Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Torah Parasha Va'era - 34th B're'shiyt Teaching - January 17

34 B’re’shiyt teaching  ~~  Jan 17




17 Jan 2015 ~ 26 Tevet 5775
Torah - Va’era (I appeared)  Sh’mot (Exodus) 6:2-9:35

34 B’re’shiyt teaching from Brad Scott’s work
-  finishing -B’re’shiyt 1:10

Shemot 3:14 - Harbour Light Ministries

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34 B’re’shiyt teaching from Brad Scott’s work
B’re’shiyt 1:10

Let’s start with Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt teaching...
we have made it to

B’re’shiyt 1:10
p 36 of study guide

“Vay-yiq’ra’ Elohiym lay-yab-basha ‘eretz ul’miq’veh  ham-mayim qara’ yammiym vay-yar’ Elohiym kiy-tov.”

“And Elohiym called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas: and Elohiym saw that it was good.”


Vay-yiq’ra = And called

Elohiym = God, powerful one

lay-yab-basha = Dry land

‘eretz =  earth (1:1)

ul’miq’veh = gathering together the miq’veh

ham-mayim = the waters

qara = to call, to name, to meet, to invite (1:5)

The one new word in this verse =

        root = YOM = to roar, to make a loud noise. 
                (ocean makes a loud roar)
        = yod mem

        Yom is translated primarily as 2 words:
                1. Sea
                2. West

        = mass of humanity
        -the Mashiach is to come from the mass of humanity

Waters will settle into their places and fulfill two opposing functions.
The same waters that cleanse or purify will also destroy.
-     Waters at the “Red Sea”, i.e. saved the Hebrews but destroyed the Egyptians.
                        I Corinthians 10:1-2 p 788
                        “people” = mass of humanity = YOM
                        Y’shaYahu (Isaiah) 57:20 p 340  and 60:5 p 342
                                “mass of humanity”
                        Hitgalut (Revelation) 13:1 p 919
                        “And i stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns....”
                        Hitgalut 21:1 p 926
                                “And i saw a renewed shamayim and a renewed olam; for the first shamayim an the first olam had passed away; and there was no more sea.”
                                - fountains of living (moving) waters
                        The point according to Brad is....
                        If you reject the Waters / the Word = it will destroy you.
                        If you receive the Waters / the Word = they will save you.
                        - The same waters that saved Isra’el - killed Egyptians.
                        If you accept Y’shua, He will redeem you.
                        If you reject Him, you will be destroyed.
                        The REJECTION of the method of deliverance is what destroys you... not your sins... but the rejection of the method of deliverance!
                        Yom is also translated as
                        west - and it is very seldom used favorably... 
                        This is the direction of all religions not of Bible.
                                Bible is the east (although not asian)
                                The “west” is christianity and various religions that have strayed from the Word of YHWH.
        As we know, much of what is taught in them is not of the Word. 
                        B’midbar (Numbers) 34:6 p 135 - Ephraim is the camp of the west
                        east to the right - direction Mashiach of Mashiach

                = the ancient of days (Micah 5:2) - came from the east...

The word translated as “Wise men” - was RABBIs.
They were rabbis that came - not Zoroastrians.... 

“Old” and “ancient” = refer to the EAST.

Acts 7 Grecians were hellenists.. jewish by birth but had greek thinking patterns.

Greek thinking is not about people from Greece....
when we talk about the West and Greek thinking - we are talking about a way that is contrary to the Bible/Torah/ Jerusalem.

The church has strayed from Jerusalem!

YHWH is drawing his people back to the EAST - to Jerusalem.

WEST = Yom = translated as SEAS.

“Seas” = generally from this point forward refers to the mass of humanity who has strayed away from the east,

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah)  6:16 p 354
        “This says YHWH, Stand in the derech (way or road or path) , and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the tov (good) derech, and have your walk in it, and you shall find rest for your beings.  But they said [ those of the west ] , We will not walk in it.”

Brad says...
“That’s the difference between those who claim to be following the ways of YHWH and those who really are.  The one that says i want to go back to your ways and not what church tradition teaches.  I want to know what the truth is.”

