Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tekufah Calendar Teaching

Tekufah and the Biblical Calendar - Harbour Light Ministries

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Tequfa ...

Calendar - based on Matthew Nolan’s teaching

I have spent a long time studying and trying to understand/ figure out what day it is and when YHUH’s feasts are...

Recognizing that the Gregorian Calendar that we are stuck in  - in our society is pagan...

and also recognizing that the jewish calendar is also from the traditions of man....

= that both ends of the spectrum (because christians have no idea there is even an issue)... are messed up.

So knowing the call of YHUH....
Gilyahna (Rev) 18:4 p 924
“And I heard another voice from the shamayim, saying, “Come out of her, My people - Ami (nation) , that you be not partakers of her sins, so that you receive not of her plagues.”

Colossians 2:8 p 893
“Beware lest any man devour you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the elementary matters of the olam hazeh, and not after Moshiach.”

- wow - that verse is a sermon unto itself!

Matthew Nolan said:
Calendar people use it to hold people captive for “the love of wisdom”... “ I am so smart”... here’s 250 power points and 500 pages - see you in six months... you are my slave... I am the one full of wisdom”
He’s saying that it has been a big game... who is smarter than whom, etc.... and that not what is of love.

And then he said....
“I am looking at a room of believers that used to go to church on Sunday and used to run around looking for easter eggs and now you are sitting down at the Pesach and you are keeping Shabbat and you congregating at Sukkot .   Praise YHUH  but do you forget where you came from?"
Let’s be thrilled with how far we’ve come and that we are learning!
We are called to keep the feast with JOY - and not be arguing about when it is, etc... because the reality is - we won’t know for SURE what time it is - until the Mashiach returns!
But let’s do the best we can.... and maybe this is it...
at least what I know - is that this is the best we understand at the moment and as YHUH shows us more... we will continue to make changes and grow in HIM.
But the goal is to be FREE - rather than slaving under a mess of confusion...
Matthew said... “Be aware of the empty and endless mathematical timelines...  an object lesson in futility... 
it always ends up in lunar and solar philosophy ... futility.
we should be loving Yahusha and one another...and how do we do that - by showing up as a congregation...
is the calendar important?
but the most important thing is:
 leaving the pagan and getting more and more into the scriptural ...
... and THAT is coming “out of her (Babylon) my people...
no longer chasing eggs and erecting trees...
but doing Scriptural things in Scriptural ways.
He went on to say... and this is what I said earlier:
We shouldn’t be following the pope and the Gregorian...but we shouldn’t be following the Karrites either.
But you also have to watch out for the wolves in sheeps’ clothing that literally having you barking at the moon every month...

Lunar Shabbat:
The seven day weekly cycle was instituted before the creation of the Moon....
.... so how then can the Moon govern the weekly cycle if it was not yet made or illuminated four days after the week began?
Leviticus 23:4  p 98
“These are the moadim of YHUH, even miqra kedoshim (set apart gatherings) which you shall proclaim in their appointed times.”

If we back up and read 23:1-3
we see that this...
comes after the declaring of shabbat and it comes before the other moedim that are to be “proclaimed”.
This tells us that : “Shabbat is NOT a moed that is "proclaimed" according to the Moon.” =  (It is not about month!)
Matthew went on to say that:
It is a fixed 7 - day cycle that was given as an “OT” (sign - or mark) on all believers in YHUH throughout all generations by YHUH.”
This is what sets us apart!!!
 - Sh’mot (Exodus) 31:13-17 p 73
Ahh... okay... so we are good this far... but the MOON is what causes the problems and the conflicts....
Mathew said
“all Scriptural years must have 360 days”
(I don’t know how he knows this.. but i am not arguing.  At this point, I am going to take his word for this until we learn more!)
I did find that the ancient cultures of Egyptians, Maya and Babylonians all had a 360 day year.  It appears that this changed after the 8th century BCE.
I also found this:
“The Bible's Year: John wrote the Book of Revelation in about 95 A.D., a century and a half after the Julian calendar reform of 45 B.C. which adopted a 365-day calendar with modern leap years.

“However, in verses 11:2-3; 12:6, 12:14; and 13:5, John explicitly indicates a year of 360 days.”

