Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Expectation Based on Yeshua's Interactions with Women - November 28

Torah Parashah - Vayishlach ~ He Sent
B’re’shiyt 32:4- 36:43 RSTNE p 28
“Expectation” - Y’shua and women - (basis from Moen’s “Jesus Said to Her”)
November 28, 2015 16 Kislev 5776
Our hypocritical world practices exclusion while it preaches tolerance. - Skip Moen - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah
B’re’shiyt 32:4 - 36:43 p 28

1.    Yaakov on his way to reunite with Esav... 32:24 “wrestled a ‘Man’ ” until the break of day.  The man touched hip and it dislocated.  There his name is changed from Yaakov to - Yisra’el.... and Yaakov/Yisra’el is blessed there...   32:30 “And Yaakov called the name of the place Peni-El; for I have seen Elohiym panayim-el panayim, and still - my chayim has been preserved.”

2.   Yaakov’s reuniting with Esav.

3.   Yaakov in Shechem
a.     bought a field
b.    erected an altar “El-Elohei-Yisra’el”
c.    Dinah (daughter of Leah) is ‘taken’ by Chamor the Hivite
d.    Dinah’s brothers are very angry -
e.    Chamor and his family want Yaakov’s family to intermarry so they say that all the men of Shechem must be brit milah  (circumcised)
f.     On the 3rd day - Dinah’s brothers came and killed all the men in Shechem and took Dinah back.  And plundered the city.

3.     Elohim told Yaakov to go up to Beth-El and dwell there... and “make an altar to El that appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esav your brother. 35:1

4.    Yaakov called for getting rid of the “strange gods”

5.    35:6 And they go to Luz - the place where Yaakov had the dream of the ladder - that he named Beth-El.....  the place where he had made the declaration that - B’re’shiyt 28:20  “If the Word of Elohiym will be with me and will keep me in this derech that I go, and will give me lechem to eat and clothing to put on 21 So that I come again to my abba’s bayit in shalom; then shall the Word of YHWH be my Elohiym.”

6.    35:9-12  “And Elohiym appeared to Yaakov again,  when he came out of Padan-Aram, and blessed him.  10  And Elohiym said to him, Your name is Yaakov; your name shall not be called any more Yaakov, but Yisra’el.  11 And Elohiym said to him, I am El-Shaddai:  be fruitful and multiply; a  nation-goy; and a congregation of nations - kahal-goyim;  shall come from you and melechim shall come out of your loins; 12 And the land that I gave Avraham and Yitzchak, to you I will give it, and to your zera after you will I give the land.”

7.    They left Beth-El and went to Ephrath - and Rachel travailed and gave birth to Benyamin... and Rachel died

8.     They moved to a place beyond Edar... and there Reuven had sexual relations with Bilhah - his abba’s concubine. 

9.     Yaakov / Yisra’el went home to Yitzchak and Yitzchak died. Yaakov and Esav buried Yitzchak. 

10.   B’re’shiyt 36 - genealogy of Esav.

end of Torah Parashah

Expectation...  based on the Moshiach’s interactions with a couple of women....

I want you to consider a few things:

1.    Your you go through your days...

2.   But not just how you put one foot in front of another and go through your days and your weeks... but your routine for how you think about your life...

3.     Hopelessness = the firm conviction that nothing can change, that the life of despair is bound to continue unrelentingly.  - Do we think like this - ever???  In any part/s of our life????

4.     Do you belong?

5.  How desperate are you for YHWH in your life??


Before we go further, I want to invite us to think about fitting in - or not.

Have you ever been in a place where you did not fit in?

Where you were not accepted? 

-    Maybe it is/was about being:
-    a red bird, not a blue bird in elementary reading class - everyone knew the blue birds read well and the red birds... well they didn’t.
-    too fat or too thin
-    an athlete or not
-    having money or not having money...
-    “pretty” or not “pretty”
                    Skip Moen said...
“Our hypocritical world practices exclusion while it preaches tolerance.”

I want to read two short stories and then we can talk about them:

Mattityahu 9:18-25 p 684

Luka 13:10-17 p 740

“Y’shua once encountered a woman who had been excluded for more than a decade.

She was a victim of social intolerance, carefully concealed under the banner of religious law.

It did not matter what she believed.

She was not wanted.

