Friday, April 24, 2015

42nd B're'shiyt Teaching - Be and Do - April 11

42 B’re’shiyt 1:16 - BE and DO

11 April 2015  ~  22 Abib 5772
42 B’re’shiyt 1:16 continued
Torah Parashah -Haftarah - Schmuel Bet (2 Samuel) 22:1-51 p 244

2 Samuel 22:29 - Harbour Light Ministries
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42 B’re’shiyt teaching from Brad Scott’s B’reshiyt teachings.  (Used with permission.)

p 48 in study guide

B’re’shiyt 1:16
          “Vay-ya’as  Elohiym  ‘et-sh’ney ham-me’orot  hag-ge’doliym  ‘et-ham-ma’or  haggadol le’meme’shelet  hay-yom  ve’et  ham-ma’or  haq-qaton  le’meme’shelet  hal-laye’lah  ve’et  hak-kokaviym.”

“And YHWH made two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars (cochavim) also.”

          “And Elohiym made two great lights; the greater light to rule the yom(day), and the lesser light to rule the night: therefor namely the cochavim(stars).”

Review from last week :


ha= the
GE’DOLIYM = the great
          root - GADOL - to increase or expand to be great, magnify, high

          translated in Scripture = to be great, to maginfiy, to be high.
Lamimshalet -

          root =  mashal = to rule or reign or have dominion, power over      something

we are going to see when we read about the lights we are going to read that these are to RULE over the day and the night
Remember YHWH said they are to rule...but we are not to worship them!

New word today -

          root = qatan = the small light , smaller - to rule the night... “small   or less or younger, little, less importance, to decrease.”

          Yocahanan HaMatBeal said “He must increase and i must decrease”
          degrees of importance

D’varim 4:19 p 141   -These lights are to rule over the day and the night but we are not to serve these.


YHWH has created the mazaroth  - the things in sky/space
to commuicate  to us - through the sun moon and stars

          and man has perverted and changed  how these things are interpreted - using the same constalations... the 12 that make up the same months of the year etc.

The Mazaroth has Godly purposes -that is why YHWH created them.

Man  and hasatan take these same things and twist them and pervert them into man’s own ways

and the natural reaction of many believers - is to have nothing to do with the constalations with the stars etc... b/c of the false... the mess.

BUT - the false always speaks of the true

WE have to know this....


Brad said - “It would be no more rational.. to conclude that there is no Mashiach b/c of the false or anti- mashich,   ....
....or to conclude that there are no brethern simply b/c there are false bretheren...

We can’t turn way from YHWH’s creations...  just b/c there are false, twisted things about them now.

Scripture always teaches discernment....  it doesn’t teach you to just throw things out - it teaches you to discern between what is true and what is not true....

The very nature of hasatan is that he immitates all that YHWH does...

so we have a commandment that even though we have the sun and moon etc and they are communicating the signs and seasons... are not to worship them.

New Word:

HAK-KOKAVIYM  = the stars 

          Root - “Cochav”  - only translated as “star/s”

In this verse this word is added - sort of a  - “and by the way” statement...

Stars are part of this whole system that rules the day and the night...

there is some light given off by stars...

Brad writes on page 49 in your study guide
          “The sun and moon are expressly detailed...  in that these two important luminaries are directly connected to physical life. 

The stars are of lesser importance, but still play a role in the signs and seasons and rule.  Stars are particularly seen as messengers and all three are a witness.

 They show us spiritual information and  are by no coincidence particualry seen as messengers...

cochavim or hak-kokaviym - stars are synaomous with angels/ messengers...
- That is what is in the heavens = a messeage to to mankind...
          The 12 constalations
          The names  are ancient

          The whole idea of astrolgy - is messed up =  a perverson of YHWH’s plan... order to take man’s focus off Mashiach and refocus on to perversion... 

There’s always just enough pervsion to draw us off...

Remember - the definition of “wicked” = to be wicked = lies twisted with enough truth to seem believeable.

In B’re’shiyt stars represent people =  Abraham’s children

Mizmore (Psalm) 19:-1-6 p 502
          = another reiteration of the fact that YHWH has put a means to communicating to man... in the heavens themselves

Mizmore (Psalm) 89:36-37 p 528
His zera shall endure le-olam-va-ed (forever), and his kesay (thrown) as the shemesh (sun) before Me.  37 It shall be established le-olam-va-ed as the yarayach (moon), and as a faithful witness in the shamayim (heavens). Selah.

Mizmore 8:3 p 498  -consider the heavens...

Mizmore 136:9 p 545

Iov (Job) 9:7-9 p 570
          -naming some constelations
          - The question is not whether they exist but rather - how do we view them.. from YHWH’s point of view or from hasatan’s.... 

It’s about discerning the message that YHWH has placed in the heavens from a false message = the life of a believer all the time.
we have to discern the difference

Job 38:4-7 p 528

Ahmos 5:8 p 464

The Brit Chadashah:

Hitgalut (Revelation) 1:20  p 911

          The immage of Messiah having 7 stars in his right hand...
and what they represent = the angels or messengers of the 7 churches... Our RSTNE says... the seven “teaching overseers of the seven Yisralite congregations.”

Brad says... “Now remember the whole idea of the signs and seasons is that they communicate a message through them and it’s no coincedence that angels is Malach = a messenger - so sometimes it does mean those entities created by Yah that interact on behalf of man (some of which have fallen).   - An angel / messenger...  and people are also messengers.”

Stars are seen as messengers  =  this is what makes up the the MAZOROTH

Brad says....   “YHWH wrote His plan in the stars and paganism perverted it.