Now let’s look at that a moment
How does John “explicitly indicate a year is 360 days? !!

Daniel 7:25 p 442
“And he shall speak proud words against the Most High, and shall wear out the kidushim (holy ones) of the Most High and intends to change the appointed times and Torot (feasts and instructions): and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.”

A time, and times and half a time

1 time = 360 days (1 year)
times = 2  - 360 days = 2 years
half a time = 180 days = half a year
total is 3.5 years or 1260 days

Now let’s go back to Gilyahna (Revelation) 11:2-3; 12:6, 12:14; and 13:5 p 917
11:3 And I will give power to My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days = 3.5 years
12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by YHUH, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred sixty days.  = 3.5 years. 
12:14 And to the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, where she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.  = 3.5 years
13:5 And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given to him to continue forty-two months.  =42months = 3.5 years
The problem or change seems to come in at King Hizqiyahu (Hezekiah) and the extra 4-5 days in the 360 day year....

Melechim Bet (2 Kings) 18-20 is the story of Hizqiyahu...
(Also Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 36-39, and 2 Chronicles 29-32)
Melechim Bet (2Kings) 20:1-11 p 289
Why is this a big deal??
Because (according to Matthew) - the sun and the moon used to be synchronized....
... and we know that King Hizqiyahu’s (Hezekiah) request messed this synchronization up when the shadow moved on the dial =  the sun and the moon were no longer synchronized, because only the sun moved!
We have to recognize this changed things!

Matthew went on to say...
We can’t be adding a13th month like the rabbis or all calendars will be off and the Feasts will be off every third year.
(The 11 day difference between the lunar and solar years must be reconciled yearly so the Feasts and YHWH’s fixed times to always start in the first month and not 30 days late every 3 years, or 7 times in 19 years like the rabbinical calendar.)
The Feasts of יהוה must be fixed by the 12 stations-windows of the sun and stars.  (I think this is from Enoch)
Since the moon is not in sync ... and because it has been used to define calendars... this is obviously a big part of the problem!
“The moon used to be in sync with the sun prior to the days of King Hezekiah and calculations just won’t work with required precision today.”
So we need to consider some things...
Why is the moon sick?
“Okay so...Here is ....
Why is the moon sick:
Why is the moon sick and not the sun if YHUH moved the sun, causing the shadow to move in King Hezekiah's day ??
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 38:1-9 - (verse 7) p 321
38:7 And this shall be an ot (sign) to you from YHUH, that YHUH will do this thing that He has spoken;”
“The sun has 6 portals of 30 days each, which the sun then passes through twice a year.
Rising in 6 in the east and setting in the same 6 in the west. Each portal-month is a PERFECT 30 days + we add the ‘4 season days’ as the year draws to a close before the Vernal Equinox.”

From Wikipedia,
An equinox is an astronomical event in which the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun,[2] which occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September.
On an equinox, day and night are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. They are not exactly equal, however, due to the angular size of the sun and atmospheric refraction.

To avoid this ambiguity, the word equilux is sometimes used to mean a day in which the durations of light and darkness are equal.[3][note 1] See Length of equinoctial day and night for further discussion.

The book of Enoch:
LXXII. The Sun.
1. The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heaven, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and unto eternity, till the new creation is
p. 96
accomplished which dureth till eternity. 2. And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heaven, and its setting in the western portals of the heaven.

3. And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals.


Matthew says...
“and this begins our calendaration
The sun gives us 12 perfect months or Chodashim-a transit through 12 [6 + 6] portals, the sun is healthy. (not saying worship the sun!! - we’ve all come out of that!)”