She was defiled.

She was contagious.

Her struggle and her faith to reach beyond the ‘rules of society’ -    
- shows us something about the heart of YHWH - and the value of YHWH’s interruptions.”

Mattityahu 9:18-25 p 684
is told again in:

Luke 8:41-56 p 735

Let’s back up and consider what was going on here....

Y’shua was a healer - everyone knew it.

Their’s was a hard world of captivity under Roman law....  heavy labor and hard injustices....  They longed for healing and salvation.

Crowds followed Y’shua....   - looking to see a miracle - wondrously amazing things that brought joy into a hard, dark world...

and maybe looking for their own healing...

One day an “official from the synagogue” shows up ... and notice, his daughter is already DEAD!  And still he comes to the Healer!

He makes a crazy-amazing statement... “My daughter is even now dead; but come and lay Your hand upon her and she shall live.”

Y’shua doesn’t hesitate - according to the Greek - He “immediately took action.” 

He gets up - and so do the talmidim - and follow this guy home....

But on the way .... SOMETHING HAPPENED...

There, secretly in that crowd around Y’shua - is a woman...

-a woman with a problem

The Greek word is haimorroousa = flow of blood (hemorrhage)

Okay so what is the big deal?...

Well this is important because it is about ritual purity and ritual impurity.

Women were considered religiously unclean during menstruation.

Moreover, anyone who touched them, or any article of clothing, or any object that came in to contact with them  - was also considered unclean.

This is usually a temporary thing for most women.... but for this woman it had lasted for 12 YEARS. (12 tribes pic)

Often we read this short story and don’t see the big deal here... but there are many...

If a woman is unclean from bleeding... then anything she touches becomes unclean... and anyone she touches becomes unclean. 

She would not have been allowed in the “good” circle... the religiously pious community.  

“Her hidden problem created a very public humiliation and excluded her from fellowship.  She was outside the circle”

“Imagine :  12 YEARS of excommunication” for something that was not your fault.

“Imagine the emotional trauma of those years, knowing that you could not share human touch without passing this religious stigma on to the ones you loved.”

No tenderness with your children.
No intimacy with your spouse.
No fellowship with your friends.

No admittance to worship.

How do you find YHWH in the midst of unceasing rejection?

But apparently she had a plan....

My understanding was that if one was unclean... they had to yell out “unclean” - as they went so everyone knew this and could stay away....

But she wasn’t doing that in the crowd that day...

Because the crowd would have parted around her...  “She literally had the plague - the plague of being unclean”

But she saw an opportunity.

Everyone was focused on Y’shua and the official - going to see what happened to the dead girl....

Nobody was paying her any attention!

She must have known/thought -
“If Y’shua can raise the dead - he will have no problem taking away her impurity.”

Because - really -
“As far as she was concerned, she had been dead for 12 years.
Alive in body but separated from everyone she cared for.”

“She was the walking dead.”  Now she had a chance to come alive again.”

She approached Y’shua from behind.

Does that seem a bit odd to you? 
in 9:22  “But Y’shua turned around...”

Isn’t it odd that Y’shua says “Your emunah has made you whole.” - when she snuck up on him from behind!  ????

B’midbar (Numbers) 19:22 says that if a person touches something unclean - they are unclean until evening....

So I knew this... but look at the big picture here!....

This woman - who is unclean - is about to touch the Talit - rather - the tzit-zit / tassels of the Talit ....

So that means she will make Y’shua haMoshiach - UNCLEAN.

This is a huge deal... 

Y’shua is on His way to raise a child from the dead...  but she will make him UNCLEAN.

Will her need mean this child will stay dead??

“She must have thought “If i touch him, will YHWH withdraw from him?  Will he be unable to raise the child?  Will they know it is because of me?  Will my need mean this child will stay dead?”  !!!!

-What would every Rabbi say??  - “Yes!” 
They’d say “yes - we know that YHWH can’t work through defiled people!! 

This is a huge dilemma.
Should she do this - and hopefully get healing - at the risk of a child’s life?... or “Should I continue to live as though I were dead, never knowing if I will be able to hold my own children again?”

So by touching his Talit - “she risks defiling the very ONE she needs to heal her.”
Plus she risks defiling the one needed to heal the officials daughter!

This is a case where....

