Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Who is Yahusha haMashiach?

Who is Yahusha haMashiach?
(Resource – Matthew Nolan Torah To the Tribes with some additions by Janet) 

Who is Yahusha ha Mashiach?  - Harbour Light Ministries

Who is Yahusha?

The biggest stumbling block of Judaism – is the deity of “Jesus” – the trinity –
Trinity comes from the Greek pantheon of gods.

How can Yahusha be the “bosom of YHUH”  and man, at the same time?

People might say to the Christian faith…

“You are telling me that Jesus is God, He died on a cross to save my sins, so therefore…  YHUH condones human sacrifice!”

Isn’t that what you are saying?
 What are you saying?
 Do you see?

Christians sing about “the god man” and this is pagan to the core.

So what is going on with the composition of Yahusha?

Did Yahusha inherit the kingdom of Alohim? Yes!

Qorintyah Alef (1 Corin) 15:50 p 863
Now this I say, Yisra’elite brothers, that flesh and dahm (blood) cannot inherit the malchut (Kingdom) of YHUH, neither does corruption inherit incorruption.”

Yahusha inherits the Kingdom – right?

Yes, the whole books is about  Yahusha inheriting the Kingdom of YHUH…

So here is one big question: Did Yahusha have flesh?

Yochanan Alef (I John) 4:2 p 833
“By this shall you know the Ruach of YHUH:  Every ruach that confesses that Yahusha ha Moshiach has come in the flesh is from YHUH.”

He who denies that Yahusha has come in the flesh – has/is the spirit of moshiach tachat  (anti-messiah).

Yes, Messiah had flesh. 

So the next question is….
  Where did His flesh come from?

Let’s start with this question…

How does the Bible define a human?

B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 2:7  p 10 = biblical definition of a human being.
“And YHUH Alohiym formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Chayim (life); and man became a living nephesh.”

We here at HLM also know that “being a HUMAN BEING means – acting according to YHUH’s path to life. Standing against chaos.”  (Skip Moen) 

So let’s talk about the flesh of Messiah and its origin.

His flesh wasn’t from the dust of the earth! 
Scripture defines a human being as being from the dust of the earth! 

Yochanan (John) 6:48 - 54  p 761  - “I am the lechem Chayim.”   (I am the bread of life.)

So think about this….
If Yahusha’s flesh came from the dust – He was teaching them cannibalism!

But that is simply not so.

His flesh comes from the heavens.

A human being is defined by his flesh coming from the dust.

Shaul says this is a sod – a deep mystery!

So before we go further, we have to talk about:

The Laws of Kilayim = the laws of mixing

D’barim (Deuteronomy 22:9-22  p 154
“You shall not sow your vineyard with different zera (seed):  lest the fruit of your zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard, be defiled and forfeited.  You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.  You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, as of wool and linen together.”

Let’s also go back to our B’re’shiyt study by Brad Scott

In B’re’shiyt 1:2 And the earth was(became) without form and void.  And darkness was upon the face of the deep. 

Without form = tohu
Vavohu  = and void = “shockingly confused!” – to confuse the elements,

Brad believes the idea of confusing the world - is things within the world.. the elements in the world are mixed up and confused because of the fall of hasatan!
……..and Yah is going to restore those things...

And in…

B’re’shiyt 1:5
“Vay’hiy-‘erev vay’hiy-boqer yom ‘echad.”
“And the evening and the morning were the day one.”

Vay’hiy - (again, as we had this before) means “was” or “became”

“and became…. the evening - ereb.”
evening always comes first.

        - ayin - resh - bet
        - root = arab = to MIX or mingle, evening, darkened, mingle, meddle, mix, “swarms of flies”

literal meaning of ‘arav = to mix or mingle… 

        (the going down of the sun… not quite light and not quite dark…. and this is what YHWH hates more than anything else - it is not pure darkness or pure light
darkness is a mixture of all colors…)

Yahshua said he hates lukewarm… he’d rather you be one way or the other… 
darkness is obvious wrong…but that is not what deceives man… it isn’t the pitch black darkness that deceives man - that is clear what that is….
but it is the area in between that is deceiving…
 part of one and part of another

Yah hates a mix … He hates for us to take something that is pagan, wrong, unrighteous and unholy and put God’s name on it.
such as the observance of Christmas and Easter etc that have their roots clearly in pagan rituals.

Yahusha’s flesh has no dust nature – He had no evil inclination.

Yahusha the Mar-Yah – the man from Alohiym.  (Mar-Yah is the Aramaic name for YHUH)  = His flesh, spirit and blood are from YHUH!

Is YHUH going to break His laws of Kilayim and sow his field with two diverse seeds?

The seeds of humanity and of YHUH/ Him, combined? This would be a HYBRID!
He will not violate His own Torah!
You shall not mix your garments of wool and linen.

