Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Torah Portion B're'shiyt - Guardian Angel Teaching #11 - Consequences - October 10

10 Oct 2015  ~  27 Tishrei 5776
Torah Parashah - B’re’shiyt
B’re’shiyt 1:1- 6:8  RSTNE p 9
Guardian Angel #11 - “Consequences”

Isaiah 46:10 - Harbour Light Ministries
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I was in a Messianic synagogue several times and they carried around the Torah - Rabbi led a whole procession of people dancing... around the  place.  There was such joy and celebration of the Torah!  Rabbi would come up and offer the Torah to each person and they would kiss their hand and touch the case of the Torah scroll.  At first I thought they were worshiping this thing... and then YHWH showed me - that they were so thankful for the Torah.  They had such a love for Torah!
How precious precious precious is the Word of YHWH!! 
We need to honor His Word more than we do.

Just so you know...  you can remember to never set your bible on the floor and never cover it with something else in a stack.  It is always the top.    - Silly rabbinical things - but there needs to be a way to handle the bible... with respect! 

Another key is - that your bible should never ever ever be dusty!!  :)

So today we get to start the Torah Study over! 
What a joy - because every year we learn so much more!!
May we all be filled with more emet this year than we understood last year! 
Amein!  Baruch hashem YHWH!

So i thought it would be good to review the very beginning again... i am going back over some of what we covered about B’re’shiyt...  So we get more this time :) 

Let’s remind ourselves again:
The way to study Torah is the acronym: Pardes:

          p’shat = simple story; literal - branches/trunk
         remez = prophetic - fruit/leaves
         drash = to search - roots
         sod =  hidden

If you have your Study Guide for B’re’shiyt - by Brad Scott - feel free to open it to page 3 which is the third page after the green sheet.

Before we get to that i want to remind you of a couple of things:

Yesha’Yahu / Isaiah 46:10 RSTNE p 329 
         CJB “At the beginning I announce the end, proclaim in advance things not yet done; and i say that my plans will hold, I will do everything i please to do.”
         RSTNE “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.”
Christianity translates this to mean...  “God knows the end in the beginning.”
but... CJB says this so well:
“At the beginning I announce the end”.... proclaim in advance
==Those Hebrew words that are translated into “Declaring the end from the beginning”  are =  “maggiyd mere ‘shiyth”.

and  “maggiyd mere ‘shiyth” = really means....is...
== “Declaring out of the beginning ... the end” ...
or spoken easier == “YHWH declares the end ... IN the beginning.”
Do we get this.??...  that YHWH is telling us... prophecy about what is going to happen - even in the end - right from the beginning.!!
Way cool!! :)
Yochanan / John 1:1-3 RSTNE p 754
         1“B're'shiyt was the miltha (Word) the Living Torah, and the Living Torah was with YHWH, and the Living Torah was YHWH.
         2The same was in the beginning with YHWH.
         3All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

Do you see how this is in the Beginning... B’resheet 1:1 ???

Look at page 3 in your study guide:
“B’resheet bara Elohiym  et (Aleph-Tav) hashamayim va-et har Eretz.”
“In the beginning YHWH - Aleph Tov created the heavens and the earth.”
Let me remind you that
... in Mattityahu /Matthew 13:3-9  cjb p 1239 “The parable of the sower”
         ... the  “zera” / “seed” is the WORD of YHWH.
Qorintyah Bet/ 2 Corinthians 4:18 Rstne p 867
         “And all things that are of YHWH, who has restored us to Himself by Yahushua haMoshiach, and has given to us the service of restoration and renewal”
perhaps an easier rendering is from The Complete Jewish Bible:
CJB p 1444 “We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.”
-The unseen things are much more important than the seen... 
Remember - YHWH gave us the seen - so we could understand the unseen!  :)
“B’resheet bara Elohiym  et (Aleph-Tav) ha shamayim va-et har Eretz.”
“In the beginning YHWH - Aleph Tov created the heavens and the earth.”
Now if you notice - or remember - the ET in the christian bibles - was never translated !!
Which is written “et” in transliteration b/c that  is how it SOUNDS.... but in Hebrew ... it is an aleph and a taf!!

hmm... aleph and taf....
wonder what this means....

