Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lechem Ha Chayim - Bread of Life - Torah Portion Miketz - December 12

Lechem Ha-Chayim  - 12 Dec 2015

12 Dec 2015  ~  30 Kislev 5776
Torah Parashah Miketz ~ At The End
B’re’shiyt (Genesis)  41:1-44:17 p 39
Lechem Ha-Chayim - The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life and Einkorn's Health Benefits - Harbour Light Ministries

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Torah Parashah:Miketz
B’re’shiyt (Genesis)  41:1-44:17 p 39

1.   Yoseph is in prison and Pharaoh dreamed his dream... and the chief butler remembers that Yoseph can interpret dreams.  So they get Yoseph out of prison.

2.   Yoseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream.

3.   Yoseph is put in charge - second in command of Mitzrayim... and he stores the grain.

4.   Famine comes to Kanaan, and Yaakov sends all of Yoseph’s brothers except for Benyamin down to Mitzrayim to buy food.

5.    Yoseph doesn’t tell them who he is...and keeps Shimeon in prison and tells them they have to bring their youngest brother - Benyamin back.

6.   Brothers go home leaving Shimeon behind... and they try to convince Yaakov to send Benyamin back - but he doesn’t agree until they need more food ! (so it is a long while! ... interesting fact - to leave one son in prison ...)

7.    The brothers bring Benyamin to Yoseph - and he asks them in B’re’shiyt 42:27 “Is your abba well, the old man of who you spoke?  Is he yet alive?”  (There is much to say about this - see Taylor’s blog to find out more. “I am Yoseph”  and the  article about the food gifts Yaakov sent Yoseph on verse 42:11)

8.    He feeds them and sends them all on their way - but he has planted his silver cup in Benyamin’s grain sack.

I’d like to talk about something that really struck me in this parashah.  I’ve been wondering about this for a long time...

B’re’shiyt 42:3 p 40
“And Yoseph’s ten brothers went down to buy CORN in Mitzrayim.”

{A side note -  The Chumash says.....Yoseph had decreed that a person could only buy enough food for his own household.  This is why all ten had to go.  Rabbis say that Yoseph did this on purpose so that all his brothers would have to come.}

But back to my interest....

CORN = Strong’s H1250 
= bet- resh- resh = bar = corn or grain; grain of any kind.

Corn as we know it today - is the most nutritional waste of something to grow.. 

If they were growing corn - it was not like the corn we have today.

But it could be any grain...  - like maybe wheat to make bread...

Which makes me think of something further ....
Lechem Ha-Chayim - The Bread of Life

“B’re’shiyt 3:19
            “By the sweat of your face shall you eat lechem,until you return to the ground...”

B’re’shiyt 14:18
            “And Malki-Tzedek melech of Salem brought out lechem and wine: and he was the kohen of El-Elyon.”

B’re’shiyt 18:5 (Avraham to the ‘three men’ at Mamre)
            “And I will get a morsel of lechem, and so comfort Your levavot; after that You shall go Your way; for this is why You have come to Your eved...”

B’re’shiyt 19:3 (about Lot entertaining the heavenly malachim)
            “And he pressured them greatly; and they turned in to stay with him, and entered into his bayit; and he made them a feast, and did bake matzah, and they did eat.”

Mattityahu 4:4
            “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by lechem alone, but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of YHWH.”

Mattityahu 6:11
            “Give us today our daily lechem.”

Mattityahu 26:26
            “And as they were eating Y’hoshua took lechem, and made the bracha, and broke it, and gave it to the talmidim, and he said, Take, eat; this is My body.”
Yochanan 6:31- 33 p 760
            “Our ahvot did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them manna from the shamayim to eat.
            32 Then Y’hoshua said to them, Amein, Amein, I say to you, Moshe gave you not the manna from the shamayim, but My Abba gives you the emet lechem from the shamayim.
            33  For the lechem of Eloah is He who comes down from the shamayim, and gives chayim to the olam hazeh.”
Yochanan 6:35
            “And Y’hoshua said to them, I am the lechem of chayim - he that comes to Me shall never hunger; and he that believes onMe shall never thirst.”
Yochanan 6:41
            “The Yahudim then murmured at Him, because he said, I am he lechem who came down from the shamayim.”
Yochanan 6:48
            “”I am that lechem of chayim.”
Yochanan 6:51
            “I am the living lechem who came down from the shamayim; if any man eats of this lechem, he shall live le-olam-va-ed: and  the lechem that I give  is My flesh, which I will give for the chayim of the olam hazeh”
Yochanan 6:58
            “This is that lechem that came down from the shamayim: not as your ahvot did eat manna, and are dead:  he that eats of this lechem shall live le-olam-va-ed.”