Yahusha’s flesh had no dust nature. It had no evil inclination.
His flesh had no dust nature… thus no evil.

Yahusha – the Mar-Yah = “the man from Alohiym”
“Mar Yah” in Aramaic  = the man from Alohiym.

His flesh, spirit, and blood were from where?....
From YHUH!

Romiyah (Romans) 8:3  p 843
          For what the Torah could not do, because it was powerless regarding man’s weak flesh, YHUH sending His own Son, in the LIKENESS (emphasis added) of that same sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned man’s sinful flesh, by means of His own flesh. 

There’s a juxtaposition ( comparison of two different elements)  here between man’s flesh and YHUH’s manifest Son’s flesh!

The “likeness” – it doesn’t say “identical match”.
Nor does it say “the appearance of.”

He did have flesh, for sure and for certain, otherwise you have the spirit of mashiach tachat  anti-messiah.

We are defining where His flesh came from
John 6 – it comes from heaven

John 6:30-35 p760

Yahusha isn’t talking about the biblical definition of humanity flesh here.  – because that flesh from the dust.

Matthew Nolan goes on to say….
“He’s not talking about you being cannibals… He’s talking about you inheriting the kingdom of Alohiym!

--Because the dust nature does not inherit the kingdom of Alohiym.

Like we already read -
Qorintyah Alef (1 Corin) 15:50 p 863
Now this I say, Yisra’elite brothers, that flesh and dahm (blood) cannot inherit the malchut (Kingdom) of YHUH, neither does corruption inherit incorruption.”

This is crazy talk to most people in religion.

This will offend people  and it will be tripping all over the Christian trinity…
Which comes from the Greek pantheon of gods…
But it is.. 
(ice-water-steam  - you’ve heard those arguments right?
Try to talk about this with your children… they will think you are nuts… but after seminary we accept it.)

It’s right here…
I Corin 15:45 – 51 p 863

Again a juxtaposition
His flesh is from the heavens…

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of YHUH.

Matthew said….
Behold – It is like…
He is telling us now – “You won’t understand it for 200 years.. and  in fact it will be hard when it comes – because you are so bogged down with this crazy thing called  - a trinity- you know, the stumbling block to the Jew… clear this up very succinctly by going to the Scripture to show you how Yahusha can in fact be the very bosom of YHUH – the deity, yet also
It’s going to be difficult to find Truth because everyone is going to be confused, because you aren’t going to scripture to find truth. You are going to theological seminaries and regurgitating what your forefathers have told you.”

Wither you are an Orthodox Jew or Christian… but if you just go to the Word – we will find the truth is in the Word of YHUH.

Yahusha has no dual nature. 
He is not part God and part man

There is no mixing of seed -  that would violate the laws of Kiliean.

There is no dual nature.

And then Matthew said…“There is no human sacrifice!”

You cannot say Yahusha was man … 100% man AND that he was 100% God and that He was nailed on a cross.

Firstly, your mathematics are abysmal.
Math-wise - He can be 97% God and 3% man, but he can’t be 100% and 100%

Philippians 2:7  

Yahusha - in the likeness of men

Colossians 1:15

Yahusha is the image of the invisible Alohiym, the Bachor of all creation:

The Jew would take issue with that – YHUH has no image or from… why do you see the anthropomorphism.. the right arm of Yah, hands and face, he is eating, and a face.. so this isn’t foreign to the Jewish audience of the 1st century

Colossians 2:9 

He dwells fullness as deity in bodily form.

Philippians 3:21

Our lowly body will be transformed into His glorious body.

The dust body will be transformed into the heavenly body.

How do you think Yahusha was able to transfigure?!

2 Corinthians 5:2 

We’re to desire to be clothed in our habitation from heaven which is a body made in heaven.

Matthew 16:12 

From heaven… flesh and blood did not reveal this.
After He died and rose…
No rigamortis had set in

Psalm 16:10 / after 3 days

Acts 13:36

(Lazarus in grave for  4 days and he stinks).

Yet messiah is in grave and his body sees no corruption – why?  Because his body is from heaven.

(He didn’t look human after the beating BEFORE the tree – so he must have healed up!)

Tehillim (Psalms) 49:7 p 512
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to Alohiym a ransom for him.

“No man can redeem his brother” 
Nowhere in Word does it say Yahusha has to be dust – human to redeem mankind!   But that is what we have “known” growing up in Christianity.

Alas -
 That’s classical Greek thought straight from the Greek Pantheon!  

Jews would say – you are telling me a man can die on a tree and redeem you?

Yet the Tanakh says – NO MAN CAN REDEEM HIS BROTHER!

He is not from humanity/the dust – his flesh is from the heavens and he can do the work of the master creator.. because he himself is the master creator.

Psalm 49:7
No where in scripture does it say he has to be of dust. Or had to be human so he can redeem humankind…
But we believe it – it is rhetoric…
“He had to be the same composition as us so he could redeem us” – but it doesn’t stay that.

