Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Trespass Oath

Torah Parashah - Wayiqra (starting Wayiqra) 1:1- 6:7 p 82
B’re’shiyt Recap to 1:22!!! :)  - Based on Brad Scott’s “B’re’shiyt” study

Understanding Yahusha's trial before his death and the trespass oath - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah 

The Book of the Covenant ended in Sh’mot (Exodus) 24:11 and
the Book of the Law started in the next verse Sh’mot 24:12

So we keep instructions that are mentioned before that point
And some of those have MORE instructions in Book of Law ...
But we do not keep the Levitical priesthood instructions = the Levitical ADMINISTRATION -

Because we have a new priest - THE High Priest - The Melchizedek - Yahusha haMoshiach!  :)

Just Briefly - We keep The Book of the Covenant instructions... and do not get involved in things regarding the ADMINISTRATION of the Levitical instructions of Book of Law.

 But IN the Book of the Law more instruction/information is given that we can glean from... only we are not running around doing sacrifices.

What instructions do we keep?

1.  Sanctification - Holiness Codes. (Nader rules)
          Exodus 19:14 What is holy and what is profane 
          more in Leviticus 15 and 20.
2.    Spoken Statutes and relayed judgments between man and man and
          between man and YHUH.
          Exodus 21- 24:11.... and expanded on in the B of L

3.   Tattoos /Pagan Worship
          Genesis 1:27
          Exodus 20:25
          I Corinthians 6:19
          Expanded on in Leviticus 19:28
          = No tattoos, no cutting of the flesh - about reverence for the
4.    Defining sin
          -Genesis 9 - Noahide Laws
          -Exodus 19:4

          -Noahide Laws
A.   Idolatry is forbidden - Do not deny YHUH
B.   Incestuous, homosexual and adulterous relations forbidden
C.   Murder is forbidden
D.   Cursing the name of YHUH  (speech must be sanctified)
E.    Don’t steal
F.   Eating the flesh of a living animal is forbidden and no blood. (No animal cruelty)
G.  Establish courts of justice

-   All but the last one comes from B’re’shiyt.

5.    Need a school master to understand blessing and cursing 
          Galatians 3:24-25
6.   No Divorce under Yahusha  Mark 10:5
7.   Keeping Shabbat  - Genesis 2:3, Ex 20:8
8.   Keeping Feasts - Exodus 23 with 3 pilgrimage feasts
9.   Diet - Genesis 1,6,9, and expanded upon in Book of Law
          Genesis 6:21 “all food EATEN is food.”
10.    How then do we live? - Rightly divide Torah under Melchizedek
     Administration.  Genesis 49:10, Hebrews 7:11-12

And while we are defining sin...
Yochanan Aleph (I John) 3:4 p 832
“Anyone who commits sin violates Torah, for sin is the transgression of the Torah.”

So that little reminder as we start the book of Wayiqra (Leviticus)

Okay so remember - that YHUH gave the Book of the Covenant - in the Covenant He made with Avrahm ....  and man broke it. 
But the Book of the Law - was imposed on man....

So that said... let’s go to the Torah Parashah ...
Wayiqra 1: starts with information about offerings.

But what I want to focus on is:

The Trespass Oath ...
Wayiqra (Leviticus) 5:1 p 83

“And if a being sins, and hears the voice of swearing,  and is a witness, whether he has seen, or known of it;  if he does not reveal it, then he shall bear his iniquity.” 

Pesach is coming up and it is important to review this....

Mattityahu 26:63 (Matthew) p 703
{What is going on - Yahusha is on trial before high priest Kaiaphis }
“But Yahusha kept His silence.  And the Kohen HaGadol (High Priest) answered and said to Him, I put You under oath before the Living God, that You tell us whether You are The Moshiach, the Son of the Almighty.”

So what were the (false) “witnesses” against Yahusha saying....that Yahusha was saying He was God and that he wasn’t God.

So here’s the big deal :
Yahusha couldn’t lie - because a lie would be a sin and he would have no longer been “sinless”    AND if He told the Truth and said He was YHUH.... then that would be grounds to kill him. 

When the priest put Yahusha under the Trespass Oath - Yahusha had to tell the truth...
          They knew Who He was... but if he didn’t answer - it was a sin - and he had to be sinless. 
          And if he did answer  - it was a “sin” and he had to be sinless and if He did they had the “grounds” to kill him.   (Wayiqra 5:1).

Okay so that is the Torah Gem for today.  :)

Yesterday I read a very disturbing article on

This article talks about the things happening with aborted HUMAN fetal cells.

