Monday, May 9, 2016

Torah Portion Shemini - The Name of YHUH - April 2

2 April 2016  ~  23 Adar II 5776
Torah Parashah - Sh’mini - Eighth
Uyiqara 9:1 - 11:47  p 86 RSTNE

Torah Parashah - Sh’mini - “Eighth”
Uyiqara 9:1 - 11:47  p 86 RSTNE

In this parashah - the priestly service of the Beit haMikdash begins.

The sacrifices start...
and then they learn a hard lesson - as 2 of Aharon’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, are killed by fire from YHUH, because they brought “strange fire” - something not instructed by YHUH...

          This is a HUGE sermon on doing it “My or man’s way” - “meaning well” and how that is clearly not okay with Yah! 

Chapter 11 - the food guidelines - what living creatures are edible and what is not.

1.   Animals - split hoof and is cloven footed and chews the cud.  11:3
2.    Water - fins AND scales 11:9
3.    Birds -  birds that eat carrion. 11:13-19
4.    Flying insects, creeping....  11:20-23
While we are talking about what to eat... let’s make a note...

Dabarim (Deut) 12:23-25 p 148
          “Only be sure that you eat NOT the dahm (blood): for the dahm is the chayim; and you may not eat the chayim with the meat.  24 You shall not eat it: you shall pour it upon the earth as mayim (water). 25 You shall not eat it; that it may go well with you, and with your children after you, when you shall do that which is right in the sight of YHUH.”

Uyiqara (Lev) 17:14 p 94
          “For it is the chayim of all flesh: the dahm of it is for the chayim of it:  therefore I said the the children of Yisrael, You shall eat the dahm of no manner of flesh: for the chayim of all flesh is the dahm of it;  whoever eats it shall be cut off.”

Acts 15:20-21, 29 p 794
          “But that we write to them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from dahm.  21  For Moshe from old times has in every city those that proclaim his teachings, with his Torah being read in the synagogues every Shabbat.”

          29 “That you abstain from meats offered to idols, and from dahm, and from things strangled, and from fornication: if you guard yourselves regarding these, you shall do well.  Be strong!”

So as far as being CLEAN with our eating... from our parashah we get:

1. Animals - split hoof and is cloven footed and chews the cud.  11:3
2.    Water - fins AND scales 11:9
3.     Birds -  birds that eat carrion. 11:13-19
4.    Flying insects, creeping....  11:20-23

So from the other scriptures we get -

Eat blood, things strangled and things offered to idols.

Remember that if it was offered to idols - that means you were coming into agreement /covenant with those idols.

Remember Tyson chicken, last we knew was dedicating it’s meat to allah.  - So we don’t eat that.

Notice on products that are frozen and meats they now say halal.... those are also killed dedicated to allah. 

No talk about the food instructions would be complete without :

Acts 10


Mark 7:14-23

- This scripture isn’t about food - it’s talking about what defiles a person - or makes them ceremonially unclean. 
Yahusha’s point here - is when talking about ritual purity it made it a great place to come in and talk about the purity  one’s nephesh (soul or whole being) ... Yahusha is saying you can pay attention to ritual purity, but to neglect the purity of one’s nephesh was to miss the heart of the Torah itself!

 Mark 7:19 “(Thus he declared all foods ritually clean.)”
It is important to state again... that “(Thus he declared all foods ritually clean.)”   Is not in any Aramaic or Greek manuscripts!  - So that means it was added in the last 600 ish years!!!!
Why would it be added?....  to keep people away from Torah.

Let’s shift gears.... and talk about THE NAME of YHUH. 

I am going to base this largely from Lew White’s work “I am Yahuah that is My Name”

Some of what Mr White starts his book with is....

“Languages have altered how people are trained to pronounce  words.  The name everyone is taught to be ‘Moses’ is originally spelled with 3 Hebrew letters : mem - shin hey  = MoSHeH.

The Greek language has no way of sounding SH, and added an ending letter S to render the name masculine. 

It passed into Latin and English in its altered condition.

The name of the Creator was obliterated by translators entirely, and in recent decades a restoration has begun which is restoring it tot he people who are diligently seeking Him and turning back to the old paths.”

“People say we can call Him whatever we want.”
or - I’m thinking - just what we are comfortable with....
Lew goes on:

“Pastors have said He has many names.”

(Like nissi and rafa etc... these are character traits not names!)

“These are the words of men, but the Word of Truth NEVER makes such statements.”

“Pour out Your wrath on the nations who have not known you, and on reigns that have not called on Your Name.”  Tehillim 79:6

“I am Yahuah that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor my praise to idols.”  YashaYahu 42:8

“I, I am Yahuah, and beside Me there is no deliverer.”  YashaYahu 43:11

White goes on...

“We use our name as the primary way to identify ourselves.  In His Word, our Creator revealed His Name to us from all generations.  His Name reveals exactly who He is.” 

“If Your name is Mark, you probably wouldn’t like it if everyone called you Sparkles or Twitchy.”   :)

“Parents have authority over their children (5th commandment).  They give their children names:  the children don’t name their parents.”