No coincidence that the same word that is translated as west - is seas.

When the Messiah comes, he comes from the east.

There is a great gulf between that which is east and that which is west
and we have to decide what path we take.

review of the rest of the words in B’re’shiyt 1:10:

vay-yar = and saw
Elohiym =  God
Kiy Tov = that it was good

= YHWH saw what He did here was Tov (good) here...in day 3.

We haven’t met for awhile... and so we have missed the last few Torah teachings.
I  hope you are reading/studying.

Let’s turn back to last week’s Parashah...

There’s something I learned from Matthew Nolan that we can’t miss....

Sh’mot (Exodus) 3:12-14 p 50
        12 And he said, Certainly I will be with and this shall be an OT to you that i have sent you:  When you have brought forth the people out of MITZRAYIM, you shall serve Elohim upon this mountain.
        [ The sign of following the ONE TRUE ELOHIM is leaving Mitzrayim and keeping Torah!]
        13  And MOSHE said to ELOHIMSee when I come to the children of Yisrael and shall say to them, The ELOHIM of your AHVOT has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, What is His Name?, what shall I say  to them?
        14 And the Word of ELOHIM said to MOSHE, EYEH AHSER EYEH  {I am/will be what I am/will be. CJB}  { I AM = KJ}  has sent me to you.
Now let’s go to
Yochanan (John) 8:58-59 p 764
        58 Y’shua said to them, Amein, Amein, I say to you, before Avraham was I AM.  59  Then they took up stones to cast at Him; but Y’shua hid Himself, and went out of the Beit HAMIKDASH, going through the midst of them, and so went away.

Matthew Nolan pointed out that this was YHWH’s signature...  “I AM”....
and he says.. “Y’shua signs His name, the name from Sh’mot 3:14 ...
... that is why they took up stones from the old altar from the time of the Maccabbees to stone Him.... He just gave the signature of “HA SHEM”.
Is YHWH’s name really - “ I AM “   .... as many of us were taught?
Like Matthew Nolan - this never made sense to me!!
The Hebrew word there is AEIE or  aleph-hey-vav-hey.
Matthew says :  The Hebrew is ANOKHI or ANI
So if that is the case, they why the “EYEH ASHER EYEH” ??
B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 15:7 p 18 And He said to him, I AM YHWH that brought you out of Ur of the  Chaldees.
B’re’shiyt 28:13  p 28 And see, YHWH stood above it, and said I AM YHWH ELOHIM of AVRAHAM your ABBA.
Shoftim (Judges) 6:10 p 190 And I said to you, I AM YHWH your Elohim; fear not the Elohim of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but you have not obeyed my voice.
These verses don’t just say “ANI” ( I AM) - they say “ANI YHWH”
So then the text of Sh’mot 3:14 read:
         “ And the Word of Elohim said to Moshe, EH-Yah Asher Eh-Yah, (He that was YAH is still YAH) and He spoke this to the sons of Isra’el.  This is by the leading of YAH, the One He is sending forth among you.” 
-                            The ALEPH HEH-YOD-HEH = the plurality of Divinity...
=  The signature of YHWH.
Sh’mot 3:15 p 50   “And Elohim said moreover to Moshe, This shall you say to the children of Yisrael, YHWH Elohim of your ahvot (fathers), the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Yaakov has sent me to you.  This is My Name LE-OLAMVA-ED, and this is My memorial to all generations.”
So it isn’t true that YHWH said his name was “I AM”... what he said was “I AM YHWH”  !!!  :)
Torah - Va’era (I appeared) 

Sh’mot (Exodus) 6:2-9:35 p 52
YHWH gives Moshe instructions to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Hebrews go into the desert to worship YHWH.

Pharaoh as we know, denies them... and so the plagues come.

and our text  says “And the lev (heart) of Pharaoh was hardened.”
Sh’mot 9:7 - and multiple times...

and i always wondered about this being fair....  Did YHWH just give Pharaoh no choices?? - as in YAH MADE him be like that??  I did not understand. 

But, like so many times... when we go to Hebrew.... we find out.