Qorintyah Alef (1 Corinthians) 5:8
            “So then let us keep the moed, not with old chametz, neither with the chametz of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened matzah of sincerity and emet.”

Now let’s switch gears a bit... and look at something else in the Torah:

Vayikra 19:19 cjb p 132
            “Observe my regulations.  Don’t let your livestock mate with those of another kind, don’t sow your field with two different kinds of grain, and don’t wear a garment of cloth made with two different kinds of thread.”
D’varim (Deuteronomy)  22:9-12  RSTNE p 154
            “You shall now sow your vineyard with different zera; lest the fruit of your zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled and forfeited.”
“You are not to sow two kinds of seed between your rows of vines.”


“You are not to wear clothing woven with two kinds of thread, wool and linen together.”

This is where we get the - “don’t mix seed”

Remember YHWH hates MIXED... 

We had this in the B’re’shiyt teaching....

B’re’shiyt 1:6 = b’tok = to make equidistant, to deceive , same, middle, mixed.

The mixing of seed.....

The Hebrew word for seed is Zerah =

Strongs # H2232. Zerah = seed, sperm === DNA!

So we see clearly that the mixing of seed is prohibited according to Torah:

Vayikra 19:19 cjb p 132
            “Observe my regulations.  Don’t let your livestock mate with those of another kind, don’t sow your field with two different kinds of grain, and don’t wear a garment of cloth made with two different kinds of thread.”
D’varim (Deuteronomy)  22:9-12  RSTNE p 154
            “You shall now sow your vineyard with different zera; lest the fruit of your zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled and forfeited.”

****  ****  *****

Okay so Bread is a GREAT thing in Torah...

But have you any idea of what WHEAT is like today - in our world??!!!

So I started studying:
 What in the world of man - happened to wheat ??!!

I didn’t know very much... and I started reading - and I want to share it with you.... it is very important to understand  --largely because understanding the Word - helps us JUDGE - based on Torah what is okay...

This is a great example of Torah judgement used effectively.

Let’s talk about wheat...

1955 - hybridization of modern wheat happened and everything changed.

Let’s go back to the beginning...

- Triticum monococcum

-    Has the simplest genetic code of all wheat varieties

-    1 genome and 14 chromosomes

            “A genome is an organism's complete set of genetic instructions. Each genome contains all of the information needed to build that organism and allow it to grow and develop.”

            “Chromosomes are bundles of tightly coiled DNA located within the nucleus”
            A chromosome is a package containing a chunk of a genome—that is, it contains some of an organism's genes.

-    Einkorn grows to be about 4.5 - 5 FEET tall with hair like tassels.

-    Einkorn is a German word for “one korn” or grain....
-    See the resemblance to our Torah Parashah?

-    Many researchers believe that ancient einkorn is the most nutritious grain that has ever been grown in the world and credit it as the foundation of modern civilization, which could not exist without it.”
-    said D. Gary Young in his books “Ancient Einkorn - Today’s Staff of Life.” 2014

Doctor Young goes on to say that many think that the “corn” in the story of Yoseph was kamut ( a type of grain) but, he says, “that isn’t possible because kamut is a hybrid and probably didn’t exist until about 2,000 years ago.”

It is said that the Queen of Sheba brought einkorn back after visiting  King Shlomo (Solomon)  - and planted it in Yemen.

It’s been found in China and India, and in Central Mexico, in the Andes and in Nicaragua. 

Large fields of it still grow in  Europe today, especially in Italy.

The Hebrew word for einkorn - ancient wheat is chittah... and it is interesting that our parashah just calls it BAR - or grain/corn.

Let’s shift gears and talk about MODERN WHEAT a bit...

Celiac Disease - awful reactions to gluten.
            -It even causes infertility.

Gluten absorbs twice its weight in water - so it is in a lot of processed foods! - even spaghetti sauce!

Gluten intolerance can cause:

arthritis, enteritis, schizophrenia, celiac disease, irritable bowl syndrome, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, dementia, fibromyalgia, autism, TDD (temper dys-regulation disorder), ANS (autonomic nervous system disorders, bipolar, manic depression etc....

In the last few years, animals are getting sick too. 

Studies “lead us to believe that wheat gluten and genetically modified food are unfit for both animal and human consumption and may cause severe damage to the digestive system.” - Dr Young

The WHO’s website reports that worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980!!!
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  *** 
As we discussed earlier, the Bible says
“Give us this day our daily bread.”

Mark Hyman  MD - said “The modern hybrid wheat that we buy today and find in our breads, cereals, pastries, bagels, and all the various wheat products we eat, is not the wheat that gave our ancestors HEALTH.  It could be branded the “Staff of Death and Disease.”

How did this happen?

