
“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:  for He is Master of masters and Melech of melechim: and they that are with Him are called, the chose and faithful people of Yisra’el.

Rev 21:7 p 926
“He that overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his Alohiym and he shall be My son.”

So how do we live/ fight / overcome?

We read many times that it is about keeping YHUH’s instructions.


Gilyahna (Revelation) 12:17 p 919
“And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her zera, that shomer the mitzvoth of YHUH, and have the testimony of Yahusha the Messiah.”

Gilyahna (Revelation) 14:12 p 921
“Here is the endurance of the Yisra’elite kidushim:  here are those that shomer the mitzvoth of  YHUH, and the emunah of Yahusha.”

Let’s look at some tools:

Focusing on = saying and praying Scripture!

I can look at the power of the prince of the air - and all the situations around me....  or I can look up at YHUH and praise Him!

Yahusha (Joshua) 1:7-9 p 167
“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may shomer to do according to all the Torah which Moshe My eved commanded you:  trun not from it to the right hand or the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
8 This scroll of the Torah shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may shomer to do according to all that is written in it for then you shall make your derech (path) prosperous, and then you shall have tov success.
9 Have not I commanded you?  Be strong and courageous; be not afraid, neither be dismayed; for YHUH your Alohiym is with you wherever you go.

Tehillim (Psalms) 23 p 503
“... Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,...”

Tehillim 27 p 504

Tehillim 18:1-3, and 21-37 p 501

Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 6:10-19 p 887

Armor ... armor for what?... protection....

Mishle (Proverbs) 4: 1-7, and 18-23 p 551

Christa Black Gifford said it so well when she wrote:

          “You can’t control the storms that pound against the walls of you inner realm, but you can control whether or not your heart chooses to become a shelter of peace during those storms. 
          You can’t control your parents’ decision to divorce, but you can choose whether or not your heart grows bitter and cold.
          You can’t control that you don’t have a job, but you can choose whether o not you move into anxiety or stay steady with trust.
          You can't control the betrayal of a spouse, but your heart can choose to forgive.

          The space inside of your heart is the only place where you will ever have full ownership and authority.  You are the guardian of your heart, and as the final say over your inner realm, you’re the only one who can decide what happens next.

          At this very moment, your life is the sum total of all the choices you have made, because you’re the only one who can make them.  you can either choose to surrender your heart to pain monsters, or to a Healer who died to make everything whole.”

She has a terrible story of losing a daughter... and in her grief...
five months after... she wrote about that particular day... of answering people’s “How are you?” questions...
          “Today is the most painful day of my life, but my heart is still thriving.”

She wrote of all that she could have done but chose not to...
I have not shut down like I have in the past
I have not medicated through addiction.
I have refused to live numb.
I have not run to escape.
And I will never turn my back on the pain..

In this very moment, I’m standing inside the most agonizing moments of my life, knowing that if I don’t continue  to deal with the pain that accompanies this trauma, it will destroy my heart and cripple me for years to come.  So each day I choose to confront reality....
and when I sit down in the hottest fire of my life, the unexpected happens: The very place of my deepest pain miraculously becomes the starting point of my heart’s greatest healing.”

“You see, pain itself is not the enemy.  Pain is inevitable in this bumper car life where you will continue to collide with a fallen world that you cannot control.  Unhealed pain, however, will become your greatest foe if  your broken heart is not made whole again after each collision.  And there is only ONE who can take the shattered pieces of your heart and put it back together so that it flourishes even in the worst situations.”

“When you’re living in wholeness with (Yahusha) and your heart is thriving, you can be unshakeable, living fully alive in each moment, taking risks, trusting your heart, fully aware of what you love, remaining yourself in every circumstance, and adoring (YHUH) with every part of your being.  However, if your heart remains broken, even as a (believer) you will experience consistent separation between your heart, soul, mind and spirit that keeps you from living in joyful connection with (YHUH) and others.”

“The enemy knew that if pain lived inside your heart for long enough, it would end up controlling and ruining the abundant life (YHUH) intended for you.
          Plainly put, TRAUMA is any place in your heart where your pain stays greater than you joy.
          The problem isn’t that trauma happens, but that most of us have no idea how to repair it.”

But YHUH does - he created it/ and us!!

Focus on Him... know His Emet (Truth)

and if we are focusing on Him....

Romiyah (Romans) 12:1- 21 p 848

          (focusing on Yahusha and ‘positive thinking’ / choosing LIFE)
Tesloniqyah Alef (First Thessalonians) :5:16-18  p 897
16 “Gilah (Rejoice) always
17.   Make Tefillah (pray) without ceasing
18.   In all things give hodu (thanks); for this is the will of YHUH in Moshiach Yahusha for you.”

Sh’ma Yisrael

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