Hitgalut / Revelation 1:8 RSTNE p 911
         “I am the Aleph and the Taf, the Beginning and the End, says the Master YHWH, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty-El Shaddai.”  (YHWH -Yahushua our Mashiach)

Hitgalut / Revelation 22:13  RSTNE p 927
         “I am Aleph and Taf, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Traditional English Bibles use the Greek letters - Alpha and Omega.
So let’s go to the page before the green page... in our study guides and look at what that means...

Aleph = ox = strong, power, leader, yoke, thousand

Taf = crossed sticks = mark, sign, seal, own, covenant

So....  Aleph Taf is =  the power and strength of the leader of the Covenant.... who is that?? 

         = Yahushua our Messiah!! :)

Let’s talk about the Menorah ....
B’re’shiyt 1:1 is the picture of a Menorah.

There are three words on one side - B’re’shiyt barah Elohiym
and there are three words on the other side - hashamayim  v’et ha’aretz
---and in the middle - at the place of the servant candle...
are you seeing this??....
The ET = Aleph Taf = Yahushua the Messiah !!!
-  Traditionally - which candle do we light first and then light the others with? = the Shamash - the one that represents Mashiach!
And so later, in the B’rit Chadashah, when we get to
Luke 4:16-19 RSTNE p 729
         Yahushua reading Yesha’Yahu / Isaiah in the Temple and there he is... the Servant / the Messiah - standing on the bemah (the raised platform) ... with 3 rabbis on his right and 3 rabbis on his left... 
literally showing us the Menorah - the picture/ symbol of YHWH Himself. 
Baruch HaShem YHWH!!
And so now we come to the first word in YHWH’s Word...!!

Page 3 in your Study Guide from Bradley Scott (used with permission)

“B’resheet bara Elohiym  et (Aleph-Tav) ha shamayim va-et har Eretz.”
“In the beginning YHWH - Aleph Taf created the heavens and the earth.”

Before we go on - i want  to remind you  --- to draw the picture that every little kid in our culture anyways... draws ... 

= a house on a piece of land and a family.

The word b’re’shiyt means - the head of... the beginning of...
and...to start something into motion...

It is also a title as it is used here in B’re’shiyt 1:1
= an identification of the source of all goodness... outside the bounds of time... before the works of old.

B’re’shiyt = the Hebrew letters are - resh, aleph, shin, yod, tov
B’re’shiyt means =  is defined as = “in the beginning” or “in the head of”

BUT really - Re’shiyt means “beginning” or “head of”

If we take off the Bet in the beginning and the yod and the tov (which gives its feminine singular meaning at the end

we have the root of b’re’shiyt which is

         a resh- aleph - shin  = to cause something to enter into motion; to produce action.

Remember - we know now that -

In the Hebrew language....all words are made up of roots, mostly three letter consonant roots = raw word that begins all Hebrew words.

= the Hebrew 3 letter root = will always reflect the action.

Brad likened the Word to the Mississippi River - saying it wasn’t clean -

But, at the source it is clean.....  

This is why it is important to take the words back to Hebrew and back to their source - their root -

 so we have “clean” and clarity of what YHWH really meant... not what we “think” it means to us now!!!!!!!!!!

The root is always about action  a verb of the word.
The root is known as the “parent root”.

so let’s look at the root of B’resheet - which is Rosh.

ROSH is....
---translated as :

beginning, first, first fruits, chief, head, sum

It is also suggested that this - B’re’shiyt is a title and expression of the Messiah himself -- a  word that refers to “He that begins all things.”

But let’s look at:

Gilyahna (Rev) 3:14   p 913 in RSTNE
         “And to the teaching overseer of the congregation of the Laodikeia write; These things says The Amein, the only Faithful and Emet witness, the first cause of all the creation of YHWH.

in CJB  = “To the angel of the Messianic Community in Laodikeia, write “here is the message from the Amein, the faithful and true witness, the Ruler of God’s creation:”

         ==the faithful and true witness  of the beginning....

If we don’t understand this verse.... one can draw conclusion that Messiah is part of creation.

BUT - NO - He is not part of creation. He CREATED.

B’re’shiyt = This is a title... He exists... there is no explanation for how YHWH came into being...

Most religions explain where there god came from.
BUT not the Bible.. .YHWH exists.
He just is and we don’t know how He got there....  We just know HE is there.

Rosh has  prefix  in the word B’re’shiyt
it is a bet

bet = inside , a family inside the house...

in the beginning... being inside the house... 