“... the cloning of human embryos for 'therapeutic purposes' was made legal in the UK in January, 2001 through an amendment to the Human Embryology Act.[i]  Not long after, in August 2004, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) approved the first license for cloning human embryos in the UK.  Media reports at the time alleged the legal changes would result in the use of cloned human embryos to create "spare body parts."   
In an article published in 2000 titled, "Biotech Cannabalism,"[ii] C. Ben Mitchell, PhD reflects on the pro-cloning movement by quoting a proponent's justification: "If you could use tissue from human embryos to save hundreds of lives, there must be a moral imperative to do it." Mitchell disagrees, countering: "[C]reating a human being for the purposes of killing that person for another human being's health, sounds an awfully lot like cannibalism, only worse."  

Probably the most 'taken for granted' example of this is the use of live, aborted fetus cell lines from induced abortions to produce vaccines. Known as diploid cell vaccines (diploid cells have two (di-) sets of chromosomes inherited from human mother and father), they are non-continuous (unlike cancer cells), and therefore must be continually replaced, i.e. new aborted, live fetal tissue must be harvested periodically.  A good portion of the CDC's immunization schedule requires the use of these human fetus-originated vaccines, and these include: rubella, measles, mumps, rabies, polio, smallpox, hepatitis A, chickenpox, and herpes zoster. Additionally, so-called "abortion tainted vaccines" cultivated on transformed fetal cells (293, PER.C6) are in the developmental pipeline, including: "flu, Respiratory Syncytial and parainfluenza viruses, HIV, West Nile virus, Ebola, Marburg and Lassa, hepatitis B and C, foot and mouth disease, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, tuberculosis, anthrax, plague, tetanus and malaria." [iii]

Another way in which the dark specter of cannibalism is resurfacing in our lives is through biotech's intense investment in biopharming technologies. Also known as molecular farming, biopharming involves creating "drug-producing" GMOs by inserting a gene that code for useful pharmaceuticals or biological products (e.g. antibodies, lactoferrin) into host plants, insects or animals that do not naturally express those genes.

Concerns over the unintended, adverse effects of this technology are growing, primarily because once the genes are inserted into laboratory- or field-trialed organisms, their escape into the biosphere is not just possible, but a statistical inevitability.

There is intense work being done today to create biopharmed "edible vaccines," which contain deadly viral or bacterial vectors. Obviously, the biopollution created by inserting these genes into plants traditionally used for human consumption and which could find their way into the human food supply could cause life-threatening health problems.  But edible vaccines are only a subset of biopharmed products in the developmental pipeline. There are a broad range of human proteins being 'pharmed' using genetically modified animals expressing human genes as 'bioreactors.'

Below is a small sample of biopharmed organisms in development that could at some point in the future result in the inadvertent ingestion of human proteins (technically, cannibalism):

            GMO Bulls expressing human lactoferrin in their tissues, intended for human consumption.[iv]
            GMO Mice expressing a human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor under control of a goat gene (goat alpha-S1-casein gene).[v]
            GMO Cattle milk expressing the human breastmilk proteins human α-lactalbumin (TC-LA), lactoferrin (TC-LF) or lysozyme (TC-LZ).[vi]
            GMO Pigs designed to express human α-galactosidase.[vii]
            GMO Chickens designed to express human urokinase-type plasminogen activator.[viii]
            GMO Chickens designed to express human parathormone.[ix]
            GMO Flies expressing human taste receptor genes.[x]
            GMO Silkworm cells expressing human glycoproteins.[xi]
            GMO Tomatoes expressing a human brain protein (humanβ-secretase).[xii]
            GMO Tobacco expressing human erythropoietin intended to be used to treat tissue injury.[xiii]
            GMO Tobacco expressing human interferon alpha intended for medical use.[xiv]
            GMO Yeast expressing human Apolipoprotein A-II intended for study.[xv]
            GMO Lettuce and chicory expressing human interferon alpha intended for medical use.[xvi]
            GMO Rapeseed expressing human interferon alpha intended for medical use.[xvii]
            GMO Rice expressing human serum albumin (blood protein) intended for medical purposes.[xviii]
            GMO Rice expressing human lactoferrin intended for medical use.[xix]
            GMO Rice expressing human CYP1A1 enzyme (found in placenta and liver) intended to help remediate pesticides in soil.[xx]
            GMO Rice expressing human amyloidβ-peptide 'Alzheimer's brain protein' intended as an oral vaccine producing plant.[xxi]          

If you think that sounds like a mess - you are right!
It is!!!!  And we could get all lost in the fear of it if you want to...

I read that ... and again just was so grateful to YHUH for allowing us to learn about SEED and MIXED....

and so with that...