Matthew goes on to say -
This faith that we are in is huge paradigm shifts
Like big blocks… of Hebrew logic…
And we are standing back and questioning these big paradigms that are then the key to unlocking huge segments of scripture.

That is what it is….

Questioning the huge paradigms that are then key to unlocking the scripture and your slavery.

-We do it with the scripture and we do it with the globalism as well.

B’midbar (Numbers) 23:19  p 126
“Al is not a man, that He should lie, neither a ben-adam, that He should repent:  has He said, and shall He not do it?  Or, has He spoken, and shall He not make it tov?”

Alohiym is not a human being,
that He should lie, or a mortal, that He should change His mind.  (the issue is not composition of YHUH but the character of YHUH as true fulfiller of promises.)

(The orthodox Jew always goes to this.  In actuality – they take it out of context to say what they are going to say….)

Because if we look at the context … the issue isn’t the composition of YHUH, but the character of YHUH as the true fulfiller of promises- that he isn’t going to lie.

But Orthodox Judaism rips it out of the context and says – see Alohiym is not a human being.  And it is paraded and trumped before many as a verse..  but we’ve now cleared it up because we have seen through Scripture that His flesh doesn’t come from the dust, so in fact, by the Biblical term  - he is not a human being!
But we aren’t denying his flesh because that is the spirit of anti messiah…

But we are understanding the biblical distinction, because we have a hope that we are going to be raised from this death and this dust and that we are actually going to have the same composition as Messiah.  That is the goal!

The goal isn’t that we are going to have earthly flesh that is going to be incorruptible.

 The goal is that we are going to transcend this earthly temple into the heavenly temple through the Master of the Melchizedek Order and priesthood.

So  he had to come ultimately in the composition from heaven because that is the goal – to get us from the dust into the heavenly!

Mattityahu 4:1 p 678
Then was Yahusha led up by the Ruach into the wilderness to be tempted by ha satan.

Matthew said….
Hang on a minute… so now the King Jimmy is telling you that the messiah was tempted. 

See the double talk?
Christian doctrine will say  yes Yahusha is God, but He was tempted in the wilderness… right? 

So Yahusha is God, he is deity and he was tempted in the wilderness?

And people say…. “Yes.  Yes he was.”

Okay….now look at: James 1:13  and we will find a contradiction…

Yaakob (James) 1:13  p 810
 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted by YHUH for YHUH cannot be tempted with evil, neither does He tempt any man.

Well which is it??

Do you see the conundrum we are in??

Don’t attribute the works of satan to YHUH!

Is Yahusha YHUH in the flesh? Yes!

Yahusha is YHUH in the flesh.

But where is His flesh from?

Sh’mot /Exodus 24:10-11 p 66
“And they saw the Alohiym of Yisra’el: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of the shamayim in His clearness.
11And upon the nobles of the children of Yisra’el He laid not His hand:  also they saw Alohiym, and did eat and drink.”

The very last verses in the Book of the Covenant
– the very last verse of the B of C. and we are going to find the very composition of the Messiah – at the end of the B of C…

It is sure hard to see….

What do we find?....

Sh’mot 24:10 – the phrase  , and as it were the body
 Is Strong’s H6106 = ETSEM  (ayeen, tzaydi, mem (sofit) = The very bone of heaven!

Sh’mot 24:10 = Yahusha is the very bone (etsem = ayeen, tzaydi, mem (sofit) –  =  the very BONE of heaven.
-     From heaven at the Malki Tzedik confirmation meal!

Bone – that is where –(what is)- made?
= Bone marrow makes the blood in the bone…
 Yahusha is the very blood  of heaven - at the Melchi tzedek confirmation meal!

This is HUGE.. don’t let it just go by you.  Selah on this!

The ETSEM = the Bone of Heaven… His very substance right here.

Proverbs 8:23  p 553
“I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, before the earth was”

  Yahusha was not established in human flesh.  He was established from everlasting before there was ever dust of the earth!


Yahusha is 100% YHUH  and 0% man.

-     Cloaked in humanity, yet not from humanity’s origins = dust.

   He is the flesh and bone from heaven which enables Him to transfigure our flesh and set us down at the Malki-Tzedek confirmation meal – the wedding supper of the Lamb. 
To eat his flesh and drink His blood – the bone (etsem) of heaven just as in Exodus 24:10-11 Melchi-Tzedek confirmation meal.
ETSM…. A translation blunder…
Foundational principal for understanding the make-up of Messiah and comes from the past all the way to now…

Yahuah hates mixed.  He would not have made a hybrid.

There wasn’t a human sacrifice. A man can’t save another man. 

He was flesh all right – but he was the ETSEM of heaven…
Not of dust.

Sh’ma Yisra’el.

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