Monday, September 21, 2015

Set Apart - Choosing Life - Torah Portion Ki Tetze - August 29


29 Aug, 2015  ~  14 Elul 5775
Torah Parashah - Ki Tetze  - D’varim 21:10-25:19  RSTNE p 154

The Torah Parashah = Ki Tetze  - D’varim 21:10-2:19  RSTNE p 154

D’varim 22:9-11 p 154
        “You shall not sow your vineyard with different (seed) zera; lest the fruit of your  (seed) zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard, be defiled (change that word in RSTNE from kadosh to defiled!!!) and forfeited.
        You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.
        You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, as of wool and linen together.”

There are many teachings we can pull from this Torah parashah...  even from these 3 verses i just read.... 

For example we know that wool is a life giving item because it has an electromagnetic frequency of 500, and linen also has a frequency of 500... and the two combined = 0. -- etc....

But what i want to focus on is - the MIXING.

Remember when we learned that in B’re’shiyt 1:2 and the earth became - hay’tah tohu vavohu and v’choshek.”

hay’tah = became

tohu = confused, empty and worthless

vovohu = shockingly confused... what hasatan does to the “seen”.


v’choshek - DARK.

But He didn’t leave it like that!!

B’re’shiyt 1:3
        Vay-yo’mer Elohiym y’hiy ‘or vay’hiy ‘or.
And Elohiym said Let there be light: and there was light.

B’re’shiyt 1:4
        Vay’yar Elohiym ‘et-ha’or kiy-tov  vay-yav’del Elohiym beyn ha’or uveyn  ha chochek.

And Elohiym saw the light, that it was good: and Elohiym divided the light from the darkness.

that word “divided” = vay-yav’del =
        root = badal = vet-dalet-lamed
                pictograph =
                        vet= house, family, divide
                        dalet = door, move, hang, enter, open, path or way
                        lamed = staff, lead, teach, yoke, forward, tongue,                               control
        The Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew says
                Vet-dalet-lamed = to separate for a purpose.

He separated dark from light.... 

and he vay-yav’del  -- ed His people....

Sh’mot (Exodus) 19:5   p 62
        “Now therefore, if you will obey My voice indeed and shomer My brit, then you shall be a peculiar treasure to me above all peoples;  for all the earth is Mine.

Sh’mot 31:13 p 73
        “Speak also to the children of Yisra’el, saying, Truly My Shabbats you shall shomer;  for it is an ot between Me and you throughout your generations;  that you may know that I am YHWH that does set you apart.”

Wayiqra (Lev) 11:44-45 p 88

Wayiqra 19:2 p 95

Dan 1:8 p 435

I Thess 5:22 p 897
        “Abstain from all forms of evil.”

Kefa Aleph (I Peter) 1:14-16 p 824

Kefa Aleph 2:9 p 824

2 Corinthians 6:14-17 p 868

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 50: 4-6 p 389

Yechezkel 14:1-11 p 402

Wayiqra 20:24-27 p 97

Throughout the Torah, YHWH spends a lot of time telling His people how to eat.

The first sin was about eating... 

He calls us to eat different than the world.


He separated dark from light.... 

and he vay-yav’del  -- ed His people....

YHWH calls us to be.

He calls us to think differently than the world.

Romans 12:1-2 p 848

This is choosing hope and not fear and worry.

This is standing in defiant faith

 Yochanan Aleph (I John) 5:4-5

Gilyahna (Revelaton) 2:11, 17, 26 

This is choosing to stand and walk in defiant faith - that defies how it looks around us....
        that no matter how it looks, or feels, 
no matter how “bad” the internet tells us things might be...

standing and knowing that YHWH says He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.

This is choosing to bow in gratitude  for the things we have and the things He has done and the things He will do for us...

This is choosing hope and not fear... because HE said so.

We need to work on renewing our minds...

We do that as we study the Word.

We also do that focusing on what He has done.

Get out paper to write on....
So right now i want you to make  list of 10 things you are thankful for.
write them down...

We also have difficult times remembering who we are...

If i asked you to tell me a story about a time when things were awful for you and you weren’t proud (pleased with) of yourself, it would be easy to think of something...

and every time we think of those miserable moments...  we make that memory tree stronger...

Since this is the month of ELUL.... the time of teshuvah...

your home work is to ask YHWH to show you the trees that need cleaned up...  repent of the sin in your life...

AND also repent of building stronger trees from those places.

I want you to picture the tree with the miserableness and I want to invite you to
renounce , repent and declare the truth... over the issues i that tree...
and i want you to repent of growing that tree bigger - focusing on that negative thing....

and then i want you to picture that tree falling...  melting away... and ask YHWH to help  you destroy it by no longer thinking on that... you’ve repented - it is DONE....


NOW i want you to think of a good memory...  a time when you got to experience something amazing.....

I want you to share that memory....  with someone near you... 

What ever memory/ situation we think about /focus on - that memory tree gets stronger...

That’s why it is important to intentionally focus on what you are grateful for...  b/c those memories get stronger.

Fear and worry and hate and anger trees can get so big they crowd the love and joy out....

but not any more... b/c we are called to be overcomers...

we will no longer ruminate on the negative things...

I want to invite you to repent of that and ask YHWH to remind you/ point it out to you - every time you try and return to that habit and then immediately make yourself go to a good memory where you were amazing.

This is how we FIGHT.

this is how we stand in defiant faith....

*** ~~~~  ****~~~~~~***

This is the month of Elul - and we need to be preparing....
The fall Moedim are coming up...

Yom Teruah starts Sunday night Sept 13 and  ends Monday night Sept 14. 

Yom Kippur starts Tues night Sept 22 and ends Wed night Sept 23.

Sukkot starts at sunset  Sunday Sept 27 and goes through the 8th day - Sun night Oct 4 - Monday night Oct 5.

We need to remember that this month  Elul - of which we are now to the 14th day...  is a month set aside for repentance and teshuvah (returning to YHWH).   Actually the 1st of Elul starts the 40 days of favor.  Repentance especially happens in the 10 days of Awe - Yamim Nora’im....  From Yom Teruah through Yom Kippur.

Prepare....  and we just talked about how we do that.

so I am inviting you to get a notebook/journal out and start to do this work... 

We have got to learn how to be overcomers and be transformed by the renewing of our minds....

because then we will be continuing in His Word and His Word (THE TRUTH) will set us free!!

So are you going to... or not? 
Are you going to just push it aside... or are you going to do it.

I’ve been reading about our brains and exercise.  I’ve been learning about how exercise facilitates learning and how exercise kicks dementia....  and i can sit around and wait....  but i am not going to wait until i “feel like it”... this is VITAL!!!
as is the renewing of our minds.

We have to stop being lazy and stop being too busy and dig into His Word and retrain our brain - make new habits of thinking - especially in those places where there is negativity.

May we know the Truth, and walk in it - with defiant faith
deifying the things that we believed that were lies....

may we choose and DO - LIFE this day...


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