“We don’t have authority over our Creator to call Him whatever we like.”

“We have to go to Scripture to test all things, and it must be the inspired Hebrew, not errant translations of men!”

“Our creator is known by only one Name, and it is found in Scripture - in inspired Hebrew Scripture - more than any other single word by far: at least 6,823 times in the TaNaK (old testament).”


We’ve learned previously about the 3rd commandment:

Shemoth (Exodus) 20: 7  p 63
          “You shall not bring the Name of YHUH to vain emptiness; for YHUH will not hold him guiltless that brings His Name to vain emptiness.”

          We learned, that “ to bring His Name to vain emptiness”  is not what we grew up thinking it meant....  “Not take His Name in vain”....

We were taught that meant - don’t swear ...

but we now understand that the Hebrew word there for vain is  “SHUA” in the Hebrew Interlinear Scriptures.

But Lew White makes it clear that it is not really SHUA but actually SHOAH  which is a homonyms to SHUA...

SHOAH (Strongs # 7724) means = devastation, ruin, lay waste, and DESTROY

And this means - to not use, not say, not speak the true Name of YHUH !!! 

One of the things I learned from Lew White is that believers stopped using the Name because the pagans around them practiced a thing called - “mystagogues”....  these were people who didn’t tell the persons coming into their faith - the name of their god - until they reached a certain level of teaching.  - (Free Masonry does this today.)

And if the pagans knew the name of YHUH - they were forever insulting and misusing the Name.

So they stopped saying it...

to the point where they stopped writing it....

and used words like HaShem (“The Name”) and Adonai (my sovereign)

What’s the big deal?
I was thrilled when i came upon Lew’s comment....

“How did the Name of the Creator become so difficult to find? 

WE have to dig deep for it because YAHUAH took it away.”

Did you know this?  I did NOT.

Mixed worship was the problem.
Are we getting it that YHUH does not like anything MIXED??!!

Lew wrote
“In the days of YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) there was a strong tendency to exchange the true Name Yahuah with a substitution in order to mix worship by calling on the Kananite storm deity Baal (Hebrew= LORD).  We are not one (united) because we failed to hold to the one Name given under heaven by which we must be delivered (Acts 4:12)” 

“Yahuah had to act.  He removed His Name from their lips, and tore it from their hearts by the roots.  He could not bear the mixed worship any longer.”

YirmeYahu 44:25-28 p 385

Lew says “During the Babylonian captivity the shunning of the Name became even more intense:  they made it a stoning offense if anyone used it.”

Lew goes to write:
          “The only way back for anyone seeking Yahuah and His true and only Name is to hear and obey.  This restoration was begun by Yahukanon the Immerser.  Because he was of the Luitical priesthood, he was not stoned for pronouncing the Name, but he attracted the attention of the self-appointed teaching authority of his day:  the scribes and Pharisees, who controlled teachings very tightly.” 

{I think Lew uses Luitical priesthood the way we do Melchizadak  and uses the “self - appointed teaching authority” - the way we do Levitical.}

“When Yahusha began His besorah (message), it included the Name.
-   saying “Repent, for the reign of Yahuah draws near.” 

In our Scriptures it says “Teshuvah: for the malchut ha shamayim is offered.” Mattityahu 4:17

White says that “shamayim” (heaven) was a common substitute for the Name of Yahuah ... 

But Yahusha spoke the Name - which is why they wanted to kill him.

We know that Yahusha used the Name of Yahuah because :

Yochanan 5:43 p 759
          “I am come in My Abbba’s Name,and you receive Me not: ....”

Yochanan 17:12 p 772
          “While I was with them in the olam hazeh, I guarded them in Your Name...”

Yochanan 17: 26 p 773
          “And I have declared to them Your Name, and will yet declare it: so that the ahava with which You have loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

We also know that when Yahusha rode in on the donkey...and his followers cried out :
Tehillim 118:26 p 539
          “Baruch haba bashem Yahuah; we have blessed You by Your Name from the Bayit (house)of Yahuah”
          (Blessed is he who comes in the Name of Yahuah”)

Later, these same “self appointed authorities” - running the 2nd Temple stoned Stephen for using the Name.
Maaseh Shlichim (Acts) 7: 56-58 p 786
          “And said, See, I see the shamayim opened, and the Ben-Ahdahm standing on the right hand of Yahuah.  57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and covered their ears, and ran upon him with one accord.  58 And cast him out of the city, and stoned him:  and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Shaul.”

You see it was so that the Name - the most powerful name - the name by whom we are saved... would be kept hidden.  It was hasatan’s agenda....  because if people don’t understand the importance of and know the Name - then they will fall for any name... and it is by ONE NAME we are saved.

Maaseh Shlichim (Acts) 4:12 p 782
          “Neither is there salvation in any other:  for there is no other Name under the shamayim given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Do you see the plan now?

So then what happened....?....

