Thursday, October 15, 2015

Guardian Angel #10 - Radah - Torah Portion Vezot ha'Bracha - October 3

Guardian Angel Teaching #10 - Oct 3, 2015
Torah Parashah ~ Vezot ha’Bracha ~ This is the Blessing
D’varim 33:1- 34:12 RSTNE p 164
Guardian Angel - Radah/rule and who/what was cursed.

Luke 24:45 Yeshua enables us to understand Scripture. - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah - Vezot ha’Bracha

D’varim 34  RSTNE p 165

Moshe died...

          7 “And Moshe was 120 years old when he died:  his eye was not dim, nor his natural force gone.
          8 And the children of Yisrael wept for Moshe in the plains o Moav 30 days: so the days of weeping and mourning for Moshe were ended.
and then notice what happened...

34:9 “And Yahoshua the son of Nun was full of the Ruach of Chochmah (wisdom); for Moshe had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Yisra’el listened to him and idd as YHWH commanded Moshe.

Moshe goes and the Ruach / Spirit of Chochmah (wisdom) fills Yahushua !!

Now at the end of Luka - Y’shua is about to leave the talmidim (disciples)...
Luka 24:44-53 RSTNE p 753

So Y’shua is going to leave - ascend and what does He say will happen?

Luka 24:49 “And, see, I will send the Promise of My Abba upon you; but remain in the city of Yahrushalayim, until you are clothed with power from on high.”

(They were to stay in the beit hamikdash - the Temple - they were in the temple at the time of the outpouring...)

So then

vs 50 “And He led them out as far as to Beth-Anya  - “House of Figs”, and He lifted up His ands, and made bracha over them.
51 And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He departed from them, and went up into the shamayim.
52 and they worshipped Him, and returned to Yahrushalayim with great simcha:”

Let’s look at the foot note for Luka 24:50
“Beth- Anya, or “House of Figs.”  There is tremendous symbolism here, as Y’shua blesses both houses in His final earthly benediction, as both houses make up the fig tree, a symbol of national Yisra’el throughout Scripture.”

Isn’t it interesting that Moshe leaves and Yahoshua is filled with the Ruach ...
Y’shua leaves and Ruach HaKodesh comes to fill His people!

Plus - Yahoshua is the “more correct” Hebrew name of the Messiah...
do you see all the “type/shadow/ prophecy of Messiah, here in Yahoshua leading....

-     He was leading to the promised land.
-     He was given authority from his Father and his “father”....  Mashiach from YHWH and Joshua from Moshe (his “father”)...

Read the first part of Joshua 1. 

“I will never leave you or forsake you” = this is how we can cope when we have the Spirit with in us!!


This week I was listening to a man talk about their pain and fears for their daughter - who is not embracing  - their term - “Jesus”......Y’shua - to say the least.

He talked about how they asked her if she was “still a christian”...

Her response was “YES - but I just don’t believe all of it.”

And he was very upset by this...
and my first thought was...

“Well Christianity picks and chooses what it wants to believe from the Word as well - so i don’t know why you are upset.  She is just doing what you have done - only about different verses.”

-    Which of course i did not say to him.  - but i sure wanted to!!
-    He was upset with his daughter - for much of what she has been doing.

What he should have said  is he’s upset because she is picking different parts  of the Word not to follow -than he did.
(And honestly, this is greatly troubling to all parents.)


The world is all a mess.... we know this...  and yet it almost surprises us... when we bump into it.

It is like - the people are being backed into a corner... things keep happening in front of them and they are invited to see - to Sh’ma Yisra’el - to wake up and see and know the truth... and all many of them seem to be aware of is they are backed into a corner.  BUT if they would just turn around they would discover - there is a door they can Teshuvah through... to find freedom. 

Romans 12:1-2  RSTNE p 848

12:2 “And be not conformed to this olam hazeh (this world): but be transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is that tov, acceptable, and even the perfect will of YHWH.

In the Guardian Angel by Skip Moen,

He talks about this mess.

Let’s look at : (as in the handout)
B’re’shiyt 1:26-27  “And Elohiym said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
27 So the Word of Elohiym created ma in His own image, in the image of Elohiym He created him; male and female He created them.”

Tselem - “image” - is a masculine noun
=transferred authority and order over what destroys. 
=To be created in YHWH’s image is to reflect divine action.
Demut - “likeness” - is a feminine noun.
=“Being human is ACTING according to YHWH’s path to life.
 It means standing against chaos. 
.. It also means knowing what is permitted and what is not and acting accordingly.