“In Hezikiah’s day - YHUH didn’t actually move the sun...or else the milky-way would have been destroyed and the planets would have been destroyed....”
          (Janet is not sure of this b/c not sure we know the shape of the earth....)
so... Matthew said:
“YHUH slowed the earth's orbit to cause a longer solar year, as well as to cause the shadow to go backwards.
The earth was moved back and then it slowed down in its orbit
causing the same cause and effect and the shadow that moved backwards...
This change of sun.... would cause problems with the moon making it go from 12 perfect months - to some months with 29 days  and some 30 days... 
Moon out of sync by 11 days a year; or 33 days every 3 years.
All that being said; the earth actually assists the moon in its sickbed, because without the earth's gravitational rescue; the moons actual lunation is 27 days, or 27 day months; that is not very reliable.”
People bring up this Psalm - so let’s look at it...
Psalm 89:37:
His zera shall endure le-olam-va-ed, and his kesay as
the sun before Me. 37 It shall be established le-olam-va-ed as the moon, is a faithful witness in the shamayim. Selah.
Matthew said
“Is it  really talking about the moon being the witness to the calendaration?? 
Let’s look at the context... because a text out of context begets error and error begets error!.....
  The moon is a faithful witness  but to what?
- to the handiwork of the Creator, (look at the context!!)  - giving-witness He’s the Grand Designer; that doesn't change; but that doesn’t mean the moon is a reliable time witness for establishing times and seasons.

2 Kings 20:9 -11 p 289
And Yeshayahu said, This ot shall you have of YHUH, that YHUH will do the thing that He has spoken: shall the shadow go forth-forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?
10 And Hizkiyahu answered, It would be easy for the shadow to go down- forward ten degrees: no, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. 11 And Yeshayahu the navi cried to YHUH: and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Achaz.
Isaiah 38:7 p 321
 And this shall be an ot to you from YHUH, that YHUH will do this thing that He has spoken; 8 See, I will again bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down on the sundial of Achaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial, by the same degrees that it had gone down
2 Chr. 32:24 p 672 In those days Hizqiyahu was sick, near to death, and made tefillah to YHUH and He spoke to him, and He gave him again an ot. (the shadow moving backwards)
“The Biblical calendar only allows for 12 months of 30 days each or 360 days.
Nowhere in Scripture is an allowance made for an added 13th month.”

Now let’s look at
Matthew said...
“New Months are to be celebrated on New Month Day, as the sun passes 30 degrees or 30 days in the heavens from point A to point B.”
“Not a new moon day because the moon has been sick and it has been unreliable ever since the days of King Hizqiyahu. It’s lunation no longer equals that of the sun. 
This is the game changer.”

“Many people think that “moon” and “month” is the same word - but it is not.”
Matthew goes on to day...
“In the Tanakh almost all references to “month” use the Hebrew word ‘Chodesh’, 
chodesh = a set of 30 days of time,
NOT the word ‘Yarayach,’ which is literally “The Moon.”
‘Yarayach’ is only used 26 times, all referring to the actual moon itself.
So we have to make the clear distinction:
Chodesh = - 30 days of time
Yarayach = literally the moon
do not confuse the 2 words!

“The Hebrew word ‘Chodesh’ is used over 256 times in the Tanakh
and always refers to aMONTH,
a solar month, not a moon of any type.
Moon is only used 26 times, not to refer to a time period, but the definite article.”
Now it gets really interesting...
The Hebrew word for New Moon = Yarayach, and
the Hebrew word for  Crescent Moon = saharon Yare’akh  (Saharon Yare'akh) are NOT the same!
The Crescent is NOT the New Moon, and the evidence of Crescent-Moon "worship" in the scriptures has a very disturbing history.
 It’s pre Islamic, AND it has infiltrated the Hebrew Roots from the mystery religions of Babylon just like Hanukah and Purim have!”
Babylonian and pre-islamic worship.
What  about :
Tehillim (Psalm) 104:19 p 533
          “He created the yarayach for moadim; the shemesh knows its going down.”

There are different kinds of appointed times and only the context can determine which time it appoints.
When Psalm 104:19 is read in context through verse 22 -  it speaks of the Moed of the night or darkness, as beasts in the forest look for prey in the Moadim, Seasons of night-darkness.
Ps. 104:19 He created the moon for moadim:  the sun knows its going down.
20 You make darkness, and it is night: in it all the beasts of the forest do creep.
21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their food from Al.
22 The sun rises, they gather themselves together, and lie down in their dens.
23 Man goes forth to his work and to his labor until the evening.
24 O YHUH, how manifold are Your works! In chochmah have You made them all: the earth is full of Your riches.
Psalm 104:21, is a continuation of that theme and then it shifts to verse 22 where the moadeem-appointed times of light are regulated by the sun.
This isn’t a reference to the moon itself regulating annual weekly Shabbats or annual feasts.
Matthew said -
this was a major error.... people were taking things out of context and then angry when I’d bring up the rest of the texts.... because they had just devoted 5 years of their lives to studying the “calendar” and I would mess it up with Scripture... IN CONTEXT!” 
“The moon is not reliable and because it is out of sync - we must rely on the sun!”
History of the lunar and solar year:
Enoch to Noach 364 day solar year and probably 364 day lunar year as well.
Noach to King Hezekiah= 360 days (Genesis 7:11-8:4).