In the oldest Tanakh’s known - and up to this day if you read B’resheet 1:1 in Hebrew...

the Bet is enlarged in the text.

and it  faces the opening of the house...

meaning ....this letter is facing all the rest of scripture all the rest of the Words...

So ponder this ----

----    all the Torah - the Word starts with a house...

-  and all the things of YHWH will be in the house, and everything not of house will be outside of house...

Yah gave us a picture to show us in the natural - the seen - the things that are in the spirit - the unseen!

 Its a “no brainer” but think about this...

         ---all the things of YHWH will be in the house, and everything not of house will be outside of house...

So Godly things are in the house and all things ungodly will be outside the house.
So He begins with the house... 

the very first letter of the entire Torah - ...  to take by the and and lead to the house - to have a family...

Do you see HIS plan??!!! :)

The entire Torah starts with a bet - which represents the house of  YHWH ... which he longs to take us all back to and be a family.

p 4 in Study Guide

BARA - created, to open up to make visible - as a seed does!
We know that this word means completed - and it was completed by the form of it in Hebrew  - by ONE being. 

Elohiym - El - God, gods, deity, rulers, judges

ET - Aleph and Taf - Yahushuah!

HaShamayim = first heaven, then earth, unseen spiritual begets unseen spiritual, physical begets physical

V’et - ties together heaven adn earth

ha’aretz = solidify basic needs, the earth, to be firm, mass, ....


Remember when we talked about
B’re’shiyt 1:2
         “Va’haretz hay’tah tohu vavohu v’choshek al-pney t’hom.”

“And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”

So if creation was a completed work - it was DONE .... and then something happened...
hasatan fell b/c now here in 1:2 The earth is a disaster!

hay’tay - come to pass

tohu - confusion and chaos

vavohu - astonishingly confused.  empty.

t’hom - agitate, depths, to destroy, and great noise.

Look at part 2 of 1:2

page 15

V’reucha Elohiym m’rachephet al’peney ham-mayim.
“And the Spirit of Elohiym moved upon the face of the waters.”

So interesting - there was a flood.... and we will see in the chapters ahead that YHWH had the land come up out of the water = mikvah!  = Baptism!

B’re’shiyt 1:3  “Vay-yo’mer Elohiym y’hiy ‘or  vay’hiy ‘or.”
And Elohiym said Let there be light and there was light.

And it continues. 
I invite you to read back over the Study Guide from Brad Scott that you have as you read along in this part of the Torah!

**  **  ** 

Let’s go to Skip Moen’s Guardian Angel - Hebrew understanding of the words in B’re’shiyt about women....

Review last week:

We talked about the Prime Directive - B’re’shiyt 1:28

The Hebrew word for “rule” = “radah” =  and is more accurately translated as “exercise dominion”

The pictograph of RADAH = “what comes from the person in the door”
         or - “what comes from the pathway of the person”

RADAH is a verb of TRANSFERRED authority! (driver’s license)

So when men and women exercise RADAH, they act as YHWH’s regents.  They act on His behalf and, consequently, become paths that lead to His order!!

Acting on His behalf and consequently, becoming paths that lead to HIs order!! = that is what He calls us to!!

Moen says... after man sinned:

The method for fulfilling YHWH’s plan changes, but the PURPOSE of Man does not change.

B’re’shiyt 3:17  says... “in sorrow shall you eat from it all the days of your chayim (life).”

The serpent was cursed and the land was cursed but Man was not cursed.

Instead of a curse - the lives of Man will now experience “sorrow”. 

“Sorrow”   - Strong’s H6093 = pain, labor, hardship, toil.

The root for “sorrow” is = “atsav”
Biblical synonyms include = sad, to grieve, to become tired and weary, to become irritated, to writhe, to be bitter, to feel disgust, anguish, trouble, toil, turmoil.

It’s not pretty.
Generally it is = emotional pain and distress.

So let’s go on and talk about this pain and distress of ATSAV.

B’re’shiyt 3:16 RSTNE p  11
         “Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you shall bring out children; and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

We could go read about several women who were struggling deeply over NOT having children... Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth...  To see the crisis it was not not have children - we know that having children was very important. 

And as we read Torah we find that - Besides in the prime directive - having children is very important!

So does B’re’shiyt 3:16 mean - now it is going to be more painful??

