Friday, February 15, 2019

On Love and Ahaba - The Real Name of the Messiah

Torah Parashah – Yitro  
Sh’mot (Exodus) 18:1 - 20:23  p 62
LOVE  - AHABA  (ahava -if you use V’s in Hebrew which early does not)

What the Messiah's real name is and why it's not Yeshua or Jesus - Harbour Light Ministries

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Torah Parashah:

Starts with Yitro the priest of Midyan, Moshe’s father in law  showing up….
And he sees what Moshe is doing – meeting with the people all day… and he says – YOU can’t keep doing all of this!
            (There is a whole teaching!! J )

Let’s look at
Sh’mot 20:7 p 63
You shall not bring the Name of YHUH your Alohim to vain emptiness:  for YHUH will not hold him guiltless that brings His Name to vain emptiness. 

We know what we were all taught this means not swearing…

“Vain emptiness” - 
“vain” =  interestingly enough – in Strong’s  “vain”  H7723

The KJV translates Strong's H7723 in the following manner: vain (22x), vanity (22x), false (5x), lying (2x), falsely (1x), lies (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
I.                    emptiness, vanity, falsehood
A.              emptiness, nothingness, vanity
B.              emptiness of speech, lying
C.              worthlessness (of conduct)

Shin= Sharp, press, eat, two ,destroy, again/  teeth
Waw = add, secure hook, join, pierce/ tent peg
Aleph = strong, power, leader, yoke, thousand / ox

That word “VAIN” is SHUA in Hebrew

Shua = shin waw aleph.   And it means “to bring to nothing”!!

This is one big reason why YESHUA  -- CAN NOT be Messiah’s name!

Let’s switch gears for a bit….

“GMOs are now officially referred to as “Bioengineered” foods. This is a term with which the general public is completely unfamiliar, and a transparent attempt to rebrand GMOs to avoid detection. Not only does this introduce new vernacular to consumers, it allows regulatory bodies to more strictly define the products subject to the new labeling requirements. According to the FDA, “The Standard defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature.
But the new rules are a joke.

This is what the new GMO labels will look like.

The new label for bioengineered foods (GMOs) is biased and misleading. The Department of Agriculture defined the purpose of the new labels this way: “This rule is intended to provide a mandatory uniform national standard for disclosure of information to consumers about the BE status of foods.
Agricultural lobbyists pushed for the acronym “BE” on the labels, but even the USDA knew that this would confuse consumers. Instead, they settled on a logo that features the word “bioengineered” twice. According to the official decision, “This will improve the understanding of the symbol, as many comments explained that they did not understand what the acronym “BE” stood for. Symbols were designed to communicate the bioengineered status of a food in a way that would not disparage biotechnology or suggest BE food is more or less safe than non-BE food.
And that’s fantastic. But the new symbol is still incredibly deceptive. Featuring farmland, a healthy plant, and a sun, the new symbol for GMOs bioengineered ingredients is inherently biased. This symbol is deceivingly natural, implying that the product is natural and healthy. These products are exactly the opposite!

The Definition:

Perhaps the most disturbing part of the new GMO labels is the definition of GMOs put forth by the USDA. The majority of GMOs aren’t whole foods. They are processed foods derived from GMOs like soy, canola, and corn. These are highly refined products, and DNA tests may not demonstrate their GMO content. Although many products are derived from these biologically engineered ingredients, they are not required to meet labeling requirements.
There’s also an exception for “inadvertent or technically unavoidable” GMO content. Up to 5% of the product can be genetically modified without requiring a label. Consumers deserve to know if there food has been “bioengineered,” and yet there is a loophole allowing manufacturers to market GMO products without disclosure. The GMO contamination threshold in the European Union is 0.9%, a mark that would have been in line with international standards.
Even worse, the definition of bioengineered foods excludes many of the cutting-edge practices that are just recently emerging. For example, CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) is an emerging process that involves altering the DNA of organisms. RNAi (Ribonucleic Acid Interface) is another technology that alters the genetic makeup of an organism to achieve a desired result. None of the new technologies used to create GMOs are included in the definition provided by the Department of Agriculture. These cutting-edge methods, likely the future of GMOs bioengineered foods, are exempt from the new rule.”
End of announcement
Prophecy News Watch article last week:

Should we be teaching young boys to reject traditional masculinity?  According to the American Psychological Association, that is precisely what we should be doing.  In this day and age, "traditional masculinity" has been renamed "toxic masculinity", and an all-out attempt is being made to eradicate traditional forms of male behavior from our society.  

Gilette has released a new ad that is getting a tremendous amount of buzz ad entitled "We Believe: The Best Men Can Be", and within the first few seconds the term "toxic masculinity" is used.  This is a deeply, deeply offensive term, and it has no place in our society. 
In other words, they want men to become weak, feminine under-achievers that never take risks and never go on adventures.