“Desperate people do desperate things.  This is a story of desperation.  But it is not a story of rejection.”

“The first step of reaching for Y’shua must come from MY PERSONAL SENSE OF DESPERATION.”

She could have just stayed back in the crowd - because someone else needed Him more than she did.  - “After all, this was about a child.”

This standing back in the crowd - because others need Him more... this assumes I know what YHWH can handle and what He will do. 
This means i end up telling YHWH how his grace and love should manifest

BUT in reality - I must come to the end of myself -

... So DESPERATE  - because in that moment I touch Him - and defile him - I need Him more than I’ve ever needed Him!

It’s total surrender - the end of myself...

There is nothing else... I am dead .... I have nothing to lose.... 

And when HE heals her... she can see for the first time...

“That YHWH is for me!!  My need does not blot out his mercy for others.   My sin and rejection does not prevent this grace.   He can take my guilt away.”

We know that she grabs hold of the tzitzit of Y’shua’s talit (prayer shawl) .
Interesting that she grabbed the thing that is worn to remind the wearer of YHWH’s instructions!

See this?... she grabbed the thing that was worn to bring to remembrance - the very instructions that said she was unclean. 

Think about this...
Moen says
“YHWH struck down a man who only tried to prevent the Ark of the Covenant from falling.  Wouldn’t YHWH take vengeance on a woman who defiled His holy Law?”

She must have decided - “Better to be dead than to be the living dead.”

There are two Greek words for touch...
1.   means to gently contact it - like playing a musical instrument

the other:

2.     hapto - the one used in this case....  means “to handle something with the intention of influencing it.” 

She grabbed hold - hoping that when she grabbed it - her outcome/ her life situation would be very very changed.

there was nothing else for her

for 12 years she had been rejected - an outcast - unclean... she didn’t fit in ANYWHERE.

She was very courages - because she was totally desperate...


She needed the courage to overcome GUILT. 

One thing we have to know about this is -

Under Rabbinic law - this woman’s condition was NO accident!

“Bad things happen to people who deserved them.  The presence of physical illness or deformity was interpreted as a clear sign of YHWH’s imminent judgment for sin.

We have to realize that the people of that day (maybe this one too) - “thought that this woman was not simply unclean because she was bleeding....they knew she was unclean because according to her religion she was outside of YHWH’s favor.”

“She needed incredible courage in order to act against this belief!!”

BUT desperation often overcomes guilt and hesitation.”

Remember we talked about the beatitudes?
Well, “this woman fulfilled the first condition ....   She was willing to do anything.  She was a BEGGAR for YHWH.”

Like this woman, we have gone through our lives looking for sin - that might be the reason for a mess in our lives”....

We are plagued with guilt.  Surely - we did something wrong.

“And just like the woman’s flow of blood - guilt separates us from the grace of YHWH.”

For 12 years this woman lived under the law of punishment.   Punishment for something beyond her control.  Punishment for being alive.

How many of us live like her??....  wondering every day why YHWH”s grace doesn’t seem to deliver us.  Wondering if the God of mercy isn’t really the Elohiym of revenge.”

Y’shua said “who touched me?”

He knew that power went out from Him.

Luka 8:47-48 p 735

She couldn’t hide.... it was clear ... she had to “confess”.

Have you ever found yourself “revealed”? 
There is something more than just guilt in this - but SHAME.

“Guilt is about my standing before the law.
Guilt is about my legal condition.
Guilty says that no matter what my motivation, I have violated a legal requirement. 

But shame is something else.  Shame is about my very identity as a person. 

Guilt says my action was wrong. 
Shame is about my very existence. 
I can still have personal self-worth and admit guilt.  But shame robs me of my dignity.  It tells me I am nothing.”

When Y’shua turned around and that woman fell at his feet -
she was dealing with both guilt and shame.

“She acknowledged her “sin” of defilement, but now shame burst upon her.
The unclean, the cast out, the one whom YHWH was punishing had dared to say “I believe.”   The text says that she declared before everyone what she had done.  She made her guilt and her shame known.”

Who can do this?
Are you desperate enough to do this?
Most people are NOT.

Luka 8:48 p 735

“Y’shua’s final words to this woman are the words everyone who has known guilt and shame longs to hear:  “Go in peace.”  There are the words of eternal harmony between YHWH and man.”