360 day synchronized solar and lunar calendars are a sign of judgment, as they will return in the Great Tribulation.
King Hezekiah to the Great Tribulation = solar year 365 days, lunar year 354 days, = the moon is sick and won’t align the Feast and Festivals of יהוה in this age.
The Great Tribulation, the last 3 1/2 years of this age
          = The moon will be healed by being synchronized with the sun, both declaring 360 day years ( which Matthew said means “judgment”),
- so both or either(sun and moon) can be used for years (THEN), days, weekly Shabbats, and annual feasts. (Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation .)12:6
In the Millennial Kingdom both the solar and lunar year will have 364 or 365:
“In eternity Revelation chapter 21 and chapter 22 when the sun and moon are not needed; because when Messiah our Malki-Tzedik stands up to lead us at the fixed times, we’ll stand and follow Him and His light and His light alone!”

“Only during Babylonian captivity that the first visible sighting of the crescent moon...  which of course were the for-runners to the Sanhedrin...  but there is no evidence that this is how the Jews observed the New Moon  before the exile... the only ‘proof’ was the history recorded by the Pharisees...and we know the Pharisees are today’s orthodox jewish rabbis... why follow them?  = man’s dogma....”
Why Babylon?
Because the pre Islamic Babylonian moon-deity “Sin” (also BEL) was worshipped there, whose symbol is the crescent moon. Now that same deity comes with the more modern name of allah .  but it is the pre-islamic moon deity “SIN”.
The scriptural record of the crescent moon and those associated with it are negative!
(Genesis 35:4) "Before Yaakov went to Bethel to present himself before Yahweh he made all his people to hand over to him their "strange elohim" and ear-rings. (i.e., Crescent-shaped amulets), and he hid them under the oak which was in Schechem.”
It was worn by women (Isaiah 3:18),
 and by kings (Judges 8:21/26),
and tied to the necks of camels (Judges 8:21) to protect them from the Evil Eye. 
This is the worship of allah in the pre-islamic god “sin” the moon god.
Jericho = “Moon city”....
“People don’t realize that Mohammed went around and picked out one of the daily deities and he picked SIN.....and we will make this the supreme deity and named it allah... and then he told the Jews and they wouldn’t have any of it so - “off with their heads!!”...
“Mohammed - just picked out one of the daily deities...in Mecca - we will take monotheism...the one that was wondering around in Jericho..and the one that Scripture warns about from B’re’shiyt all the way forward.” 
The one that is in the war between the seed - serpent seed and seed of YHUH... between the one true alohiym and the created gods of this world...
and of course they want you to bark at the moon!
and these people are practicing Islam in its earliest forms and they could even be at risk at taking the mark of the beast or the mark of the beast as they get caught up in the pre-islamic origins of Islam...”

------- back to Scripture
Moshe, the Sphinx, the Pyramids, the Equinox and the dawn day start marker!
Acts 7:22 p 785
And Moshe was learned in all the chochmah (wisdom) of the Mitzrites, and was mighty in words and deeds.

The Sphinx is an equinoctial marker.
 The Sphinx faces East at the exact location where the Sun rises on the day of the vernal equinox (21 March). As the sun rises it illuminates its face.

