Torah Parashah - Balak - B’midbar (Numbers)
22:2- 25:9 RSTNE p 124
Teaching - Giants #2 - “Judgment of the
Nephilim” by Ryan Pitterson
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“Judgment of the Nephilim” by Ryan Pitterson
(starting on p7)
“The Garden of Eden - YHUH and man ruling the
B’re’shiyt 1:28
p 9
“And Alohiym blessed them, and Alohiym said
to them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
So man was give charge over the Garden - to
take care of it and “protect” it.
He became the authority in a place where YHUH
Himself manifested His Presence.
B’re’shiyt 2:8
p 10
“And YHUH Alohiym planted a garden eastward
in Ayden; and there He put the man whom He had formed.”
B’re’shiyt 2:9
p 10
“And out of the ground YHUH Alohiym to grow
ever eytz (tree) that is pleasant to the sight, and tov for food; the eytz chayim (tree of life) also in the
midst of the garden, and the eytz of the da’at of tov and evil (tree of the
knowledge of good and evil).”
Remember the eytz chayim (the tree of life)
provided immortality!
“This was a supernatural place where the
divine and earthly realms intersected, and in this regard the Garden itself was
akin to the tabernacle or the temple. Even in the new Earth detailed in the
book of Revelation, YHUH once again “plants” His Holy dwelling:”
Gilyahna (Revelation) 21:1-3
p 926
1 “And I saw a NEW shamayim and a NEW olam
(earth): for the first shamayim and the first olam had passed away; and there
was no more sea.
2 And I Yochanan (John) saw the kadosh (holy)
city, the renewed Yahrushalayim, coming down from YHUH out of the shamayim,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a giant voice out of the
shamayim saying, See, the Mishkan of YHUH is with men, and He will dwell with
them, and they shall be His people and YHUH Himself shall be with them, and be
their Aloah (God).”
“And the New Jerusalem also contains the
‘tree of life’ just as the Garden of Eden did.”
Gilyahna (Revelation) 22:2
p 927
“In the midst of its street, on either side
of the river, there was an eytz chayim (tree of life), that bored twelve kinds
of fruits, and yielded their fruits every month: and the leaves of the eytzim
(trees) were for the health of the nations.”
“The Septuagint (Oldest existing version of
the Tanakh) refers to the Garden as “paradise,” which means “next to
“And the first human being was assigned
rulership over it.”
Now hear this...
“The Garden of Eden stood as a symbol of
man’s elevation over hasatan and his rebel angels.”
We will come back to this at some point...
let’s go on now....
Pitterson says....
“The Garden of Eden was the original temple
between YHUH and humanity, and “man” was the priest.
It was a portal between the heavenly and the
earthly realms.
When YHUH instructed Moshe on how to build
the tabernacle - the place where YHUH would manifest His presence before the
people of Yisra’el after the Exodus... He said...
Sh’mot (Exodus) 25:40
p 68
“See to it that you make them after their
pattern, which was shown you in the mount.”
We know YHUH gave him very specific
And please note that Adam has access to the
Tree of Life.
The Etz Chayim ( The Tree of Life) gave
humans eternal life - putting them on par with the angels.
The Messiah “pre-figured,” stated that if Adam continued to eat from the
tree of chayim, he would “live forever” (B’re’shiyt 3:22).
YHUH established a new race of beings to keep
His holy temple on Earth.
“What makes it even more perplexing was that
Adam was inferior to angels.
When speaking of the incarnation of Messiah
as a human being,
Hebrews 2:9
says... (P 814)
“ But we see Yahusha , who was made a little
lower than the heavenly malachim for the suffering of death, crowned with
tifereth and honor, because He tasted death for every man , apart from Aloah of
couse.”Him, for whom are all things - and by whom.”
So YHUH took this earthly, inferior creature
and appointed him as the steward of the temple of YHUH on earth.
This is confirmed in
Psalm 115:16
p 538
shamayim, are the shamayim of YHUH, but the earth has He given to the children
of men.”
“Marriage - foreshadow of YHUH’s plan to
conquer satan.
The first recorded words in human history
were about marriage. (Genesis
This should underscore the importance YHUH
places on marriage.
Each person established the principles of
marriage in which a man and his wife become echad (one flesh).
It’s a spiritual union in YHUH’s eyes.
In fact, until they were founded in sin. Eve did not have a name.
Both husband as wife were referred to as
Luke 20:34-36
Humans are mortal and so it is necessary to
keep the propagate the race.
YHUH created angels directly with immortal,
celestial bodies.
They are of heavenly origin and do not die
and are not permitted to marry.
This prohibition was a pivotal issue in the
war between YHUH and hasatan.
For now, suffice it to say that angels, who
observe and are very interested in the affairs of humanity, witnessed something
in the Garden of Eden they had never experienced themselves.
Through the angels did not know it at the
time, marriage had far greater spiritual purposes related to Yahusha and
eternal life in His Presence.
Ephesians 5:22-32 p 887
What we know is that marriage is a “mystery”.... that is the example of Messiah’s relationship
with the bride of Yisra’el.
“Marriage served as the blueprint for the
salvation of humanity from sin and eternal damnation...”
Marriage is also the metaphor of YHUH and the
“The first man was appointed the steward of
YHUH’s ancient temple and gives a wife to start the expansion of the human
Adam and Chaua were free to enjoy the
abundant fruit of every tree in the Garden except one: Yah forbade them to eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.
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