“Guilt destroys us.  It segregates us from each other. 
It isolates us from YHWH.  It saps the life out of us until we are just walking dead.”

We find ourselves going through the motions of living - without living....  We are without the hope of redemption.

“If we live with the guilt long enough - we inherit SHAME.”

We start to believe we can’t be worthy.

BUT ....
“One day - hopefully - we reach a point of being totally desperate.”

**  **  **  **  **  **  ** 
Many of us have the attitude ....

~“Who really cares about me?!!”~

Many of us know what it means to face an ‘uphill climb’ every day.
we know what it means to face insurmountable obstacles day after day, year after year.

Y’shua finds a woman “bent over with life’s burdens”

Luka 13:1-17 p 741
How many repeats of a situation does it take to reduce hope to hopeless?

How many years of struggle does it take to push hope out of our little brains and hearts?? !!

We don’t know much about this woman... she wasn’t looking for help... many had tried to help her...  For 18 YEARS.

She is resigned to this life... looking at her feet and just putting one foot in front of the other...yet she was in the temple... but not seeking healing from the Healer.

~Is that us - in the temple so to speak - but not really seeking the Healer?

How many times had she come with hope? 
How many times did she think - maybe today is the day?...

But this day - she doesn’t seek out Y’shua...

He sought her out.... He called to her. 

Let’s back up... Moen says “The story really starts with the interruption of disaster in human life.”

In 13:1-9 - Y’shua is talking about “the butchering of some Galileans by the Romans and the death of 18 others through the collapse of a tower. 

Implied is the theology of equal punishment.

Y’shua is saying that just because AWFUL happened...  doesn’t mean these people were more sinful and therefore DESERVED this “punishment”!!!
What Y’shua says - to correct this concept - was
“Unless a man repents, he stands in no better state than any other man and he is equally punishable under YHWH’s rule.

THEN Y’shua adds an illustration of YHWH’s grace and mercy.

The fig tree didn’t produce fruit - and was going to get cut down  -
-    but the gardener asked the owner to wait... and the tree was revived.

BUT what is happening as Y’shua calls this woman to him and heals her - everyone is thinking that she DESERVES this miserableness!

Y’shua calls her over to Him.
He asks her to step out of what is normal for her. 
To get out of her routine!! - in order to change her perspective.

This is the first step in removing hopelessness.

Hopelessness is the firm conviction that nothing can change
-that the life of despair is bound to continue unrelentingly. 
-And the first step in removing hopelessness is a change in perspective!

What if Y’shua didn’t go over to her - because she needed to come to him... to get out of her routine!

She had to change her direction!

YHWH calls us to Him - in the middle of miserableness... when we are in that dark place where we can’t find hope!
“If you don’t change directions, the road ahead will be just like the road behind.”

“Moving from hopelessness to expectation often involves just the simplest change in direction.”

So besides the fact that he touches this sinner....He does it on Shabbat!

In 13:13 - “made straight” or “healed” in some bibles...

we expect - healed from a sickness...

but the word is “apolutrosis”... This is a Greek verb about paying a ransom in order to free a slave or prisoner. It is the word for redemption.  It is a word from the slave market.

-"Y’shua is not HEALING this woman.  He is REDEEMING her from the bondage of satan."

The key thing here is that by restoring this woman by proclaiming she be loosed from bondage, Y’shua implied that her illness was not the result of YHWH’s judgment but rather the work of hasatan.

Moen says
“On this day, Y’shua reversed all the beliefs that YHWH helps those who help themselves. 
            *** He overturned all the cherished theology that health and wealth are the result of blessings and poverty and disease the result of punishment.

“On this day , Y’shua smashed the ritual that confined YHWH to Man’s religious box.  On this day, Y’shua redeemed one of YHWH’s own.”

Earlier, I asked you to consider...

1.    Your you go through your days...

2.   But not just how you put one foot in front of another and go through your days and your weeks... but your routine for how you think about your life...

3.     Hopelessness = the firm conviction that nothing can change, that the life of despair is bound to continue unrelentingly.  - Do we think like this - ever???  In any part/s of our life????

4.     Do you belong?

5.     How desperate are you for YHWH in your life??

Difference between these two women... one desperately pursuing healing and the other - willing to move, but not looking for it - not pursuing it.

I want to be the desperate one...


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