-To be human is to ACT LIKE YHWH ACTS... to reflect His choices... It is not to BE YHWH... but to reflect Him.

These 2 verses tell us that male and female were created in the image of YHWH for the express purpose of fulfilling the prime directive.

What is the prime directive??

The Prime Directive  = B’re’shiyt 1:28

“And Elohiym blessed them, and Elohiym said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over .....”

The summary of this task is to “RULE”.

          and with in this task of RULING - Man is to increase, occupy (fill) and subdue.

The Hebrew word for “rule” = “radah” =  and is more accurately translated as “exercise dominion”

The pictograph of RADAH = “what comes from the person in the door”
          or - “what comes from the pathway of the person”

RADAH is a verb of TRANSFERRED authority!

So when men and women exercise RADAH, they act as YHWH’s regents.  They act on His behalf and, consequently, become paths that lead to His order!!

Please note - that this was what YHWH said to do - before sin... and this is still what HE has us doing...

Acting on His behalf and consequently, becoming paths that lead to HIs order!! = that is what He calls us to!!

You also need to know that RADAH is usually used in a setting with kings - it is royal language. - Attributed to kings who rule compassionately as well as those who rule by force.
- You might say - it goes with being a “royal priesthood”.... :)

When YHWH appoints man to RADAH - what is implied is ==  ruling according to the pre-established order of the Creator - YHWH Himself. 
          and now “what I think”!!

Radah is a verb about personal authority!! But I only have it if i follow the One who gives me this authority!
Sort of like - i have a driver’s license.  I can drive.  So i can drive however i want - but if i don’t follow the rules of the authority who gave me that driver’s license - i will loose that power/authority.... 
I have it - but it comes from somewhere else.

Man’s divinely ordained task is to
1.                       increase in number
2.                      occupy the earth
3.                      act as a steward over YHWH’s creation
4.                      have authority over all other living things

Or said another way:
“The critical terms in this divinely ordained mission are:
1.   flourish (parah)
2.   fill
3.   subdue (kavash) - a word of military force
4.   rule (radah)

In order to accomplish RADAH - he (man-kind)  has to flourish, fill and subdue!

“Man is YHWH’s symbolic representation of authority in the physical world.”

Man was supposed to flourish and expand Eden.... “multiply and fill”

=The project - the prime directive = to extend YHWH’s rule and reign....

          This requires work.
And how many of us thought that Gan Eden (garden of eden) was just a place of leisure?!!

Work is a blessed and essential part of human existence.

In fact  - in this regard WORK IS WORSHIP - because it is fulfillment of YHWH”s will.

But let’s notice - that in the beginning - Man did not have to overcome a fallen world.... 

And after sin ....

          what happens to this divinely assigned task ??

Moen says...

The method for fulfilling YHWH’s plan changes, but the PURPOSE of Man does not change

Man is still created in YHWH’s image, even after the event of the first sin of man, and as such, is equipped and charged with the divinely designed purpose.

It is important to note that sin and the curse - do not alter human design or purpose.

But it does alter the MEANS by which the task will be accomplished!!

You see....
What was intended to be a joyful exploration and expansion - after sin become a tedious and laborious process. 

B’re’shiyt 3:17  says... “in sorrow shall you eat from it all the days of your chayim (life).”

Things are not so easy any more.

I gotta say ...  one of the talks i do for hospice  about brain and thinking... i say... “let me tell you something you already know, but it bears repeating - ‘life is hard’.  It is good and joyous and delightful. BUT it is also HARD.”

And what I believe is that it is getting harder and harder...

YHWH’s Word says in Luka 19:40 “if these should hold their shalom, the stones would immediately cry out.”

And the thing we know is - “it is not getting any easier.” 
BUT praise YHWH He provides us with His strength and courage and His Living Word.  He pours out His Spirits - to guide and direct and encourage us!!


So let’s look at what the curse is...

because Man (people) was not cursed.

B’re’shiyt 3:14
          “ And YHWH Elohiym said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all the cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your chayim.”

B’re’shiyt 3:17
          “And to Ahdahm He said, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the eytz of which i commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it:  cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat for it all the days of your chayim:”

YHWH does not curse Ahdahm and/or Chavah.

Instead of a curse - the lives of Man will now experience “sorrow”. 

