Friday, April 8, 2016

Torah Portion Tzav - Justified - Sanctified - Sacrifices and Life - March 26

Justified/Sanctified...  Sacrifices and Chaiym 3-26-16
26 March 2016  ~  16 Adar II 5776
Torah Parashah - Tzav ~ “Give an Order”
Uyiqara (Leviticus) 6:1(8) - 8:36 
Ivrim (Hebrews) 10

Hebrews 10:9 - Harbour Light Ministries
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Torah: Tzav - “Give and Order”
is about sacrifice.... the Aahronic Levitical Priestly order and the sacrifices involved in that system....

Remember this system is after the Covenant that YHWH made with Avraham had been broken by Yisra’el at Mt Sinai with the golden calf....

Pesach is coming up and we want to look at what else there is - AFTER the sacrificial system.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 10: 1 - 25 p 820

Ivrim (Hebrews) 10:1-4 p 820
          “For the Torah having a “only a” shadow of tov things to come, and not the very image of the things,can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually, make those who draw near perfect.
          2 Otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered? Because then the worshippers once cleansed, should have had no more awareness of their sins.
          3 But in those sacrifices there is a yearly reminder of sins.
          4 For it is impossible that the dahm (blood) of bulls and goats can take away sins.”

Matthew Nolan said.... “The sacrificial rites were a band-aid to the relationship, they could never heal and restore the relationship, let alone improve it!”

Ivrim 10:9  p 820
          “Then He said, Behold, I come to do Your will, O YHWH.  He takes away (Greek = ananero) the first sacrificial system, that He may establish the second (Melchizedek).
ananero = to abolish or get rid of by execution, to destroy

Ivrim 10:10-14
          10“By that desire we aren now kadosh (sanctified) through the offering of the body of Yahusha haMoshiach once for all.

          11 And every kohen stands daily serving and offering the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
          12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins le-olam-va-ed, sat down as the right had of YHWH.

          13 Waiting from then on until all His enemies are made His footstool.
          14 For by one offering He has perfected le-olam-va-ed them that are being set-apart.”

This is interesting because the Kohen haGadol - stood until the last sacrifice of the day was complete - and then he sat down - until the next day when it started again!

Ivrim 10:14
          “For by one offering He has perfected le-olam-va-ed them that are being set-apart.

We don’t have to keep bringing sacrifices!  Praise Yahuah !
 Yahusha was the ONE sacrifice that brought atonement for us!!

Look back at

Ivrim 10:12-14 “But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins le-olam-va-ed, sat down as the right hand of YHWH; 13 Waiting from then on until all His enemies are made His footstool.14 For by one offering He has perfected le-olam-va-ed them that are being set-apart.”
-He is expecting - waiting, until the fulfillment of Psalm110 (all his enemies being underfoot).
He’s sitting and waiting.....because His work is finished!  (Remember the Kohen HaGadol sat down when the sacrifices were done for the day.)
Ivrim 10:14 “For by one offering He has perfected le-olam-va-ed them that are being set-apart”
“Has perfected”
Strong’s G 5048 = teleioō

1           to make perfect, complete, to carry through completely, to accomplish, finish, bring to an end, to complete (perfect)
             -add what is yet wanting in order to render a thing full
             -to be found perfect
   2 to bring to the end (goal) proposed
   3 to accomplish
             -bring to a close or fulfillment by event
                       -of the prophecies of the scriptures

Justification (salvation) - a new position for those who repent...
OK - so what if we are - as Matthew Nolan says .... “ assured of a permanent maintenance in right relationship with יהוה” - because it says -  “‘a permanent perfection’ is brought to the saints.... ?
Nolan goes on to say - “The point is driven home by use of the Greek verb, ‘teteleioken’  - ‘has perfected’
          This emphasizes the permanent nature of Yahusha’s sacrifice!
-    So let’s make sure we can see this - in contrast to all the sacrifices that went on in the Levitical priesthood!

Ivrim 10:10 and 10:14:
Ivrim 10:10 “By that desire we aren now kadosh (sanctified) through the offering of the body of Yahusha haMoshiach once for all.
Ivrim 10:14 “For by one offering He has perfected le-olam-va-ed them that are being set-apart (sanctified).
Kadosh and being set-apart ====
 == Both are Strong’s G37.....and this is a present passive participle ‘hagiazomenous’ ‘them that are being set apart’.