And to a significant degree, the elite have already made quite a bit of progress in removing traditional masculinity from our society.  Today, millions upon millions of American men feel lost, defeated and beaten down.  And even the APA's official article about these new guidelines acknowledges  that we have a very real crisis on our hands...

But something is amiss for men as well. Men commit 90 percent of homicides in the United States and represent 77 percent of homicide victims. They're the demographic group most at risk of being victimized by violent crime. They are 3.5 times more likely than women to die by suicide, and their life expectancy is 4.9 years shorter than women's. Boys are far more likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder than girls, and they face harsher punishments in school--especially boys of color.

But instead of embracing masculinity, the solution that the American Psychological Association is pushing is to try to eradicate it altogether.

They openly admit that they are trying to "change" the culture, and they argue that traditional masculinity had been hindering our society "by conferring benefits to men and by trapping them in narrow roles"...

I want you to think about what LOVE is to you.
What things say “I love you” to you?
            Make a list…
I had a client recently who was working through lies he believed… and he would stop… and tears would come…
“what are you thinking? I asked…. 
“I didn’t know He loves me so much.”
Do you know that place?
Torah talks about love 311 times.
Tzephanyah 3:17 p 478
“YHUH your Alohim in the midst of you is mighty; He will save, He will gilah (rejoice) over you with Simcha (joy); He will rest in His ahabah (love) for you, He will Simcha (joy, happiness) over you with shirim (song).
LOVE = Ahabah = Strong’s H160
I.                    love
A.              human love for human object
i.                    of man toward man
ii.                    of man toward himself
iii.                    between man and woman
iv.                    sexual desire
II.                    God's love to His people
אַהֲבָה ʼahăbâh, a-hab-aw; feminine of H158 and meaning the same:—love.

Yochanan Aleph 4:8 p 833
“He who does not have ahaba does not know YHUH, for YHUH is Ahaba.”
(Love = this is agapao in Strong’s)
Mattityahu 5:43 p 681
“You have heard that it has been said;  You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy..
(Love = this is agapao in Strong’s)
Yochanan (John) 3:16 p 756
“For YHUH so loved the olam hazeh (this world), that He gave His only brought forth Son, that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have everlasting Chayim (life).”
LOVE = Agape / AGAPAO = Strong’s G25
I.                     = of persons
A.              to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly
II.                    of things
 .                 to be well pleased, to be contented at or with a thing

Defined as “Divine Love”
Mattityahu 6:5 p 681
“And when you make tefillah (pray), you shall not be as the hypocrites are:  for they LOVE to petition standing in the synagogues…”
Love = Phileo =  Strong’s G5368
I.                    to love
A.              to approve of
B.              to like
C.              sanction
D.              to treat affectionately or kindly, to welcome, befriend
II.                    to show signs of love
 .                 to kiss
III.                    to be fond of doing
 .                 be wont, use to do

Defined as deep level emotional love – not romantic.
Qorintyah Alef (1st Corinthians 13:1-14:1 p 860
Yochanan Alef   (I John) 3:4-19 p 832
{3:16 – By this we know love (Ahaba)… because He laid down His Chayim (life) for us…}
Yochanan Alef 4:7- 5:5  p 833
Mattityahu 7 p 682
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 31:3-4 p 372
Mattityahu 22:37-40 p 697
He loves us so much… that YHUH won’t let sin come in between His people and Himself and He comes down and dies and rises …  to take the sin- separation away… and sets us free to love Him!
Scripture gives us many ways/pictures of His love:
“circumcision of the heart”  Deuteronomy 30:6
YHUH’s writing His laws on our hearts   Jeremiah 31:33
YHUH’s substituting a heart of flesh for a heart of stone   Ezekiel 11:19
Yochanan 3:3 p 756   and 1 John 5:1-2 p
being born again…
           Teshuvah – Col 3:1-4 p 893
            Moving out of darkness into light    I John 2:9-10 p 831
Yochanan (John) 15:12-23 p 771
Galutyah (Galatians) 5:22-23 p 881
“But the fruit of the Ruach Hakodesh is ahaba, Simcha, shalom, patience, chesed, rachamim, trust worthiness,
23 Gentleness, self-control: there is no true Torah that is again this kind of tob fruit.”
So – what kind of fruit do we have in our lives?
It seems to me the fruit /the PRODUCE  is the evidence that I am truly walking in YHUH’s love.
So what is AHABA – LOVE – when I sit and be quiet?
What is love when I consider deeply what YHUH has done for me through Yahusha…?  
Can I see the fruit of this in my life?
Sh’ma Yisra’el

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