The Great Pyramid is a giant sundial,
          with it’s shadow to the north and its reflected sunlight to the south.
This accurately marks both the solstices and equinoxes.
Two of its faces are orientated due east and west - the exact points of the rising and setting sun only on the spring and autumnominal equinox.
so the Mohammedans shot at the sphinx,  and tore up its face because it disrupts their moon gazing...
          and it is a marker of the Tekufah  - the turning of the year...Sphinx gaze set due east - targeting that exact position of sunrise at the beginning of the day...
The great pyramid of Geeza - shadows north...
-two faces are due east and west only on the spring and autumn equinox.... 
the faces are actually concave which give it 8 faces instead of four... and only from the air can you see this....
so when the limestone veneer casing was still on it - it would literally flash - warning of the coming and turning of the year and the day after the equonox - it would flash again in case you missed it!! 
 When the actual point of the Tekufah came - the flashing would have ceased... flashing would have been visible from miles away. 
Some astronomers believe it could be seen from the moon - if you could even get there through the Van Allen Radiation Belts ... but that is another topic itself. :)
when the sun reaches 60 Degrees altitude  from the great pyramaid- the tropical year begins and it ends when reaches 60 degrees in the fall...
and this is where we get the minute....  
and people don’t realize the accuracy of these two things the sphinix and the great pyramid.. .
.... that they are more accurate than the observatory in Greenwich... especially if you take into account the concave bases and limestone veneer that would have flashed!! 
There was no doubt that Moshe knew when Abib 1 was - the head of the year... no doubt... all laid out for him....
Scripturally solid, historically and architecturally  laid out for you
“and” - Matthew said  - “I haven’t given you a time line from creation forward... just look in your scripture and look at history and the architecture and draw your own conclusions and see if that sets you free from mans’ computations.”
  Literally vernal equinox is the last day of year..
The next day is day one of year...
There are 12 - 30 day months
and then the year finishes out the last 4-5 days  of the year and wait for the sign flashed all over Egypt (the day before the equinox)
and then is the vernal equinox and the next day is the new year...
“you are free - you are not a slave to me... its simple...”
The Equinox is the beginning of the year... the flashing announced it...
 Moshe was learned in this and he knew when the head of the year would be.. Moshe knew all of the knowledge of the Egyptians. - amazing how YHUH works!

MUST understand the difference between equinox and equilux....
Equinox or Equilux:
 equinox is not equal day and night, that’s equilux.
The equinox is a time when the center of sun can be observed directly above the earths equator.
It’s the equinox that is the scriptural sign for the beginning of the year.

Equinox in scripture is Tekufah. Tekufah is an exact yearly event.
(or is the equinox the day before the tekufah!??)
The equilux is not exact because it can last for longer periods of time on either side of the equinox.
The Tekufah:
The Tekufah is found in:
Ex 34.22 (the turn of the year),
 1 Sam. 1:20 (Hannah/Elkenah>Samuel prophecy) Elkenah was attending the Feast of Passover,
 Ps. 19:6 (the mazzoreth and the constellations),
2 Chr. 24:23 (the year end).
Matthew said
So I am looking at the calendar - based upon the testimony of Acts that Moshe knew everything about the wisdom of Egyptians , the history, the architecture in Cairo Egypt that testifies at the time of the equinox
and then i am looking at the Hebrew in scripture and i am seeing that this Hebrew word Tekufah connects us with the turning of the year...
and all of this is leading me to making an educated scriptural decision based upon this information
because I know that the moon is syc (out of sync) and i know that there can’t be a 13th month added
and I know that things changed in the days of Hezakiah
and I look at the testimony of Noach and i can see that there were 30 day months... and I can see that there were 12 months,
-  6+6 =12 portals
-  30 days per month for 360 days...
-  and the residual days are on the end of that 4-5 days ...
-  and I wait for the equinox and the next day is the beginning of the new year!
My Shabbats - 7th day weekly Shabbats ...they are from creation - They are not connected to the turning of the year b/c that is the sign from creation before we got into the moon or any of that.

Deut 16:1    p 150
The great Et-Ot, or sign of the year. (not barley sniffing!.. not abib green crops as the karites persist today!)
This great sign is for the entire year and all weekly and annual shabbats and it’s called the
‘turn of the year’ or the ‘Tekufah Ha Shanna’, Rosh Ha Shanna.
Deut 16:1 Shomer the month of Aviv-Ot (the great sign/Tekufah turn of the year)
in order to perform the Peach to YHUH your Elohim, for in the month (not moon) of the great Aviv-Ot, sign, your Elohim brought you out of Egypt-Mitzrayim by night.
Two seasons - biblically: summer and winter:
Gen 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and
winter, day and night, shall not cease.