What is “kadosh”  and “being set apart”  in our bibles is “sanctified” in King James

Strong’s G37 =hagiazō = to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow
2           to separate from profane things and dedicate to God
1           consecrate things to God
2           dedicate people to God
3           to purify
1           to cleanse externally
2           to purify by expiation: free from the guilt of sin
3           to purify internally by renewing of the soul

The Greek word “hagiazomenous” / has perfected / “being set apart”

- “BEING set apart” is a continual work... an ongoing process!

This is not - one prayer to repent and that’s it!

This is an ongoing process ...
Halacha = walk.... 
How do you walk?? Are you walking kadosh??

Matthew Nolan talked about how
          “Pastors amalgamate  sanctification and justification.”
 amalgamated, amalgamating. mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine:
to amalgamate two companies.

Nolan’s point is that if these words are mixed...  then this denies the believer  - the fear of Yahuah ...

 - by amalgamating sanctification and justification - they deny the fear of YHWH...
Nolan says - “If you don’t understand that the tenant of your salvation is justification = a positional change...
that then THRUSTS you - into a life long race of sanctification.”
You are in trouble because you really don’t understand the fear of YHWH.
Once you become justified - (I think this is at TESHUVA), and this is a positional change - that is supposed to thrust you into a life long race of sanctification... you never stop running it.
So you come to understand you are a sinner - and you repent and ask to be forgiven... = this is justification...
it is a positional change
You have no option...
.... the fruit of justification is = you enter the race of sanctification....
This is what Shaul writes throughout his works.
I Corinthians 9:24 p 857
          “Don’t you know that they who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize?  So when you run run in such a way that you may obtain it.”
Matthew Nolan taught -
“If you can change the terms, then you can control the language then you can control the  people... and that is what the church has amalgamating these two terms.”
I think he is making the point that in Christianity - justification and sanctification seem to run together... both sort of one get “saved”... and then you are just happy that “Jesus loves you!” ...
... and you never learn how to have your halacha so that Yahuah is pleased with you and blessed by you.... 
You’ve had a positional change....  meaning now you have done at least part of TESHUVAH (repent and return to YHWH)... you’ve done the repentance... but nobody teaches how to return to YHWH....
So you are in a new position, but you haven’t necessarily taken one step.... 
and it is in the steps - the walk - the halacha - that we are SANCTIFIED = made kadosh / holy.
The deal is supposed to be - you recognize you are a sinner...
and there is not one thing you can do to create atonement for your sins...
only the blood of Mashiach Yahusha atones for me....
and this is where most of our society stops....  “got saved”...
but we are supposed to become / live kadosh (holy).... we are supposed to have our halacha in HIS instructions - His Torah! (being sanctified)
and this walk... this halacha - is the race that Shaul is talking about in
I Corinthians 9:24!  :)
But if there is no direction on HOW to have halacha in Torah - or even that one SHOULD...
Then the church is left with  one of three kinds of persons:
1. Immature but very HUNGRY - desperately moving from one study to another looking for that Spiritual “meat”....
2.     Blind sheeple that have no idea that there even should be more let alone - that there is more.
3.    Persons who leave the “faith” - because it is so empty and powerless.

So if we SEE - we come to understand that JUSTIFICATION is just a positional change...
AND now you are at the starting line - you have met Mashiach (Messiah) -the Living Torah - and now you are ready to learn to run in the written Torah (instructions).

So, let’s talk about the story in
Mattityahu 20:1-16 = about the land owner who went out in the morning and hired some workers....and then went out again in the third hour and hired others, and then at the 11th hour he hired some more workers .... and they all got paid the same!!!...

Does this bother you??
Why do we work so hard?  Why are we, or why SHOULD we be -  intentional at keeping Torah??...
Why should we live counter culture....???!!!
Well I was asking the same thing....
Let’s look at another story:
The Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19:16-30 p 694
Eddie Chumney has some interesting things to say about this story...and I will base what I am going to say to you on his teaching....