I want to Review what we have done in B’re’shiyt....
with Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt study....

B’re’shiyt 1:1
“B’re’shiyt bara Alohiym ET (Aleph -Tov)  hashamayim v’et ha’aretz. 
In the beginning Alohyim ET created the heaven and the earth.
So out of the Bet - the house, comes all the Word.

Remember these 7 words fit the Menorah.
With one side about YHUH and the other about creation... with the shemesh - the middle being the ET!  :)

And if we were drawing this verse - we would draw the Menorah


We would draw a house, a piece of land and a family.

BARA = is a completed work done by ONE person.

So 1:1 is a completed work.  And since our Alohiym is a God of order... it was FINISHED/completed.

But then we come to

B’re’shiyt 1:2
We learn that it  hay’tah = came into being - tohu (confused chaos)
and vavohu = astonished, amazed, confused, empty , V’CHOSHEK = DARK AND CONFUSED


And YHUH said let there be light... vay’hiy’or... and light became.

And YHUH saw the light (THE ALEPH-TAV) and it was good.

AND YAH WAYIQ’RA (called, invited, named)  Yom (day) and lay’lah (night) and EREV = TO MIX, MINGLE, distinguishing morning BOQER.

Also this is where we begin to understand what a day is.

He did a bunch of stuff...and the evening and the morning were the first day.
So there is creating going on... and then the EREV (the mixed) comes...and there must be night... and when we get back to the morning... that is a day!
(based on LIGHT - NOT the sun!!!)


And Yah said - let there be a firmament (“DOME OF THE SKY” in Mizmor/ Proverbs 19:1 in CJB) stretched forth (POUNDED, BEATEN OR CRUSHED OR TO FLATTEN)  in the midst (TO CENTER, TO MAKE EQUIDISTANT, IN THE MIDDLE) of the waters  and let it divide between waters from waters

And Yah made the firmament, and divided between the waters which were under (MIT-TACHAT = INSTEAD OF / AN UNDERSTUDY)  the firmament and above (ME’AL = ABOVE, OVER, BEYOND, OH HIGH) the firmament.

1:8  And Alohiym called the firmament Heaven.  And the evening and the morning was the second day.

{Again he was busy creating... and the mixed EREV / evening came and then it was night and then morning and that ended day 2.}

And YHUH said let the waters be gathered together under heaven, into one place, and let dry land appear... and it was so.

(This is the Mikvah / Baptism / cleansing of the land that got astonishingly confused in B’re’shiyt 1:2!)

And YHUH called the dry land Earth, and the gathered waters (YAM-MIYM = TO ROAR, SEA, WEST, MASS OF HUMANITY) and saw that it was good.


And Alohiym said, let the earth grass (= TAD’SHE’ = TO SPROUT TO INCREASE, BRING FORHT, GRASS) and the herb yielding seed(ZERA), and the fruit tree yielding fruit after after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth.  So it was.

And the earth bore vegetation (= deshe’) herb seeding seed after its kind and the tree producing fruit which is it in it after its kind and saw it was good.

And the erev (mixed, evening) and the morning (= boqer) the 3rd day. 

And Alohiym said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide between the day and between the night, and let them be for signs and for season = (UL’MO’DIM = appointments, betrothal, set feasts)   )=and for days and for years.

And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so.

And Alohiym made 2 great lights to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night; he made the stars also.

And Alohiym set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness God saw it was good.

(Now hear comes that “day” definition again!)
And the evening (MIXED) AND THE MORNING  were the 4th day.

So there was creation happening... and then it was evening... and then it was night and then it was morning when the next day begins.

And Alohiym said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and the fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

“And Alohiym created great whales (SEA MONSTERS), and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly , after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and God saw that it was good.”

“And Alohiym blessed the, saying.  Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth.”

Vay’y’varek (and blessed) = “and blessed”

“and multiply”  -ur’vu = multiply, increase, authority, much exceedingly plenteous

“And the evening and the morning day is the fifth (= armed, prepared, ready, fifth, five).”

Page 59 in Study guide talks about the #5.... what stands out to you??


And Alohiym said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

“cattle” = B’hemah = subordinate, cattle, beast

And Alohiym made the beast of the earth after its kind and cattle after their kind, and everything that crept upon the earth after its kind and Yah saw that it as good.

ha’damah = “of the ground” = adam, man, reddish, healthy, earth , ground , land.

The difference between the eretz (earth) and the adamah (also earth)  is that  the adamah refers directly to the land mass and dirt.

Eretz seems to generally speak of the planet and all that comes with it,   ADAMAH  did not come from the seas, trees rocks and other animals.

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