These same “self appointed authorities” of the 2nd Temple... commissioned Shaul - a man very dedicated to “the teachings of the fathers” (As Lew White points out). 

And what did they have Shaul do?....

Lew said...
“They sent him out to arrest all the Natsarim who were pronouncing the Name.”  !!!!

Shaul meets Yahusha on the road and is blinded.... and then starts using the Name - and then he is marked for death.

How do we know this?

Maaseh Shlichim (Acts) 9: 10-16 p 878

When Sosthenes was president of the Sanhedrin, he arranged for Shaul to be arrested over the Name. 
You can read  how crazy this was to Gallion the proconsul of Achaia in Acts 18:12-17 ...

Lew White says...

“Abram was called by Yahuah and Yahuah promised to bless him and his seed.  Abram called on the Name Yahuah, and throughout Scriptures we see 6,823 uses of the spelling of that Name in four vowels - Yod- Hay - Uau - Hay.”

Did you catch that...?
 4 vowels  = Yod Hay Uau Hay.

We will get to why it is Yahuah and not Yahweh or something else...!!

“This Name dwelled in a burning bush, and a pillar of fire, often called the Shekinah Kabod.  It was one of several physical manifestations of the Name.  His Name dwelled between the kerubim above the ark of the Covenant kept in the Mishkan.  It eventually moved into a more permanent Mishkan called Hekal (Temple) built by Shalomoh.  In due time, the Name came to dwell in human form, and lived among us.”

“The ‘Messenger of Yahuah’ is mentioned often in Scripture, and it was the physical manifestation  of our Creator.  Hebrews 1 describes how He manifested Himself in may ways to speak to the fathers from ancient times.  Finally He spoke to us directly in the body which He made for Himself.  Yahuah is the Dwelling Place of the Name, and all those who are immersed in that Name are also the Dwelling Place of the Name:”

Ivrim (Hebrews) 1:1-10 p 814

“The time came for His Name to dwell in His called -ones (qahal) and appeared on them as tongues of fire on their heads.”

“His people know and call on His Name.”

Let’s look at this again:

“After the captivity of the house of Yahudah at Babel for 70 years, the Name became hidden.”

There were 2 reasons:

1.   the pagan custom of hiding the name of a deity had rubbed-off on them because they were inclined toward mixing the pagan practices into their worship of Yahuah.

2.  The people of Yahuah were literally called by His Name: Yahudim.  Daniel 9:19 p 444 “...Your people are called by Your Name.”

White goes on to explain:

“The pagan population of Babel ridiculed them because they believed knowing the name of a person’s deity gave them power over them.  Pagans hid the names of their deities.  Hearing the pagans using the Name of Yahuah in jest was outrageous to the Yahudim, so they stopped using the Name entirely.  They even made uttering it carry the death penalty.  When reading Scripture aloud they taught to substitute the Name Yahuah with Adonai (my sovereign).

“Over 7 centuries after Yahusha, a sect was founded by a man named Anan called Karaites.” 

“A group of them took the name Masoretes... meaning traditionalists from the Hebrew word for tradition = Masorah.”

“The Masoretes wanted to make certain the Name was never uttered aloud so they invented diacritical marks to represent different ways of sounding vowels.  This alteration of the Hebrew language has effected how Hebrew is taught to this day.”

In fact “real Hebrew letters are rarely used.  The aramaic script used in Babylon is mistakenly called modern Hebrew.”

“The Masoretes invented vowel points to tell people how to pronounce words.
          So the reader pronounces an E and an O rather than an A or a U because the vowel points prevent the proper sound of YAHU  in the Name.”

So based on this... if they rearranged other words beside the sound of Yahuah...

“halleluYah” would logically be “halleluYEEHO”
“Yahudah”  would be “YEEHODAH”

WHITE makes it clear that it is easier to read Hebrew without the vowel points!  And I agree!!


So let’s talk about the Hebrew language and the Name YHUH - Yahuah....

There is not W in Hebrew or in Greek.... they operate as our U.

The 6th Hebrew letter - Uau  = is the upsilon in Greek.

People argue about the use of the W in the tetragrammaton ... and write YHWH

but it should be written YHUH   - because the Uau is a U sound

“The Latin form of Uau  -which looks like a capitol Y in English - dropped the stem, changing the shape to a V, but keepign the sound “OO” as in our modern U. 

Within the last 700 years, this letter shaped V with the sound “oo” as in the word “school”...  the Hebrew Uau developed into our modern letter U, and later the double-U written as a W.

Our double-U is a new letter, and not a letter known to the Hebrew language.  Note that in the words YAHUDAH and HALLELUYAH we find the letter Uau also.”

“The tetragrammaton is therefore more accurately rendered as YHUH, standing for the 4 letters - Yod - Hay - Uau- Hay.  and the Uau is a modern U sound.”

White goes on to say “The vowels Alef, Ayin, Hay, Yod, Uau  of Hebrew are written down to be sounded letters.
          These have become the Greek and Latin vowels we use in English A E I O U



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