IN the mid- 1900s, biologist Dr. Norman Borlaug worked on a wheat-cross breeding project in Mexico. 
            His plan was to create a wheat variety that would increase production yields and be resistant to a wheat fungus called rust, which was causing production losses.

            He crossbred traditional wheat with a Japanese dwarf wheat that had a shorter, sturdier stalk to hold heavier wheat.

            The average farmer’s yield is 10 times greater than what they had before!!

Dr. Norman Borlaug was awarded:
            Nobel Peace Prize
            The Presidential Medal of Freedom
            The Congressional Medial of Honor.
Dr. Norman is only one of seven persons ever to receive all three honors!!

BUT there was a flaw that Dr. Borlaug did....
There was NO animal or safety testing done on this new, hybridized dwarf wheat!!

Incase you don’t know yet - the wheat today is not the same as the wheat in ancient times.

Hybridization can take place naturally when one species is growing beside another and they pollinate each other!  This is natural.

Gene splicing....  is completely manipulated by scientists in laboratories. 

Modern wheat cultivators belong to two biological species:
1.“Bread wheat” = triticum aestivum = 42 chromosomes
2.    Hard “Durum wheat = triticum turgidum = 28 chromosomes.
            (used in making pasta and low-rising bread)

Remember Einkorn - triticum monococcum has just 14 chromosomes.

Researchers are investigating Einkorn as possibly being safe for those with Celiac Disease.

The wheat that we have in most stores today is dwarf wheat - triticum aestivum - and it has three genomes and 42 chromosomes.

The reality is - those extra chromosomes (above the 14 in Einkorn) “create new proteins that man was never meant to consume.  They are foreign to the body of both man and animals and cause confusion in the digestive system.” (Young)

“There are 3 major reasons that wheat, along with gluten and sugar in all their forms, is a major contributor to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, depression and many other modern ills.” (Young)

1.    It contains a SUPER STARCH     = “amylopectin A” - that is super fattening.

2.     It contains a form of SUPER GLUTEN that is super-inflammatory.

3.     It contains forms of a SUPER DRUG that is super-addictive and makes you crave and eat more!!!!

Dr Mark Hyman says....
“This is why there are now 30 percent more obese people than undernourished people in the world, and why chronic lifestyle and dietary-driving disease kills more than twice as many people globally as infectious disease.  These non-communicable, chronic diseases will cost our global economy $47 trillion over the next 20 years.”

Dr. Davis wrote a book called “Wheat Belly”. 
CBS This Morning - interviewed him - you can find the interview on the web....In it he said....

“There’s a new protein in this thing (the 42 chromosome modern wheat) called gliadin. 

Gliadin is NOT gluten.”   

So gliadin is not a problem related to Celiac Disease....
It is a problem for EVERYONE.

“Gliadin binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days a year.”

Gliadin continually makes us hungry for more carbohydrates!!


But I’m not done....

The WORST PROBLEM OF MODERN WHEAT  = the damage it does to the digestive tract!!

(We’ll get to this.)

Let’s talk about gluten a bit....


The 42 chromosome wheat contains AGGLUTININ - a man made wheat protein...

Agglutinin not only is a “direct intestinal toxin in animals, but it disrupts normal gastric function.” - according to researchers at the University of Maryland.

Einkorn is the only wheat /grain -  in this list :
            barley, bulgur wheat, durum wheat, farro, graham, kamut, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale, and einkorn,...
“that has not been hybridized or genetically modified today.”

Dr Young says that many people today say that man was not meant to process grains... but he doesn’t agree with this - and neither do I...

Why else would Torah be so clear - about the Lechem ha-Chayim ??!!

What is really going on here - goes back to :

Vayikra 19:19 cjb p 132
            “Observe my regulations.  Don’t let your livestock mate with those of another kind, don’t sow your field with two different kinds of grain, and don’t wear a garment of cloth made with two different kinds of thread.”
D’varim (Deuteronomy)  22:9-12  RSTNE p 154
            “You shall now sow your vineyard with different zera; lest the fruit of your zera that you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled and forfeited.”

YHWH was very clear in HIS Word - that man was not EVER supposed to mix seed!!!!!!!

When we do it man’s way - it never turns out well!!

Something else we need to know is this....

“There are good glutens and there are bad glutens... and we need to know the difference!!”

Young says “The gluten that comes in our modern, hybridized wheat is incompatible with the human body and is likely to contribute to autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and a host of other unintended and undesirable effects.”

He goes on to say that a “gluten free diet is a fad - and is very dangerous!”

The bad gluten from the 42 chromosome modern wheat :
            “When it enters the bloodstream, it can trigger immune responses that damage the lining of the small intestine, which then interfere with the absorption of nutrients and cause symptoms that can lead to other problems such as osteoporosis, nerve damage, seizures, infertility, etc.” 