If the correct translation of B’re’shiyt 3:16 is about birthing....then in the moment of her glory - woman will discover a reminder of her disobedience.  At the precise moment of fulfillment, she will experience atsav - sorrow.

What if this verse (3:16) is NOT about childbirth  ??  !

Meyers says “The Hebrew text could read, “I will intensify your pain and your child rearing,”  NOT “your pain and your giving birth.”

This is very important!

“Meyers says this verse cannot be translated int he classical way about childbirth.  he contends the critical word always refers to mental and emotion suffering and about child REARING, not child bearing.”

This makes sense from a Hebrew perspective as well.  Hebrew justice is about measure for measure -

Disobedience destroys relationship. 
The appropriate punishment is not a moment of pain but rather a life of relationship struggle.

Every parent understands this child rearing atsav - the place of concern and worry and dealing with disobedience, and watching them make mistakes that hurt....  it is sorrowful!!!   ATSAV!

Moen says - “The Hebrew idea of justice - measure for measure - is built on the concept that the degree of sinfulness must be covered in the degree of punishment”

“Adam came from the ground - the ground will now resist him.  He will struggle with the very substance that was intended to be a responsive participant in his work.”  =  IT IS NOW BACKWARDS!

“The same idea is applied to Chavah.  She is the ultimate relationship manager.  She is designed to facilitate the relationship between her man and YHWH.  ...

         Now she will discover that the “ground” of her being, Adam and the work of relationships, is laced with ATSAV/ sorrow.”

“This means that relationships with her children are also affected!!” 

But - “inspite of the introduction of ATSAV - Chavah’s divinely initiated purpose continues.... She is to “multiply and fill”

But now she will experience ATSAV - SORROW  int he “ground” of her labor = relationships with her husband and children!!!

The world has become a place of ATSAV.... emotional sorrow and struggle!!

So now let’s consider one more thing about
B’re’shiyt 3:16

Moen says - “The problem with this translation is the vowels. 
Hebrew has no vowels, so ANY translation will have to add vowels to the consonants in order to decide not only what the words mean but also what the words actually ARE in the text”

“There are 2 biblical possibilities for syllable and vowel construction inthe consonants that make up the phrase translated “greatly increase” or “greatly multiply”....

Translators usually assume that the consonant construction  is

Resh - Bet - Hey with the vowels meaning “to be many”  or better translated - “to be many many” - or “greatly multiply”.

BUT a small shift in the pointing (vowels) in the second word - and it changes the meaning entirely.

Now it is not  Resh - Bet - Hey

Now it is

         Aleph - Resh - Bet

and this word is ARAB.   

and it means “to lie in wait, to ambush”.

“if this second word is ARAB and not the repetition of RABAH, then the meaning would be ...
         “has caused to increase the lying-in-wait your sorrow”

Rearrage that to an English sentence structure
and you get...

YHWH says -  “The one who ambushed you has multiplied your sorrow.”  !!!!!

A translator named Bushnell offered this understanding - nearly 100 years ago!

but Christianity couldn’t imagine that “God” would not punish Chavah!

What is more

YHWH is stating a fact.
“Disobedience will bring a mess and that mess will extend to relationship with both children and husband.”

Chavah “was designed as the relationship guide.  Her ATSAV will be found in the same arena!”

Who is responsible for all of this?

-  Not Chavah alone - The serpent did the deceiving.  Chavah listened but the serpent spoke.

If you think about this - this makes sense why YHWH said he will put enity between Chavah and the serpent....

What He is saying is this - i am going to maek it very difficult for you to ever be deceived again by this creature.  I am going to make him something other than a walking, talking resplendent, almost human-like beast.  Now he will be revolting.  You will never listen to him again”....

YHWH is actually helping the woman to not be deceived by the serpent ever again! 

On many levels, Hebrew stories are consistent in thier portrayal wiht the character of YHWH. 

Moen says “B’re’shiyt presents YHWH as honorable, orderly, loving, compassionate, forgiving and sovereign.”

In 3:16 - “perhaps the most critical passage for understanding the nature of sinful human beings, do we suddenly discover a God who demonstrates wrath without the possiblity of restitution?  IF we believe that God “curses” men and women, that’s what we’re saying.”

“BUT if Bushnell is right, the focus of this verse is on the damage caused by the naked snake, not on the edict of a less-than compassionate Creator.”


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