Friday, June 8, 2018

Warrior Arise

Torah:   B’midbar (Numbers) 1:1-4:20  - “B’midbar” p 105 RSTNE
Warrior Arise

Psalm 1:6 - teach me to walk in your ways

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Torah Parashah
B’midbar 1:1-4 p 105

So there is a discussion here that YHUH is telling Moshe to take a census

Who is counted?...

B’midbar 1:3
“From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go out to war in Yisra'el:  you and Aharon shall number them by their divisions.”

The warriors are the one’s counted.

In fact,
our RSTNE bibles say in the foot notes:
“In Yisra’el, YHUH counts only the warriors not the others.  He can count only on the warriors in the Spirit.”

Yet when I search “warrior” in Strongs... Only one verse comes up: Isaiah 9:5 

Yet when i turn to Mishle (Proverbs) 31  p 565

In verse 31:10
“Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price is far above rubies.”

“virtuous” - is Chet -yod - lamed  = chayil = VALOR

In verse 31:29
“Many daughters have done virtuously, but you have risen over them all.”

“virtuously” =  is really VALORY 

This Proverb is actually taking about a woman (an ESHET)
of Valor....

Eshet Chayil = woman of Valor, strength, ability, wealth, force - A WARRIOR.

But wait.... if we read this chapter...
Proverbs 31:10-31

But wait, no where in there does it describe this Eshet (woman) of Chayil (valor) - as doing anything like a war or battle!


What about
Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 6:11- 19 p 887

Well this sounds like a battle!  

Psalm 28:7 p 505


Ephsiyah 4: 13-32 p 886

Ephsiyah 5: is about not falling into carnality...

5:10  “learn to discern what is acceptable to YHUH.”

5:15 -20 p 886

Epheisans 6:12 p 887

Colossians 2:8 p 893

I Corinthians 14:1- 15 p 861

I Thessalonians 5:1-18 p 897

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12  p 898
and  2:1-17
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 p 870

2 Peter 3:17 b p 830
“... beforehand, beware lest you also, being led away with the delusion of Torah-less-ness, fall from your own steadfastness.”

 So who are we....?

1 Peter 2: 9 p 825
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a kadosh nation, and a peculiar people , that you should show forth the tehillot of Him who has called you out of a darkness into His marvelous Light:”

Hebrews 4:9 p 815
“There remains therefore a Shabbat-keeping duty to the people of Alohiym.”

Hebrews 2:11-13 p 814

But what else?
Nehemiah4:14 p 618

Tehillim (Psalms) p 497

paraphrased “Teach me to walk in your ways so I may be considered righteous in your eyes.”

9:1-3 p 498

11:1 “In YHUH I put my trust.”

12:1 Help me



and we could go on and on....  !!

Joshua 1:7-9 p 167

D’barim 6:4-9

Why are we warriors?
Why are we called in to battle??
How do we fight?

Warriors Arise


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