 ( Janet - Paganism perverted the INFORMATION.
It did not pervert  the stars or YHWH’s plan - only man’s understanding of it!!!)...

Rather than eliminate  the mazoroth - the things in the sky -- 
.....b/c you can’t eliminate the stars and sun and moon etc,  -
-     hasatan is changing the INFORMATION!
-     There are now false feasts....  false dates...  saying that is about “GOD”... but YHWH did not tell them to do it like that!!!
-     amein!

D’varim (Deuteronomy) 12:28-32 p 148

- Don’t be snared by following pagans and don’t follow after their gods - even looking at the ways they serve their gods.

D’varim 18  p 152-  exapands on this same commandment...
           = Don’t serve me the way they serve them... don’t take those pagan things and say that is ME you are serving!!!

          Do not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.... 
times,  and fires, etc...

in D’varim 18:14  p 152  YHWH has not permitted you to partake of the perversion... 

We are not to serve YHWH the way the nations serve their gods.
and what they do is perversion!!


Torah Parashah -Haftarah - Schmuel Bet (2 Samuel) 22:1-51 p 244

Who is YHWH - my Elohiym - “MY GOD” ??

22:2-4 p 244

“YHWH is y Rock, and my Fortress and my Deliverer:  The Elohiym of my Rock in Him will I trust.  He is my shield and the horn of my Yahushaua, my Hight Tower, and my Refuge, my Savior;  You saved me from violence.  I will call on YHWH who is worthy to be praised so that I be saved fro my enemies.”


This week - during one the my car rides to work... i turned on Christian radio. 
You must know i haven’t listened to christian radio in - well probably at least a year.

And i have to tell you - I was shocked.

I had just read our Haftarah reading of Schmuel Bet the night before.

So  i had just read a very clear description of why “Our God” is...  and in vs 22-23 what i am to do.

The christian music i heard talked of being in a desperate place and needing “god’s” help. 

One song even said.. “I know you can get me out of the mess i am in.”

But over and over - it was - “I am desperate - i need help - so come and fix it b/c only YOU can fix it.”  !!

Several things occured to me....

1.   the desperation ... song after song... for 45 minutes - they were all the same!... desperate and

2.     HOPELESS....  There was nothing “i” could do - but GOD had to do it all....  and i can’t figure out why he didn’t do it already.

3.     the LACK of understanding of who YHWH is and who we are called to be and how we are called to live!!!

I felt so sorry for them!!

Over and over in chrisitanity i have heard messages about “being”... you know... just BE... because - we all know “IT ISN’T ABOUT WORKS”.


One of the things i thought of as i listened to the girl belt out  something about knowing that God could get her out of the mess she was in, bur frankly she was wondering about why He hadn’t done it yet....

was  the idea of KADOSH.

Sh’mot (Exodus) 19:6 p 62
          “And you shall be to Me a malchut of Kohanim and a kadosh nation.  There are the words that you shall speak to the children of Yisra’el.”

Wayiqra (Leviticus) 10:8-11 p 87

Kepha Aleph (first Peter) 2:9 p 824 
          “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a kadosh nation, and a peculiar people that you shoud show forth the tehillot (prayers) of Him who has called out you of darkness into His marveloous Light.”

And we could go on... there are many verses that talk about Kadosh / HOLY....

But the point is - when the Word is talking about Kadosh - it is telling us how to BE holy....

and i can’t BE holy unless i DO the things i need to do that keep me holy.

Oh but wait...

Qorintyah Bet (2 Corinthians) 2:18 p 866
          “But we all, with an open face seeing ourselves in a mirror see the tifereth (glory) of the Master YHWH and are changed into the same likeness from tifereth to tifereth, even by the Ruach of the Master YHWH.”

Well, that sounds like - HE - the Ruach HaKodehs - He just does it....

Yes, HE does it....
but let’s back up and read more than just the “pick one verse and pull it out method”....

Qorintyah Bet 3:11- 4:6 p 866

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 40:25 p 323
“To whom then will you like Me, or to whom shall I be equal? says the Kadosh-One.”
          = kadosh is being beyond comparison

Mizmore (Psalm 99:3 p 531
“Let them hallel Your great and awesoe Name; for it is kadosh.”
          = kadosh is awesome
          = kadosh is fervent

Yeshayah (Isaiah) 5:16 p 297
“But YHWH tzevoathshall be exalted in mishpat, and El that is kadosh shall be kadosh in tzedakah.”
          = kadosh is righteous

B’midbar (Numbers) 16:7 p 120
“And put fire in them, and put incnese in them before YHWH tomorrow: and it shall be that the man whom YHWH does choose, he shall be kadosh: you take too much upon you, you sons of Lewi.”

Kepha Aleph (1 Peter) 1:13-25 p 824

Yaakov (James) 1:13-27 p 810

.... so what do you DO?
because what you do - creates what / how you BE.

If i know to keep his instructions and choose chayim....  then i have more HOPE than i just have saying.. “ i know you can get me out of this mess i am in.”

Coming up in Torah parashah - we are about to talk about sacrfice by fire and also about what foods to eat....

and what we are going to find out is clearly - what i put into my body has a direct relationship to how i live and who i   “BE”. 

So how will you be??
because it comes out of WHAT YOU DO.

not that we are saved by works - because we are not - with the exception of Y’shua’s “work” - his death on the tree and resurrection... 
the death by the LAMP who promised.....

But I don’t get in shape unless I run.

I don’t become more flexible if I am not doing stretching.

I don’t become kadosh unless I am doing things that lead to holiness.

What do you need to do differently??

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