Beware of the Ex 9:31 Eisegesis -
Ex. 9:31 Now the flax and the barley were struck (by hail - the 7th plague), for the barley was in the head (Aviv) and the flax was in the bud.
- this does NOT say that when the flax and barely are in head is the beginning of the year!
Tekufah - turn of the year - draw out - an Exegesis of the text! otherwise we are in trouble... Tekufah (understanding this) is drawing out - the exegesis of the text!
2 Sam 11:1 teshuwbah תשובה (tav-sheen-vav-bet-heh) a completion of a year.
why did the kings always go to war in the spring?... so the invading army had all the food to feed the army!
1 Ki. 20:22 The King of Syria would invade at the ‘turn of the year’ and steal the harvest.
1 Chr. 20:1 In the time of King David, Joab would take out a raiding party after the ‘equinox’,
‘turn of the year’ and plunder the harvest!

Identifying the Equinox:
      The ecliptic represents the suns apparent yearly path in from of the constellations of the Mazzaroth.
      The celestial equator is a circle drawn around the sky above the earth’s equator.
      The eliptic and celestial equator intersect at the spring equinox and autumnal equinox points.
      Calendar Guidelines:
      YHUH’s calendar is verifiable in the Flood narrative, and recorded by Moshe in 2550 years later still with 30 days months and 12 months in a year.
      When the yearly circuit increased, you simply add the extra days to the end of the 12 months until the Tekufah resets the year again! No longer are we beholden to men’s calendaration!  It’s that simple and that’s why people will hate this teaching! B/c they want to enslave you to their power points!
      12 months
      residual days
      vernal equinox is the last day of the year.
      next day is first day of the year
      You are not going to win anyone to Mashiach by fighting about this...
      The Feasts of יהוה all the way through into the 7th month remain unhampered with by men’s
      calculations and hands. No inter-calculated days, no nonsense.
      Just as Noach had 5 months all with 30 days, so YHUH’s calendar will have 30 days in a month.
      The equinox is the last day of the year - next dawning of the day is day one, month one of the new year.
      Main adjustments:
      No 31 days months - the added 5 1/4 days since King Hezekiah are counted at the end of the year before the equinox arrives, never interfering with YHWH’s Feasts and festivals.
      We don’t begin our Sabbath in alignment with Jerusalem; so I'm not up for beginning my year in alignment with Jerusalem anymore - local time from now on! when the equinox is at your local time - that is it.
      The day begins at dawn - not sunrise, light breaking forth is the beginning of time event, not the cresting of the sun over the horizon.
Ultimately when I look at scritpure , history, archelolgy and I see Moshe was learned in the wisdom of the Egyptians and we can now move forward with the Tekufah... the equinox and then start the new year.
      This has taken me 15 years to get unshackled of the endless conversations and discussions... and always someone body has a better calendar...  you can lay out 20 calendars and they all have scriptural substance... but the motives behind them are not pure... that is the key - you’ve got to have discernment - this message is not to enslave you to my dogma - i don’t claim to have it all right.. it is just we are doing what we understand...  I follow Mashiach and until he comes again we are doing this simple thing...get out of pagan and follow YHUH... the kingdom of Alohiym is not an exercise of the flesh - but righteousness peace and Joy...
questions and discussion....after teaching
We don’t know the year we are living in.
WE are not keeping the sabbatical year - we don’t know when it is.  we are in the exile... it doesn’t say do this in the exile...that is a land mitzvot.... 
there is a lot of new talk on youtube about this is the end of Jubilee year  and so there is a lot of presupposition - that the end is coming soon....
make a sundial with your kids
the equinox is the last day of the year and then
12 months with 30 days..
then the residual days (thanks to hezikiah)
and then in 4-5 days there is a vernal equinox and then the first day... and feasts and festivals aren’t messed up

the day starts at the dawn of the day...  look at creation.. light came and a day was...  read B’re’shiyt again...  (not at sunrise)... it is about LIGHT... the creation sign.

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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