“Sorrow”   - Strong’s H6093 = pain, labor, hardship, toil.

The root for “sorrow” is = “atsav”
Biblical synonyms include = sad, to grieve, to become tired and weary, to become irritated, to writhe, to be bitter, to feel disgust, anguish, trouble, toil, turmoil.

It’s not pretty.
Generally it is = emotional pain and distress. 

Atsav is used in B’re’shiyt 34:7 for what Jacob’s sons feel when their sister Dinah has been raped.

Atsav is used again in B’re’shiyt 6:6
          “And it bothered YHWH that He made man on the earth, and it grieved Him in His lev (heart).”

          6:6 clearly tells us that sorrow, grief, anger, toil and trouble are the automatic results of sin.

In Hebrew thinking - sin and its consequences are not thought of as 2 separate things - but as a unit.  - a “hand-in-a-glove unity of evil”.

Atsav - sorrow and emotional pain is not a prescriptive determination... but a descriptive of the natural, inevitable connection between disobedience and its consequences.

In B’re’shiyt 3,  YHWH initiates prescriptive, judicial punishment upon the serpent.  He curses it. 

He also issues a prescriptive judgment on the ground - cursing it as well.

He doesn’t curse Adam and Chavah - he just describes how life will be now that sin is in the world...

          IT WILL BE HARD.

We also need to know that that sin did not originate with Adam and Chavah!

Lucifer sinned before Chavah listened to the serpent.

Rebellion, disobedience, and the consequence of separation from YHWH already existed.  Adam just let all of this disaster into this creation. 

We need to understand this - When we do something - positive or negative - we open the barn door wide open for whatever comes with it.  If we sin - we can expect  negative things... if we do something positive we can expect positive.  This is spiritual.  I’m talking about demons... i’m talking about demons we invite in or keep out of our lives based on what we believe and what we do.

So when Adam took the fruit from Chava - he should have said ... let’s put that down... YHWH told me....  but he did not... he chose to not remember the Word of YHWH and to listen to her... and so he opened the barn doors (so to speak) wide open by his disobedience - and ATSAV came into his life and into creation.

The amazing thing is....
The purpose of Man doesn’t change.   YHWH never rewrites the prime directive...

it is always to : They act on His behalf and, consequently, become paths that lead to His order!!

-    However now it has to be done in the context of a world with atsav (sorrow).

We can see this with Adam’s new reality  - he will till the ground.

The command of B’re’shiyt 2:15 summarizes the Prime Directive:

B’re’shiyt 2:15 “And YHWH Elohiym took the man, and put him into Gan Eden to work it and to guard it .”

In Hebrew, these words - work it and guard it  mean ...

          = “serve/work”
          = “to guard with great care” 

You see - the assignment never changed - even after sin! 

“Adam’s reality is still tied to the ground, but now he will experience toil.    He will have sorrow, trouble, disappointment, frustration and irritation as he attempts to fulfill his divine commission.    No matter how hard he works, some part of the earth will be unresponsive.  
He will now live with the knowledge that productive effort no longer guarantees productive results.”

“Eventually the cursed ground will capture him completely and he will return to earth, an inevitable consequence of sin.  He will die.”

Also i can’t help notice that the serpent is cursed to eat dust... and man dies and returns to dust. 

We MUST understand this - MAN was never cursed by YHWH  - it was  the ground and the serpent that were cursed.

But the world - where everything is bothersome and upside down... The world where ha satan is the prince of this air.... is all messed up - and we need to stop being surprised about this.........we have to see and know the Truth!!

So, if the Prime Directive - never was changed...

To act on His behalf and, consequently, become paths that lead to His order!!

How then do we live?

We have to learn Truth!  This is why we are giving out papers to keep track of your Scripture study - we have to intentionally study!!!  We must know the Word - b/c we live in a messed up world where NOTHING is not messed up...  except the very few things that line up with the Word.
we have to identify the places we have opened the barn doors wide in our lives and do teshuvah  - repent and return to YHWH’s path....
we have to clean up our lives... b/c He gave us His Spirit to help us... are you flowing in the gifts of the Spirit of YHWH?  He gave us the ability to overcome.... He calls us to overcome - with His Ruach!!
We have got to live and study intentionally!!

What we are going to learn is that the whole problem is - that
sin didn’t curse all of us.....  but it did take away YHWH’s order!

WE must walk on the path to His order - in His order!!

How then will we live??


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