 Rabbi Foreman teaches on this  -  he says there are two Hebrew terms used - two words each

1.   kaph yod bet vav dalet       hey lamed bet 
       This word means “hardened” or “heavy”

       = Stubbornness  = NEGATIVE

2.    chet yod zayin vav qof     hey lamed bet 
       This word means strengthen /strong

       = Courage  = POSITIVE

Rabbi Foreman goes on to talk about how throughout this story - one or the other is used

And the courage word - is saying that YHWH is saying... not i am going to give you courage to defy me...  but I am going to give you the courage to see your vision and your dream and make your own decision....  i will not make you do what i is right and good...
just like YHWH doesn’t make any of us make the right decision/s.

So in his teaching Rabbi Foreman invited each of us to go through the story and figure out when each of these words are used.... When is Pharaoh’s heart being heavy or stubborn and when is Pharaoh’s heart being strengthened or made strong and of courage?


Let’s shift gears...

2 Corinthians 5:7 RSTNE p 867
        “For we have our halacha by emunah, not by sight.”
We traditionally know this as:
 “ We walk by faith, not by sight.”

This past week... in the Washington Post - there was an article about a fire in the metro (train) ... and people stayed on the train that was burning... heat and smoke filling the cars...  one lady died.
They were told to stay on the train... depending what you read 40 some or 50 some people were taken to the ER for smoke inhalation etc...Only one died.

Are you kidding me??
They stayed on the BURNING train... because someone TOLD them to stay on and keep breathing poisonous fumes.... and so they did!!  ?? !!

Talk about blind sheep.

I am seeing more and more blindness around me....

and that said.. part of my job is to prepare you to LIVE in these days that we are in.
You’ve got to know the TRUTH... 

So i want to show you a video.



Some of us have been reading Thomas Horn... so these things were not so surprising. 
While others of us... have had no idea of these things....

but you need to understand what is out there and what is coming...
because you MUST be able stand.... and not run after the things of antiMessiah....

and the Word says that many will be deceived.

We have to have some idea of what is coming down the pike... so that we are not surprised and that we make the righteous decisions.

But we always have to go back to:

2 Corinthians 5:7 RSTNE p 867
        “For we have our halacha by emunah, not by sight.”

-“ We walk by faith, not by sight.”

We have got to know the Word.  We have got to know what YHWH says... so that it is clear to us when things are of him and when they are not.

I show this to you  - not to focus on the enemy but i believe we need to have an idea of what is possible... so we don’t take off following the junk.  Imagine if you never knew they could make holograms in the sky ....  we’d be like.. oh my... and take a couple steps toward it...
Well we need to know what is possible....so we don’t take steps toward it...

The Word says...

Romans 14:11 “For it is written, As i live, says the Master YHWH, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to the Master YHWH.”

Philippians 2:10-11 “That at The Name of Y’shua every knee should bow, of things in the shamayim, and things on earth, and things under the earth; 11 and that every tongue should confess that Y’shua haMoshiach is The Master YHWH, to the tifereth (glory) of Eloha (God) His Abba (Father).

Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:
24:11-12  “And many false neviim (prophets) shall rise and shall deceive many. 12 And because Torah-less-ness shall abound, the ahava (love) of many shall grow cold.”

24:4-5  “And Y’shua answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you.  5 For many shall come in My Name, saying, I am the Moshiach (Messiah) and shall deceive many.”

24: 23-24 “Then if any m an says to you, See here is the Moshiach, or There He is; believe it not.  24  For there shall arise false Moshiachs (Messiahs), and false neviim (prophets) and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it became possible, they shall deceive the very elect and chosen.”

We can not be blind sheep. 

We are at a threshold of opportunity... we can put it off and wait and “study later”...  or we can dig in now and learn His Word.... 
Just like no runner who won - ever said - “I paid too much to be here”....  I promise you... you will never say... “I studied the Word too much!”  !!
I sure don’t want the time to come ... perhaps even things we watched in this video today... and us be saying...  “I should have studied more.”

We MUST be in the WORD so we know the Truth so we can be FREE.


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