Eddie said, “Almost 100% of the time when I have heard the rich young ruler preached in church, it has been preached in the context of salvation.
But, as I will explain, salvation was NOT the question or the explanation given.
          - It was about being the GREATEST in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

 Matthew 19:16, the rich young ruler asked:
          “Tov Master, what tov thing shall I do, that I may have eternal chayim (life) in the olam haba?”  
          (“Olam haba = world, or age to come; The reward of the redeemed”)

Eddie says - “Most commonly ETERNAL LIFE,  which is the Strong's word (2222) and is the Greek word, "ZOE" has been equated within Christianity as  ----  SALVATION.”

“But the Greek word ZOE means "the most abundant life their is".

 In Yochanan (John) 10:10 p 765  Yahusha said:
          “I am come that they might have chayim, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

“Chayim” (life) = Strong’s 2222

“More abundantly” = the highest form of life.

“The opposite of the ZOE life is the PSUCHE life.

The PSUCHE life is the ‘life of the flesh; the fleshly life or the self-willed life’.

”The ZOE life is the "life of the Spirit - completely yielding your life in obedience to YHWH and His Will for your life".

-   So he came and asked - how can I be happy?... how can I have more?.... 
-   we know that the USA is one of the wealthiest countries - but most people are not happy.....  “stuff” doesn’t make one happy.
-   “Stuff” doesn’t give one ABUNDANT LIFE!!

Yochanan (John) 12:25 p 768
          “He that loves his chayim (life) shall lose it; and he that has no concern for his chayim in the olam hazeh shall keep it to chayim eternal.”

"He that loves his chayim/ life = Strong’s = 5590 = PSUCHE = self-willed life

he that has no concern for his chayim / life = (5590 = PSUCHE = self-willed life)

in the olam hazeh shall keep it to LIFE (ZOE = 2222) ETERNAL"

So, ZOE (2222) is the MOST ABUNDANT LIFE (John 10:10).

Zoe is the HIGHEST LIFE you can live.

The PSUCHE life is the fleshly life that wars against the ZOE life.

We are to lay down our PSUCHE (fleshly life) to have the ZOE (spirit life of Yahuah). 

We are to hate our PSUCHE life (the desires of the flesh that are at enmity against Yahuah and His Will for our lives)
and to seek the ZOE life (the Spirit life).

Yahusha laid down His PSUCHE life (the will of the flesh),
          to obtain the ZOE  life,
          which was to do the Will of Yahuah
          and to die on the tree for the sins of the world.

Yochanan (John) 10:17 p 765
          “Therefore does My Abba love Me, because I lay down My chayim (psuche life), that I might take it again.”

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Yahusha yielded his PSUCHE life for the ZOE life of Yahuah.

Mattityahu 26:38  p 703
          “Then said He to them, My being (psuche) is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death: stay here, and watch with Me.”

Chai 2416 is the corresponding Hebrew word for Zoe 2222.
Nephesh 5315 is the corresponding Hebrew word for psuche 5590

“So, the rich young ruler in Mattityahu 19:16 wanted to know what he needed to do to have  -- “ETERNAL LIFE” (or ZOE = 2222 which is the
HIGHEST LIFE which spiritually BEGINS with salvation but really refers to SPIRITUAL MATURITY).

Did you get that?...
          ...Zoe life /chayim - BEGINS with salvation - repenting of sins... a positional CHANGE - and then begins the halacha - the running it out = the maturing!

The rich young ruler indicates that he has kept the commandments of Yahuah  (Mattityahu 19:17-19)

and he then asked in
Mattityahu 19:20:
          “All these things have i kept from my youth up: what do I lack yet?”

and Yahusha replied:
Mattityahu 19:21
          “If you will be perfect, go and sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in the shamayim; and come and follow Me.”

“perfect” = teleios, Strongs G5046 = mature

This corresponds with the Hebrew word tamim =

tamim = “to be spiritually mature”...

=“which is the same concept as having ZOE = the fullness of the Spirit led life of Yahuah = abundant life!!!”