Fasano says - the gliadin proteins -
            (I’ve already said they cause crazing and ongoing hunger for more of this bad wheat...)
            “has been known to increase small intestinal permeability, permitting entry of polypeptide antigens into the bloodstream/lymph, which is suspected to be the first step in generating autoimmunity.  Wheat germ agglutinin, a direct intestinal toxin in animals, disrupts normal gastric function in the small intestinal and colonic mucosa.  Unique forms of alpha-amylase inhibitors are suspected to be among the factors responsible for the explosive increase in childhood allergies and asthma.”

The changes in the wheat happened because man wanted a bigger yield.
The stalk is shorter, and can hold larger seed heads.

The structure changes make harvest and threshing time faster and more effective and produce a much bigger yield.

But people - know this - this bigger yield - does not yield FOOD - it is a mixed zera (seed) - that YHWH commanded man NOT to create... and it is POISON!

So the new proteins/ glutens that man (and animals) can’t digest...

Well, that “creates inflammation in the gut and in the gut lining, which produces toxins that permeate the mucosal wall, entering the bloodstream, and wreak havoc int he brain receptors, creating other food intolerances that may not even be related to gluten!”

“Genetically modified and hybridized wheat grows on over 1 MILLION ACRES of land in JUST  the U.S.  and has taken the once-rare celiac disease statistic affecting 1 American in 10,000 to 1 in 133 today, due largely to the hybridization that caused the enrichment of the gliadin/alpha9 gene, found in modern hybridized wheat, which was virtually non-existent in the wheat before 1960!”

Gluten intolerance has been shown to cause depression, anxiety, and hyperactivity!

Young says “Autism and gluten intolerance  may be indirectly related.   Children who have symptoms of autism already have compromised digestive conditions that inhibit the assimilation of amino acids and nutrients that are essential to maintaining proper brain function, mood control and activity response.”

PROBLEMS with eating GLUTEN FREE....

gluten free products are loaded with sugar.
If you just “skip the gluten free goodies and focus on fruits, vegetables, lean protein, dairy and gluten free grains like amaranth and quinoa - this could be healthy.”

            A “wrong gluten - free diet can lead to other problems over time...”

            IE - a woman 20-40 years old on gluten free diet...in 5 years could start to have other problems...
            At age 50-60 she could have greater symptoms of lower estrogen and a greater osteoporosis type symptoms!

            IE - a young woman in her 20s - will likely have low estrogen and problems conceiving and carrying to full term due to folate deficiency.  Folate is very critical for a woman menstruating or pregnant!

Young says...
“People are eating more processed food than at any time in history; they are eating more sugar than ever before; and they are eating foods with more additives, colorings, food preservatives, and stabilizers.  They are eating more foods sprayed with chemicals and synthetic fertilizers; and crops are now grown in ground that has been sprayed with glyphosates in popular pesticides and other chemicals.”

NONE of this was YHWH’s plan for man.

Essential oils of lemon and orange are one of the most powerful ways to detoxify your liver and increase glutathione.

            (glutathione is a hormone that you need to stay healthy - prevents aging, cancer, heart disease and treats autism and Alzheimer’s etc...)

Watch out for man-made wheat gluten...  It is not only in most “ready” foods like spaghetti sauce... But is also in most processed foods (the stuff you buy in the middle isles of the grocery store.)  AND it is in lotions, shampoos, and makeup - so the skin absorbs it!

Diseases triggered by man made gluten:


Asperger’s syndrome



Celiac Disease



Accelerated aging in your tissues

Inflammation - rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, Fibromyalgia, Grave’s disease, Psoriasis, Lupis, vasculitis

-    linked to Dementia and Alzheimer’s,

also causes or is related to

Leaky Gut Syndrome


This is what man created - by mixing seed... something directly against Torah!


Einkorn is:

 2  1/2 times richer in protein than modern wheat.

3 times higher in antioxidants

digests easily

tastes great

Does NOT create fermentation and permeability int he mucosal lining of the gut

Is very healing and soothing to the gut lining

Is very nutritious

and helps balance/stabilize blood glucose


So I don’t know what kind of grain Yoseph sent home with his brothers....

But I do know what it wasn’t. It wasn’t the 42 chromosomal mess we have in our stores today.

Maybe we want to JUDGE - according to Torah - and stop eating the poison that man created when he mixed seed!!

(Jovial.com, and Einkorn.com are resources to purchase Einkorn.)

The great thing about this is - seeing so clearly how YHWH said don’t do something and seeing the negative affects of disobedience ... and than JUDGING - deciding what you are going to do about this!

And hopefully then applying this to all further decisions - not just about eating - but about obedience. 

Lechem Ha-Chayim is still Lechem Ha-Chayim...
don’t choose a counterfeit - the counterfeit always brings death.


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