So Yahusha is answering the Rich Young Ruler -
          -by telling him that he needed to have
                    Zoe - abundant life
                    and be Teleios  = spiritually mature

Even the talmidim (disciples didn’t understand what Yahusha was saying .....
          Spiritual Maturity IS the Highest Reward in the kingdom of heaven .... 

because they asked in

Mattityahu 19:25
          “Who then can be saved?”

Yahusha’s response tells us that He was talking about: “what was required to have the HIGHEST PLACE  in heaven (the Zoe) life of Yahuah....

just like Kefa replied in

Mattityahu 19:27
          “Then answered Kepha and said to Him, See, we have forsaken all, and followed You; (unlike the rich young ruler- they followed Yahusha completely)    --- what shall we have therefore?”

Yahusha says
 Matthew 19:28
          “Truly I say to you, Those of you who have followed Me, in the regeneration (Olam haba, age to come, Messianic age) when the Ben Ahdahm (Son of Man) shall sit on the kesay of His esteem, you also shall sit upon the 12 thrones, (the HIGHEST PLACE AND RANK in heaven),  administering mishpat over the 12 tribes of Yisra’el (all the other believers who are less in the kingdom).”

So... the Rich Young Ruler was asking what he needed to do to have the HIGHEST PLACE (ZOE)  in the Kingdom of Heaven - LIFE RIGHT THEN....  he was saying - i have stuff... but what do i do to have ZOE/TAMIM - abundant and spiritually mature life???!!!

The rich young ruler FAILED to give up his self-willed life (PSUCHE) and completely follow Yahusha.

However, the disciples DID - so Yahusha promised them that, unlike the rich young ruler, ...
          ... they will SIT ON THRONES (highest position in kingdom of heaven, which corresponds to the POSITION OF THE BRIDE .

This tells me there are levels in eternity... I don’t know what that looks like... or means... but clearly not everyone is the same.

Rev 5:10 p 914
          “And have made us melechim ad Kohanim to our Aloah: and shall reign in the olam.”

“ and judge the twelve tribes of Israel (all the other believers who are saved and in the kingdom of heaven).”

Tamim and Zoe are concepts of spiritual maturity which are characteristic of the Bride of Mashiach!


I am reminded of the verse that stuck out so clearly to me last Shabbat:
Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 22:26 p 410        
          “Her kohanim have violated My Torah, and have profaned My kadosh things:  they have put no difference between the kadosh and profane, neither have they shown any difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Shabbats, and I am profaned among them.”
~ Nobody is teaching the people how to run!! 
~ Nobody is teaching the people how to have halacha (your walk/run) - the way you live...  in Yahuah’s instructions!!
~ So most people don’t know what is kadosh and what is not kadosh, or how to live kadosh,
~ Most people don’t know the difference between the clean and the unclean.... so they consume things that are not food!  (And we wonder why we have so much disease!)
~ Most people do not have any understanding of Shabbat - 7th day Sabbath Rest.
~ Most people do not know the name of the Living Alohiym - they just call Him “God”... and so He has been profaned... they have forgotten his name - or His name has come to a place of not being used...
~~ And nobody is teaching them.
~They don’t even know...
= Very much a crisis state of affairs - very apparent this weekend... as the pagan-ness burns brightly.
Ivrim 13:10-13 p 823
10“We have an altar, from which they have no right to eat, who serve the earthly Tent of Meeting.
11For the bodies of those beasts, whose dahm is brought into the Kadosh-Place by the Kohen HaGadol for sin, are burned outside the camp.
12 Therefore Yahusha  also,, that He might set-apart the people of Yisra’el with His own dahm, suffered outside the gate.
13 Let us go forth therefore to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.
Let us NOT go to the 3rd temple made by man!
IT is horrific that they don’t know - and this is a difficult way to live
BUT they only way those that are hungry are ever going to have an opportunity is ...
if we, and people like us have our halacha in Yahuah’s instructions - keeping His Torah....

Is it difficult?
To live counter culture?   - you bet it is.
It is SACRIFICE.... 
I don’t know about you - but I bow at the altar outside the camp....
to the ONE whose sacrifice covers all of sin for all time.
and in so doing... I choose to bear the reproach He bore.

Because we are called to be the Bride!
Justified with a positional change because of our repentance...
Sanctified as we live - Zoe - abundant life, and tamim - spiritually mature .... 

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